Chapter 63: Ye Jin’s life experience (1)

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Mr. Fu looked at Ye Jin strangely for a while.


Seeing that he was still curious, he understood that either Ye Jin was from the Ye family, or he had some accident and lost part of his memory.


No matter which one is the truth, Mr. Fu felt even more distressed for Ye Jin.


Fu Chen, who knew Ye Jin’s identity, looked at Ye Jin’s current appearance. Although he knew that he was not from the real Ye family, but thinking of his own family and parents, he felt more and more distressed for Ye Jin.


Fu Chen is thinking about telling Ye Jin his current identity, at least so that he still has relatives and family who love him, so that he can make up for some of the harm and regrets caused by his relatives in his previous life.


Ye Jin looked at Mr. Fu and Fu Chen who had been silent all this time, and couldn’t help but feel a little strange, and asked aloud, “What’s the matter, Grandpa?


Is it convenient for you to tell me? If it’s not convenient for you to say it, then fine. I don’t have to find someone, Grandpa, it’s not too difficult to exchange cooking skills.”


Mr. Fu opened his mouth to ask Ye Jin something, but was interrupted by Fu Chen who suddenly spoke, “Grandpa, let me tell Xiao Jin about what’s going on later. You go and have a rest, I will take Xiao Jin to my room first.”


Fu Chen stood up while holding Ye Jin’s hand, but his eyes were always looking at Mr. Fu.


The second Mr. Fu also understood immediately, he nodded and said: “Yes, yes, you two, go and get busy. This kid also knows about this. Let him tell you. I’m old enough to take a rest. You can do whatever you want and leave me alone.” 


Mr. Fu stopped looking at Ye Jin who was puzzled, waved his hand, turned and went upstairs.


Ye Jin was dragged up to the second floor by Fu Chen and went into Fu Chen’s Chen’s room.


Ye Jin looked around curiously at the room in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. The room really resembles a soldier.


The layout of Fu Chen’s room is very simple. Even the style of the furniture is black and white and simple, and the quilt on the bed is neatly arranged, so that you can leave with your bag at any time.


Seeing Ye Jin looking around curiously, Fu Chen didn’t stop him and took him to sit on the bed in the room. 


He also dragged the chair next to the desk and sat opposite Ye Jin, waiting for Ye Jin to finish his observation before talking about the previous question.


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After Ye Jin came back to his senses after seeing the layout of Fu Chen’s room, he saw Fu Chen sitting across from him and looking at him without saying a word. 


He shifted his gaze and asked, “What are you looking at?”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s small movements, his eyes full of smiles. Suddenly he approached Ye Jin and squeezed his red earlobe, “Look at you, so cute.”


Ye Jin was taken aback by Fu Chen’s sudden action, his heart beat a little faster at first, but now he heard Fu Chen’s deep and sweet voice, his heart beat a beat faster.


He was very happy, but he muttered: “You are really getting better at talking now, ah. No one would say that boys are cute, only handsome.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s reddened earlobes. What he had just muttered made him even cuter.


It made him want to bully him but Fu Chen also accepted his excuse and retreated from Ye Jin’s side and sat on the opposite chair and said, “Well, handsome Xiao Jin, do you want to be bullied or do you not listen to the Ye family’s affairs?”


Ye Jin returned to normal when he heard this, and asked happily, regardless of Fu Chen’s teasing: “Then tell me quickly, what is the situation with this Ye family? Is it inconvenient?”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s happy face, thought for a while and said truthfully: “It’s not that I can’t say it, maybe it’s because I don’t know how to say it. After all, the Ye family and you are also inextricably linked.” 


Having said that, Fu Chen also paused, observing Ye Jin’s emotions.


Hearing Fu Chen’s words, Ye Jin frowned in confusion and said, “What does it have to do with me? 


Although my surname is also Ye, it’s impossible to have anything to do with them. After all, I still remember who my parents are. It’s very clear.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s frowning eyebrows, and reminded him: “Xiao Jin, have you forgotten that your body is also called Ye Jin. 


What I said is related, I mean it has something to do with this body. It has a relationship with the body.”


After being reminded by Fu Chen, Ye Jin realized that this was not his original body, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart. It was not sad, but he always felt a little uncomfortable. 


After all, he had no relatives, but now that he has taken over this body, he also has to accept all kinds of troubles and relatives brought by this body.


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Thinking of this, Ye Jin looked a little weird but also asked with some doubts in his heart: “This Ye family is my relatives in this body, right? What are they like? Why haven’t they gone to the original owner for so many years?”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s worried look, and comforted him: “Don’t worry, no matter why the Ye family didn’t go looking for the previous Ye Jin, which caused his death, it wasn’t your fault. 


If it wasn’t for you, Then it would be impossible to have the current Ye Jin now, and it is impossible to give the empire new hope.”


Ye Jin was a little dumbfounded by Fu Chen’s comforting words, but he also knew that Fu Chen was worried about him, so he smiled and said,


“I didn’t think I was the one who killed the original Ye Jin, but I was just thinking about what kind of Ye Jin’s family was like and whether they were easy to get along with. After all, I was the one who took over this body.”


When Fu Chen saw the smile on Ye Jin’s face, he felt relieved, and continued: “Actually, I don’t know much about the Ye family. The reason why I learned about your life experience is that Ye Lin’an told me that he is your cousin. 


Half a year ago, he found you on the day you were fighting with someone at the garbage station. When he found you, you were already passed out. After sending you home, he left a few bottles of nutrient solution and opened a shop.”


Fu Chen slowly told Ye Jin everything that Ye Lin’an had told him, as well as about the Ye family and the parents of this body, some of which Ye Jin already knew, and some of which were Fu Chen’s latest information.


