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Xu Chenghao wasn’t just angry; he was furious. He felt that this matter was extremely serious and that Jing Yicheng needed a warning. Otherwise, with this level of possessiveness, he would suffer in the future.


So, after hanging up the phone, Xu Chenghao grabbed Jing Yicheng by the ear and gave him a serious lecture: “Do you know what you did wrong?”


Jing Yicheng: “I know.”


Xu Chenghao: “What was it?”


Jing Yicheng hesitated for a few seconds and tentatively said, “I shouldn’t have kissed you?”


Xu Chenghao’s grip on his ear tightened instantly: “Think again!”



Jing Yicheng gasped: “I shouldn’t have kissed you during the meeting.”


Xu Chenghao was barely satisfied and added, “Your mistake was disrupting my work and acting irrationally out of jealousy at an inappropriate time. By doing this, you are infringing on my work and freedom. Would you be angry if I disrupted your work?”


Jing Yicheng wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, he decided to be honest: “You probably wouldn’t be able to get into my workplace.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”



The hand pulling the ear couldn’t help but tighten its grip: “Stop talking, just answer, did you hear me?”


Jing Yicheng admitted his mistake with a good attitude: “I heard you!”


Xu Chenghao: “Will you dare to do it again?”


Jing Yicheng: “I won’t dare.”


Xu Chenghao: “What if you do it again?”



Jing Yicheng: “I promise I won’t!”


Xu Chenghao stared at him for a few seconds. After confirming that his attitude was sincere and serious, he finally let go of his ear: “I’ll let it go this time, but if it happens again, I’ll turn my back on you.”


Jing Yicheng silently rubbed his ear, not daring to make a sound.


Xu Chenghao leaned back on the bed and continued chatting with Li Nian, sending a message: “What’s the situation at the company now?”


After a while, Li Nian replied: “After the meeting, everyone completely forgot about your injury and is discussing the love affair between you and the mysterious man.”



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Xu Chenghao sent over six ellipses.


Li Nian: “How’s it going over there? Are you communicating well with that mysterious man?”


Xu Chenghao glanced uncertainly at Jing Yicheng: “It should be going okay.”


Li Nian: “It shouldn’t just be ‘okay,’ it needs to go well. Otherwise, there will be a next time!”


Xu Chenghao: “I’m already trying my best to reason with him.”



Li Nian: “If the kid doesn’t listen, just give him a beating!”


Li Nian retracted a message.


Li Nian: “I didn’t say anything.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


Li Nian only acts so timid in front of Jing Yicheng.


Thinking this, Xu Chenghao looked at Jing Yicheng, who was sitting by the bed rubbing his ears, and deeply understood the saying “one thing overcomes another.” Li Nian is genuinely afraid of Jing Yicheng, and Jing Yicheng is afraid of him…


Xu Chenghao suddenly leaned in and kissed Jing Yicheng’s swollen earlobe, asking, “Does it still hurt?”


Jing Yicheng subconsciously shook his head, then quickly nodded, bringing his ear close again. His intention was clear.


Xu Chenghao chuckled and moved closer once more—only for Jing Yicheng to suddenly turn his head and catch the kiss, their lips meeting. Xu Chenghao’s eyes widened in surprise, and he tried to pull away, but a hand had already climbed up his back and firmly held his head in place.


Kissing was unfamiliar territory for both of them. Initially, Xu Chenghao thought that a brief lip-to-lip contact would suffice. However, Jing Yicheng, having watched too many romantic dramas and done his research, soon initiated a deeper kiss. He tentatively licked the corner of Xu Chenghao’s mouth, then slipped past his teeth, entwining his tongue with the timid one hiding inside.


Jing Yicheng was much gentler than Xu Chenghao had imagined, constantly attentive to his feelings. When Xu Chenghao frowned, Jing Yicheng immediately withdrew, embracing him and gently patting his back to soothe him.


Xu Chenghao buried his head in Jing Yicheng’s shoulder, his face burning with embarrassment.


Jing Yicheng turned and kissed his earlobe. “How does it feel?”


Xu Chenghao mumbled, “Not good at all, you’re cheating.”


Jing Yicheng, hearing the soft tone, knew he was being teased. He happily tightened his embrace. “Yes, I’m cheating. If I didn’t cheat, how would I be sitting here?”


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Xu Chenghao laughed. “You know it, huh.”


Jing Yicheng replied proudly, “Of course, if it means having you, what’s a little shamelessness?”


These sweet words made Xu Chenghao feel warm and happy inside, his face starting to heat up. He quietly nestled into Jing Yicheng’s embrace without saying a word.


Jing Yicheng loved it most when Xu Chenghao relied on him. His heart felt so full and warm when he held him tightly, he felt like he was going to burst from happiness, and his whole body radiated with a sweet feeling.


The meeting was just a minor interlude for them, without even a quarrel. It was quickly buried in an unknown place by their sweetness.


After taking care of Xu Chenghao and ensuring he finished his lunch, Jing Yicheng waited for him to lie down for his usual nap before quietly leaving the ward to busy himself in the living room.


The assistant handed over the latest matters from the research institute, and Jing Yicheng reviewed and inquired about the recent orders one by one. Only after confirming that there were no mistakes did he sign off.


The assistant asked with concern, “Is your head okay?”


Jing Yicheng instinctively touched his forehead, “I’m fine.”


The assistant couldn’t help but remind him, “Mr. Xu is already injured, so you should focus on taking care of him and not make him angry often. What if one day he really gets mad and ignores you? What would you do then?”


Jing Yicheng tossed the pen onto the table and said calmly, “I know.”


Assistant: “With the number of times we eat chili peppers, you probably don’t know.”


