Chapter 67: Affection

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Fu Chen discussed with His Majesty in the palace until late at night before returning. 


The first thing he did when he got home was to send Ye Jin a video call request. He has been busy with military affairs in recent days, and he hasn’t seen Ye Jin for a long time. He naturally missed him very much.


He missed him very much, but Fu Chen looked at the communication page of the light brain for a long time and didn’t click to call.


It was already early in the morning, and he didn’t know if Xiao Jin had slept. Fu Chen hesitated as he looked at the light brain. He ended up not dialing Ye Jin in the end.


Instead, he turned off the light brain and walked into the bathroom.



“Grandpa, I’m going to make medicinal cuisine. Would you like to study it with me?”


“The medicinal cuisine contains the energy to heal the damage in the body, and ordinary people can also make it. It won’t be as limited as ordinary dishes, and it can be popularized on a large scale.” Ye Jin explained after seeing Old man Ye sitting on a deck chair in the backyard of the shop.


Old man Ye, who was lying on the recliner, became interested when he heard Ye Jin’s words. “My dear grandson, what kind of medicinal cuisine is this that is so powerful? Can it really be popularized?”


Ye Jin nodded seriously and said, “Yes, Grandpa, I used this medicinal cuisine to heal those soldiers in the military area of ​​Shita Star. After drinking the medicinal soup for half a month, most of the injuries in their bodies have healed.”


Ye Jin originally wanted to bring the old man to study medicinal cuisine together, but never thought of looking at the Ye family’s recipes. 


Although he inherited this body, he is not a real relative of the Ye family after all. He didn’t want to take advantage of the Ye family and also didn’t want to put the Ye family in danger again because of him.


As he didn’t know the identity of this body in the past, after he opened a live broadcast and opened a restaurant, everyone discovered the secret of the dishes, and a series of bad things happened later.

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Now that the Ye family wants to recognize him, when the outside world hears the news, it will remind many people of the current Ye family and the Ye family that was almost wiped out, which means that the Ye family may get into trouble again. It was not the result Ye Jin wanted.


The only solution is medicinal cuisine. Ye Jin got a positive answer from the production of several apprentices yesterday. 


As long as ordinary people recognize the complementary characteristics of medicinal materials and ingredients and then master the temperature, they can also produce therapeutic food.  


Although the healing element is very subtle, it is still effective.


That’s why Ye Jin thought of taking Old Man Ye to study medicinal cuisine. After the research is done, the Ye family will no longer have to live incognito and worry about it. 


What’s more, the Ye family can stand prominently in front of people again, and the tragic events of thousands of years ago will not occur again.


Ye Jin thought and finally said hesitantly: “Grandpa, is it really okay to show me the recipe? In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to show it to me. It’s okay for Ye Xu or others to study together.”


Hearing Ye Jin’s hesitant words, Old Man Ye patted him on the shoulder comfortingly and said, “You are my grandson. My Ye family is united as one, and there are no such messy fights. We only observe with peace of mind.” 


After the old man finished speaking with great momentum, he changed his tone and said with a smile: “But Xiao Jin’er, can you take more people with you? Also give them some pointers to their cooking skills and let those useless stinky brats know how difficult cooking actually is.”


Ye Jin looked at the old man’s face with a flattering smile and silently complained in his heart. 


He didn’t refuse or give pointers but only asked for advice from each other, making the old man happy.


After the two discussed it, Ye Jin took Old Man Ye to see the big centipede he had caught.


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When Grandpa Ye saw the big, long worm that Ye Jin had strung together with a bamboo skewer, he didn’t know what to say for a while.


He looked at Ye Jin and sighed for a long time: “Big grandson, you really dare to catch anything. Such a long worm looks very poisonous, yet you can still string it up. How are you going to use it to make medicinal cuisine?”


Ye Jin looked at the old man with a smile and said, “Grandpa, this is a centipede. It can be used as a medicinal ingredients after processing and drying. 


It has a wide range of effects, and it can also be used to make medicinal wine after drying. I want to use this to make medicinal wine and see what effect it can have if it is paired with the dishes or medicinal meals I make.”


As Ye Jin spoke, he told Old Man Ye again about the efficacy of medicinal wine. Ye Jin’s eyes kept shining during the process of telling, showing how much he loved what he was doing.


Grandpa Ye looked at Ye Jin who was full of joy and longing, and felt very relieved in his heart. At the same time, he also decided to gather all the juniors in the family to study medicinal cuisine.


If this is really done, those juniors in the Ye family will not have to walk outside with a mask all the time.


They can show off their cooking skills openly, and won’t gradually lose interest because they can’t show off their skills and have no one to communicate with.


