Chapter 68: Live Streaming, Bean Products

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Since Ye Jin hadn’t broadcast live for a long time after coming back, those netizens who regularly hang out in the live broadcast room were thrilled when the live broadcast room was opened.


    【Ahhhhhhhhh Xiao Jin! We were waiting for you! 】


    【Baby Jin Jin! You finally remembered that you still have the profession of live broadcasting! ]


  [Woooooooooo Jin Jin, you finally remembered that there is still an account for live streaming.】


    【Son, long time no see, mom misses you so much! 】


  【Woooooooooooooo so happy! Cub, remember to live broadcast a lot in the future! 】


Ye Jin looked at everyone’s excited barrage and said, a little dumbfounded: “Everyone, don’t be so excited. You all know what happened, so I have a lot of things to do after coming back recently. I won’t be able to live broadcast often but I can promise to teach you how to make food live when I have time.”


Hearing Ye Jin’s words, Old man Ye who came to him curiously and looked at his live broadcast, was surprised by what they called Ye Jin.


“Why do they call your son and cub, my dear grandson?” The old man looked at the barrage and asked in confusion.


Ye Jin put the cut tofu aside, washed and drained, and explained to Grandpa: “Grandpa, this is just a sign of their love for me, and these people who call me baby and son are a kind of mother fan “


Grandpa Ye nodded, only half-understanding. Although he didn’t quite understand what a mother fan is, he could still see their love for Xiao Jin’er.


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When the audience in the live broadcast room saw the old man who suddenly appeared on the camera. They instantly became curious about the identity of the old man.     


Ye Jin looked at the curious netizens, looked at the expression of the old man, waited for him to smile and nodded, and then said: “This is my grandfather.” 


Someone asked him after he finished speaking if he had ever been an orphan and why he now had a grandfather again. 


Ye Jin Jin hesitated for a while and really didn’t know how to explain it, so he could only turn his head to look at Old man Ye.


Old man Ye turned to face his grandson, who was giving him a worried-looking look in return. He smiled lovingly and said to the live broadcast room: “Xiao Jin is indeed my grandson, but for certain reasons, he lives with his parents in Fu’er Xing and has not been in touch with his family all these years. 


We only found him recently, so we have always felt sorry for Xiao Jin’er and wanted to make up for him.”


Those who were only slightly curious about Ye Jin’s life experience became even more curious when they heard Old man Ye’s words. 


At this moment, the fans were all aroused with strong curiosity, wanting to know more about Ye Jin’s life experience; thus asked about the details one after another.


When Ye Jin saw that Old man Ye was the one to start the conversation, he felt that there was nothing to hide, so he told everyone about his identity and the past of the Ye family. 


Following Ye Jin’s narration, except for some high-level empire officials who knew the past of the Ye family, ordinary people who had never known the Ye family were stunned when they heard it.


Immediately, they frantically swiped their screens.


    [Oh my goodness! Is it true? Is there really such a powerful family? 】

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    【It has been thousands of years since the founding of the empire. If such a family really appeared, it would be impossible to leave no traces, right? 】


    【Looking at Xiao Jin’s ability, I know it’s not fake. It’s just that I am very confused by the actions of those in power in the empire. When the empire was still fighting, it’s fine if you don’t try your best to win over the Ye family. They went so far as to persecute others, leaving the soldiers of the empire with the hidden dangers of supernatural riots. What do they think? ]


    [Upstairs, no one can figure out this question. Maybe all the high-level executives of the empire at that time were not very smart. Otherwise they would not have been kicked out.】


    【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo What if someone is watching you? Our Jin Jin revealed that it was so dangerous to be able to cook special dishes before, but now that there is an entire Ye family, wouldn’t we be targeted by those with evil intentions again? 】


Everyone was discussing one by one in the live broadcast room, feeling unfair and sad for what happened to the Ye family, and at the same time worried about the safety of the Ye family and Ye Jin.


Seeing everyone’s attitudes, Ye Jin suddenly felt warm in his heart.


Because after the news that he could cook special dishes was exposed, netizens overwhelmingly forced him to hand over the recipes and secret recipes, which always made Ye Jin feel very ironic about the situation.


Regardless of how well they performed the task, they will turn against one another and even murder others if it serves their own interests.


Don’t judge Ye Jin by his cool response at the time; he remembered it all the way through. Today, Ye Jin felt that people’s hearts were fickle because of the netizens’ attitude, but it also provided some solace.


Ye Jin picked up the drained tofu and put it in a pot to steam for a while, then sprinkled salt and put it in a dark room to let it ferment naturally.


Considering the time-consuming brine for making stinky tofu, Ye Jin took the remaining time to make other soy products, such as dried tofu, fermented bean curd, and other foods that can be made together with old man Ye, who was also lending advice.


