Volume 3

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Chapter 29-A Drink of Prohibitions and Promises


(TL:By Rafael,


It wasn't long before Silk returned with Marina, Nene, and Jamie.


 I was a little surprised to see Nibelung following her, but I thought she should be the one to listen to us, 


 After all, she had walked through the "colorless darkness" with me.


 In other words, it is safe to assume that she, too, possesses the "existence mark stigmata.




 After a brief introduction to my friends who had settled down on the sofa in the common room, I turned to my uncle.




"Tell us, Uncle."(Yuki)


"Before you do, let me make sure I'm clear. What I'm about to tell you may have unwanted consequences for you. Are you okay with that?"(Saga)




 My uncle looks around at all of Clover's faces and says, 


 The others nodded in silence.




"Let's start with a review of the stigmata of existence,This is the definition of existence that is engraved on us, the Walkers."(Saga)


"Walkers Who Walk Across?"(Yuki)




 There's another new word.




"Walkers are the beings  who have the stigmata of existence and those who have crossed over into another dimension."(Saga)


"Who decided that name?"(Marina)


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 Marina's innocent question made Uncle Saga look troubled.




"Well, I don't know either, I was only told so by the other walkers."(Saga)


"...... Wait a minute. So you've crossed over to another dimension? Are there a lot of other people like that?"(Rain)


"I don't know if there are many, because I don't meet them that often. I only know of three."(Saga)




 My uncle answered Rain's question with a finger down, and continued.




"The fact is that those of us who have the "existence mark stigmata" have special qualities that allow us to cross dimensions. As long as we have the means, we will not be turned inside out or disappear when we move to a nearby world."(Saga)


"So you are saying that it is safe for Yuki-san to touch Tenebrae, the inverted labyrinth?"(Silk)


"Yes, it is. And  it's  safe Rain-chan, too."(Saga)




 I cringe at the uncle's words.


 I was still caught up in what he had just said about preaching.






"Why is Rain okay, too?"(Marina)


"That's what I want to know. What did you have to do to pull off such a horrible act, Yuki?"(Saga)




 The question was in a quiet voice, but he was clearly accusing me.




"Um...This is what I wanted .Please don't blame Yuki."(Rain)


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 I was at a loss for an answer, but Rain spoke up instead.




"Because Yuki always shouldered everything alone and  I ...... always wanted to be with him and asked him not to do the impossible."(Rain)


"You know what the stigmata are? The "Persephone's Blessing" is a kind of "existence mark stigmata" which is an excuse for humans to go off the path. It's an excuse to abandon humanity and do things that humans are not supposed to do."(Saga)




 My uncle speaks in a quiet but strong tone.


 In reality, I did not understand what exactly it was that I received from Persephone.


 I didn't know that what Rain wanted, what I indulged in, and what we shared as a secret between us, was such a nasty thing.




"How did you duplicate the "existence mark stigmata" in the first place? It is not something that can be passed on or shared with others, even though its characteristics may vary."(Saga)










 Rain and I both fall silent.


 I am afraid to explain this in front of everyone. What's done is done.




"Something is fishy ......."(Jamie)




 Jamie alternates between me, who manages to keep a poker face, and Rain, who is tugging at her pigtails in order to hide her embarrassment. 



"Anyway, I understand what you're trying to say. But, if I have this presence mark stigmata, I can get into the Tenebrae, Labyrinth of Inversion, right?"(Yuki)



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 This information is very useful.


 Very useful for me right now.


 After all, it could be a reason for me to go it alone.




 It will keep my friends away from that dreaded "inverted labyrinth Tenebrae".




"May I ask a question?"(Silk)



"What is it, Silk?"(Yuki)


"With this "existence mark stigmata" property, we are no longer affected by the Tenebrae of the Inverted Labyrinth, right?"(Silk)


You are right in your understanding. But I can't say it's the right way to go about it.




 Silk shakes her  head.




"We will not let Yuki-san go alone. We will stay with Yuki-san, he is our family, until the end."(Silk)


"Me too. I don't know how to put in words, but it is the goal of "Clover" to challenge the "Colorless Darkness" together.'(Marina


"I can't be left out of the group here."(Nene)


"I'm going with you, Yuki. I've already decided."(Jamie)




 Silk's declaration was followed by her friends.




"Ladies, have you thought this through or Is it just a youthful impetus?


"You don't know us well enough."(Nibelung)

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 Nibelung, clothed in a soft golden light, opens her mouth.




"Do you know?The seven-leaf 'clover' holds infinite happiness. Lun and the others believe in you, big brother. No matter what happens, we will not be unhappy."(Nibelung)


"...... Oh, dear. Stubborn nephew you also have stubborn lovers too."


(TL:The seven leaves of 'clover' are Yuki,Rain,Marina,Silk,Nene,Jamie,Nibelung )


 Scratching his head, my uncle exhales.


 With the same face as the day I stubbornly said, "I'm going to be an adventurer."


 And then, as I knew he would, he continued, 




"If you're ready to face the consequences, you can do whatever you want."(Saga)




 Uncle Saga smiled lightly and waved his hand.



" Yuki, here's your drink. We had an agreement when you became a  adventurer, remember?"(Saga)


"You'll buy you me a drink."(Yuki)




 He pours fruit wine into the cup  and offered  it to me.




—When you become a full-fledged adventurer, I'll buy you a drink.




 Uncle Saga had said that before he left on his journey.


 At this moment ...... I was feeling a little proud of myself as I was poured drink by  that same Uncle Saga.


TL Note- I also pour drink to all my readers who have continued to read on this journey which is going to reach it's end and six girls mentioned might be the peak of Yuki's harem.

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