
Five days later, the indoor studio part of “Operation Red Owl” officially ended.

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Many of the outdoor scenes take place in a small country in the south with dense rainforest. Due to various reasons such as local negotiations and equipment transportation, there was a two day break in filming before they flew out.

Following his word, Chu Yinlong took Jiang Dao to an exhibition hall in the suburbs of Yan City while they were on break.

“Auto show?!” Jiang Dao looked at the sign outside the exhibition hall in disbelief. “You brought me to this kind of place? Aren’t you afraid of being photographed?”

“The exhibition is not open to the public, and only starts tomorrow.” Chu Yinlong smiled. “My, ahem, I know the organizer of the exhibition, and got us backdoor access to come today. Although one or two exhibits have not been delivered yet, I don’t think you’d like those high-profile sports cars anyway.”

“En, I don’t like to be too flamboyant,” Jiang Dao nodded. “I think the kind that I drove when I learned to drive is good.”

Hearing this, Chu Yinlong laughed: “If you really drive a large truck on the set, no one will be more flamboyant than you.”

Jiang Dao was joking of course. Hearing this, he pretended to be arrogant: “Okay, let’s settle for the next best thing and look at off-road vehicles.”

He wanted to buy a vehicle before, but he joined the crew as soon as he got his license, and didn’t have anyone to help him, so this matter was put on hold. Thankfully Chu Yinlong  brought him directly to the auto show today, saving him the trouble of checking stores to see them one by one.

After entering the hall, a staff member who had been waiting here in advance stepped forward to greet Chu Yinlong, and asked them if they needed help.

“No, we’ll walk around ourselves.” Chu Yinlong said, “Can we sit inside?”

“No problem,” the staff member said. “The doors are not locked. You can try sitting inside as you please.”


Glossy cars parked quietly in the field, waiting to be examined by visitors.

Jiang Dao looked around and went straight to an off-road vehicle that looked very sturdy.

Circling around the vehicle, Chu Yinlong followed him and said with a smile: “The car of this brand has good handling. The main model’s steering wheel has half a turn less than other cars. The engine quality is high and the acceleration is fast. It is suitable for young people who like excitement.”

Chu Yinlong helped him open the car door, and Jiang Dao sat in the driver’s seat. Exploring the space inside the car, he touched the gear change a little disappointed: “Why are off-road vehicles automatic?”

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“It’s the general trend.” Chu Yinlong explained. “Most people want easy to operate vehicles, and because current automatic transmission can be switched to manual mode at any time, most manufacturers phased out manual transmission. This car can be switched to manual transmission, and has enough power for towing.”1some automatic cars have a manual mode to mimic shifting gears, but it’s different than true manual transmission

After a pause, he added: “However, some brands still insist on manual transmission. If you really want it, we can look around.”

Since it is an exhibition, of course, he can’t just look at one car.

Walking forward, Jiang Dao stood in front of another handsome and big off-road vehicle, raised his hand and patted the front cover: “This car is domineering.”


Chu Yinlong glanced at the logo and said, “This brand mostly produces manual cars. One of their hallmarks is safety, many national leaders will order this brand because of it. As long as someone is willing to pay for it, it can even be made missile-proof.”

“Missile defense is not necessary.” Jiang Dao laughed.

“Even this car is very safe.” Chu Yinlong said, “This brand always performs very well in crash tests, and we often use this brand for drag racing scenes. But… it’s a little expensive.”

After looking at more than a dozen cars, Chu Yinlong could actually introduce the advantages and disadvantages of each model. He could even analyze the only caravan in the exhibition.

Jiang Dao sat on the bed at the back of the RV, turned his head and asked Chu Yinlong: “Do you know cars well?”

Beside him, Chu Yinlong smiled and nodded. “I like cars. For a while, I was not happy with filming, and thought about going racing… But later, I found that I still prefer acting, and like to experience different stimuli, so I insisted on acting.”

“Do you like cars?” Jiang Dao was curious. “But I usually see your assistant driving, and I haven’t seen you drive around or anything.”

A suspicious embarrassment flashed across Chu Yinlong’s face.

After a pause, he said: “Xiao Yang drives steadily and is safe. If you want to go for a ride, I can bring you for one when you are free later. I’m afraid I’ll scare you…”

Jiang Dao grinned. “There aren’t many things that can scare me in this world.”


For some reason, Chu Yinlong suddenly remembered that on the set that day, Jiang Dao was trembling and hugging him, obviously frightened… His eyes looking at Jiang Dao softened.

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Facing the change in Chu Yinlong’s eyes, Jiang Dao startled.

Chu Yinlong coughed lightly, looked away, and tightened his fingers on the mattress.

This space is narrow and dark. For some reason, Jiang Dao suddenly felt that the act of sitting on the same bed side by side with Chu Yinlong was a bit ambiguous. Thinking about the rumored unspoken rules on the internet before, the RV, the bed, two lonely men… the feeling is even more subtle.

