
Jing Yicheng deeply realized his mistake and tried to coax the other by turning over a new leaf: “Haohao, don’t be angry. Let’s listen to Little Yellow Duck.”

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With that, he turned on the TV to play the song of the Little Yellow Duck. The familiar quacking sound immediately filled the ward, creating a cheerful atmosphere.




Then Jing Yicheng and the Little Yellow Duck pillow were driven out of the ward together and not allowed to enter.


After closing the ward door, Jing Yicheng stood quietly for a moment, but couldn’t help but smile and murmured, “So cute.”


Although he didn’t mean to be sarcastic, every time Xu Chenghao got angry, he looked really cute. Just thinking about it made his heart feel soft and sweet. What did it matter to eat a few chili peppers?



 The assistant sitting in the living room eating lozenges: “…”


For some reason, seeing the boss smile gave him a bad feeling.


Sure enough, this ominous feeling was confirmed the next morning. The chili pepper activity, which should have been once every three days, was again put on the agenda, and the assistant and Jing Yicheng each ate eight peppers.


The assistant ate without expression, but his heart remained unmoved – he knew it! He said, “When a couple quarrels, outsiders suffer!”



Jing Yicheng finished eating chili as usual and begged to be fed. Xu Chenghao, feeling annoyed, shoved two pieces into his mouth. Seeing him speechless, Xu Chenghao felt relieved and reminded him, “Be more careful with your words next time, got it?”


At Xu Chenghao’s words, Jing Yicheng nodded his head instantly, after finishing all the strawberries, he started to please him, “Do you have any emails today? I can help you deal with them.”


Xu Chenghao glanced at him, then chose to let it go, and changed the subject, “There are no emails today, but I will do a video conference later. Remember not to disturb me.”


Jing Yicheng instantly became subdued: “…Okay.”


Xu Chenghao soothingly touched his face, “Be good, go entertain yourself.”



Jing Yicheng: “Okay~~~”


The assistant, who had just finished eating chili and hadn’t had time to leave: “…”  


I hate myself! Why did I have to look up and see this scene?!



The video conference started promptly at nine-thirty.



Regarding the injury, Xu Chenghao only disclosed it to a few well-connected insiders. Nobody else knew about it. So when Xu Chenghao appeared in the video wearing blue and white striped patient clothing, there was an immediate outcry in the meeting: “President Xu, are you okay? Why are you wearing hospital clothes?”


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“President Xu, are you sick? If you’re uncomfortable, don’t force yourself. We can have the meeting in a few days.”


“President Xu…”


“Alright, alright!” Li Nian banged the table, interrupting the flurry of flattery, “Let’s start the meeting first. We can discuss other matters later.”


Everyone silently looked at President Xu in the video. Seeing that he didn’t react, indicating his tacit approval, they all fell silent and proceeded to the main agenda of the meeting.



Xu Chenghao also diligently followed the progress, looking serious.


Ten minutes later, a strawberry quietly reached Xu Chenghao’s lips. The people in the meeting room, who had been highly attentive to the president’s expressions, suddenly shifted their gazes, silently observing.


The speaker on the screen even deviated from the topic, “After our research and comparison of this strawberry… No, this project…”


Xu Chenghao frowned and glanced at his own video frame, only then realizing the issue. He silently looked up at Jing Yicheng, his eyes expressing a clear question: What are you doing?


Jing Yicheng touched his own lips and silently mouthed, “Your lips are dry, you need hydration.”


Xu Chenghao silently caught the strawberry and, while eating, gestured towards the door indicating for the other person to leave and not disturb him. Jing Yicheng, feeling wronged, got up and left.


Li Nian, seeing Xu Chenghao’s attention diverted, coughed twice. “Mr. Xu?”


Xu Chenghao, with an unchanged expression, withdrew his gaze. “Hmm, continue.”


The people in the meeting room were itching to gossip, eager to ask if something good was happening with Mr. Xu, even if he was injured, he still had a beauty to accompany him. But with Xu Chenghao’s usual gentleness turning into a stern expression, no one dared to make a sound, suppressing their burning curiosity and continuing the meeting.


