Chapter 10: This damn girl was really out of her mind

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March 29, 2023Ai Hrist

Mrs. Kong and the patriarch’s wife walked out for a while before returning to their senses.

The patriarch’s wife was puzzled: “Didn’t everyone say that the Shi Family is difficult? Why are they suddenly so easy to talk to?”

Shangxi Village and Xiaxi Village were next to each other, and conflicts often occur between the two villages.

The two patriarchs have always been at odds with each other, and they don’t like each other.

Mrs. Kong and Patriarch Xiao somewhat understand the overall situation of Shangxi Village.

The most difficult family to provoke in Shangxi Village was the Shi Family.

If it were in the past, the shrew people in the Shi Family probably scolded them long ago.

Today was different, something was wrong!

Mrs. Kong was weak, but she was not stupid.

She remembered what happened yesterday. Shi Qingluo said there was no need to offer a bride price. Also, she said that the Shi Family would not care about it, so today’s matter must have been caused by the other party.

At this time, she realized that Shi Qingluo was more powerful than she had imagined before.

There was no displeasure or embarrassment, but she was happier. Her family lacks a powerful daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Kong smiled, “Maybe it was related to the matter of the Wu Family before, they felt that they owe Qingluo.”

The patriarch’s wife didn’t think so. At Shi Family’s house just now, she always felt that those people seemed a little afraid of Shi Qingluo.

If they felt they owed people, they wouldn’t send her to be married and buried back then.

“It’s also possible. I don’t think the Shi Family is very happy, but according to Shi Qingluo, she wants to marry your family.”

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Yes, when they went to propose marriage just now, the Shi Family said that Shi Qingluo had taken a fancy to Xiao Hanzheng, so she took the initiative to go to the Xiao Family’s house to marry, and the other party agreed.

This was actually what Shi Qingluo deliberately asked the Shi Family to say.

Otherwise, the Shi Family will not let the daughter of their family to the Xiao family so quickly if they were not stupid. The key point was that there was no dowry.

Besides, she was willing to take the initiative to marry the Xiao family when it was the most difficult time, which was good for her reputation.

If she wants to divorce Xiao Hanzheng in the future, it will be easier for her to establish a female household.

The patriarch’s wife can’t figure it out, but it doesn’t matter.

“Since the Shi Family has agreed, then you should hurry home and prepare.”

“I’ll go back and bring someone over to help later.”

The patriarch’s wife took such good care of the mother and siblings of the Xiao family, all for the sake of comatose Xiao Hanzheng.

Mrs. Kong also knew, she said gratefully: “Okay, thank you auntie today.”

After going back, Mrs. Kong first went to see the comatose Xiao Hanzheng.

After finding out that the fever that subsided last night has not returned, she was slightly relieved.

Shi Qingluo was the lucky star of the Xiao Family. If her son can wake up, he must be nice to his wife.

Mrs. Kong took Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi to clean the yard.

Then went to the town to buy some meat and vegetables and came back.

Although they agreed they won’t hold a wedding banquet, she can’t let the new daughter-in-law feel deserted on the first day she enters the house.

So she was going to invite people who have helped them recently to have a simple meal, firstly to celebrate, and secondly to thank them.

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Because the patriarch’s wife brought someone to help, everyone in Xiaxi Village knew that Mrs. Kong would marry Xiao Hanzheng tomorrow.

Then the Shi Family also released the news, and everyone in Shangxi Village also knew about it.

This completely confused everyone.

Not only Xiao Hanzheng, but also the Xiao Family was now such a big fire pit, but someone still jumped into it.

Especially after learning that the new daughter-in-law was Shi Qinglou from the Shi Family, everyone was even more confused.

The Shi Family was a well-known blood-sucking family, and everyone knew that they almost sent Shi Qinglou to the Wu family to be buried before.

How can they marry Shi Qinglou to the Xiao family now?

Everyone was still guessing how much dowry Mrs. Kong spent to impress the Shi Family.