Jing Yicheng: “…”


The assistant, fearing he might anger the boss by saying too much, saw that the boss was silent and closed his mouth quietly, taking a throat lozenge as part of his routine.


Jing Yicheng raised his hand: “Give me one too!”


Assistant: “…”


On this cold afternoon, the two shared lozenges and worked silently.


As for Xu Chenghao… he didn’t open his eyes until he woke up at four in the afternoon.


The treatment was that unfair, but no one dared to complain. Instead, they had to keep the person in the hospital bed happy, fearing he might get upset.


Xu Chenghao spent his days eating and drinking, happily giving Jing Yicheng a kiss when he was in a good mood, and being coaxed when he wasn’t. If it weren’t for the cast on his leg, it would have been a truly idyllic life of having everything done for him.


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The alarm on his phone rang right on schedule. Xu Chenghao glanced at his phone and realized that the time had come for the fourth little chili pepper harvest today, which meant he could complete his task!


Xu Chenghao was instantly excited. He sat up abruptly and looked at the little yellow duck flowerpot.


Jing Yicheng, who was sitting to one side, instinctively supported Xu Chenghao’s waist. “What’s wrong? Do you need anything? I can get it for you.”


“It’s time to harvest the chili peppers!” Xu Chenghao said excitedly. “If I can harvest twenty chili peppers today, I’ll complete my task!”


Jing Yicheng smiled. “Congratulations. I’ll go pick them for you in a bit.”


Xu Chenghao nodded. “Plant the seeds along with the harvested peppers. If we complete this task, the next batch of chili peppers will be all yours.”


Jing Yicheng kissed his hand. “Alright, I’ll be back soon.”


With the experience from last time, Xu Chenghao believed that Jing Yicheng would be even more successful in harvesting the chili peppers this time. After seeing Jing Yicheng off, he relaxed and waited with his little yellow duck for the chili seedlings to bear fruit.


At exactly four o’clock, the little yellow duck suddenly turned a bright red, just like last time, producing eleven intact chili peppers and thirteen deformed ones. Only nine more chili peppers were needed to complete the task!


Xu Chenghao placed the intact chili peppers in a storage box, feeling very satisfied. He eagerly awaited Jing Yicheng’s return from the greenhouse, confident that he would bring back more than nine peppers and that they would surely complete the task!


Unable to resist, Xu Chenghao sent a message to Jing Yicheng: “How’s it going over there?”


Jing Yicheng replied, “Coming back soon.”


Xu Chenghao, feeling delighted, responded, “Great, I’ll be waiting for you.”


Meanwhile, outside the hospital room, the assistant’s expression subtly changed upon reading the message. He stood up and walked out.


“Don’t move!”


As soon as he stepped out, he saw the dark muzzle of a gun pointed at him. Unfazed, the assistant calmly closed the door behind him and said indifferently, “It seems you’re prepared for this to be a one-time collaboration.”


The captain smiled bitterly, “Following orders from above, apologies.”


The assistant frowned, “Where is my boss?”


The captain: “Someone else is taking care of that. We need you to come with us first.”




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Xu Chenghao was propping up his chin, looking at his phone, when the hospital room door suddenly opened. He looked up in surprise and delight, “You’re back—why is it you?”


Seeing Ruan Chenxuan standing at the door, Xu Chenghao’s smile instantly faded. With a stern face, he asked, “How did you get in here?”


Ruan Chenxuan placed the flowers and fruit basket he was holding on the bedside table, “I knocked, but no one answered, so I came in. Sorry if I disturbed you.”


Xu Chenghao was stunned: “No one outside?”


Ruan Chenxuan nodded affirmatively: “Has your caregiver left? I didn’t see anyone.”


Xu Chenghao took out his phone and called the assistant. The call went unanswered, but soon after he hung up, he received a message: “Had to leave, don’t worry.”


What does this mean?


Xu Chenghao tried calling the assistant again, but the phone was turned off. He immediately had a bad feeling and called Jing Yicheng. The call also went unanswered until the phone was turned off, but this time there was no message.


What’s going on?


Xu Chenghao frowned and called the greenhouse. Chen Long answered the phone and said, “Just now, Mr. Jing got a call and left in a hurry. He only took the chili peppers and didn’t have time to plant the new batch. He hasn’t come back yet, and the machines are still running.”


Xu Chenghao was both worried and panicked. If it weren’t for the message from the assistant, he would have suspected that Jing Yicheng, who had made many enemies, had been taken advantage of and eliminated due to a security breach!


He wanted to find Jing Yicheng, but only now did he realize that he had no contact with Jing Yicheng’s social or work circles. He only knew Jing Yicheng’s assistant, but now even the assistant was gone, leaving only a message of reassurance.


Xu Chenghao held his phone, not knowing who to contact. For the first time, he realized that if Jing Yicheng were to vanish from the world, he wouldn’t be able to find him!


How could he suddenly disappear…


What should he do now…


Xu Chenghao looked at his legs, feeling helpless and at a loss for the first time. His heart was blocked with frustration, making him feel unbearably uncomfortable all over. Frustrated, Xu Chenghao propped his head up with his hand, not speaking for a long while.


Ruan Chenxuan also noticed that something was wrong and proactively asked with concern, “Did something happen? If you need help, I can assist at any time.”


Xu Chenghao couldn’t be bothered to respond to him. He called Jing Yicheng’s phone again, confirming it was turned off and unreachable, then directly called Li Nian: “Come over, right now!”


T/N: Poor lovebirds. They haven’t spent that much time together yet and they’ve been forcefully separated *sob

Ps: I started a mini blog on Blogger, feel free to snoop around when you’re bored hehe~

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