Ji Qing, who had a good relationship with Cheng An’an, couldn’t help questioning Qiu Zhenyang: “Are the photos online real? You’re shameless! Forcibly marking An’an, but still pretending it had nothing to do with you?”

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Someone in the same group advised: “Ji Qing, things haven’t been verified yet. No one in the Omega Association has blamed Qiu Zhenyang. Don’t talk nonsense.”

But Ji Qing was not convinced. “How am I talking nonsense? An’an has gone to wash the mark! Didn’t a nurse send out the photo of him beforehand? Such a terrible wound, if it was not a forced marking, why would he do something so painful?”

Wang Shuo, who was in the same group and had issues with Qiu Zhenyang, supported Ji Qing. “That’s right, everyone knows how embarrassing this kind of thing is for an omega. How can Qiu Zhenyang do this to people? Besides, the Omega Association can’t resist the Qiu family’s background, which is why it’s been suppressed.”

Many students in the class listened in, eating melons. Some people think it’s absurd and not true, while some others believed that Qiu Zhenyang hurt Cheng An’an.

Ling Mu turned the pen in his hand, suppressing the anger in his heart, and did not speak.

Qiu Zhenyang heard Wang Shuo put a hat on his head, and leaned back on the chair with his arms folded on his chest.

“Cheng An’an, how long do you think you can hide it?”

He looked at Cheng An’an coldly, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Cheng An’an quickly lowered his head, with a slightly panicked expression of fear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If it’s about that thing… I really can’t forgive you, I’m sorry.”

Between the unhealed wounds from being beaten by Ling Mu and the pain of washing the mark, Cheng An’an lost a lot of weight in a few days. At this moment, his haggard and pitiful posture made many people feel pity.

Wang Shuo immediately squeaked up to help: “Who are you trying to scare! Let me tell you, this is the school, not your Qiu family! It’s useless if you want to forcefully control people!”

Although the Qiu family has a strong background, great power is also constrained, which is why Wang Shuo dared to provoke them again and again.

As the son of the marshal, any extreme actions Qiu Zhenyang made would reflect badly on his father and brother.

“This matter has nothing to do with you, why are you interfering?” Qiu Zhenyang was really tired of Wang Shuo. If changing groups wasn’t prohibited, Qiu Zhenyang would have taken Ling Mu to another group already. “Word of advice, don’t make a fool of yourself until things are clear, otherwise it’ll be ugly when you’re slapped in the face.”

“Hmph, you should take care of yourself first. When your forced marking is confirmed, we’ll see how long you stay in prison!” Wang Shuo spat out harshly. He was a little flustered at Qiu Zhenyang’s words, but he continued to feign calm. After all, Cheng An’s looks like that now; how could he lie?

Qiu Zhenyang nodded without a smile, and stopped arguing with him.

It wasn’t until one minute before the class that the class slowly became quiet, but everyone’s eyes were still on the two protagonists, intentionally or unintentionally.

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Surprisingly, halfway through the morning class, someone came to the school to look for Qiu Zhenyang.

A few omegas in uniform came directly to knock on the door and communicated with the teacher. After obtaining permission, they called Qiu Zhenyang out. “We are members of the Omega Association, please come out with us to assist in an investigation.”

The class burst into uproar.

Wang Shuo even looked at Qiu Zhenyang with provocative eyes, with a “you’re done” expression.

Qiu Zhenyang raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect that the people from the Omega Association would arrive quickly.

Qiu Zhenyang turned his head and said to Ling Mu, “If I haven’t come back after class, you go back first. If you have any trouble, go to Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu. I’ll send them a text later.” Qiu Zhenyang got up with his backpack, ready to go to the door.

Feeling a sudden tug on his sleeve, Qiu Zhenyang stopped and looked at Ling Mu inquiringly.

“You…” Ling Mu wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to say it, so he could only solemnly frown and hold on to his sleeve.

Seeing his tangled expression, Qiu Zhenyang could guess what he meant. Heart warm, he raised his hand and rubbed Ling Mu’s head: “It’s okay, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Hearing what he said, not matter how worried Ling Mu was, he could only let go of him.

