
In the next few days, the focus of filming was on Chu Yinlong.

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Adhering to his directing style, he designed a lot of difficult moves for the main character that he then had to play out. For safety, each fight was cut into many short shots, shot in steps, and finally edited together.

Only a few actors with scenes need to present, and most space is reserved for props, staging, and the professional medical team, which is ready at any time.

However, Jiang Dao insisted on showing up every day. When he wasn’t acting, he would help the field staff with random tasks. Because of his young age and lack of celebrity pomp, he quickly got to know the staff and learned a lot about staging and the studio, as well as… a lot of gossip.

“Huh? Teacher Chu saved Shi Lu’s life?” Jiang Dao asked curiously while helping set up the scene.

“Yes, I was on the set and saw it with my own eyes.”

The prop boy tutted: “That scene was filmed at an ice lake. Originally, experts said that the ice surface should be fine, but I don’t know what happened – suddenly a big hole collapsed, and Shi Lu fell through in the sleigh. Brother Long was behind him at that time, and jumped in to save him without thinking. We were all terrified!”

He sighed: “This won’t sound good, but Brother Long is worth so much. If he has an accident, the entire crew won’t be able to afford it… There are a few stuntman accidents every year, and no one expected Brother Long to go down and save him in person.”

Hearing this, Jiang Dao suddenly remembered something, and murmured: “A stuntman is also born to a mother, so his life is not a life?”

The prop boy was startled, and smiled wryly. “It seems Brother Long said the same thing. After rescuing people he said this after being scolded by the director.”

As he said that, his face twisted in fear: “But it’s all thanks to Brother Long’s quick response. Otherwise Shi Lu might really be in danger. When he fell, he was caught between the broken ice and the sled, and fainted. It was impossible for him to float up by himself… Later, I heard that some internal organs even ruptured. In short, if we waited for rescue, he might’ve died a minute or two later.”

“No wonder they’re so close,” Jiang Dao smiled. “It’s the grace of saving one’s life…”


Not to mention this is a peaceful and comfortable world, even in the wasteland of the last days, the grace of saving one’s life carries a lot of weight.

After arranging the scene, the staff reconfirmed everyone’s state, the position of the props, and the staging. Then, the professional team conducted a risk assessment on Chu Yinlong’s action scene and the set layout. After confirming that the hidden dangers were minimized, they were ready to start filming.

Jiang Dao strolled to the sidelines, picked up an apple from the fruit bowl, and took a bite.

He had seen this unfold several times in the past few days. The thrills captured in the camera lens are actually very tightly controlled and protected in reality, so there haven’t been any accidents these days.

An accident, however, is called an accident because it has the potential to happen unexpectedly in unexpected places, avoiding all the most thoughtful considerations.

Just as Jiang Dao’s intuition told him something was wrong, Chu Yinlong was jumping down from the suddenly collapsed shelf in the warehouse scene.

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The design of this shot is just like this – escaping from the pursuit of two people, a giant shelf collapsed, and the protagonist stepped on the falling props, slid to the ground, and stood firm.

The process was very short, and the scene didn’t look too thrilling, but when Chu Yinlong slipped down from a height according to the design, Jiang Dao suddenly had a moment of horror.


This intuition had saved him many times on the battlefield, so he didn’t think much about it this time. Seeing that he didn’t have time to rush up, he threw the half-eaten apple into the field, pushing the shelf falling to the ground off by a few centimeters.

In the next instant, Chu Yinlong lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground on his back. His head hit the floor, falling onto something soft and juicy.

Immediately afterwards, he saw from the corner of the eye, the collapsed shelf fall uncontrollably next to his ear. On the hard corner connected to the safety wire, bits and pieces of an apple slowly slid down.

Jiang Dao had already rushed into the arena at this time and threw himself beside Chu Yinlong. After seeing the distance between the shelf and the person, he breathed a sigh of relief.

For safety, all the goods in this scene are imitated with silicone. Even if actors fall on it by mistake, it will not cause much harm. But props like the shelf can’t be too soft, otherwise it won’t be realistic. However, these shelves are tied with safety wires, which will guide the shelves to fall away from actors when the scene collapses, avoiding danger.

But something went wrong, and the safety wire of this shelf didn’t work.

Of course, Chu Yinlong also felt afraid.

Seeing the distance between the corner of the shelf and his head, his heart pounded madly.

If he fell on this thing, he would be rendered unconscious on the spot.

“Teacher Chu!”


“Brother Long!”

“Chu Yinlong, are you alright?!”

The medical staff and staff rushed up and surrounded Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong tilted his head and looked at Jiang Dao, which was engulfed by the crowd.

Four eyes faced each other.

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It was a very short moment, but it felt very long.

There was no emotion in Jiang Dao’s stormy eyes.

