The next scene surprised everyone. After Qiu Zhenyang opened the door, the omega standing at the door immediately took out a bottle and sprayed him in the face.

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The eyes of several interrogators immediately turned to the small bottle on the table. It was exactly the same as the one on the monitor!

Next, Qiu Zhenyang in the video picked up the other person’s neckline angrily, and after saying something, he threw the person away. He raised his hand to make a call with the terminal, but was quickly stopped by the omega, and even pushed directly into the room by the other party.

In the surveillance video, the door closed, and the classroom was silent.

Qiu Zhenyang spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. “You’ve seen the situation. Er, if you think the video is fake, I can bring the original surveillance disk here, and you can take it to professionals for appraisal.”

The barrage in the live broadcast room seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then a large number of comments burst out like an explosion!

[Oh my god! I can’t believe my eyes!]

[Look at what I said before! Can’t draw conclusions too soon! Those who put people in jail before are slapped in the face! Apologize! Apologize!]

[What kind of person is this! An omega with such a vicious mind, he obviously gave the drug himself, but now he bites back. His mind is too deep!]

[I cut the video and just rewatched it. Qiu Zhenyang was obviously angry at the time and tried to call for help. He didn’t forcefully mark others, he was the real victim!]

[Forcing an alpha into estrus is a crime! Coupled with the slander and frame-up, the omega who is going to enter the interstellar prison can’t escape this time!]

[What about the people in the Alpha Association, you have jobs! Come out faster!]

The live broadcast room exploded, and at the same time, there was a frenzy in Ling Mu’s classroom.

Because Qiu Zhenyang and Cheng An’an were called away by people from the Omega Association, no one paid attention in class. After class ended, they heard the news and piled into the live broadcast. After the class bell rang, the teacher saw that they were not in the mood for class, so he simply projected the live broadcast on the screen and watched it with everyone.

“I didn’t expect Cheng An’an to be such a person…”

After seeing the big reversal, there was silence in the classroom, and it was only after a while that someone sighed with emotion.

For a while, everyone began to discuss the surveillance video.

“My god, how can there be such a person? I always thought Cheng An’an was very weak and simple.”

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“Yeah, I was going to confess to him in a few days. He looks so good…”

A few people sighed, but those who saw through Cheng An’an’s essence snorted coldly: “That’s not pure, it’s called green tea! Green tea, understand? Playing with people’s hearts and being praised! You’re all deceived!”

“His means are too high. Thinking about it now, he seems to have deliberately guided us before, making us think it was Qiu Zhenyang who was seduced by Ling Mu! It should be that Qiu Zhenyang saw through him, and got out as soon as possible! Ling Mu is also innocent, but had his reputation smeared by Cheng An’an. He and Qiu Zhenyang should really love each other!”

With these explanations, Cheng An’an’s previous behavior was dug up little by little and magnified.

Ling Mu heard what they said, but his expression hardly changed as he focused his attention to Qiu Zhenyang on the screen. Cheng An’an got the retribution he deserved. Now everyone can see it clearly. The contrast was too extreme for them to accept it immediately, but Ling Mu who knew about his true face long ago, didn’t care much.

The most embarrassed at this moment were Ji Qing and Wang Shuo. Ji Qing’s cheeks flushed in shame, yearning to find a crack to hide in.

He is usually the closest to Cheng An’an, and has always been on Cheng An’an’s side. In the relationship between Qiu Zhenyang, Ling Mu, and Cheng An’an, he occasionally criticized Qiu Zhenyang or Ling Mu. But seeing the video now and everything Cheng An’an did, he felt the label of vicious and scheming also hit him, making him bow his head in shame and discomfort.

The person in the same group who spoke for Qiu Zhenyang before raised their eyebrows at this time. “Look at what I said before. You don’t understand anything, so don’t be in such a hurry to put hats on people. Does your face hurt being slapped?”

Ji Qing gritted his teeth and said nothing, but Wang Shuo still stubbornly said: “The association hasn’t confirmed the authenticity of the video, right? You also said don’t rush to a conclusion, maybe this video was forged by Qiu Zhenyang! What kind of estrus agent, huh? He must have used some means to frame Cheng An’an!”

The people around him felt that he was a little unreasonable. Since Qiu Zhenyang dared to take things out in front of the whole network, it showed that he had a reason to clean Cheng An’an up. Everyone else just thought his brain wasn’t working, and didn’t want to pay attention to him, and taunted his companions.