“Chen An’an, please come with us.” After Qiu Zhenyang walked out, those people called Cheng An’an over as well. The latter pursed his lower lip and stood up and went out together.

After this mess, none of the students were in the mood to attend class. They didn’t listen to what the teacher said at all, and only fumbled around to pass messages on their terminals.

After Qiu Zhenyang followed them out, he was taken directly to an empty classroom. Cheng An’an was taken to another classroom, and the two were questioned separately.

“Qiu Zhenyang, regarding whether you forcibly marked an omega, we will conduct the interrogation directly here. For the sake of fairness and justice, the interrogation process will be broadcast live on all platforms. Please be prepared.” They wanted to bring him out of the school, but the school said that in order to ensure the safety of all students, they would only allow the proceedings to happen on school grounds.

Seeing several interrogators looking at him with hostility, Qiu Zhenyang couldn’t help but smile.

Although he can understand that these omegas hate some unruly alphas, but when the truth has not surfaced, there is no need to hate himself so much, right?

Qiu Zhenyang sighed in his heart, but didn’t say much, just nodded in agreement.

An interrogator set up the live broadcast machine and projected the live broadcast onto the wall by the way. Then five interrogators sat in a row opposite Qiu Zhenyang, and the live broadcast began.

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“A message appeared online earlier, claiming that Qiu Zhenyang, the second son of Marshal Qiu Zhang, forcibly marked an omega. In response to this incident, we are now conducting a serious interrogation, and everything you say will be recorded. Please tell the truth.”

Qiu Zhenyang glanced at the screen on the wall, and found that the number of people in the live broadcast room was increasing at a crazy rate, and the barrage began to surge.

[What else are you asking, just handcuff people up and put him in the interstellar prison!]

[The omega’s mark-washing thing has been confirmed by a nurse. He didn’t dare fart for so many days, and must have a guilty conscience. What else is there to ask!]

[Interstellar Prison!]

[This kind of scum who forcefully marked an omega should be shot! Regardless of whether he is the son of the marshal or not, with such a background, he should lead by example! The prince is guilty of breaking the law and the common people!]

The barrage exploded, condemning Qiu Zhenyang. Some netizens even launched a vote in the live broadcast room, asking if they wanted Qiu Zhenyang to go to the interstellar prison. In just 30 seconds, the votes reached 6:1:3, 60% agree, 10% reject, 30% abstain.

Qiu Zhenyang watched with relish, not even hearing what the interrogator said. The one in the middle knocked on the table to bring Qiu Zhenyang’s attention back.

“Sorry, I zoned out for a bit, what are you asking about?” Qiu Zhenyang smiled, looking very relaxed.

The interrogator rolled his eyes, suppressed his anger and asked again: “May I ask if you invited the victim on the night of your birthday party?”

Qiu Zhenyang shrugged: “I didn’t invite him, I just sent the invitation to the Lin family. Who knew he would come?”

The interrogator choked for a moment, and continued to ask: “Then may I ask if it’s true that you forcibly marked the victim that night?”

“False, I didn’t mark him.” Qiu Zhenyang folded his arms across his chest, with a relaxed attitude.

In the barrage, netizens exploded at his laissez-faire attitude of acting as if it had nothing to do with him. This kind of interrogation live broadcast room requires a real-name system. When Qiu Zhenyang saw several familiar names on the barrage, he immediately raised his brows, wanting to laugh.

“You didn’t? Then how do you explain this picture?” The interrogator released the picture of Qiu Zhenyang’s mouth close to Cheng An’an’s gland with a serious expression. “We have asked professionals to identify this picture, and there are no traces of falsification. How do you explain it?”

Qiu Zhenyang looked at the photo, and remembered Ling Mu crying and beating Cheng An’an that night.

At that time, Ling Mu’s angry look was frightening, but in Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes, he was so cute and pitiful. It was the most simple and easy-to-understand expression of Ling Mu’s love, showing that he has him in his heart, and is heavy and deep.

“The picture is real.” Qiu Zhenyang said lightly.

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The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

[Look, I said he did it, that’s right!]