Hearing that the patriarch’s wife had revealed the truth, everyone couldn’t believe it.

No betrothal gifts, but will send a few bags of food as a dowry. The main point was the marriage will be tomorrow.

Was the Shi Family out of their minds?

The patriarch’s wife said that it was because Shi Qingluo fell in love with Xiao Hanzheng, so now she voluntarily married into the Xiao family and was happy.

This was a fact, and everyone has to believe it.

It was just that the people in the two villages still can’t figure it out.

If so many things didn’t happen to the Xiao family, and Xiao Hanzheng was in normal health, everyone wouldn’t be too surprised. They would even want to rush to marry their daughter.

After all, Xiao Hanzheng has great potential at first glance. Such a young scholar may be able to pass the imperial examination in the future.

But now the Xiao family owes a lot of foreign debts, Xiao Hanzheng may die at any time, and the daughter-in-law may become a widow immediately after entering the house.

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Shi Qinglou of the Shi Family don’t want a bride price, which made people don’t know what to say.

At this moment, many people admire Shi Qingluo, this little girl was so courageous!

Besides, it was the hardest thing to send charcoal promptly. No matter what the Shi Family was like, this Shi Qingluo has real kindness.

Facts also developed as Shi Qingluo expected.

Although many people secretly called her a fool, they all praised her for her genuine nature and good character.

On the other side, the Shi Family.

Shi Laosan and the others were beaten by Shi Qingluo with a rattan cane and were forced to pack coarse grains, soybeans, and mung beans.

After putting things together with the things she brought down from the Taoist Temple.

Shi Laosan glared at Shi Qingluo while rubbing his still-pain-burning arm.

“We have fulfilled all your requirements. In the future, if your life is not satisfactory in the Xiao family, we will not help you out.”

It would be best if she becomes a widow right after she marries.

Shi Qingluo couldn’t see what they were thinking: “I can’t rely on you now, but I can rely on you in the future? I’m not a fool.”

“However, what you said reminded me.”

Shi Qingluo raised her finger and pointed at Shi Laosi: “Go get a pen and paper, let’s write it down.”

Shi Laosi was also beaten once by Shi Qingluo with a cane, and now he fears and hates her.

“Write what?”

Shi Qingluo said as a matter of course: “Write down what Shi Laosan said just now, no matter how I live in the future, I don’t need my maternal family’s care.”

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“Also write it down, once I marry into the Xiao family, whether I become a widow in the future, or get divorced, my natal family will not accept me back.”

“Of course, if I become rich in the future, you are not qualified to take advantage of me. Write this one too.”

With this, there will be no problem in establishing a female household in the future.

People from the Shi family: “… …”

This damn girl was really out of her mind, not bad, no wonder she’s been so crazy lately.

She proposed such a condition that was so unfavorable to her.

But they can’t wait for it. If such an evil star suddenly becomes a widow or divorced in the future, she might ask them to take care of her again, even if they don’t want to.

But after writing it down, and she signed her fingerprints, even if she wants to go back to her natal family in the future if they don’t agree, she dares to harm them, they can report her to the Yamen and drive her away.

The next moment, Old Man Shi made a decision and said, “Go get it and write it for her.”

They should hurry up and send this evil star away, and don’t let her come back in the future.

As for whether she will become rich in the future, they don’t believe it at all.

So Shi Laosi wrote three copies. The elders of the Shi family and Shi Qingluo all signed or rather pressed their fingerprints.

Also, they let the patriarch and the clan elders of Shangxi Village testify.

Early the next morning, Shi Qingluo changed into the owner of the body’s best clothes, which were patches.

Her better ones were snatched by Mrs. Niu when she came back, and they were worn by the owner of the body’s younger sister.

Shi Qingluo was not interested in snatching them back, she hated it.

Not long after, Xiao Hanyi together with Patriarch Xiao’s son and others, arrived at Sh Family’s house to pick up the bride.


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