Jing Yicheng quickly returned, handing him warm water, indicating for him to drink.


Xu Chenghao calmly accepted it, drinking while staring at the computer screen, carefully listening to everyone’s speeches.


Jing Yicheng sat at the edge of the bed, watching him, ready to take the cup at any moment.


This meeting was very important; every extra remark extended its duration, with continuous analysis and discussion, and half an hour passed unnoticed.


Jing Yicheng became increasingly bored, holding the strawberry for a while, wanting to feed it to him, but in the end, he could only eat it himself.


…He really preferred the time alone with Xu Chenghao.


Jing Yicheng sighed, quietly turning on the TV, but before he could lower the volume, the song of the little yellow duck rang out in the ward.


“Quack~ Quack~ Quack quack quack~ I am the lovely little yellow duck~~”

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Xu Chenghao silently caught the strawberry and, while eating, gestured towards the door indicating for the other person to leave and not disturb him. Jing Yicheng, feeling wronged, got up and left.


Li Nian, seeing Xu Chenghao’s attention diverted, coughed twice. “Mr. Xu?”


Xu Chenghao, with an unchanged expression, withdrew his gaze. “Hmm, continue.”


The people in the meeting room were itching to gossip, eager to ask if something good was happening with Mr. Xu, even if he was injured, he still had a beauty to accompany him. But with Xu Chenghao’s usual gentleness turning into a stern expression, no one dared to make a sound, suppressing their burning curiosity and continuing the meeting.


Jing Yicheng quickly returned, handing him warm water, indicating for him to drink.


Xu Chenghao calmly accepted it, drinking while staring at the computer screen, carefully listening to everyone’s speeches.


Jing Yicheng sat at the edge of the bed, watching him, ready to take the cup at any moment.


This meeting was very important; every extra remark extended its duration, with continuous analysis and discussion, and half an hour passed unnoticed.


Jing Yicheng became increasingly bored, holding the strawberry for a while, wanting to feed it to him, but in the end, he could only eat it himself.


…He really preferred the time alone with Xu Chenghao.


Jing Yicheng sighed, quietly turning on the TV, but before he could lower the volume, the song of the little yellow duck rang out in the ward.


“Quack~ Quack~ Quack quack quack~ I am the cute little yellow duck~~”


The people in the meeting room: “???”


Xu Chenghao: “……”


Jing Yicheng quietly lowered the volume, raised his hand to indicate he knew he was wrong, and then silently offered strawberries as a peace offering.


Xu Chenghao gave him an angry look and rejected the strawberries.


Jing Yicheng, fearing he might be genuinely angry, offered two strawberries this time.


Xu Chenghao pushed them away.


Jing Yicheng continued to increase the amount, offering three strawberries.


The people in the meeting room were collectively confused, listening to the extremely low background music of “Little Yellow Duck” and watching the large hand suddenly appearing next to Mr. Xu in the video, continuously handing strawberries, seemingly trying to cheer Mr. Xu up. They were unsure whether to continue speaking or not.


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Xu Chenghao couldn’t hold back any longer and said, “Stop messing around!”


Jing Yicheng opened his mouth.


“Don’t speak!” Xu Chenghao interrupted him. “Don’t make a sound, don’t disturb my meeting, got it?”


Jing Yicheng nodded in grievance.


Only then did Xu Chenghao sigh and look back at the video. “Continue.”


The people in the meeting room: “……”


Suppressing the raging gossiping heart once again and treating themselves as an emotionless meeting machine, the meeting resumed. But this time the atmosphere was noticeably different. Most people’s attention was focused on Xu Chenghao, eagerly anticipating the return of the owner of that hand.


However, Jing Yicheng, who had been warned, dared not misbehave. He was watching TV with a duck plushie in his arms, watching the duck on TV dance.


Ten minutes later, the meeting returned to normal. People discussed the meeting’s topics, and any extra questions sparked new discussions that lasted a long time.


Xu Chenghao was highly concentrated for too long and felt tired. Towards the end, he leaned against the headboard to rest, only sitting up straight occasionally when speaking. As he moved back and forth, the collar of his hospital gown shifted slightly, revealing half of his clavicle when he leaned back against the headboard again.


