Chapter 64: Ye Jin’s life experience (2)

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On Ye Jin’s side,

After the two finished talking about Ye Jin’s life experience, Fu Chen and Ye Jin’s light brains lit up a communication request at the same time.


On Fu Chen’s side, Adjutant Xiao called him to tell Fu Chen that he had found some clues about the black hands behind the scenes that caused internet public opinion and the mastermind of the spaceship explosion.


However, due to the people involved being a bit unique, he was a little undecided.


Ye Jin, on the other hand, received a communication notification from Ye Lin’an who had returned to the store.


However Ye Jin’s feelings towards Ye Lin’an are a bit complicated and he didn’t know how to communicate with Ye Lin’an.


He just looked at the prompts on the communication page in a daze, and hesitated on whether he should pick it up or not.


When Fu Chen came back from the call, he saw Ye Jin sitting on the bed staring at the flickering light brain on his wrist in a daze.


Fu Chen walked up to Ye Jin and took a look at Ye Jin’s optical brain page, and found that Ye Lin’an sent the communication request, and he understood why Ye Jin didn’t answer it.


“Xiao Jin, answer it. No matter what, you can’t see him for the rest of your life without answering his phone, and you still need him to answer your questions, don’t you?” Fu Chen said, stretching out his hand and rubbing Ye Jin’s hair.


Hearing Fu Chen’s words and the warm palms on his hair, Ye Jin came back to his senses, looked at the communication page that was still flickering, and finally clicked through.


Ye Lin’an has been sending messages to Ye Jin all the time, and was not connected until the third time. 


Once connected, Ye Lin’an immediately asked anxiously: “Xiao Jin, where are you now? Why didn’t you answer the message just now?”


Hearing Ye Lin’an’s anxious voice from the communication, Ye Jin’s originally tangled mood suddenly calmed down, and he couldn’t help asking with a smile on his face, “Brother Lin’an, I’m staying with Fu Chen now, are you okay? Is there anything business with me?”


Ye Lin’an was still thinking about how to tell Ye Jin about his life experience but he was immediately attracted by Ye Jin’s words saying he was with Fu Chen.


Hs immediately raised his heart and asked suspiciously: ” Xiao Jin, why are you with Fu Chen? What are you doing together?”


Ye Jin heard Ye Lin’an’s suspicious question, thinking of the relationship between the other party and this body, he hesitated whether to tell him the relationship between himself and Fu Chen.

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Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin tenderly and pinched Ye Jin’s cheek, and said in a solemn voice: “We are together now, Xiao Jin is at my house now.”


After Fu Chen finished speaking, he no longer cared about Ye Lin’an who was suddenly silent on the opposite side, but turned his head to look at Ye Jin with a smile on his face and said, “I told him.”


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen’s handsome face and smiled. The eyes and the smile on his face gradually widened, and Ye Jin said softly, “It’s okay, Brother Lin’an will know sooner or later, I don’t think he will object.”


However, the moment Ye Jin finished speaking, he became very shocked at Ye Lin’an’s angry voice coming from the other light brain.


“Who says I won’t object?! I object! Damn Fu Chen, you actually abducted my brother home without even saying hello! What are you doing? I’m coming right now!” 


After Ye Lin’an finished speaking, he hung up the communication immediately before Ye Jin and Fu Chen answered.


Ye Jin looked at the hung up communication, then turned his head to look at Fu Chen, and after a while he turned his head to look at the light brain again and said, “Brother Lin’an is coming to your house. And he seems to have something to say.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who was a little dazed, and said with an even wider smile in his eyes: “It’s okay, let him come, this way we don’t have to go out to find him.”


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen who was very happy, then he suddenly remembered something and asked: “Didn’t you also answer the communication just now? Is there something wrong? 


If there is something wrong, deal with it quickly. I can go directly to the store to find brother Lin’an.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin with a concerned face and stretched out his hand and tapped his forehead softly, and said with a smile: “It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry here. 


