Generally speaking, it is very impolite for alpha to release pheromone at omegas, but the current situation is unique. In order to prove that his pheromone is not gasoline, Qiu Zhenyang released a little pheromone. Just that bit was enough for the interrogators to confirm that his pheromone was 108,000 miles away from the so-called gasoline smell.

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“Originally, I wasn’t going to make this public, so I could save him some face. But it seems that you care more about the mark, so don’t blame me for being rude.”

Qiu Zhenyang looked at Cheng An’an after saying this. The latter’s expression was completely different. If it was too obvious that his expression was a fake disguise before, then now his expression is full of real embarrassment and pain.

Cheng An’an looked at Qiu Zhenyang with endless hatred. Those unspeakable scars which made him feel great pain and humiliation were revealed. His pained and ashamed look entered Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes making him feel amused.

“I reminded you before and gave you a chance, but you forced me to take this step. I always wondered why you came to school so early. After all, you also paid a huge price for your mistakes at the time. Shouldn’t you be resting at home? Unless, you’re really afraid of that place, and don’t even care about your body and came to school just to escape, isn’t that right?”

The moment Qiu Zhenyang finished speaking, Cheng An’an suddenly clenched his fists frantically and shouted angrily, “Shut up!”

The sharp cry shocked several interrogators. Netizens were also surprised by his sudden change.

The most calm person was Qiu Zhenyang who chuckled softly. “It seems that I guessed right.”

He leaned back. He even folded his legs leisurely, with graceful movements and indifferent eyes. He has already presented all the evidence that he should show, and the truth of the matter should be obvious, so he only needs to hand it all over to the interrogator.

After such a series of events, not to mention netizens, even the interrogators were stunned.

The interrogator sitting in the middle received a report from the association. The inspection results showed that the original surveillance disk sent by Qiu Zhenyang was genuine, and there was no trace of alteration or fraud.

The interrogator exhaled a long breath. Although the small bottle that Qiu Zhenyang put on their table had not been tested, it was basically unnecessary.

Although they didn’t have a good impression of Qiu Zhenyang, the presiding judge announced the results fairly and impartially.

“The original surveillance disk that was sent to the association for inspection has been confirmed to have not been manipulated. It can be basically determined that the whole thing was planned by Mr. Cheng. In this live interrogation, Qiu Zhenyang’s suspicions have basically been cleared, and the rest will wait for us. After returning to the association for a final confirmation, the interrogation results will be announced on social media.”

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded, and netizens finally knew why Cheng An’an didn’t say anything. As the guilty party, it’s better not to speak and make mistakes; remaining silent can buy misunderstandings and sympathy to try and change the trend of events. This kind of scheming also made everyone realize how ruthless Cheng An’an was, eliciting another round of ridicule.

[The truth is revealed – Cheng An’an should hurry up and go to prison. A dark prison life is waiting for you!]

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[My god, I’m so disgusted, the best green tea of ​​the year award goes to him!]

[Did you slap the face of the person who spoke for Cheng An’an before? Now they don’t talk anymore. Your face hurts but it doesn’t prevent you from typing.]

[I still want to know how Qiu Zhenyang, who was in estrus that night, solved it.]

[+1 upstairs.]

[+ID number!]

Seeing everyone’s doubts on the barrage, Qiu Zhenyang smiled, while Ling Mu, who was watching the live broadcast in the classroom at the same time, had an ominous premonition.

“Of course the estrus period was spent with my partner Ling Mu~ My family has already announced our relationship. You can go back and find out. That’s why I didn’t say anything a few days ago after the photo came out. I was busy living a good bed life with my partner. How could I have time to deal with these trifles?”

When it comes to emotional issues, Qiu Zhenyang has never been shy, and even wished that everyone in the interstellar knew that Ling Mu was his, so he can’t run away anymore!

[Woo woo woo, openly show affection! I didn’t expect you to be such a Qiu Ershao!]

[…I came to see the interrogation, why was I suddenly stuffed with dog food?]

[What kind of fairy love is this, it’s so romantic to be made public under this circumstance!]

Romantic my ass! Ling Mu accepted the gazes of the classmates in the classroom with a cold face. Those eyes were either envious or jealous, and some were even blessing him, which made him more uncomfortable as his ears reddened.

Qiu Zhenyang, stupid idiot, when will he know how to write the word ‘low-key’?!

After the show of affection, Qiu Zhenyang also made full use of the huge online crowd in the live broadcast room to directly promote his game:

“Through this incident, many friends should know I am not a bad person, right? Then, taking this opportunity, I would also like to recommend to you a game that will be launched in my personal name, “Machine Wars”. This game is very different from previous games. Whether you are alpha, beta or omega, you can participate, and whether your gender is displayed can also be decided according to your personal wishes.”

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Several interrogators stared at Qiu Zhenyang as he began to introduce his game. Although the interrogation is over now, and he’s free to say whatever he wants, Qiu Zhenyang is the first person that dared to promote his game in the interrogation live broadcast room!

After a brief explanation, Qiu Zhenyang waved his hand: “Not much else to say, please look forward to it!”

A trial live broadcast ended in Qiu Zhenyang’s publicity stunt. After the live broadcast, many netizens also discovered the First Consortium released news related to the game on their official blog, drawing in many people’s curiosity.

The live broadcast was closed, and the interrogators told Cheng An’an that he had to follow them for the final verdict.

Basically, if there is no accident, Cheng An’an will be directly prosecuted and sent to prison to serve his sentence.

