Chapter 20: There is a problem with the medicine

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April 12, 2023Ai Hrist

After the tofu was ready, Shi Qingluo asked Xiao Hanyi to call the aunts to the house and asked Xiao Baili to fry a portion for everyone to taste.

There used to be an aunt who cooked and cleaned at home, so her cooking skills were not good.

Xiao Baili was very talented in cooking, but it was a pity that there was no place for her to display it at home.

Several people who came with Xiao Hanyi tasted it, and they all exclaimed that it was delicious.

Then Shi Qingluo alone gave them a piece to take home to eat and told them that it can be fried, or added to soup and stewed fish.

Mrs. Kong sent a few people out.

One person said with a smile: “You have overcome your hardships now. Not only Dalang woke up, but Dalang’s wife is also so capable.”

Mrs. Kong smiled and said, “Dalang’s wife is really capable.”

“Are you going to sell this tofu?” Another shrewd woman asked.

They have never seen this tofu before, and it tastes pretty good.

The cost of soybeans was not high, it will not be difficult to sell them.

Mrs. Kong shook her head, “I don’t know, it depends on my daughter-in-law.”

Several people: “…”

What’s the point of you being a mother-in-law?

After seeing off a few people, Mrs. Kong returned to the yard.

It was almost time for dinner. Xiao Baili had already cooked rice, fried tofu, and cooked cabbage tofu soup under Shi Qingluo’s command.

The family sat and ate together.

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Xiao Hanzheng was still drinking the porridge and only tasted the tofu.

After being comatose for so long, he needs to eat a little bit, otherwise, it will easily hurt his stomach and feel uncomfortable.

He asked Shi Qingluo: “What do you want to do with this tofu?”

Shilou Qing replied: “Use it to make money.”

“But it’s too hard to make tofu every morning. I’m not going to sell it myself.”

A lot of tofu should be made, but grinding the beans was already very hard. Also, it was not suitable for the old, weak, and disabled people of their families to sell.

Xiao Hanzheng asked: “Have you already thought about it?”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “I want to hire someone to make tofu, and then sell it to the people in the village at a low price of one penny per catty.”

“They can sell tofu to the town or in other villages.”

“This way we don’t have to work so hard, and we can sell favor to the people in the village.”

She continued: “We can do this in the name of repaying everyone for taking care of us.”

“The prosperity of the world depends on profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world are for profit.”

“As long as we can get the support of most people in the village and bind them with interests, we will have an advantage, whether it is against the main Xiao Family or the Wu family.”

Shi Qingluo didn’t forget that the Wu family was still a hidden crisis.

Xiao Hanzheng didn’t expect Shi Qingluo to say such insightful words.

He doesn’t know why, but he always felt that the Old Immortal Master who was addicted to alchemy can’t teach a girl like Shi Qingluo.

He agreed: “You are very comprehensive, I think it is very good.”

Just now, he was thinking about how he would handle selling tofu if it were him.

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To his surprise, Shi Qingluo thought the same as him.

Shi Qingluo chuckled and said, “Then it’s decided.”

“Anyway, there is an open space behind our dilapidated yard. In the past two days, we will invite someone to build a shed, and we will make tofu in it from now on.”

“Then let’s calculate the cost and see how to sell it for a catty.”

She said again: “The villagers can exchange soybeans for tofu, or buy them with money. If we collect soybeans just by ourselves, it will be troublesome.”

She was forcibly pulled and trained by her parents for several years before. They wanted her to become a businessman and inherit the company in the future. She still learned a lot of business experience at that time.

It was just a pity, both of them were deliberately fooled by her in the end. After learning that she applied for the agricultural science major at the National Agricultural University during the college entrance examination, they left her alone in anger.

Before she died, the two had given birth to a pair of twin brothers through test tubes.

She thought that when the two cultivated these young brothers, they will no longer go against her wishes as much as before. In the future, she may not need to inherit the company alone.

Xiao Hanzheng discovered that Shi Qingluo’s mind was very useful, and she was also very talented in the business.

He nodded: “Okay, I’ll go talk to the patriarch in a while, and ask him to help choose someone to make tofu.”

After drinking Shi Qingluo’s sugar water yesterday and this morning, and several times plain water, he felt much better. His body was not that weak anymore.

He has no problem walking for a while with a club.

Mrs. Kong smiled and listened to the two making their decisions without raising opinions or interfering.

She knew that she was not expected to be the head of the house, so she would let her daughter-in-law be the housekeeper.

After eating, Xiao Hanzheng took Xiao Hanyi to the patriarch’s house and sent tofu to the patriarch and elders at the same time.

The patriarch asked his daughter-in-law to fry tofu on the spot.

He found that the taste was wonderful, and it can be sold.

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In addition to being happy that Xiao Hanzheng’s family will have such a survival skill in the future, he was also very pleased that the young couple can think of repaying for the care of the village.

This also proved that they were not mistaken.

So he took the initiative to take over the matter of helping to recruit people. He knew best who were hardworking and reliable people in the village.

After Xiao Hanzheng thanked him, he took Xiao Hanyi home.

After returning home, Xiao Baili brought a bowl of medicine.

“Brother, drink your medicine.”

At this time, Shi Qingluo also came out after taking a nap.

She asked casually, “Aren’t you feeling better? Why are you still taking medicine?”

Mrs. Kong’s mother said: “This is the medicine prescribed by the doctor in the town for Dalang to nourish his body.”

“The doctor said that although he woke up without a fever, he had hurt his body before, so he needed to drink some medicine to strengthen the body.”

Shi Qingluo didn’t understand medicine, “So that’s how it is.”

Xiao Hanzheng looked at the medicine in the bowl, and a bit of anger grew in his calm eyes, and his whole person seemed to have a layer of anger.

Shi Qingluo sensed it and looked at him inexplicably.

Did this medicine mess with him?

Finding that Shi Qingluo was looking at him inexplicably, Xiao Hanzheng was taken aback for a moment and then restrained his hostility.

His little wife seems to be very sensitive!

He took a sip of the medicine and quickly spit it out on the veil.

Seeing this, Mrs. Kong also felt that something was wrong with him: “Zheng’er, is there something wrong with this medicine?”

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Xiao Hanzheng put down the medicine bowl and nodded, “Well, drinking this medicine will not only fail to strengthen the foundation but will also make my body weaker.”

“If you drink for a long time, you will become a sick child.”

Mrs. Kong’s eyes widened, “How could this be?”

Shi Qingluo was also a little confused and was even more surprised that Xiao Hanzheng knew how to taste the medicine.

But it was just right, after all, he was full of anger before he drank the medicine.

Xiao Hanzheng asked Mrs. Kong: “Mother when I was in a coma, were the dregs of the medicine you boiled still there?”

Mrs. Kong nodded: “It’s still there, I throw it all in the backyard.”

“I’ll go and have a look.” Xiao Hanzheng got up.

Several people also went to the backyard together.

Shi Qingluo saw Xiao Hanzheng’s hand moving back and forth with the medicine residue and found two medicines from it.

He looked very familiar with medicine.

He stood up and looked at Mrs. Kong and the others and said, “I’ve been suffering from high fever repeatedly before, and it was caused by the conflict between these two medicines.”

This was also what he accidentally discovered after waking up in his previous life.

In order not to be taken disadvantaged in this respect, and to take revenge, he studied medicine.

Just sipping a bit, he can tell what was the problem with the medicine just now.

Mrs. Kong looked in disbelief, “You mean, the doctor in the town deliberately harmed you?”

She believed what her son said.

What she couldn’t believe was that the doctor wanted to kill her son: “We have no grievances with him, why did he want to kill you?”

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