[This scum is too embarrassed to say it, it’s shameless! I beg the interrogators to escort him to prison quickly, there is no need to continue the interrogation.]

[Interstellar Prison +1.]

Qiu Zhenyang smiled at the barrage: “However, I didn’t bite down.”

The five interrogators looked at each other in stunned surprise.

A short-haired female interrogator frowned and said a little excitedly: “This is impossible! In the photo, the back of your neck is red, and your eyes are not quite right. You’re obviously in estrus, and there is no alpha that can resist biting down on an omega’s glands in estrus! Not to mention that you have already made a gesture of biting, how can you hold back!”

The other four interrogators nodded repeatedly, clearly agreeing.

There are also people who agree on the barrage, and there are constantly “+1” comments.

“Oh, how do you know that there is no alpha that can resist? As far as I know, there should be no similar experiments in the whole interstellar space, right? Besides, if I really bit down, then why didn’t they use that photo? Obviously that would be more convincing, right?”

Qiu Zhenyang’s question made everyone silent for a moment.

[Suddenly I feel that what he said makes sense, it’s just a photo. This is too confusing.]

[But he has no evidence to prove that he did not bite!]

[That is, the omega went to wash the mark later, but it is obvious to all!]

Qiu Zhenyang looked at the crazy comment barrage without the slightest wave in his heart.

The interrogators referred to the opinions of netizens and turned to Qiu Zhenyang. “Since you didn’t mark him, do you have proof?”

“Proof?” Qiu Zhenyang sneered, “I think you should let the victim give evidence to prove that I forcefully marked him, right?”

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The interrogators’ faces looked a little ugly as they discussed in low voices. In fact, Cheng An’an was watching the live broadcast in the next classroom, so he could come over, but they were afraid that the victim would be affected by Qiu Zhenyang and couldn’t calm down. After all, there are many omegas who have been hurt by alphas and are afraid of their abusers.

Seeing how they were discussing themselves, Qiu Zhenyang touched his nose and took something out of his schoolbag.

“Take a look at this first.” Qiu Zhenyang raised a small bottle in a transparent plastic bag so both the interrogators and netizens could see it. “Do you know what this is?”

There were many speculations on the barrage, but most guessed it is a potion used by alphas to deal with omegas.

“This is an alpha estrus inducer. Whose fingerprints do you think will be on it?”

Qiu Zhenyang’s smile was cold, and the bottle in his hand became the focus of netizens’ attention. Everyone’s views suddenly changed, and some people realized something and made disbelieving comments.

[My god, alpha estrus? If I guessed correctly, was it the victim who was plotting against Qiu Zhenyang from the beginning to the end?]

[No, no, no, how could such a thing happen? Where did that washed mark come from?]

[It’s just a small bottle, don’t try to divert our attention, it’s just you who harmed others!]

[My god, it shouldn’t be… That victim found someone else to mark himself, and then framed him! Damn, I have goosebumps, how cruel does someone have to be to treat themselves like this!]

[I’m crazy, what kind of fairy reversal is this?]

The wind direction that changed in an instant made the five interrogators puzzled.

“Take it for testing, see what’s in the bottle, and look at whose fingerprints are on it.” Qiu Zhenyang got up and brought the transparent plastic bag to an interrogator, turned around and returned to his seat.

Qiu Zhenyang remembered this bottle during a period of wakefulness while he and Ling Mu were overwhelmed. Cheng An’an left the bottle in the room back and then and fortunately no one touched it. Qiu Zhenyang put it in a plastic bag with gloves to keep it for evidence. Now it really came in handy.

Several interrogators discussed the situation nervously. Things are beyond their scope of understanding now, so they sent two people to Cheng An’an’s side to ask for some information first.

Just as the two interrogators got up, Qiu Zhenyang’s terminal suddenly rang.

He opened the terminal and looked at it, and suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

“Don’t leave in a hurry, let’s talk after watching this. No one can be absent from such a wonderful performance.” Qiu Zhenyang got up and walked over to the projector, connected the terminal to the projector in the classroom. A clear image came out immediately.

In the video, an omega with a petite body and a beautiful face stopped for a moment in front of Qiu Zhenyang’s door, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.

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