Listening to Fu Chen’s slow narration, Ye Jin also knew the situation of the parents of this body and the Ye family. 


Ye Lin’an was his cousin, his mother was the youngest daughter of the Ye family, and his father was a soldier. 


And the reason why Ye Jin was on Fu’er Xing was because his father was sent to Fu’er Xing for a mission. His mother also took Ye Jin to Fu’er Xing in order not to be separated from his father and settled down.


And Ye Jin didn’t remember anything when he left the Ye family with his parents as he was very young. So he didn’t even know that he had relatives other than his parents. 


After his parents died while performing a mission, the Ye family received the last notice from his mother before searching for them for a long time.


After listening to Fu Chen’s narration, Ye Jin didn’t feel merciless towards the original owner, but he was not the original owner and did not report any hope to his parents and relatives. 


Even Ye Jin’s relationship with Fu Chen was in a state of slow testing. Of course, there is also a basis for getting along with each other for a long time.


Ye Jin thought about all these things, but at the same time, he also had a question in his heart, “According to what you said, I grew up in Fu’er Xing since I was a child, so I shouldn’t be able to cook. But I knew how to cook after I came here. 


Wouldn’t this cause suspicion? Why didn’t the Ye family come to make trouble? And I remember, the first time I met Brother Lin’an, he pretended not to understand anything and asked me what spicy taste was like?”

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Ye Jin threw out all the doubts in her heart, a series of doubts made Fu Chen, who had been listening attentively, a little overwhelmed.


When Ye Jin’s questions were sorted out, Fu Chen was unable to give an answer. Ye Jin could only wait for Ye Lin’an’s return to get the answers to these questions.


The two were discussing Ye Jin’s life experience here, while Ye Lin’an on the other side, after learning the news that Fu Chen and Ye Jin had returned together, reluctantly went back to Ye’s house to report the situation, and was planny to tell Ye Jin his background.


If you continue to hide it and keep Ye Jin from knowing, the Ye family will have no position to help if there is any accident. 


Just like this time when Ye Jin disappeared, Ye Lin’an and the people from the Fourth Army searched for the meteorite belt.


But after crossing the meteorite belt, he was stopped by military personnel guarding nearby.


After returning to Ye’s house, Ye Lin’an told Mr. Ye that this matter had been approved by Mr. Ye, and immediately rushed to Ye Jin’s residence in a suspension car.


Ye Lin’an jumped off the hover car, clenched his fists nervously, took a deep breath, and observed his own outfit from the smooth surface of the hover car.


He then walked towards Ye Jin’s residence after seeing that there was nothing wrong.


Standing at the door of Ye Jin’s house, Ye Lin’an took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the door.


After waiting for a long time, no one came to open the door, and he didn’t hear any movement in the house. He was relieved but also a little disappointed.


After waiting for a long time until noon, Ye Jim did not come back, so Ye Lin’an had no choice but to get in the hover car again and rushed to Ye Jin’s shop.


He thought that Xiao Jin would rest at home for the next two days when he came back, but it turned out that he was more concerned about the things in the store. 


Thinking of this, Ye Lin’an sighed inwardly, but when he thought of his behavior of going back to Ye’s house without leaving a message, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.


Ye Lin’an rushed all the way to the shop, saw the bustle of diners in the shop, and greeted some old diners during the period.


When Qiao Siyang, who was busy at the front desk, saw Ye Lin’an coming in, he immediately greeted: “Brother Lin’an, You are finally back, Xiao Jin asked about you yesterday.”


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Ye Lin’an was attracted by Qiao Siyang’s words, and asked with a guilty conscience: “Really? Did Xiao Jin ask about me yesterday?”


Qiao Siyang said with a smile: “What can I say? He just asked why you were not in the store, there was nothing else.” 


Qiao Siyang also asked curiously: “Speaking of which, Brother Lin’an, what on earth have you been doing recently? You didn’t tell us what you were doing, so we could only tell Xiao Jin the truth.” 


Ye Lin’an didn’t know why but he was a little happy when he heard the words. If Xiao Jin asked him about his situation, it meant that he cared about him.


Thinking of this, Ye Lin’an’s smiled and said: “It’s okay, I also went home recently, it’s been a long time since I’ve been home, then you should do your work first, I’ll go find him right now. Xiao Jin is in the back kitchen, right?”


Ye Lin’an planned to go to the back kitchen as he spoke, but before he took two steps, he was stopped in place by Qiao Siyang’s words.


“Xiao Jin didn’t come to the store today, it seems that he went to the research institute. I don’t know the specifics, but he might also be at home.”


Ye Lin’an listened to Qiao Siyang’s words, and turned his head to look at him speechlessly. 


The expression on his face was a bit tangled, like he was happy or he didn’t believe it, but in the end he sorted out the expression on his face, turned around and walked out of the store, intending to go to the scientific research institute.


However, after arriving at the scientific research institute and failing to find anyone, Ye Lin’an’s nervous and apprehensive mood suddenly calmed down.


He even felt stupid for looking for someone today, so he went directly to the store to guard or send a message to Xiao Jin.


In the past, it would have been fine. I was so nervous that I lost my mind as soon as I met Xiao Jin.


Ye Lin’an, who was thinking this way, stretched out his hand and slapped himself on the head. He felt amused and at the same time he was relieved. 


On the way to find Ye Jin, he also sorted out what he wanted to say. When he saw Ye Jin, he probably wouldn’t feel a little nervous.




The author has something to say:

After editing the text, I changed a few sentences and suddenly realized that I am going to become a editing maniac hahahahaha

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