
All day, the crew members looked at Jiang Dao with different eyes.

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It’s not because he openly hugged Chu Yinlong, but because of that celestial half-apple. The story spread across security guards, props engineers, field staff, plus lighting engineers, makeup artists, and others. Some actors even added fuel and drama, and finally, everyone on set that day knew the origin of the half apple and the whole process of how it rescued Chu Yinlong.

This legendary story also began to spread to the actors who were not present that day through countless small groups within the crew, and Jiang Dao’s image began to slowly change with this news.

As for the previous scandal? Who’re they kidding! With his godly skills, why does he need to hold onto his thighs? Where did the unspoken rules come from? He is properly a martial arts star Chu Yinlong dug out from Xingyao Media at a high price!

After the day’s shooting, the stylist looked at the backs of Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao leaving side by side, and couldn’t help hopping on the spot. Finally, she picked up her mobile phone, searched for a Weibo she had seen about Chu Yinlong before, and replied with trembling fingers:

“It’s true! It’s true!!! I’m ready to support LongDao!! Xiao Dao is so handsome ahhhh!!!”

At this time, Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao didn’t know they were a CP in some people’s eyes.

Back at the hotel, Jiang Dao changed his clothes and went to the gym to exercise as usual.

He wasn’t in a good mood today. Rolling his joints casually, instead of running on the treadmill, he dragged out the sandbag and hung it up, and started punching and kicking.

His martial arts do not have any rules and regulations, it is all about goals and the final outcome. There are even some techniques which injure the enemy one thousand at the cost of hurting oneself eight hundred.

After 20 minutes of uninterrupted hammering, Jiang Dao’s knuckles were flushed red, but he didn’t seem to feel the pain. His punches became faster and faster, and his momentum became more and more fierce, as if he deeply hated the sandbag.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps came from behind Jiang Dao, approaching quickly.


Immediately afterwards, a hand was placed on Jiang Dao’s shoulder, trying to pull the person away from the sandbag.

Jiang Dao grabbed the hand, bent over and twisted his waist, and threw the person over the shoulder without any hesitation, tossing him to the ground.

Chu Yinlong fell on his back on the practice mat, grabbed Jiang Dao’s arm with his backhand, and pulled hard. Jiang Dao was brought to his knees by this force, his hands resting beside Chu Yinlong’s ears, and his face hung directly above Chu Yinlong.

The two turned upside down and looked at each other.

The cold bayonet-like light in Jiang Dao’s eyes gradually extinguished. A drop of sweat dripped down the tip of his nose and landed on the corner of Chu Yinlong’s eyes.

Chu Yinlong raised his hand and held Jiang Dao’s face upside down. His voice was extremely soft: “You… are you in a bad mood today?”

Jiang Dao smiled when he heard this.

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He avoided Chu Yinlong’s hand and sat up on his knees: “A little… but I’ve almost vented it out just now. My ability to adjust is quite strong.”


Chu Yinlong also rolled over and sat up. Glancing at Jiang Dao’s red knuckles, he sighed, “You self-regulate through self-abuse?”

Jiang Dao smiled and said, “What self-abuse? There’s no blood… Don’t worry, I won’t injure myself.”

Chu Yinlong shook his head helplessly. “Your definition of injury is really unusual.”

Jiang Dao tilted his head to look at him: “Didn’t Mr. Chu also say ‘what kind of injury is a scratch’ before?”

Chu Yinlong… was at a loss for words.

The silence lasted for a while, and Chu Yinlong asked, “Why are you in a bad mood? Tell me. Maybe I can help?”

Jiang Dao thought about it for a while, hiding his memories of that rainy night, and replied, “It’s nothing. I just saw you were in danger while filming and felt a little scared.”

In fact, if it weren’t for the heavy sense of déjà vu elicited by the accident, he wouldn’t have recalled that rainy night.

When he was too young, he overreacted to rocks, falls, and bumps to the head for a long time after his mother’s death.

Although, after countless battles and escapes, he finally overcame the psychological barrier… But today, facing almost the same danger, what appeared in front of him was the picture of Chu Yinlong getting colder in his arms.


The image frightened him.

Therefore, when he hugged Chu Yinlong and felt the hot body temperature, he finally calmed down.

Hearing Jiang Dao’s answer, Chu Yinlong was speechless.

Jiang Dao didn’t expect him to help, so he continued: “Sometimes I feel that people are very tenacious. Some people have been seriously injured, and almost half of their bodies are broken, but they can still survive. Yet sometimes, life seems very fragile, and even a small stone can take away a person’s life.”

He lowered his eyes and looked at his hands, rubbing the reddened joints lightly. “If you fell on that shelf today, the worst result might’ve been…” The words suddenly stopped, and he closed his eyes. Shaking his head, he smiled bitterly, and didn’t say any more.

After being silent for a long time, Chu Yinlong said: “Yes, I haven’t thanked you yet. If you weren’t there, I don’t know what would have happened… Cough, um, what kind of gift do you want?”

Jiang Dao looked at him and blinked. “Huh, a thank you gift?”

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“En.” Chu Yinlong hummed.