The female employee giving a speech with earphones inadvertently looked up and saw the usually dapper CEO now wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown. His aura weakened, and not only that, he was leaning against the headboard with his collar slightly open, revealing his clavicle. She couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise… My god, beauty attack!!


Hearing the exclamation from the computer, Jing Yicheng looked up in confusion for two seconds, then immediately stood up and reached out to help him fix his collar.


Xu Chenghao was momentarily stunned, subconsciously covering the camera and whispering, “What are you doing!”


Jing Yicheng coldly said, “Don’t move.”


Xu Chenghao stiffened his upper body, looking down at the hand fixing his collar, his face filled with confusion.


He’s been in the hospital for so long, it’s always been like this. Why did Jing Yicheng suddenly go crazy again?


Jing Yicheng silently fastened the collar to the top, meticulously tidied up, and then withdrew his hand. His expression was even more displeased than Xu Chenghao’s. He whispered in his ear, “Don’t let others see.”


Xu Chenghao puzzledly touched his collar, “What do you mean?”


Jing Yicheng’s face sank, “Someone is coveting you, I heard it!”


Xu Chenghao was speechless, “You’re overthinking.”


Jing Yicheng looked at him silently, and the hand on his shoulder suddenly loosened the neckline of his hospital gown and leaned over.

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“Hey,  hey,  hey, what are you doing!” Xu Chenghao wanted to shrink back but was afraid that the cameras might catch something, so he could only tug at his ear.


Jing Yicheng remained unmoved, half embracing him, he lowered his head and left a bite mark on his clavicle, and then taught himself how to leave a strawberry mark. When Xu Chenghao’s clavicle was covered with his marks, he said expressionlessly, “Then let them see.”


Xu Chenghao: “???”


Unable to bear it, he clenched his fist and raised it to his eyes, threatening, “Disappear from my sight immediately, or else, three!”


Jing Yicheng bowed his head and kissed his fist, quickly leaving the ward before the fist hit his face.


After Jing Yicheng left, Xu Chenghao glanced at his neck with the black screen on his phone, and suddenly a surge of anger and suspicion rose up, wondering if the other party did it on purpose!


He tightened his collar with one hand, composed himself, and then released the camera with a cold face: “Continue!”


The people in the meeting room: “…”


Ah, ah, ah, the gossiping hearts really couldn’t hold back! They really wanted to know who the owner of that hand was! Why did the voice sound so familiar? What was his relationship with Mr. Xu? Was he jealous just now??


However, Mr. Xu remained unmoved and was even more furious, causing Li Nian to dare not speak much. Everyone could only reluctantly continue to treat themselves as emotionless meeting machines.


Twenty minutes later, the meeting ended. When Xu Chenghao hung up the video conference, the room immediately exploded into discussions, not about the meeting topic, but all about Mr. Xu and this mysterious man.


Li Nian was especially targeted, everyone knew he had a good relationship with Mr. Xu, and judging from his reaction just now, he must know something!


Li Nian: “Huh? What do I know? What could I possibly know? I don’t know anything, haha, very busy, very busy, haha, pardon me, pardon me, haha, I’m out.”


With his excellent ability to play dumb and fake smile, Li Nian successfully broke through the siege and returned to his office, starting to make complaints on the phone: “Mr. Xu! My dear Mr. Xu, I know you’re in a sweet romance right now, but could you please be more restrained during meetings? I almost got eaten alive by a group of gossipers just now.”


On the other side, Xu Chenghao stroked the little yellow duck flowerpot in his arms, his face expressionless as he said, “I understand. There won’t be a next time.”


Li Nian teased, “You understand, but I doubt if someone else does.”


Xu Chenghao lifted his gaze to glance at Jing Yicheng, who was holding his head, with two distinct kiss marks from the little yellow duck on his forehead. He spoke calmly, “It’s okay, I’ve already told him.”


Li Nian: “…”

Why does this sentence feel so full of murderous intent?


The author has something to say:  Little Yellow Duck: My lips are a bit swollen QAQ

T/N: Haohao is a dedicated teacher. The carrot and stick treatment for this henpecked husband of his is really standard

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