At this moment, Chu Yinlong suddenly smelled the fragrance of apples.

Jiang Dao silently withdrew from the crowd, retreated to the sidelines, and sat back in his chair.

All this happened too suddenly. From the shelf collapsing, to Jiang Dao throwing the apple, to Chu Yinlong falling to the ground, and the medical staff rushing forward – everything was a matter of a few seconds.

So much so that some of the staff did not realize how serious the problem was, and thought it was just a common action scene mistake. Some people even started complaining that they had to set up the scene again, and grabbed their companions forward to clean up the scene.

Listening to these voices on the filming site, Jiang Dao felt that the world was becoming more and more unreal.

He seemed to suddenly return to that rainy night many years ago, when a group of mutant beasts attacked the village where they were hiding. The adults organized a counterattack, but everyone was finally washed away.

His mother hugged him, who was a child at the time, and fled from the back of the village. She slid down a rainy and muddy hillside, bumping and rolling, but she carefully protected him in her arms… Until they reached the foot of the mountain, and stopped less than two meters away from a cliff, and her head hit a small stone.

The memory of that time is obviously very distant, but it was unforgettable. So much so that he can’t forget it even if he wants to.


The sounds of wild beasts roaring and chewing carried through the wet rain. He didn’t dare to cry or make any noise. He broke away from his mother’s arms, but he couldn’t wake her up or hold her. He could only pick up the biggest branch he could find, and prepare to confront the mutant beasts…

Rain fell all night.

He knelt in the mud, knees against his mother’s arm, and waited all night.

He can still clearly recall how the temperature around his legs became cold little by little.

It was not until he was rescued later that he realized that his last bit of warmth in the last days was taken away by a small stone the size of a fist.

“Oh, Xiao Dao!”

An exclamation brought Jiang Dao back to reality.

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The prop boy looked at him with surprise: “What’s the matter with you, why are you shaking?”

Jiang Dao opened his mouth speechlessly.

“What’s the matter?”

Chu Yinlong pushed aside the staff around him, strode to Jiang Dao, bent down slightly, and frowned at Jiang Dao’s face.

Not seeing any clues, he speculated: “Scared?”

Jiang Dao lowered his eyelashes and looked at Chu Yinlong’s wrist hanging beside him.

Chu Yinlong also smiled: “Don’t be afraid, you didn’t install that shelf, and I won’t scold you.”

After speaking, he raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Dao’s head: “And you even—”

The next second, Jiang Dao suddenly stretched out his arms, and hugged Chu Yinlong’s waist hard. Pulling the person towards him, he pressed his forehead tightly against his body.

Chu Yinlong’s whole body froze suddenly, and the second half of the unfinished sentence was completely lost.

Warm body temperature transmitted between the two through a thin layer of fabric.

Like spring, Chu Yinlong’s slightly higher body temperature entered through Jiang Dao’s arms, gently calming his uncontrollable trembling.

After a long time, Jiang Dao slowly exhaled and smiled softly.

He let go of Chu Yinlong, leaned back, raised his face and said, “I’m sorry, I…”

His eyes were suddenly lightly covered by a hot palm.

Then he heard Chu Yinlong’s slightly hoarse voice: “Are you tired? I’ll ask Xiao Yang to take you back to the hotel.”

Jiang Dao took Chu Yinlong’s hand away, frowning: “I’m not tired, I won’t go back.”

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An accident almost happened even with him watching. If it wasn’t for his quick reaction, Chu Yinlong would probably have to go to the hospital today.

Chu Yinlong sighed: “Okay, it’s your choice.”

When he finished speaking, he cleared his throat: “Then… I’ll deal with things first.”

After he finished speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Jiang Dao’s answer and returned to the camera.

When the cameraman saw Chu Yinlong walking towards him, he froze. Although he was much older than Chu Yinlong, he sat upright like a primary school student about to be punished.

Chu Yinlong glanced at him expressionlessly, and asked, “Was the entire scene filmed just now?”

The cameraman nodded: “Yes, it was filmed.”

After speaking, he swallowed subconsciously and looked not far away at Jiang Dao, who was helping the props team to reset the scene.

He not only filmed the scene just now, but also saw the apple that saved Chu Yinlong like a flying fairy. Judging from the angle, the apple could only be thrown by Jiang Dao, and it hit the fist-sized joint on the shelf with great precision, and even smashed it a few centimeters off.

In an instant, the story of “the last descendant of the Jianghu1martial arts world mysterious hidden weapon sect is an actor hiding in public” already started in his mind.

The martial arts descendant who was hiding amongst them was indifferent as he watched someone take the props from his hand.

The prop boy trembled: “I’ll do it! I’ll do it! No need to, or Brother Long will scold us for making actors work!”


CYL got the hug he’s wanted, but does he know why he was hugged… o.o

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1martial arts world

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