Qiu Zhenyang stood by, watched, and then followed them out of the classroom.

After coming out of the building, Qiu Zhenyang was surprised to find that many students were waiting downstairs. Most were first graders, and Ling Mu, Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu were waiting for him at the front of the crowd.

Qiu Zhenyang ran over immediately and asked, “Why are you all here?”

Yuan Chenyu said, “Hey, didn’t we see that you finally got out of the sea of ​​misery, and come over to celebrate! How about you, do you want to go out at night? A wave? Our brothers haven’t gone out to relax for a long time.”

“Okay, you can decide the place, not too messy, don’t ruin my wife.”

Ling Mu rolled his eyes. This guy is getting better and better now, always calling him wife here and there. Ling Mu was too lazy to correct it. Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu were acquaintances anyway, and there was nothing to avoid, so he went with him.

On the other side, Cheng An’an, who was surrounded by two interrogators, watched the happy, harmonious atmosphere between them, and had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

“Cheng An’an, you really disappointed me too much. I’ve always regarded you as a good friend!” Suddenly there was a crying voice among the crowd who came to watch the fun. Wiping away his tears, Ji Qing’s angry cry seemed to completely separate himself from Cheng An’an.

A classmate next to him advised him: “Don’t be sad, what is there to be sad about this kind of person? It’s just that you don’t know people well. Make friends in the future and keep your eyes open.”

“That’s right, Cheng An’an is so scary. It’s no wonder you’re fooled, it’s none of your business.”

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As for Wang Shuo, he dashed away as soon as class ended. Today’s live broadcast made his cheeks hurt, and he doesn’t dare face his classmates for the next while.

There were as many voices scolding Cheng An’an as there were criticizing Qiu Zhenyang before the matter was clarified.

Cheng An’an stared blankly at familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him. The eyes looking his way were all disgusting and mocking, disgusting that he had a fake face and a deep scheming, satirizing his meticulous plans.

Those scornful eyes turned into sharp knives fiercely stabbing into Cheng An’an’s heart.

How could he, how could he get to where he is today?

“An’an!” With a whimper, Cheng An’an’s mother ran over crying, wanting to reach her son, but was stopped by Lin Zhiyuan who came over.

Qiu Zhenyang looked over with great interest. They seemed to have arrived anxiously, sweat on their foreheads, and Lin Zhiyuan also brought two bodyguards over. It’s just that the overall situation has been decided now, and he doesn’t know why they’re here now. Is it to say goodbye to Cheng An’an?

Qiu Zhenyang could only randomly guess,  but soon, he knew that the reason why Lin Zhiyuan came here was not that simple.

Because Cheng An’an’s sad and painful eyes when he saw his mother, Lin Zhiyuan, and then the bodyguard changed completely. He became frightened, scared, and even his hands began to tremble. Fear made him retreat as if he had seen terrible beasts.

Without further thinking, Qiu Zhenyang immediately guessed that the bodyguard was the one who was instructed by Lin Zhiyuan to forcibly mark Cheng An’an.

In order to divert the public’s attention from Lin Yuhan, Lin Zhiyuan pushed Cheng An’an into the fire pit without hesitation.

Really ironic.

“An’an, it’s your mother’s fault, it’s your mother who didn’t take good care of you…” Cheng An’an’s mother was held in her arms by Lin Zhiyuan and cried uncontrollably. Qiu Zhenyang carefully found that Lin Zhiyuan’s hand was not gentle at all, and even had a feeling of restraint.

Cheng An’an’s eyes were red, shaking her lips and whispering: “Mom…”

“An’an,” Lin Zhiyuan said suddenly, his tone sounded tolerant and easy-going, but his eyes were warning, “This time it is indeed you who was wrong. Since you are guilty, you should be punished by the law. Don’t worry, I will take good care of your mother and wait for you to come out to reunite with us.”

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Watched by Lin Zhiyuan’s warning eyes, Cheng An’an closed his eyes in pain, his heart seeming to be torn apart.

Seeing all this in front of him, Qiu Zhenyang had an indescribable feeling.

It’s not that he sympathized with Cheng An’an, he just wanted to sigh.

After all, Cheng An’an was the original protagonist. Although he’s disgusting as a green tea bitch, he didn’t do anything that hurt the world. As the protagonist, his core is still good. If nothing else, just the fact that he silently endured Lin Zhiyuan’s harm for the sake of his mother proved this.

It’s a pity that Qiu Zhenyang transmigrated, and the trajectory of fate changed. Cheng An’an’s character also slowly changed. In the end, because of the inability to court him and facing the oppressed living environment, he committed unforgivable wrongs.

Qiu Zhenyang took Ling Mu’s hand. The latter glanced sideways at him, acutely aware of his complicated emotions, pursed his lower lip and said nothing, just stood quietly with him.

Qiu Zhenyang breathed a sigh of relief; the temperature in his hands was real and warm. 

In any case, Cheng An’an’s end is not too pitiful; after all, all the consequences were caused by him. He didn’t regret the current situation, because if he didn’t change, the truly innocent Ling Mu would suffer the most damage and pain.

Qiu Zhenyang didn’t waver at all. His initial wish was to hope that Ling Mu, who he felt uneasy about, could live a happy and fulfilled life. Later he was gradually attracted, gradually fell in love, and gradually couldn’t extricate himself from him.

Love should not be bound by any rules and regulations. He just did what he wanted to do the most- 

Love him for life.


Most of the drama is over now. There’s still a little later on, but the rest of it is mostly dog food, vinegar, and more dog food.

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