Jiang Dao smiled: “I didn’t save you for a thank you gift. Besides,” he said, hiding his emotions again, squinting his eyes and approaching Chu Yinlong, “What can you give me for saving your life? Why don’t you promise yourself.”

“Cough,” Chu Yinlong tactically cleared his throat. “Don’t joke.”

After thinking about it, he said, “Well, we’ll be done filming in the studio next week and have two days before going to the next location. Why don’t I take you somewhere?”

Jiang Dao nodded and agreed to the invitation.

Although he didn’t expect any thanks for saving Chu Yinlong, the other party insisted on thanking him, and he would not refuse. He understood the feeling of being saved by someone, and expressing gratitude to the best of one’s ability. For peace of mind, he agreed. If he refused blindly, things might not end well.

After resting, Jiang Dao got up and returned to the guest room.

Chu Yinlong ran on the machine for a while, but his brows became tighter. He turned off the treadmill. Pulling out his phone, he leaned against the handrest, and sent a message with a serious face: “Ask you something.”


Tang Yao replied quickly: “What’s the matter?”

Chu Yinlong clicked into the dialog box, frowned, typed a few words, and deleted them. After thinking about it, he typed a few more words, deleted them again. Again and again.

After a long while, Tang Yao became anxious:

“Ask if you have a question!”

“You’re trying to leave me hanging at night so I can’t sleep, right?”

Chu Yinlong took a slow breath and sent the message that was thoroughly reworked.

“Today I was in danger on the set and was rescued. He was very scared, shaking, and even held onto me coquettishly. After returning to the hotel, he was in a bad mood. He went to the gym to abuse himself. When I found out, he pretended to be okay. When I asked him what kind of gift he wanted, he told me to promise myself to him.”

Tang Yao: “…”

Chu Yinlong: “Does he like me?”

Tang Yao: “…”

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Chu Yinlong: “When you were in school, you were chased a lot. With your experience, what do you think about this situation?”

After a moment, Tang Yao sent a voice message, and his emotions could clearly be heard. “Chu! Yin! Long! Are you doing this on purpose? Are you trying to get revenge on me for showing off to you when I was in school, and are here to show off?! Tch, I haven’t even caught my own person! Yet you ask me to teach you?”

Chu Yinlong: …

Tang Yao continued to add knives:

“Aren’t you a monk?”

“Aren’t you a Buddhist?”

“Aren’t you celibate?”

Chu Yinlong: “Forget it, pretend I didn’t ask.”

Closing the texts, he opened his contacts, trying to find a second friend of the same age.

However, from the beginning to the end, he didn’t find a second peer who he was close enough to talk about this kind of problem with confidence… This kind of thing, he can’t ask Director Mu or Brother Qi, right?

Just when Chu Yinlong was tangled, Tang Yao sent another message: “According to the judgment of a close brother surnamed Tang: Judging from what you described, he likes you 100%.”

After getting the answer of a bystander, Chu Yinlong exhaled slowly.

Now things are troublesome.

If he unilaterally has a favorable impression of Jiang Dao, he can still control himself, and won’t pull such a freedom-loving child into the huge mess of an entertainment circle romance. But if Jiang Dao also likes him, he will definitely not have the heart to refuse, so what should he do next?

Jiang Dao went back to his room. Just after taking a shower, he received a call from Zhou Wei.

On the phone, Zhou Wei hesitated: “Xiao Dao, I have something I want to ask you.”

“Go ahead, ask.” Jiang Dao leaned lazily on the head of the bed, grabbing the towel and wiping his hair haphazardly.

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“That…” Zhou Wei hesitated before speaking. “…have you ever been chased?”

Hearing his words, Jiang Dao’s face was strange. “Yes, but it may be of no reference value.”

In the outside world, when he was chased, the other party simply said she wanted to have a child with him. After being rejected, she didn’t feel sad, and went to sleep with one of his comrades.

If the good baby on the other side of the phone hears it, Jiang Dao’s afraid he’d be frightened to death.

“Recently, I feel that a senior is paying special attention to me.” Zhou Wei lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that someone would hear him. “He always says some strange things when filming, as if to create topics of discussion or drama for CP… What, what do you think he’s thinking?”

Jiang Dao: …

Jiang Dao raised his hand to rest on his forehead, thinking to himself, “Little guy, you really asked the right person. You don’t need to “feel” anything, it’s clearly written that Tang Yao wants you! And you are being chased by him. In the end, the two of you will become a national CP and even get married in the limelight.

But obviously, now is not the time.

Tang Yao’s pursuit of his wife still has a very long way to go.

The foundation of their relationship is not strong enough yet. If this window paper is pierced now, given Zhou Wei’s soft outsides and firm insides, and his very serious attitude towards relationships, he might run away.

If he escapes, wouldn’t the beautiful fairy love in the book fall apart?

How can such a thing be allowed to happen!

Jiang Dao recalled the plot in the book, and answered unequivocally: “He’s not chasing you, he just wants to fry CP with you. You just need to cooperate with him for show, understand?”

On the phone, Zhou Wei sighed with relief. “Sure enough. I understand!”


Lol, the main and side couples asking for advice – both of which go in the wrong direction.

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