Just when Jiang Dao was about to lose control of his thoughts, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the car door, accompanied by a diligent voice: “This way, sir. Do you need a detailed introduction?”

“Tell me.” The man’s voice was a little arrogant. The sound of footsteps drew closer and closer to the RV where Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong were.

Hearing this voice, Chu Yinlong’s face changed, frowning as he looked at Jiang Dao.

Jiang Dao narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling where he had heard this voice. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

Outside the car, the attentive voice was still introducing: “…the roof of this sports car uses the latest technology, President Qin. Look, after the roof is raised, there is a panoramic sunroof allowing you to enjoy the scenery outside the window even on rainy days…”

Immediately afterwards, there was a sweet young voice: “Wow, so beautiful!”

The arrogant man chuckled: “Like it?”

The boy cheerfully said: “Like! I want a blue one!”

After a moment, the footsteps hurriedly left, and then, the man’s voice came again: “You want a car, but also want to choose a color, huh? Where’s your sincerity?”

The boy suddenly snorted: “Don’t, don’t be like this… We’re outside…”

The man said in a low voice: “Don’t worry, there is no one else here today, darling.”


In the RV, the two “others” looked at each other quickly, their faces full of mixed emotions.

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Jiang Dao rolled his eyes at the roof of the car, thinking to himself, if he knew this would happen, he would’ve gotten out of the car as soon as possible. Even if they bump into each other, it’s better than now – now he is completely afraid to get out of the car and dares not make a sound, otherwise, he’s afraid they’ll be hunted and killed if discovered. Anyone visiting the exhibition hall in advance and acts so boldly is definitely not an ordinary person.

Chu Yinlong frowned, took out his mobile phone, turned off the ringtone, and pointed at Jiang Dao’s trouser pocket.

Jiang Dao also quickly muted his phone to avoid the embarrassing accidents that often occur in movies.

It was probably because the RV door was facing the sports car booth, and the exhibition hall was so quiet that one would hear a needle falling, that the rustling of clothing, the occasional gasp, and low chuckles were transmitted into the RV very clearly.

After a long time, the man’s slightly hoarse voice finally sounded: “Swallowed it all? Ah, not bad, and deserves a reward… eh? What? You want it?

The young man’s voice sounded: “Of course! You just want to bully me… Hey, there’s an RV over there. I haven’t tried doing it in an RV, why don’t we—”

Jiang Dao: …

Chu Yinlong: ! ! !

Fortunately, the man refused: “Who knows how many people have touched this kind of exhibition vehicle, I don’t want to do anything in it… Don’t feel wronged, there’s a blue model of this car that the manager just went over to take care of. Let’s go. After picking up your car, we can do whatever you want, okay?”

The footsteps finally got farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.

Inside the RV, the two of them both breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Yinlong stuck his head out the car door and looked around. Seeing that there was indeed no one in the exhibition hall, he greeted Jiang Dao, who got out of the car after him.

Walking side by side in the empty hall again, the atmosphere between the two was suddenly awkward.

Glancing at the fiery red convertible sports car nearby, Jiang Dao tutted his tongue in a low voice, thinking, ‘A certain brother who does not want to be named really plays crazily.’

That’s right, he remembered – the arrogant voice was very similar to the phone call he had received, and the tone was even the same. Given that the other party can visit this auto show in advance, and have sufficient strength to take away a sports car at any time, there’s an 80% chance it’s that brother of his.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dao was suddenly curious about the original owner’s father whom he had never met.

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What kind of guy can give birth to such sons? One of them is actually an illegitimate child… The world in the book actually has such an exciting story?

Beside him, Chu Yinlong felt a little relieved when he saw that there was no sad expression on Jiang Dao’s face.

“Sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.”

“What are you apologizing for?” Jiang Dao smiled. “You can’t predict the future, so how do you know he won’t come? Besides, the one who should apologize is him. Even if there is no one in the exhibition hall, it is a public place. How can they do something like that?”

Although this kind of thing is commonplace in the last days, the world in the book isn’t like that.

“That’s true, but I didn’t consider the hidden dangers. If someone photographed or saw us, it would affect you.” After speaking, Chu Yinlong smiled wryly, “I wanted to buy you a car today…”

Jiang Dao blinked: “Huh? Want to buy me a car? You?”

Chu Yinlong coughed lightly, his face a little stiff.

Jiang Dao looked strange: “I thought you brought me here just to see them… You, you want to buy me a car?”

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows, suddenly leaned into Chu Yinlong’s ear, lowered his voice and smirked. “Then… do I need to be a little more sincere?”


Lol, CYL you sure you’re not a sugar daddy yet?

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1some automatic cars have a manual mode to mimic shifting gears, but it’s different than true manual transmission

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