
The next day, it started to rain in the morning.

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Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong stood in the gully and continued to shoot the remaining parts.

The current puddle fight scene isn’t too intense. In the plot, the battle has progressed to the second half, and Wei Jie and Jess are both physically overdrawn.

The assistant director clapped the board.

Jiang Dao’s whole body suddenly burst out with killing intent, as he swooped forward. His hands firmly grasped Chu Yinlong’s neck, and he pressed the man into the water without mercy. Chu Yinlong struggled according to the script, but Jiang Dao’s expression did not change at all. His eyes were gloomy, his teeth gritted, and he looked like he would never give up until he killed him.

The cameraman behind the lens swallowed unconsciously.

If he hadn’t known that this was filming, he would have doubted whether Jiang Dao would really kill people.


The scene ended, and the assistant director called to stop.

Jiang Dao’s hands immediately loosened. The murderous aura instantly subsided, and he knelt down in the muddy water with a cute face.

Chu Yinlong sat up from the water, took a quick breath, raised his hand to wipe the water off his face, and looked at Jiang Dao with a smile. “Were you trying to kill me?”

Jiang Dao blinked: “Huh? Did I use too much strength?”


Chu Yinlong got up and patted his head. “No, you acted well.”

Sure enough, after reviewing the video, Chu Yinlong passed the scene in one go.

So far, all three short shots where Jiang Dao took the initiative to attack have passed smoothly.

On the contrary, Chu Yingdi, who has always been trustworthy in the past, frequently NG-ed, and even had to reshoot something three times.

When it was his turn to press Jiang Dao into the water again, he made another mistake. Without even having to look at the monitor, Chu Yinlong already apologized: “Sorry, I let go too soon… do it again.”

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Dao, who was half-lying in the muddy water, and frowned briefly.

Reason has been reminding him to get the action right in one take so Jiang Dao will suffer less…

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But every time he saw Jiang Dao struggling in the water, desperate and panicking as if real, it always made him uncontrollably relax the strength in his hands, and even wanted to save the person and hug him hard in his arms…


So, this scene was reshot twice.

Action scenes have high physical requirements. After so many consecutive shootings, Jiang Dao finally couldn’t take it anymore. This time, he couldn’t control his breathing well and accidentally choked on his saliva. He resisted the last movement, and when he heard the assistant director call to stop, he turned around, leaned against the roots of the tree beside the puddle, and coughed violently.

Chu Yinlong stepped forward and hugged him, patted him on the back, turned his head and shouted, “Medical nurse!”

The medical nurse stepped forward helplessly, and could only tell Jiang Dao to cough hard and try to drain the water that was choking the air pipe.

Jiang Dao’s face was flushed red from coughing, and couldn’t help chuckling when he saw the medical nurse encouraging him on the side..

He grabbed Chu Yinlong’s arm: “Cough cough, aren’t you being a little bit, cough… overprotective of me?”

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment with a dark face, then got up and said, “I’ll take a look at the camera.”

After dropping the sentence, he ran away.

Fortunately, both of them actually did well this time. Jiang Dao’s cough was also after the shot was complete, so this shot luckily passed.


Rain fell from morning to evening, and eventually only one more scene needed to be shot.

Wei Jie, who was almost exhausted after fighting for too long, grabbed Jess’s dagger and stabbed it into Jess’s chest. Two completely hostile men, leaning against each other, their faces extremely close with swords drawn.

Jess’s eyes have already begun to slacken, and there is a darkness in his eyes that seems to come from the abyss. His body was muddy, his face was covered in blood, and the corners of his mouth hooked up as his sinister tone weakened: “Officer Wei… Xu Zhou was killed by your own hands… You can’t get out of this hell… Cough! Cough…”

“Stop.” Chu Yinlong frowned, helped Jiang Dao sit up, and patted his back.

Jiang Dao finally felt better after coughing for a while, and sighed helplessly: “My bad, do it again.”

Strictly speaking, this is not an action scene, but right after a fierce fight. In order to make the effect and the actor’s state look more realistic, Chu Yinlong arranged it to be filmed with the action scenes.

Sure enough, after a whole day of high-intensity action scenes, Jiang Dao’s exhaustion was just right to interpret this scene of serious injury and death.

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After a little retouching, the second shot went smoothly.

Jess died in Wei Jie’s hands, Wei Jie dropped the body, staggered to his feet, and stumbled deeper into the jungle…

“Cough, cough, cough!” Jiang Dao stood up and couldn’t help coughing a few more times.

Assistant Xiao Yang rushed into the venue and covered him in a bath towel. Chu Yinlong hurried back, pulled the person under the tent, picked up the throat tea that the assistant had made from the table, and stuffed it into Jiang Dao’s hands.

Jiang Dao shook his head and put down the glass.

“Something’s wrong, cough,” he coughed a few times, frowning. “I may have a trachea infection. Cough, cough… Are there any antibiotics?”

With years of experience, he can almost judge that he was infected with something.

When he was filming just now, he could clearly feel his body temperature rising, and there was an uncomfortable itch in his throat and chest. Thinking of the muddy water that choked him this morning, the root cause of the infection is probably known…


He doesn’t know how resistant this body is to germs, but fortunately, this world is not in short supply of medicines like the world outside the book. Such an infection is easily cured with some antibiotics.

