Chapter 19: I will protect you from now on

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April 11, 2023Ai Hrist

After it became soft tofu, Shi Qingluo scooped up a few more bowls.

She looked at Xiao Hanzheng and said: “Do you like sweet food or salty food?”

Xiao Hanzheng replied: “Salty.”

He doesn’t like sweets very much.

Shi Qingluo chuckled lightly and said, “Then we have the same taste.”

At this time, the chili hadn’t been introduced to Daliang, so she couldn’t put it if she wanted to.

Thinking inside her heart, she must find a way to plant the chili seeds in an open and upright manner.

“What about you?” She asked Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi.

Both chose sweet.

Sugar was expensive now, and the two of them never ate it in the main house. After the separation, their elder brother bought it, and they fell in love with it.

There was soy sauce and salt at home. Shi Qingluo fried some soybeans just now, scooped some, and sprinkled them on the two bowls of tofu jelly served with sauce.

Then brought a bowl to Xiao Hanzheng: “Come on, Brother Zheng!”

Xiao Hanzheng took the bowl, but raised an eyebrow: “Brother Zheng?”

Shi Qingluo blurted out of nowhere, so she explained: “You are older than me, isn’t it right to call you Brother Zheng?”

She blinked at Xiao Hanzheng, and her voice was soft on purpose: “Could it be possible I’m not allowed to call you Brother Zheng?”

Xiao Hanzheng laughed: “As long as you are happy, I don’t mind.”

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Brother Zheng seems to be closer.

Shi Qingluo rubbed her hands: “You don’t mind, but I do, I had goosebumps all over my body.”

It was okay to make a joke, but to call him Brother Zheng sweetly every day? Just thinking about it, she had goosebumps.

Mainly she was not such a sweet-mouthed girl, otherwise, it was fine.

Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi couldn’t help laughing out loud when they saw their sister-in-law like this.

Xiao Hanzheng asked the two little ones to take out the tofu brains for his mother to taste.

He waited until the two leave the kitchen.

Then he looked at the lively Shi Qingluo, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger: “Actually, you can also call me my husband.”

Yesterday, Shi Qingluo’s first impression of him was too deep.

Her eyes curved into crescent moons, her eyes were clear, and she raised her hand to greet him: “Hello, my husband!”

It made him dumbfounded at the time, but also made him remember the first time he saw her.

Shi Qingluo looked at him with a smile, and her tone was deliberately protracted and teasing, “So you like it when I call you my husband!”

She didn’t expect this guy to look so serious, but bored in life?

When Xiao Hanzheng met his little wife, she didn’t know what it was to be shy.

He looked at her with a strange look, as if she were such a person.

He said with a dumbfounded expression: “We are husband and wife, you call me husband, I call you wife, isn’t this a normal address?”

Shi Qinglou raised an eyebrow: “But we’re not that familiar yet.”

Xiao Hanzheng said: “Marrying a wife is the order of the parents and the matchmaker. Before getting married, many men and women have never even met each other, let alone know each other.”

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“We got to know each other yesterday.”

So it was okay for her to him ‘my husband’.

When Shi Qingluo heard it, it seemed to make sense. In ancient times, marriages were done blindly. It was very good that she can choose by herself.

If she had to marry, and that man was not her type, she will cry.

But she was not entangled by Xiao Hanzheng.

“You and I are not blindly married, but I chose you on my initiative.”

She walked up to Xiao Hanzheng, and looked up at him, with a domineering expression on her face, “So you are mine during the trial marriage stage.”

“If you dare to have ulterior motives, I will break your legs first, and then divorce you.”

She heard that Xiao Hanzheng was very popular before. The little girls in the village wanted to marry him, and many merchants in the county wanted to marry their daughters to him.

Shi Qingluo didn’t care about those peach blossoms, but she doesn’t allow him to have second thoughts during the trial marriage, that’s how domineering she was.

Xiao Hanzheng was stunned for a moment he didn’t expect Shi Qingluo to announce so domineeringly that he was hers, and he was not allowed to have ulterior motives.

After coming back to his senses, he leaned close to Shi Qingluo’s ear, and asked with a chuckle: “Break my leg? Really?”

As for divorcing him, he ignored it.

This kind of thing will not happen, because he has confidence in himself, and it was impossible to have ulterior intentions.

Having such a difficult, lively, and domineering little wife was enough for him to have headaches and worries.

Xiao Hanzheng’s exhaled breath sprayed on Shi Qingluo’s ears, making her ears tingle and numb.

This person’s voice was very pleasant to hear. Stepping again from her aesthetic point of view, which was annoying!

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She slightly blushed, then pushed the person away: “Speak if you have something to say, but you don’t need to get so close.”

Then she stretched out her small fist and shook it, looked at him, and said solemnly: “Believe it or, if you dare to have ulterior motives, I will dare to break your leg.”

Xiao Hanzheng saw that her face was dyed a layer of pink, and his mood became a little bit happier.

He smiled and said, “I believe, in order not to let you break my leg, I naturally dare not have ulterior motives.”

Shi Qinglou rolled his eyes at him: “Wrong, it’s not because you don’t want me to break your leg, so you don’t dare to have ulterior motives.”

“It’s that you have to be loyal to our marriage first. Don’t forget that we are still on trial marriage.”

She shrugged her shoulders indifferently: “Of course, if you have second thoughts, we’ll divorce.”

But it was still necessary to break his leg first.

Who asked Xiao Hanzheng to provoke her first, and agreed to try marriage together.

Xiao Hanzheng’s smile faded a little, he didn’t like her last sentence.

The little wife always mentions divorce. It seems that this kind of thought was not good.

He didn’t dare to do it, but still follow her words and said: “Okay, I’ll listen to you, I am loyal to our marriage, not because I am afraid that you will break your leg.”

Shi Qingluo raised her chin, “It’s not too bad.”

She reached out and patted Xiao Hanzheng’s shoulder: “Don’t worry, as long as you are loyal, I will protect you in the future.”

“Whoever bullies you, I will break his leg.”

Her little husband’s thin body, and gentle and elegant appearance, makes people want to bully him.

So as long as he was loyal, she will protect him.

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When Xiao Hanzheng saw her clear and serious eyes, he shook his head.

This was the first time in his two lives that someone said ‘I will protect you, and whoever bullies you, I will break his leg’.

His frozen heart melted again, and the corners of his lips raised: “Okay, I will rely on my wife to protect me from now on.”

Shi Qingluo showed a big smile: “That’s natural.”

She then blinked at Xiao Hanzheng: “My husband, is the tofu jelly delicious?”

Xiao Hanzheng took a spoonful and tasted it, “It’s fresh and tender, not bad.”

Shi Qinglou smiled triumphantly and said: “As expected.”

Xiao Hanzheng smiled and cheered, “My wife is amazing.”

Shi Qingluo raised her chin proudly: “That’s right.”

She heard from her best friend that a man who knows how to praise his wife and recognize the achievements of his wife’s labor was not bad. So Xiao Hanzheng was not bad.

Seeing her smug little appearance, the smile in his eyes grew stronger again.

Not long after, Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi returned to the kitchen.

Xiao Baili said with a smile: “Sister-in-law, mother praises the tofu jelly you make. She said its delicious.”

“Me and Yi’er like it too.

Because it took a long time to make tofu, the other villager’s aunts went home to work first and came back later.

Shi Qinglou tried to be more modest in front of Xiao Baili: “It’s good as long as you like it.”

“Come on, let’s continue making tofu.”

Then she took Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi to squeeze the damp cloth again.

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