When Kang Shin-hyuk came out of the bathroom, it was already the last class in the afternoon. He hurried to the office and applied for early dismissal.

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Perhaps he had heard about his‘ misconduct ’during the duel, although the teachers saw him in a strange way, but early retirement was approved without undue force.

[Caucasian: You don't really have a problem, do you?]

[I: I just twisted my muscles moving violently. You should get some rest.]

[Caucasian: Well, you know your body best. But today was fucking awesome. Maybe I'm the only one in my class who actually saw that. Just pinpoint the spear at a subtle time while avoiding the attack with that concise step. My best-purend guinea pig.]

I'm done. I'm out early. Play by yourself today.]

Kang Shin-hyuk from the office texted the white man and left the building and strolled towards the dormitory.

Tra ns l at ed b y jpmt l .c om Tightness, by the way, was referring to today's teacher's appointment for Armistice Training 2 for student duel. I told you not to hate the roots even if you hate people, but it was too much.

- Tsukuyo's Whisper: The anvil I loved is gone. I've come to that conclusion. You, I won't say a long word. I need you to delete that username.

- Mi-rang's Whisper: The succession of memories and experiences by accessing the Hero Universe, very interesting. How about · · · · · · a new life, Anvil, because I've never died before?

- What's the world like? · · · · · Is it very dangerous?

“Ahh · · · · · · · · It really doesn't end, the end. ”

In fact, even at this moment, messages were being conveyed from Eun Ah and many other friends.

Some people were just as frighteningly simple to accept him as a child, and some were not convinced of the system of rebirth itself, and some were willing to use his rebirth to explore the mechanism of hero universes.

T r anslated b y jpm ‘That's enough for today. ’

He sends a message to his friends that he's been experiencing memory collectively for a short time and then shuts them out again.

I turned off the urgent fire immediately by contacting all my friends. There were a few minor issues left, but there shouldn't be any major problems with community activities going forward.

In fact, I wanted to know more about Hero Universe, but now there was a task that I wanted to focus on first.


He clenched his two fists, recalling the struggle that was before. I still haven't forgotten the joy of beating Helpmann.

Characteristics [Awakened Dragon] and skills [Arithmetic Dragon] were also helpful, but what was even more surprising was the body's enhancement by spirituality. Awakens the sleeping power of the weapon and unlocks its own potential. That alone creates countless new possibilities!

‘I got stronger in a flash. Growing your spirituality can make you stronger here! ’

I was able to defeat those who were dealing with Mana. Those who have always underestimated and ignored themselves!

For Kang Shin-hyuk, who had been repressing himself his whole life, today's experience was like a life-changing upheaval. At this point, I couldn't help but get excited.

- Don't overdo it.

“I know. Thank you for your concern."

In the manager's message, Shinhyuk calmed himself down first. I muttered several times that I shouldn't be in a hurry. Meanwhile, I arrived at the dormitory.

- What are you gonna do with your metallurgy?

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“Of course I have to practice. But it's also important to train with your body. First of all, I want to learn more about what I learned today, and then I want to think about it. I want to replicate the sword quickly. ”

I instinctively realized that my work as a blacksmith and my work as a warrior are a little different today. T r a ns lated b y jpmt

It may be important to listen to your manager's advice and pursue yourself in the past, but don't let go of yourself now.

‘Okay, let's go to the training room. ’

There is a large training room in the technical and male dormitories. The private training room could also be used as soon as you apply every day. Since Kang Shin-hyuk has always applied in advance while practicing very early in the morning, he is almost chartered.

‘No, let's get changed and get a new sword. ’

I realized that the grade of the weapon is low when I put spiritual energy into the Training Lance in the Great Pit today, and the effect of spiritual energy is reduced if the training camp doesn't have much work.

I don't know if his abilities will change if he grows any more, but not yet. In order to effectively train the spiritual force, even though it is now a Class D, the original potential would be most efficient with the best new sword.

“You're a little early, Shinhyuk Kang. ”

“Hello, Mr. Bolton. I left early because I wasn't feeling well for a while. ”

“Well, I get it. Kang Shinhyuk's student is not someone who hits the hook. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk, who stopped by my room to change into comfortable clothes and took his new sword, greeted him politely in the hallway.

In Shinyoung's dormitory, we often invited considerable strong people because we had to solve the problems between students. Especially the knighthood and the men's dormitory (the largest.) is a retired beginner from the UK, who was also ranked in the top 300 in his adult life.