Everyone startled hearing Jiang Dao speak about his own illness so calmly

The next second, Chu Yinlong quickly raised his hand and pressed it on Jiang Dao’s forehead.

Unfortunately, because they just finished shooting, it’s too difficult to feel the temperature with just a touch.

“Let’s take your temperature first.” The medical staff arrived in time and stuffed a thermometer into Jiang Dao’s armpit.

While waiting for the device to work, Chu Yinlong announced that today’s filming was over, and the staff began to pack up the equipment and prepare for the return trip.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Dao took out the thermometer and handed it to the doctor.

“37.5 degrees1Celsius, low-grade fever.” The medical staff quickly read.

Chu Yinlong did not hesitate: “Contact the hospital.”

This time it was Jiang Dao’s turn to be stunned.

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He said in surprise: “This little problem, cough… I’ll be fine tomorrow after taking medicine. There’s no need to go to the hospital.”

Chu Yinlong held his head down, his tone unquestionable: “Listen to me.”

The doctors and nurses quickly echoed: “We’re not sure if it’s a bacterial infection, or something else. It’s better to go to the hospital for a test. Don’t take antibiotics indiscriminately.”

The assistant handed another towel over, then cooperated with the makeup artist to quickly remove the makeup on Jiang Dao’s face — Going into the hospital with ‘blood’ all over his face is not very good.

Halfway through the return journey with the bus, the staff who stayed behind the villa arrived in another vehicle to pick up Jiang Dao and rushed to a hospital they contacted earlier.

After being picked up and changing clothes, Jiang Dao felt that his body temperature had risen a little bit, and the sultry air around him seemed to carry a hint of coolness.

When they finally arrived at the hospital and retook his temperature, it had risen to 38.7 degrees.

After checking in and paying, Jiang Dao was sent to a single ward, and a series of blood tests were carried out by hospital personnel. The results came out after 15 minutes – acute bacterial infection of the lungs.

Leaning on the hospital bed, wearing a nebulizer on his nose and mouth, Jiang Dao watched the nurse change the medicine on the hook.

If it weren’t for the thermometer revealing that his temperature was 39 degrees, no one would be able to tell he was a sick patient. His face was calm, his eyes were clear, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

Chu Yinlong’s heart was full of anxiety, and it was actually Jiang Dao who alleviated his worries.

Sitting beside the hospital bed, he exhaled slowly, voice muffled behind the mask: “I’m sorry, I messed up too many times in the morning, otherwise…”

Jiang Dao was unable to speak with the mask on his face, so he lightly flicked Chu Yinlong on the forehead.

Chu Yinlong looked over in astonishment, and saw the young man with raised eyebrows looking at him with a smile and shaking his head.

Then Jiang Dao reached for the phone, opened a notetaking app, and typed: “I know you can’t use heavy hand against me.”

Chu Yinlong looked at this line of words and smiled bitterly: “Instead I made you choke and sick.”

Jiang Dao continued to type: “Then next time you should use more strength. Don’t be afraid of hurting me, I’m not afraid.”

“I know you’re not squeamish.” Chu Yinlong said, exhaling briefly. “Actually, that scene was… You acted so well that it made me feel like I was really killing you. It was my fault I couldn’t catch the scene…”

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Even recalling it now, he didn’t know whether Jiang Dao’s actions were from acting or real. His expressions were so real that he still felt a chill on his back, as if he was a real murderer.

It’s always good to meet a fellow actor who can bring one ‘into the ‘play’, but when a person like him who cultivated Buddhism since childhood suddenly realizes that he’s ‘killing people’, subconscious fear will immediately pull him out of the scene and cover him in cold sweat.

What’s more, it was Jiang Dao who he had to ‘kill’.

Jiang Dao rolled his eyes and typed: “Thank you for your compliment, Teacher Chu! I didn’t even know my acting was so good.”

Thinking back on what happened to him and the mood at that time, maybe it is considered a kind of acting skill? He remembered that the teacher in the acting class, how did he say it… the experience type?2generally 2 types of acting styles in these LNs – one where you ‘become’ the character and the other is more technical. Guessing they’re referring to the former

Thinking of this, Jiang Dao typed again: “Isn’t it my own fault that I choked on water and got sick? I acted too well, which caused you to be angry. So in the end, it’s just retribution for making you unhappy?”

Chu Yinlong: …

Chu Yinlong smiled and grabbed Jiang Dao’s cell phone: “Stop playing around. Lie down and sleep. I’ll help you keep an eye on things.”

While speaking, his finger accidentally touched the back button, and the screen of the cell phone returned to the list of notes taken. Below the memo just used for conversation, a name and a number are displayed.

Looking at the unfamiliar name, Chu Yinlong couldn’t help frowning.

Liu Yueran… who is that?

Why does Jiang Dao have his name on his phone?


JD gets sick, and CYL is worried

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1Celsius2generally 2 types of acting styles in these LNs – one where you ‘become’ the character and the other is more technical. Guessing they’re referring to the former

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