Old man Ye nodded happily and looked at the centipede in his hand, saying, “This is the only way to make medicinal wine, right?”


“One is definitely not enough. I have already asked cousin to help me find the other ones. I will definitely find them. Don’t worry, Grandpa.”


Old man Ye nodded when he heard the words. Looking at the centipede in his hand, he said: “My dear grandson, when the material is found, can you teach grandpa how to make it into a usable medicinal material? Grandpa will help you if he learns it.”


“No problem, I will teach you when I have enough materials.”


Ye Jin took Old man Ye to look at the centipede, and then walked into the kitchen to discuss the making of dishes. 


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At the beginning, they were discussing the making of medicinal cuisine, but in the end, he suddenly mentioned the famous traditional snacks from Ancient China. 


The old man finally sighed: What a pity!  Except for those lost gourmet snacks and other foods, they may not be able to reproduce the rest in this lifetime.


The two continued to discuss making delicious snacks. Ye Jin thought that making these would be easy and time-saving. At the same time, he also wanted to see if the snacks he made would have any healing effects. 


If so, it would be a good idea. It is an excellent way to promote, and it can also give many poor people the opportunity to get treatment. After all, the prices of the snacks are not very expensive.


The discussion lasted for a long time, and the final decision was to try to make the famous traditional snack called stinky tofu and wait for Ye Lin’an to catch enough centipedes before starting to make medicinal wine.


When it comes to medicinal cuisine, Ye Jin wanted to make it but was unable to do so due to a lack of ingredients. Even an accomplished cook finds it challenging to prepare food without rice, so he was forced to take things one step at a time, finding new ingredients for now.


After making the decision, Ye Jin suddenly realized that he still had the profession of an anchor. He hasn’t started a live broadcast for a long time since he came back, and he doesn’t know what’s going on in the live broadcast room.


Ye Jin thought for a while and planned to take this opportunity to start a live broadcast. 


He turned to look at Old man Ye and asked, “Grandpa, can I start a live broadcast while I’m making stinky tofu? If you don’t want to show your face, I can make virtualization for you.”


After hearing the words, Old man. Ye thought about it carefully and said, “It’s okay. I will show my face. They will know that you are a descendant of my Ye family sooner or later, and there is nothing to hide.”


In fact, Ye Jin regretted it as soon as he asked. It was really not the right time for him to ask. The Ye family has been mentioned again very recently because of the special dishes made by Ye Jin. 


Now it has appeared on his live broadcast room again. Wouldn’t that cause trouble for the Ye family? 


Even if the Ye family has always lived incognito, it is impossible for those high-level people in the empire not to know Old Man Ye. No matter how well the Ye family hides, there will always be people who know about them.


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So after Ye Jin asked, he knew that this might humiliate Grandpa, but he didn’t expect Grandpa to agree in the end. He couldn’t help but look at the old man in surprise and confusion.


Of course, when Old Man Ye saw Ye Jin’s doubts, he immediately laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “You kid is just too thoughtful. If you have anything you want to ask in the future, you can directly ask Grandpa. 


It was also my decision to recognize you back to Ye’s family. When I made this decision, Grandpa had already made all the preparations. 


Cook your dishes with peace of mind. Don’t think about anything.”


After the old man finished speaking, he also went to the side and put on a chef’s suit to prepare with Ye Jin.


After listening to the old man’s words, Ye Jin felt sour in his heart. He had never felt the love of his family so deeply. But now, Ye Jin has felt the love an old man has for his grandson from the words of the old man Ye. The feeling was so warm and comfortable that it made him want to cry.


Ye Jin blinked his feverish eyes, turned around to hug Old Man Ye, and whispered, “Thank you, Grandpa.”


Old Man Ye patted Ye Jin on the back, smiled, and muttered “silly boy.” 


When Ye Jin let go of his hand and turned around to cut the tofu embarrassedly, Old Man Ye smiled with relief.


In fact, Mr. Ye has already noticed that despite Ye Jin treating them with the utmost respect and kindness, there is still a hint of estrangement. 


It seems as though he is only respectful of them when he needs to be close to them to finish the job, as if they are constantly separated by something. The reason Ye Jin stayed last night was really to cultivate feelings.


But now Ye Jin has really let go of that estrangement towards him. Although he doesn’t know why, it’s a good thing anyway. He believes that the family will become closer if they get along. Just look at that kid Lin’an; it shows that Xiao Jin’er is a very emotional person.


They both had one another on their minds. They also paid attention to the movements of their busy hands as Ye Jin prepared and opened the live broadcast room.

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