But more than that, it looked like a completely western Nice Middle, and every time I encountered it was not a jest to speak proficient Korean. As long as I'm in Shinyoung, I'll have to get used to it someday.

“Hmm? Can I take a look at that sword · · · · · · ·? ”


Emil Bolton is famous for not only superhuman ranking, but for mastering the art of pure transcendence. Moreover, Kang Shin-hyuk was willing to put his sword out because he was only a few people who treated Kang Shin-hyuk without Mana fairly. T r a n s l at ed by jpm tl.c o m


Emil Bolton, who studied the Necromancer sword, began to admire it.

“Certainly not an artifact with extraordinary craftsmanship, but a sword made with great craftsmanship. Moreover, if my expectations are correct, did the student Kang Shinhyuk change the day himself? ”

“E.g. immature but · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Not at all immature. ”

He admires again and again, touching the sharpened days.

“This is the hand that understands weapons. As expected, someone who takes training seriously is different. ”

“Thank you."

“A good weapon is in the hands of a good man. I look forward to making progress. ”

Emil Bolton graciously handed him the sword and waved his hand and left.

Kang Shin-hyuk, praised by Emil Bolton, who was revered by most students who handled weapons, refrained from being excited and headed to the training room. However, there was a question.

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“By the way, don't even Emil Bolton knows the true value of this sword? ”

- The true face of the Necromancer can only be recognized when spiritual power is opened. Most talent who cannot handle spirituality will not be able to recognize a new sword properly.

“Right · · · · · · · · ·. ”

I quickly arrived at the training room, mumbling the word spirituality into my mouth. He entered the private training room he had reserved and sat comfortably in the center. Tr a n sl ated b y Jpm tl.c o m

‘First, let's increase my physical ability. ’

Though the rapid consumption of spiritual energy made him look ugly, the instant explosion was a mouthache in two words! In order not to show such trends again, I needed to be proficient in strengthening myself through spirituality.

‘But we can't do it like we did with Dowager. ’

Earlier, Kang Shin-hyuk's heart and situation were urgent. It's like having to half-activate your body by dragging out your spiritual energy because you think you need to avoid the helpers who attack you by activating Mana. I also knew that it was not the right way.

‘Slowly, quietly. First, take out one of the Elaine Jelly. ’

With the help of his manager, he brought one of the 199 Airen Jelly that was in the shop inventory into reality. The small pack of gummy bears was placed next to it so that it could be consumed at any time, and I closed my eyes.

And he focused on his own source.

‘Spirituality is the power to help us understand our origins. The power to understand and nurture myself. ’

The trick was definitely caught in the duel with Dodger. The essence of spirituality is to be deeply connected with the object and to understand it. Strengthening the flesh was only a byproduct, not an absolute purpose.

Luckily, she was aware of this from the beginning. That eliminated countless possibilities of trial and error and led him straight to the right path. It was an overwhelming advantage coming from waking up memories of my past life.

‘Looking at me as I am. Just being positive. First, let's start by looking for me. ’

Of course, it wasn't easy. Meditation was a strange area for him who liked to move and train his body.

But how long has it been since he was so completely immersed in himself that he couldn't even hear the crow crying outside the training room window?


Finally, a faint light began to appear in the dark interior, gradually consuming spiritual energy.

When I fought the Dowager, the situation was so urgent that I rushed to strengthen my body with all my remaining energy, but now I was able to naturally help myself through my spirituality without doing too much.

I found it. ’

His interior was like a narrow, dark cavern.

It seemed to me like I was trying to ignore all the contemptuous gazes that were pouring out around me and shaped his close-minded and threatening heart that had survived so far alone.

However, Shinhyuk Kang quickly found something in the center that was lonely and faintly shiny. Weak, but only willing, was a vivid self.

‘Huh. Compared to a new sword, it's really pathetic. ’

I just laughed at the faint image of a shimmy self.

Weak. So weak. I feel different from when I saw my status. I felt like I was faced with a true Nazi.

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I was ashamed, but more proud. After acknowledging your own insignificance, all that remains is to move forward.

The moment I thought about it, I felt strangely faint light respond to him and add brightness.

- Synchronization is slightly accelerated. Fairytale rate 0.4%

- Spirits grow to E-Rank.

At that moment, a message appeared before his eyes. Synchronization has accelerated as well as entered the E-Rank for spirituality!

Maybe that's why the light was shining. At this moment, I was sure that I had taken a step forward.

- Have some gummy bears!