I’ve already told your cousin about our relationship, how can I let you face his anger alone. I will face it with you.”


Ye Jin heard the words with a deep smile in his eyes, leaned close to Fu Chen and kissed him quickly on the face.


Before Fu Chen recovered, he quickly walked towards the door of the room, and said as he walked: “Let’s go out, Brother Lin’an is coming.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who was walking away quickly with a blush on his earlobe. A momentary smile evoked on his face, and then disappeared soon. Only the strong smile in his eyes could not last for a long time.


When Ye Jin and Fu Chen came downstairs to the living room, they heard the sound of kicking the door. 


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Fu Chen opened the sensor door with a wave of his hand, allowing Ye Lin’an, who had already stretched out his foot to continue kicking the door. All of a sudden, he staggered unsteadily.


After Ye Lin’an came in, he quickly stabilized his figure and stood still. Seeing Fu Chen who had just withdrawn his hand, he angrily walked in front of him and punched him.


“Cousin! Don’t be impulsive!” Seeing Ye Lin’an’s actions, Ye Jin became anxious. When his fist was about to hit Fu Chen’s face, he hurriedly stopped him.


And just when Ye Lin’an’s fist was just one or two centimeters away from Fu Chen’s face, Fu Chen stopped him with his hand.


Ye Lin’an stopped in shock when he heard Ye Jin’s voice. He turned his head and looked at Ye Jin in shock and surprise.


When Ye Lin’an calmed down, the three of them sat on the sofa in the living room and began to calmly talk about Ye Jin’s life experience.


Ye Lin’an looked at Ye Jin with a complicated expression and asked, “Xiao Jin, when did you know?”


Ye Jin looked at Ye Lin’an who was more troubled than himself, but said in a good mood: “Cousin, I just found out this morning. But I was a little suspicious about this before.”


Ye Linan glanced at Fu Chen who was sitting next to Ye Jin, and asked angrily, “Did he tell you?”


Ye Jin looked at Ye Jin Lin’an and nodded with a complicated expression on his face.


Ye Lin’an: “I knew it! I was going to tell you personally today. I found you after so many years. 


Grandpa was afraid that you would blame us and we dared not tell you your life experience. He just asked me to accompany you to help after we found you. 


I want to tell you the truth but my grandfather thought your current identity was too sensitive, and he was afraid that you would have accidents so we could only help you from the outside.” 


Ye Lin’an looked a little gloomy as he spoke.


When Ye Jin heard the Ye family’s love and concern for the original owner from Ye Lin’an, he felt even more regretful that the original owner was not here for this moment.


But now that he has occupied Ye Jin’s body, he will take on the responsibilities that come with this body.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin said sincerely: “It’s okay, cousin, Fu Chen has already told me that this matter is not your fault. After all these years, you finally found it.” 

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Speaking of this, Ye Jin suddenly thought of the issue discussed with Fu Chen before. He has never been in the Ye family since he was a child, why is it that the Ye family is not surprised that he can cook?


Thinking of this, Ye Jin looked at Ye Lin’an and then at Fu Chen. He didn’t know how to ask, and was afraid that he would be suspected if he did.


Fu Chen and Ye Lin’an, who had been paying attention to Ye Jin all the time, saw his hesitant actions and expressions.


Fu Chen nodded in support of Ye Jin, and Ye Linan said directly: “Xiao Jin, if you have anything to ask, just ask. There’s nothing we won’t say.”


Ye Jin hesitated for a while, and finally cheered herself up and asked, “Cousin, don’t you wonder why I can cook Chinese cuisine? After all, I don’t seem to have grown up in Ye’s parents since I was a child. Aren’t you curious about how I learned these dishes?”


Hearing Ye Jin’s question, Ye Lin’an was somewhat dumbfounded. He pinched Ye Jin’s face and said, “What are you thinking? What’s so strange? You have had a unique talent for making dishes since you were a child. 


Every time grandpa was researching dishes, as long as you add anything to them, it will become delicious. Even for the first time, you clamored to make dishes. 


