It's sunny. The wind is cool. Moreover, today I was able to enjoy a relaxing morning tea because the gate had never arisen since this morning. So I felt good.

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No · · · · · · · · · · · · · · In fact, even though the clouds are coming today and the wind is not blowing, it would feel good even if a class S gate happened and departed.

“Hmm, hmm · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Top talent among millions of superhumans in the world, Korea's top 317th in the international superhuman ranking, the pride of the 20th superhuman in Korea.

Shin Eun-ah, a world-renowned celebrity and not just Korea, has been very excited throughout the day. Everyone who passed by her nostrils flowing out of the office wondered.

“Brainy, what is going on with you? ”

“I've never been scolded today. ”

“You've been smiling ever since. I ran into her at lunch, and I thought she was so pretty, she stopped coming. ” T rans l a t ed by Jp m tl .co m

“Don't talk about your appearance in front of him. He hates it.”

“Am I crazy? ”

God, who was born with the characteristics of the SS class [ruler of the epilepsy], has gained worldwide attention since childhood. Even the beautiful Beast Stone was a part of it, but it was nothing compared to her glittering talent.

With a superhuman parent ranked in the top 10,000 international superhuman rankings, she was trained at such an early age to become the best superhuman, and by the time she graduated from the superhuman school, she was already ranked in the top 1,000 international superhuman rankings.

However, the Korean Superhuman Society rejected the love call of all the world's leading major guilds and chose her residence.

It was an honorable position, of course, but many were suspicious of her making such a choice. There are only a couple guilds in Korea right now that can give her twice or three times what the Korean government can give her.

Tr ans l at e d by jpmt l .co m “Cao Cao, excuse me. ”

“Come in.”

The Superhuman Association Special Task Force (Special Task Force) was a special task force that was difficult for ordinary superhumans within the Superhuman Association to solve.

Of course, Shin Eun-ah was in charge of trillions of promotions.

“This is a record of a class A gate K-SEn4017 that happened four days ago. The case was closed before Department of Special Affairs, Section 7, came forward to complete the arrest of the suspect before the additional victim was released. ”

“Oh, yes. Mmm-hmm. ”

Shin Eun Ah passed the report to Dong Ma, who heard the secretary's words about whether she was explicitly in the bean field.

It was a complicated case of interest, but Yo-Yo was the only one who managed to subdue a few Special Forces operatives because of it.

Although the chaotic incident did not come to a trillion, she was receiving reports of all of Joe's incidents in preparation for a joint operation that she did not know when.

“What about the afternoon gate forecast? ”

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After going through the report, she throws it aside. His secretary sighed and replied.

“Irregular is Executive Director. Eight out of eight Flow Gates of Class C or higher have won without bidding. ”

“No problem. I'll be off then. ”

“Are you still with Alchemist today? ”

“Yes. Is there a problem? ”

The fact that the brain system is between Claire Boyle, an alchemist who is the highest ranker in the United States (479th place), and a friend was known to everyone in the world for their superhuman issues. Tr ans la te d b y Jp m t

However, no one knows where the contact point was. The two are the same age, but the area of activity is completely different.

“No, it's not. However, if there is any intention of scouting in the United States to approach him, ”


“Oh, nothing! Well, have a good day! ”

As soon as Shin Eun-ah wrinkled and reacted to the secretary's remarks, she froze her head and left the office like a quickie.

She is stunned for a moment, but then takes a small sigh and stands up.

‘It's not exactly eating. ’

I felt a cloud for a while in my mind that was clear all day. But it wasn't a day or two, so I was able to get it out quickly.

I don't care what good people think of her anymore. I used to be very sad and cried a lot, but I was okay now.

The installments are back.

I talked to her again.

“You must be a fraud. ”

After work, Claire Boyle, a fellow comrade who joined the superimposer, pouted on her lips about what she didn't like. A red ponytail tied down nicely, jumps to show her emotions.

“How can you be reborn? You've never seen a case like that before in the Hero Universe, where all the geniuses are flying long. ”

T ransla te d b y jpm t l.c om “Why can't reincarnation make sense with a soul? · · · · · · Besides, our installments are genius. A genuine genius who created that myriad of artifacts by himself in a world with nothing. ”

The rest of the world doesn't know, but there is actually one thing that brains and alchemists have in common. It's that they belong to a secret community called the Hero Universe.

Claire Boyle, who had evolved her ability that day as a high school student, was immediately connected to Hero Universe, where she met Shin Eun Ah.

The two coincidentally knew that the world was the same, and now that they had become adults and gained freedom of faith, they had frequent encounters and remained close to one another.

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“You're being deceived. I'm pretty sure he's just a new user with the same username. ”

“It's not like that. She explained it all to me. Besides, even though I don't remember, my personality was completely intact. There's no way I wouldn't recognize the mortgage. ”

“How would I know that? So, if you're connected to the hero universes, you awakened something? ”

“I didn't ask you that. But as a mortgage, it must be the same artifact making ability as before. ”

Shin Eun-ah smiled gladly and touched the hairpin on her head.

How can a kid who never laughed in his whole life smile so blatantly? Someone thinks she's in love. Claire Boyle sighed.

“No matter how much I think about it, I'm a fraud. You want me to make love to you when I care about your inspiration? After this quest, you know I have to go back to New York. Before that, let's enjoy Seoul night together, okay? ”

“I don't like that place. ”

“Why on earth? Why won't you go if there's only a club for beginners? ”

A club dedicated to beginners. It was a club that was literally accessible only to superhumans. A superhuman VIP facility that has been established as Seoul, the epicenter of the world's superhuman stage since the gate began.