“Not reconciled after being slapped in the face by evidence, and still going to jump?”1Wang Shuo isn’t reconciled and still jumps into the pit that is Cheng An’an

“I want to see Wang Shuo publicly apologize to Qiu Zhenyang  when the authenticity of the evidence is confirmed!”

“What, just him? How is that possible? Wang Shuo has a very bad character, don’t think about it, eat melons.”

The voices of those who said these words were not quiet. Wang Shuo was very angry, but there were too many people mocking him, and with the teacher in front of him, he didn’t have the guts to scold him back, so he could only puff out his cheeks and squeeze his pen.

After several interrogators spoke, Qiu Zhenyang immediately called the housekeeper Uncle Zhang and asked him to immediately send the disk to the Omega Association’s appraisal center. With today’s technology, shipping things is very fast; Uncle Zhang used the advanced drone at home to send it to the destination.

“It will take five minutes to arrive, and the appraisal should be done in ten minutes. Next, do you want Cheng An’an to come over and see what else he has to say?” Qiu Zhenyang acted as if he was at home, in control of the whole situation.

The key point is that what he said is very reasonable. The interrogators discussed it and felt that it would be better for Cheng An’an to come over.

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Two minutes later, Cheng An’an appeared in the live broadcast room.

The barrage exploded again, and comments with the words “green tea” and “scum” kept appearing, occupying the entire screen.

Cheng An’an saw the grand scene on the big screen as soon as he sat down, and his face seemed even paler.

“Student Cheng, you should have seen the content of our interrogation of Qiu Zhenyang just now. If there is any discrepancy, you can refute it now.” The interrogator sitting in the middle nodded friendly to Cheng An’an, and even spoke to comfort him. “We can safely say that as long as the evidence is conclusive, you can directly apply to convict Qiu Zhenyang. In the future, our association will send additional people to protect you and observe your living conditions, so you don’t have to worry about retaliation.”

This sentence is completely for Qiu Zhenyang’s sake. After all, nearly no one dares mess with him given his background, but the Omega Association is one of the three major associations in the galaxy, if not standing at the top of the Federation.

Cheng An’an looked at him, his lips trembled twice, and his eyes flinched.

Qiu Zhenyang didn’t even look at him, just stared at the barrage.

The comments of netizens are almost the exact opposite of what they were before. Now almost 60-70% of the people support Qiu Zhenyang, scolding Cheng An for being terrifying and scheming, while the remaining 20-30% still hold onto the forced marking belief.

Cheng An’an also seemed to have noticed the comments that spoke for himself. He didn’t say anything, just lowered his head and raised his eyebrows, touched the back of his healing neck, and began to cry silently.

Seeing this appearance, several interrogators and those netizens who spoke for him were heartbroken.

[People say that appearance is born from the heart, and the words omega and scheming are not compatible at all, right? Qiu Zhenyang, please explain the marking. I don’t believe that there are people who mark and wash the marks just to frame you!]

[It’s useless if you don’t believe the previous things. Qiu Zhenyang’s evidence is out. As for Cheng An’an, what else does he have besides the two photos?]

[Now the cost of spreading rumors is really getting lower and lower. Someone can be framed so easily.]

[Things are not final yet, wait.]

Unlike the commotion online, Qiu Zhenyang was as calm as ever. He glanced at his terminal from time to time, as if waiting for some news.

After a heated discussion, the interrogators questioned Qiu Zhenyang again: “The surveillance video has been sent to the association, and now it is being tested, but even if there is no trace of fraud, do you deny the matter of marking Cheng An’an?”

Another woman added: “You were in the same room at the time, and came into heat. At that point, you should recognize the thing you marked him, right?”

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Qiu Zhenyang has always been very relaxed, but now the interrogation staff were chasing the things marked, and he began to feel a little irritable.

“I repeat, I didn’t mark him. Not long after the door closed, a few of my friends arrived and pulled him away.”

“Where’s the evidence? Where’s the video behind?” The interrogator continued targeting him.

“Is this the point?” Qiu Zhenyang felt that they were unreasonable. “You should go and interrogate him now, why did he drug me and induce estrus, instead of chasing me and asking me if I marked him? Not to mention that I didn’t touch him in the first place. Even if I marked him, I’m still the victim, right? I’m the one who was forced into estrus!”