When the kitchen added something to grandpa’s dishes, grandpa thought you were making trouble.” 


Ye Lin’an said as if he remembered Ye Jin, who was a small ball at that time, with a nostalgic expression on his face.


Hearing Ye Lin’an’s words, Ye Jin didn’t know why a sense of familiarity flashed in his heart, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn’t remember anything, so he couldn’t help asking: “Is it true? Why don’t I have any impression?”


Ye Lin’an nodded at Ye Jin and smiled after hearing the words: “At that time, you were still young, and you didn’t know whether you could remember things or not. 


At that time, grandpa thought you were very talented, and he chanted those recipes in your ears every day. When he was free, he would let people pick you up and carry you into the kitchen.


If sister-in-law hadn’t taken you away later, maybe you would be grandpa’s successor now.”


As he spoke, Ye Lin’an observed Ye Jin’s expression, and seeing that he didn’t mean to be unhappy, he continued: “And even when you were taken away by little aunt, grandpa actually knew about it and put a manuscript copy of the recipe in aunt’s space.


If aunt hadn’t sent a vague message to grandfather’s light brain when she passed away, we would all have to wonder if something horrible had happened to you.”


As Ye Jin listened to Ye Lin’an’s narration, the feeling of familiarity and weirdness in his heart became even worse.


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But when he heard Ye Lin’an talk about the recipe, his attention was attracted. He thought of where the recipes were stored in that house for a long time 


After all, when he packed up the house and came to the imperial capital, he had already cleaned up every place in the house.


On the other hand, Fu Chen, who was sitting on the side, seemed to think of something when he heard Ye Lin’an’s words.


He looked at Ye Jin with a strange expression, but he didn’t say anything, just sat on the side and listened to their conversation.


Ye Jin thought for a long time without gaining anything, so he could only nod her head in agreement.


While Ye Jin was still thinking about the recipe, Ye Lin’an suddenly changed the subject and asked dangerously: “Xiao Jin, what did Fu Chen mean when he said you were together in the communication just now? Don’t tell me, is it what I think it is?”


Ye Jin looked at Ye Lin’an, who had a dangerous expression, nodded cautiously and said, “That’s what you meant, isn’t that why you rushed to Fu Chen’s house?”


Hearing Ye Jin’s words, Ye Lin’an became even more angry, turned his gaze to Fu Chen and said, “Although I support you in chasing my brother, how could you take my brother home without even saying anything? 


Did you pass by us? Did you get approval from the family? What do you want to do by bringing my brother to your home?”


When Ye Jin heard Ye Lin’an’s angrily questioning, he was worried that they would fight, got up and stopped between the two of them.


He wanted to say something, but was caught off by Fu Chen who put his arms around his waist, hugging him to the side, “Don’t worry, we didn’t do anything.”


Ye Lin’an, who was right next to him, saw Fu Chen’s blatant move at Ye Jin and gave a look of hatred. He then turned his head and continued to glare at Fu Chen.


Fu Chen hugged Ye Jin behind him and sat comfortably, turned his head to look at Ye Lin’an and said, “We didn’t do anything, I just brought Xiao Jin back to meet my grandfather.”


Ye Lin’an was angry when he heard this, but remained the same. He glared at Fu Chen fiercely, then looked at Ye Jin and said, “Xiao Jin, since you already know your background, why don’t you go home with me to meet Grandpa? In fact, he has missed you so much for so many years.” 


Afraid that Ye Jin would refuse, Ye Lin’an hurriedly said again: “Look, you and Fu Chen have come back to see his grandpa. Isn’t it a bit unreasonable not to go home to see your own grandpa?”


Ye Jin hesitated when he heard this. But seeing Ye Lin’an’s look of great anticipation, and thinking that the old man had waited for more than ten years, he couldn’t bear it, so he finally nodded hesitantly.


Seeing Ye Jin’s nod, Ye Lin’an was greatly relieved, and immediately sent a message to the old man.

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