“Oh, yep! ”

He was so deep that he couldn't feel his spiritual power rushing to the ground. Kang Shinhyuk swallowed gummy bears thanks to the manager's timely message. When I was amazed by the amazing aroma and texture that I could eat again, I felt my spiritual energy rising rapidly.

“I became an E-rank so I could feel more directly my inspiration. ”

- Congratulations.

Originally, to deal with spirituality, we had to focus transcendently and draw it out, but now we can feel and draw it more naturally across the negative E rank.

Maybe the more you grow, the better you can handle it. Kang Shinhyuk actually laughed joyfully at the growth that he felt in his body.

“Okay, next. ”

After confirming his spiritual recovery, he stands up with a new sword in his hand. I got a little nervous. He also wanted to see the sword he saw yesterday.

‘You shouldn't faint this time. ’

I'm afraid of headaches, but I can't help but hesitate. He grits his teeth and gives rise to spiritual power with his hands. I tried to understand and accept the new sword more deeply by gently dipping it into the sword.

Though it was not so fast as a training lance, I immediately opened my heart to him again after thinking about the moment I sharpened the New Sword's day yesterday.

And again, the swordsman ruled the mind of Kang Shin-hyuk.

“Ah · · · · · · ah. ”

There's no sound. Nothing has changed. In the white world, the shadow holds the new sword by itself.

My head became dizzy just by looking at the movement, and my body became cold sweat. I felt nauseous, but I endured it.

“Phew · · · · · · · · ·. ”

He grips his teeth to overcome the fainting headache, and slowly moves his body. Following the image flowing from the Necropsis, he began to dance along the sword very slowly.

“Hook, hook, hoo, hoo, hoo! ”

The spiritual power released from Kang Shinhyuk filled the new sword. The Shin Sword reacts to him, causing a faint vibration and vomiting light.

However, his movements were not only beautiful in empty words. You do not understand the high logic, so there is no meaningful meaning to your movements, and the tip of the sword drifts.

It was then.

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- Characteristics, awakened dragons (A +) make it easier to accept swordsmanship in the transcendent realm.

The trait of Shinhyuk Kang, the awakened dragon, is a trait that helps you to master all kinds of martial arts very quickly.

Although its level is ridiculously different from Earth's martial arts, the swords in the Necromancers were no exception to the traits!


However, the cost of engraving that logic on the body was borne by the spirit of Kang Sin-hyuk. I used to force myself to accept martial arts I couldn't accept at this level.

He instinctively stopped understanding martial arts in a line that would not cause permanent damage to his brain, as he feared that his mind would collapse if he went too far here. And I desperately spread my sword as if I were trying to get rid of the headache.

A worm-like crest was engraved on the new sword one day, but I was so focused on the sword that I didn't even notice it.

“Huff, huff! ”

How much longer do you think we've been doing that? The moment Kang Shinhyuk sensed the consumption of spiritual power and completely disconnected from the Necromancers, a message appeared in front of his eyes.

- Skill of Dragon Bite (S-) is increased to C + rank.

Your performance was great, as your skills at the C rank grew to C + rank!

By the way, Ah-ryung Hwang is an S-class skill that was originally possessed by Shinhyuk Kang, a martial arts martial arts master. In this case, the S-class refers to the rarity and potential of the skill, and C + rank refers to the skill level of the current skill.


Kang Shin-hyuk, who stopped moving completely, grabbed my head with his other hand, not holding the new sword. I have never experienced such pain when understanding martial arts with the help of traits.

It means that the sword in the new sword is that special. I understood martial arts in part, so I knew it naturally. But it hurts! My head is so complicated, it's going to explode!

‘This isn't enough. ’

If you want to accept the sword again, at least not once you have fully acquired what you just received. Kang Shinhyuk instinctively concluded that.

I even wondered if I could take this performance to the next level by fully repairing it.

- If you have a headache, I'd like to recommend something.

“Do you have any effective headache pills on your trading board? ”

- It's a blade with a millstone.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk stood still for a moment in the manager's vivid message, but he nodded his head thinking that he was training more than this today anyway.

“I'm coming. ”

- 10 HP bonus to those who humbly accept their manager's feedback!

He returns to the room and sharpens the blade as the manager instructs. In fact, I felt calm and was able to reflect objectively on myself today, as well as handle the growing spirits naturally.

The warrior who was excited by the new power became a blacksmith again.

It seemed that the day when life and current life would be mixed together was still far away.

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