Everyone knows that forced estrus is not the same for alphas or omegas. It is a kind of pain, but anyone with a weaker body may be directly killed by this medicine!

This was the first time that Qiu Zhenyang felt that some omegas are unreasonable, especially these interrogators. It’s okay to have a bad attitude towards him, but forcing his head down to admit it? Is there a difference in the final judgment if there is a mark or not? In cases where alphas use medicine to force omegas into estrus, should they ask whether omega who is forced to estrus has any physiological reaction? What a joke!

As for the surveillance video, the reason why Qiu Zhenyang didn’t release it was to protect Ling Mu. At that time, Ling Mu beat him up like that and Cheng An’an had to be dragged out by his own brother in the end. Whether it was for Ling Mu or Qiu Haolin, it was the same. It was a negative influence, so Qiu Zhenyang didn’t share the surveillance.

The interrogator was extremely embarrassed to be questioned, but couldn’t find a better reason to refute him.

The barrage also began to question the professionalism of the interrogators. On such occasions, it is obvious that such unprofessional behavior should not occur.

Cheng An’an never spoke. No matter how the interrogators asked him, he looked like a miserable victim. The more he asked, the more sad he cried, making it impossible for the interrogators to start.

Seeing that there was a deadlock, Qiu Zhenyang’s terminal finally received the news he had been waiting for.

After reading the information, Qiu Zhenyang sneered and looked at the interrogators: “Originally, I just planned to stay one more hand, so as not to have any more troubles, but I found something incredible. Didn’t you ask about his glands after being marked? I will connect you now to the hospital where he performed the mark removal surgery.”

After that, Qiu Zhenyang clicked on the terminal’s video call, and the people present and in the live broadcast room saw someone they didn’t expect. .

“Lieutenant General Qiu Haolin.” The interrogators quickly stood up and greeted Qiu Haolin in the video.

“Hello, I’m Qiu Haolin, Qiu Zhenyang’s brother.” Qiu Haolin was wearing casual clothes today, not looking as serious as he usually did in the news, which meant he was appearing as Qiu Zhenyang’s brother today. “My brother’s affairs have brought us a lot of trouble, and us family members are also worried. After we compared the photo on the Internet, we found the hospital where Cheng An’an did the mark removal surgery.”

The camera turned as Qiu Haolin aimed the video at the door of the hospital.

To be precise, it can’t be called a hospital at all, it’s more precise to use the word clinic.

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On the small facade, the words “Lanke Clinic” are marked on the door. Everything inside looks rudimentary, with dim lights, dirty desks and chairs, no matter how you look at it, it can’t meet the standards of a regular clinic.

“This is the doctor from the clinic, and the nurse who sent the photo.” Qiu Haolin turned the camera to the two people in the clinic, a thin and short elderly doctor, and a nurse standing behind him awkwardly in front of the camera.

Qiu Haolin said and turned the camera to himself again.

“I thought that Cheng An’an had the surgery in a big hospital, but we found this clinic in the end. After inquiring, there was no sample left in the marking removal operation performed at that time. If it is a conventional hospital, such surgery requires samples to be kept. With the help of samples, we can confirm the pheromone of the marker.”

“Mr. Cheng’s family is not bad, so he can go to a big hospital, but he chose such a small clinic for such an important operation? From this, one can infer he doesn’t want to leave a pheromone sample behind.” Immediately afterwards, Qiu Haolin asked the doctor and nurse, “Do you still remember the smell of that pheromone at that time?”

The doctor recalled: “It seems to smell of gasoline?”

The nurse nodded. After asking, Qiu Haolin didn’t say anything, he just said to the camera, “Because this clinic has violations in many aspects, I will directly ask people from the inspection department to re-examine things later. I swear by my reputation as a lieutenant general that everything they said is true, and I have not done any persecution or fraud.”

The video communication hung up, Qiu Zhenyang stood up and walked in front of the five interrogators, and controlled the release of a little pheromone.

“Smell, see if my pheromone smells like gasoline.”


And the show continues…

Question is, why didn’t the interrogators take away comms from both sides? Plot holes, womp womp.

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1Wang Shuo isn’t reconciled and still jumps into the pit that is Cheng An’an

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