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The audience in the live broadcast room was still discussing the Ye family’s situation when they saw the grandparents and grandchild getting a pile of ashes and burying the tofu in the ashes. They immediately stopped and made a barrage inquiry. 


【What did I just see? Baby Jin Jin and grandpa, why are you burying tofu in this dirty pile of ashes? 】   


 【Doubt about life. Am I hallucinating, or is Jin Jin teasing us? Can I eat tofu if I put it in? 】    


【Emmmm, just looking at this makes people not want to eat it at all. No matter how delicious it is, I can’t eat it after watching the production process. ]


[Ah, ah, suddenly I don’t know what to say, what the hell are you doing? ]    


[It really looks dirty, is this tofu really edible? ]  


[Speaking of which, would Jinjin cook anything other than eat? Maybe something else? 】    


Ye Jin and the old man were indeed making ashes from the tofu. They didn’t notice everyone’s suspicion in the live broadcast room at all. After they finished their work, they went to wash their hands and clean up the kitchen, only to find a bunch of bullet screens from everyone.


After reading everyone’s doubts, Ye Jin explained with a smile: “This is really edible. This type of tofu, which is grown using furnace ashes, is transformed into dried tofu after soaking up water, washing, and drying. Its texture is relatively hard, but the taste is very strong.”


“After fermenting, the freshly steamed tofu can be made into fermented bean curd, and the brine can be used to make stinky tofu, but that takes half a month to make, and this dried tofu can be made in only seven days.”


Looking at the grandson who is busy talking about the production, the gratification and pride in the old man Ye’s heart are beyond words. He has always known that his grandson has a great talent, but he never imagined that, after all these years, the talent he displayed as a child would be even more astounding. 


With his ability to figure out so many different dishes, he’s like a walking Chinese cookbook. This makes Old man Ye feel both proud and guilty. If he had found Xiao Jin’er sooner, he might have had a better life than he does now. He wouldn’t have suffered so much.     

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As soon as everyone in the live broadcast room heard Ye Jin’s explanation, they all became curious about the stinky tofu and fermented bean curd and kept asking questions with their helpless imagination.     


As he couldn’t answer all their questions, he could only say: “These two are also soy products, but they are the products of fermented tofu, and the taste is very unique. After half a month, the fermentation is ready. I’ll live broadcast the production process, and you will know when it is done.”


After speaking, Ye Jin noticed that it was almost lunch time and wanted to take Grandpa to lunch, so he told everyone that he planned to close the live broadcast room. Right before Ye Jin closed the live broadcast room, the live broadcast page of his live broadcast room raised the special effects of patches of sea water and bombs.


Ye Jin was a little surprised when he saw the gifts from the live broadcast room. Ever since he opened the store and became busy, he seldom opened the live broadcast. Although there were many people, Ye Jin hadn’t seen so many gifts for a long time. They were around thirty to fifty thousand yuan in conversion. 


Ye Jin carefully looked at the ID of the person who gave the gift, “Xiao Jin’s husband.” Ye Jin looked at the user’s ID and thought of Fu Chen for some reason. A smile appeared on Ye Jin’s face when he thought of Fu Chen. He read the ID out loud unconsciously, and only after he finished reading did Ye Jin show a trace of embarrassment.


As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they were still discussing that the big boss, who suddenly jumped to the top of the list, had appeared again. Now they heard Ye Jin read the ID of the person who came out to give the gift. They didn’t feel much at first, but watching Ye Jin look shy, they laughed at the embarrassment on his face.


Ye Jin looked at the barrage, where everyone was teasing and laughing at the same time. The embarrassment on his face lessened; he smiled calmly and said, “Thank you, Xiao Jin’s husband, but I already have a partner. You can’t let him see your name, or it will make him very angry.”


The fans, who were still laughing in the live broadcast room, asked in surprise when they heard this. Old man Ye, who was sitting and resting to the side, turned to look when he heard Ye Jin’s words, but there was no distinguishable emotion or expression on his face.


Ye Jin looked at the viewers in the live broadcast room, who kept asking, but he didn’t intend to reveal it out loud. He just shied away and took the old man to lunch with him, and the old man just watched Ye Jin when he heard that Ye Jin had a date. 


He didn’t intend to ask immediately, for fear of causing Ye Jin’s displeasure as they had just met each other. Yet there was still a rift in his heart, so he planned to ask the eldest grandson about the situation later and then deal with it.


On the other side, Fu Chen, who was taking a break from his busy schedule, looked at the darkened live broadcast room with a gentle and helpless smile on his face. Ye Jin’s words that he had a partner just now echoed in his ears, and his heart surged as if he had eaten honey full of sweetness.


After Fu Chen finished laughing, he remembered the old man who appeared in the live broadcast room with Ye Jin. He was concerned that Ye Jin’s family might object to him and also that Ye Jin might not get along with Ye Jin’s family. With these things in mind, Fu Chen felt worried and anxious and couldn’t even bear to read the documents in his hand.

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