Volume 3

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Chapter 28-Existence traces and uncle's emotion


(TL:By Rafael,


"This is a nice mansion to live in. Yuki has grown up to be a fine man."(Saga)




 Uncle Saga looks up at the Ferdio mansion and pats me on the head.


 It is nostalgic, but I'm not a kid anymore.


  And infront of Silk. Please don't do this.




"I've been an adult for a long time now."(Yuki)


"Of course I know you, Yuki Ferdio the Brave. I have heard rumors of you in many places."(Saga)




 How could this man of all people have heard of me?


 I was beyond embarrassed.


 I was a little nervous about the kind of teasing that awaited me after this.




"Ah, welcome back Yuki! Silk! And ...... who?"(Marina)




 Marina, who greeted us upon our return, turned her head to look at Uncle Saga.




"I'm home. This is my uncle."(Yuki)


"The adventurer master you always talk about? You must be his teacher! Hello, I'm Marina! "(Marina)


"Marina, go put on something before you say hello."(Yuki)




 She must have just finished bathing.


 Marina's red hair was dripping and her light shirt was sticking to her body in a way that emphasized her voluptuousness. Although I'm used to it, this is indeed a sight for sore eyes.




"Oh, ...... ah ha ha ha. I'm sorry. See you later!"(Marina)




 Marina, perhaps feeling unusually shamed in front of Uncle Saga, runs away.

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 As I was about to enter the mansion after watching her back, I saw my uncle looking at me with disturbed eyes.




"What, you? You're living with a girl other than Silk? What do you mean to do?"(Saga)


 "I'll tell you that later  ....... Anyway, let's go inside."(Yuki)


"I'm going to go prepare the drinks."(Silk)




 Silk heads for the kitchen as we enter the entrance hall.


 The servants do such things in this house, but this may have been Silk's way of making it easier for us to talk to each other.




"Welcome back, Mr. Ferdio. Are we entertaining a guest?"(Butler)




 One of the butlers appeared as if replacing Silk and bade him farewell.




"He's my uncle. He will be staying here, so I would like you to prepare the drawing room for him."(Yuki)


"Yes, sir. I will call you when everything is ready."(Butler)


"Thank you."(Yuki)




 I lightly nodded to the butler as he left and went to show Uncle Saga around, but he was frozen at my side.






"Do you know how I felt when I came back from a trip after a long time and found my nephew had become a nobleman?"(Saga)


'I'd love to hear about that trip too.. ...... is not irrelevant?"(Yuii)


"You're as intuitive as ever, aren't you?"(Saga)


"I learned from my master, you know."(Yuki)




 He laughs, mixing light talk with genuine feeling.




 And I know.


 The tingle in my cheeks is responding to Uncle Saga.


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 In other words, my beloved uncle is also someone  out of this world.


 I both trust and believe him. But that doesn't mean I'm not wary.


 I am no longer a child who believes in the adult Saga.




 I invite my uncle into the common room and offer him a sofa.


 He took off his jacket and looked at me with serious eyes.




"So... which one of them is the real love of your life?"(Saga)




"Which one is it, the neat and tidy Silk or the energetic Marina ......?"(Saga)


(TL:This Saga guy doesn't know the ropes of the harem genre...)



 I miss this air, but I don't want it to stop now.


 Come to think of it, I think it was like this when I was back home.


 The man, Saga Ferdio, is too gossipy, bellicose, and nasty.




 I had forgotten all about him because my memories of him were too beautiful.




"Yuki, welcome back. Can you introduce this person?"(Rain)


"I'm back, Rain. This is my uncle, Saga. He's here to help us with this case."(Yuki)


"Hello, Mr. Saga. I'm Rain of Clover, and I look forward to getting to know you."(Rain)


Uncle Saga remained silent and looked surprised at Rain's greeting, which seemed to be the best he could do.






"Oh, no, ......, excuse me. I am honored to be introduced to you. I'm Saga Ferdio. Pleased to meet you."(Saga)




 After he replied, he looked at me sharply, something he had never done before.




"Hey, Yuki. Time for a  sermon."(Saga)


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"Did you ...... copy the existence mark stigmata on such a young girl?"(Saga)




 For a moment, I didn't understand what my uncle was saying.




"I'm sorry to interrupt  but I'm still older than Yuki."(Rain)


(TL:News to me)


"Are you telling the truth  ......?"(Saga)


"It's true but only by  a few months."(Rain)




 The surprised face returned to a straight face and Uncle Saga shook his head a little.




"No, that's not the point. The problem is the 'existence mark stigmata'."(Saga)


" 'existence mark stigmata.'?"(Yuki)




 I had never heard of this word before.




"It's the element that, simply put, makes us cease to be human. You remember it, don't you?"(Saga)




 Uncle Saga pointed his finger at my cheek.


 I touch my cheek, and my uncle nods.




"...... Yes, that's it."(Saga)


"Isn't this 'Persephone's Blessing'?"(Rain)




 The uncle again looks surprised at Rain, who nods her head.




"The "Pale King of the Immortals, Persephone"? That was a disaster."(Saga)


"When we went into the "Colorless Darkness" ...... "Tower" to investigate the situation before, we found that the "existence proof trace" had been removed. But, "existence trace stigmata" ......"(Saga)


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 My head is spinning.


 The fact that this birthmark reacts to the labyrinth, I had made some guesses.


 But I've never heard of the term "existence mark stigmata" and I have no intention of  becoming a not human  .




"Anyway, it's like a certificate that defines your existence even in a different dimension than ...... here."(Saga)


"Certificate ......."(Yuki)


"Yes. If a person who only has the definition of existence in this world comes into contact with the "colorless darkness" that contains the components of another dimension, he or she loses the way of being a person. But those who possess the stigmata of existence are different."(Saga)




 The uncle glances behind me.




"...... continue, Mr. Saga."(Silk)




 I turn around to see Silk standing there with a tray of drinks, a cup, and a few snacks.


 Her face was complex, with a hint of fear.


 When Silk makes a face like this, she is usually pushing herself too hard.




"Yuki. Can I tell further?"(Saga)



"I'm at loss, but I just decided a few hours ago not to keep secrets from you guys. Silk, I'm sorry, but I need you to get everyone together ....... I want to introduce you guys to my uncle."(Yuki)


"I understand. Please wait a moment."(Silk)




 I look away from Silk's back as she puts the tray on the table and lets out a small breath.


 The uncle in front of me narrowed his eyes at the sight of her.




"What's wrong?"


"No,  I'm glad to see that the boy I used to trian has grown up to be a fine man. I am happy."(Saga)




 The man who had been my parent and teacher laughed with satisfaction and amusement.



TL Note- Probably one of the chapters I would like to see animated, Saga's saga in the next chapter. 

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