Chapter 11: This is not quite right

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March 30, 2023Ai Hrist

The marriage reception went smoothly and unexpectedly no one in the Shi Family cause trouble.

Patriarch Xiao’s Son and others even felt that the Shi family was relieved.

But everyone in the Shi Family has a bad face.

The scumbag members of the Shi Family moved all the boxes and books that the owner of the body brought back from the Taoist Temple to the ox cart.

Under the threat of Shi Qingluo’s eyes, they threw five bags of grain onto the ox cart with a gloomy faces.

Shi Laosan looked at Shi Qingluo with a cold face and said, “This is your choice, so don’t come back crying in the future.”

They didn’t even get a few taels of silver as a bride price, this girl was raised for nothing.

The point was that they have never suffered such a big loss and suffered such a big grievance. All these happened because of this daughter.

Shi Qingluo showed her a big smile, “Don’t worry, I won’t come back here again.”

“I’m afraid that you will come to my door crying and begging me in the future.” She said again.

Shi Laosan snorted coldly, “You are dreaming.”

Shi Qinglou curled her lips, she felt that there would be such a day. For the Shi family, in the face of great interests, the face was nothing.

She said what was in her heart, “But even if you come to me crying, I won’t help you.”

She has a lot of ways to deal with these superb products.

Shi Laosan and the others looked very ugly: “We’ll just wait and see how you make us cry, and how long you can be so arrogant.”

Shi Laosi even said: “You will pay the price for what you have done recently.”

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Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow: “You mean the Wu Family wants to take revenge on me?”

Shi Laosi: “… …”

When did this niece become so smart?

Or did she just pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger on purpose when she just came back?

“Looks like you know something.”

When Shi Qingluo saw the look on her Fourth Uncle’s face, she knew that this scum was still in touch with the Wu Family.

She remembered that the firewood shed where she lived was turned over when she came back from going out these two days.

She asked playfully: “Is the Wu Family eyeing the little black ball my master gave me?”

At that moment, Shi Laosi’s face slightly changed, but quickly returned to normal, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Shi Qinglou pursed her lips: “Sure enough, but I’m afraid they will miss it forever.”

If the Wu Family can become a rich businessmen in the county, the head of the family will not be a fool. Especially if he has a connection with the magistrate.

She used soil bombs to threaten the Shi Family, the old mama of the Wu family, and others.

The head of the Wu Family would naturally think that this thing can also be used in other ways, such as war.

If this thing can be presented to the Emperor, the Wu Family will have made great contributions.

Of course, the soiled bomb was only seen by the old mama and a few others in the Wu family. The head of the Wu Family was still not sure, so he asked Shi Laosi to steal it.

However, she had been prepared for a long time and put them all in the space. So the Wu Family won’t be able to take action.

She waved to the scumbag and the others, “Okay, then we will meet later!”

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People from the Shi family: “… …”

Who wants to meet you later?

They don’t want to see this dead girl again.

At that time, Old Man Shi waved his hands with a look of embarrassment, “Alright, you can go.”

Shi Qingluo carried a small burden, turned around, and left the Shi Family’s house without any hesitation.

When the old man and others saw this, they unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. The evil star finally left.

At the same time, Old Lady Shi and Mrs. Niu didn’t even cry or come out to see her off.

Showing how much they dislike Shi Qingluo.

Shi Qingluo didn’t care about these at all but thought it would be better if these scumbags didn’t come out to be an eyesore.

After she walked out the gate, she greeted Patriarch Xiao’s son and others with a smile.

Xiao Hanyi had a smile all over his face, “Sister-in-law, I am here to pick you up on behalf of my brother!”

Shi Qingluo smiled and reached out to pat him on the shoulder, “Then let’s go!”

The patriarch’s son and others saw that no one from the Shi family came out to see her off, their expressions were a little strange.

When Shi Qingluo saw this, she smiled and said, “They were reluctant to part with me, they are afraid that they will cry when they send me off, so I told them not to come out.”

The Shi Family members who were still standing in the yard: “… …”

Who will cry when you leave? Shameless.

The patriarch’s son guessed that the Shi family probably didn’t want her to get married, but they couldn’t go against Shi Qingluo’s request.

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No wonder when they saw them just now, each of them looked like someone died before getting married.

He smiled embarrassingly: “Get in the bullock cart.”

This was their family’s ox cart, and his father asked him to drive it to pick up people.

At first, he thought it would be difficult to pick up people, but he didn’t expect it to be so smooth.

Shi Qingluo was not hypocritical, and took the initiative to get on the bullock cart and sit down: “I’m sorry to trouble you!”

So a group of people walked towards Xiaxi Village.

When someone gets married in the village, if the economic conditions were not good, many of them will wear ordinary clothes and walk directly to their husband’s house.

Only powerful and rich families can marry their daughters wearing a red hijab and sitting in a sedan chair when entering the door.

Shi Qingluo sat on the bullock cart and watched the scenery along the way.

She sighed inside her heart, she didn’t expect that in modern times, she was a rich lady who didn’t get married, but in ancient times she became a small village girl and married herself out.

After arriving at Xiao Family’s courtyard, Shi Qing jumped off the bullock cart neatly.

Mrs. Kong and Xiao Baili were already standing at the gate waiting.

Seeing someone coming, Mrs. Kong took the initiative to shake Shi Qingluo’s hand.

“Qinglou, Zheng’er hasn’t woken up yet.”

“After a while, you will worship, Hanyi will take Zheng’er’s clothes and worship with you.”

“After Zheng’er wakes up, you will worship again.”

“I have wronged you!”

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Shi Qingluo smiled, “It’s okay.”

It was good to worship with clothes alone. If Xiao Hanzheng can’t get along with her when he wakes up, it will be easy to get divorced in the future. Anyway, the two of them have never even formally worshiped together.

Mrs. Kong has a good relationship with others. After the separation from the main house, she invited people who helped her.

Including the patriarch and elders, there were three tables of people in total.

Shi Qingluo was led into the main room by Mrs. Kong, and under the observation of these people, she and Xiao Hanzheng’s clothes were worshiped.

Then she was sent to Xiao Hanzheng’s room.

After entering the room, Shi Qingluo put down her small bundle, walked to the bedside, and looked at her husband who was still unconscious.

She stretched out her hand to touch him. Xiao Hanzheng’s forehead was no longer hot.

After withdrawing her hand, she frowned slightly: “The fever has subsided, why haven’t you woken up yet?”

This was not quite right.

Then she lifted the quilt and rolled up his trouser legs.

There were a few scars that were not too deep on the calf and thigh, and they have scabbed over. The wounds were treated well, and there was no inflammation, redness, or swelling.

She reached out and touched his leg: “The bones are not broken.”

So she wanted to see if there were any other hidden injuries on Xiao Hanzheng’s body. After touching his legs, she untied his clothes to see if there were any injuries on his upper body.

She lowered her head to examine carefully, but she didn’t notice the person who was asleep, his fingers moved slightly, and his body even became stiff.

He struggled, even more, to wake up, but he just couldn’t open his eyes.

For Shi Qingluo, she has no other distracting thoughts in her mind, but for someone, it was different… …

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