Shin Eun looked at a friend who wanted to take her to the club somehow and replied without much worrying.

Tr an s lat ed b y jpmt “I promised my grandparents I'd be a good boy. ”

“Another one of his mortgages! Knng, that's enough. Let's finish Janus' quest quickly. Finding the new bacterium. ”

Once again, Claire Boyle sighed and turned to the topic, realizing that there was no end to the problem of ‘installments.' Unfortunately, there was also a ‘installment plan' here.

“I must have felt it around here yesterday, but today I lost my energy again. ”

“Someone already took it, didn't they? ”

Now, where they were, it was a fairly well-rounded alley, even at the superimposer. He was asked by Janus, one of the strongest men he knew at Hero Universe, to find his affection for falling to Earth.

“No way. You said you couldn't find a reaction unless it was a hairpin made by the grandmother because the energy was so hidden. ”

“The photograph tells a very dark story. Let's go there. Looks like a lot of storytelling coming in. ”

Shin Eun-ah, who was exploring the magic around her, turned her eyes to the place her friend pointed at. An alleyway entrance, a small pavilion. I felt an unusual energy as it was a place to mortgage and lend money to superhumans.

“Okay, let's go. ”

“Yeah. Ugh, I hope you give me as much HP as you promised when you find it. I had a cocktail ingredient I wanted to buy, and it was worth over 3 million at one root! Can you believe it? ”

“Yes, yes. ”

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“But what the hell is Janus doing with so much HP? What the hell is he doing? ”

“He has a strange personality, but he's very strong. Hero Universe says it's in three fingers. ”

“Wow, what the hell made that anvil for Janus? ”

“My mortgage. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Shin Eun Ah was talking to her friend and headed to the pavilion, but had a different thought in her mind. I'd like to finish the quest as soon as possible and talk to the installment manager again.

The installment probably would be surprised if she knew what I was looking for right now, and she laughed thinking that way.

The myriad people who were looking at her experienced mild shortness of breath with that smile, but she was unaware of it.

@ @ @

- Janus whispered: Oh, my God. Grandpa Anvil, do you really not remember me?

- It's a vague memory of our conversation.

Meanwhile, Shinhyuk Shinhyuk, Shin Eun-ah's ‘installment papers’, was now whispering with Janus, holding the new sword they were looking for in one hand.

Janus was perhaps the next best friend to Eun-ah in his past life, given the proportion of the message logs. I sent him a message in the afternoon, but he didn't reply to me at that time, and it was only at night that I got a reply.

- Janus whispered: Don't speak respectfully!

- Oh, sorry. I'll make it easy for you.

- Janus whispers: hoo. So now he's got a new sword in his grandfather's hand?

- Yeah, yeah. Thanks to this, you're back on the Hero Universe. But it's a lot weaker. Now D rank based on Gaia system.

- Janus whispered: It's less than D-rank trash. Phew, you're missing the Dragonheart, aren't you?

- You really used to have a dragon heart.

A D-rank weapon is a standard weapon of modern monster hunting rules. If it is new, it is foolish to pass 20 million won, and if it is well managed, it is not difficult to get 10 million won.

And you call it garbage. No, the legendary treasure known as Dragon Heart was recognised when it came out of nowhere, but this Janus character, too, was an impossible-headed man.

- Janus whispered: Okay, I don't even know how to save a sword, so that's just grandpa now. Make me a new Neo Sword instead. There are still people left to kill. Especially if you make him a good fire catcher.

- I'm so sorry, but I reset my metallurgy level.

- Janus whispered: Oh my God, just fix it. Grandpa, you're still beating on metal.

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- Not yet.

- Janus whispers: yet?

- Yeah, not yet.

I smiled as I replied. It was because everyone, including the manager, related to the hero Universe only expected Kang Shin-hyuk to practice metallurgy.

Obviously, if you hold the hammer back now, you won't be able to produce the same output as your previous life.

‘But I have to. ’

To train your spirituality.

To increase the fairy tale rate to fully benefit from hero universes' VIP benefits.

· · · · · · · No, actually it's not the only reason.

It included, of course, but at the same time, he was purely drawn to metallurgy apart from such a 'need.'

‘I want to hit the iron. Ever since I saw that lonely man's back, that impulse hasn't gone away. ’

Ever since the moment he received the memory of his past life, and maybe even the moment he sharpened the day of the Necropsy Sword, he couldn't stand the desire of the hammer.

He put martial arts training first today because perhaps he wanted to resist such impulsive attraction.

He blindly rejected the new senses and impulses that arose in him so quickly. After all, it's all you, and you should be comfortable with it.

- But I'm gonna do it now.

But we can't delay it any longer. I don't want to slow down, I don't want to slow down.

Realizing his spirituality, casting his ego, and confronting the Necromancer, he was finally ready.

- Janus whispered in his ear: Anyway, if you make me a new sword again, I'll bring you anything you want, grandpa.

- Yeah, thanks.

Kang Shinhyuk raised his head after finishing his conversation with Janus.

At last, his eyes, which had a clear mind, sparkled like a star.

“I need to figure out a way to practice metallurgy. ”

- 100 HP bonus for impressed managers!

“Why now? ”

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