Chapter 52: Distributor

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May 28, 2023Ai Hrist

Bai Xu was a little moved by what she said.

But he was not an impulsive person.

“I have to taste this first. We’ll talk about the tofu you mentioned after.”

He then asked: “And what is the reason for me to earn big? If it’s just tofu, I think it’s not enough.”

Even if the tofu taste excellent, the launch of tofu dishes was just an opportunity, and soon other restaurants will follow suit.

Of course, taking the lead was also an opportunity in many cases.

Their family ran a small restaurant in the capital. If this tofu dish was that good, if there will be a chance, he will send it to the capital for a try.

Shi Qinglou replied: “Of course.”

“But I can also grow some rare and precious flowers, such as black chrysanthemum, black peony, the same with other colors of chrysanthemum, peony, and camellia, etc.”

“Just for chrysanthemum flowers, I can grow many varieties that you have never seen before.”

“Also that tulips you treat as great treasures, I can also cultivate many different colors.”

Cultivating and grafting famous flowers, she was a master herself.

Not to mention, the help of spiritual spring.

Bai Xu didn’t believe it: “Is it true?”

Shi Qingluo looked at him with a stupid look on her face, “If you don’t believe me, it means you have no vision, and you will miss a lot of opportunities.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

To question her is to have no vision, this woman is hard to describe.

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Shi Qingluo couldn’t see the meaning in his expression: “If you don’t believe me, then just wait for me to slap you in the face.”

“When the time comes, I will cultivate all kinds of rare and precious famous flowers, but I will cooperate with others to sell them. You will be so hungry!”

If it weren’t for the two biggest businessmen in Nanxi County, one was the Wu family who had a grudge against her, she wouldn’t have caught Bai Xu plucking the wool.

Of course, it was Bai Xu’s luck to be coaxed by her.

Bai Xu: “… …”

He wanted to give her a hard look.

But he still held back, if this woman cultivated the rare and famous flower in her mouth, he would indeed be greedy.

He asked Shi Qingluo: “How is my flower?”

Shi Qingluo replied: “It has come back to life, you can visit it anytime, it misses you too.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

Why from this woman’s mouth, he seems to be visiting a little lover, poisonous.

He raised an eyebrow: “Are you sure it’s alive? If I take it back, it won’t wither again, right?”

Shi Qingluo shook her head: “Of course not.”

“If you can’t trust me, you can ask my husband. You always believe what he says, right?” He pulled out Xiao Hanzheng’s guarantee again.

Xiao Hanzheng testified: “Your chrysanthemum has indeed come back to life.”

Bai Xu still believed in Xiao Hanzheng, so he nodded his head to Shi Qingluo and said: “You seem to be very good at treating flowers, I will go to see it tomorrow.”

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “Actually, you can go see it today, I think it wants to see you.”

In this way, there was no need for them to go back in a slow bullock cart.

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The main reason was that she still has to buy a lot of things, otherwise, she would rather walk than ride an ox cart.

Now that she can rob a carriage, of course, she won’t let it go.

Bai Xu: “…”

You want to ride in my carriage, don’t think I don’t know.

He said with a fake smile: “It will be the same tomorrow.”

Shi Qingluo played with the teacup, “Then you won’t be able to taste tofu until tomorrow, and the promotion of the tofu in the restaurant will be delayed. Time is money.”

“You may also miss, my homemade sugar.”

After bringing the beets home yesterday, she took Mrs. Kong and the others to make sugar.

Bai Xu raised an eyebrow: “You also know how to make sugar?”

Why don’t you say, you can also ascend to heaven to meet your master?

Seeing that he didn’t believe it, Shi Qingluo took out a piece of white sugar wrapped in paper from the cloth bag she was carrying.

After opening it, the crystal clear white sugar inside lay on the paper.

She snorted arrogantly, “I told you I will slap you in the face, but you still choose not to believe it.”

Bai Xu looked at the things on the paper in surprise: “Is this sugar?”

“Yes!” Shi Qing nodded.

He asked again: “What kind of sugar?”

Shi Qinglou replied: “It’s similar to the brown sugar on the market but more pure.”

The white sugar here was called brown sugar. Because the decolorization process has not been invented yet, the sugar produced from sugarcane was reddish brown or yellowish.

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Brown sugar was called brown sugar.

Bai Xu was a little skeptical, “How can brown sugar be so white?”

“Can I have a taste?”

He had never seen such white sugar.

Shi Qingluo knew that none of the sugar here had been whitened, so Bai Xu’s reaction was within her expectation.

She first grabbed some from the paper bag and put it in her mouth, “Okay, let me taste it for you first.”

After all, it was something new, it was better for her to try it first as a demonstration.

Bai Xu regretted it when he said he wanted to taste it. After all, he was not familiar with these two people. What if this thing was poisonous?

Although it was unlikely, he better be careful.

But now that Shi Qingluo tasted it herself first, he also felt relieved and stretched out his hand to grab some and put it in his mouth.

The astonishment in his eyes became stronger, and his face hurt even more: “This sugar tastes purer and sweeter than the brown sugar sold outside.”

He didn’t expect this woman to be able to make sugar.

He asked curiously: “How did you make it?”

Shi Qingluo habitually throws the blame away, “My master taught me!”

Bai Xu sighed in his heart: Your master is excellent, he can do everything.

He said: “I mean how to make this sugar?”

He was very curious about why this kind of sugar could be made so white.

The main branch of their Bai family has a large sugarcane plantation, which specializes in making brown sugar. The profits were huge.

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It was a pity that the main branch controls the sugarcane seeds and prevents the branch people from drinking the soup.

Their family wanted to get their hands on the sugar market, but there was nothing they could do.

He didn’t see any sugar cane growing in Nanxi County, so he felt that this woman’s sugar should not be made from sugar cane, which made him even more puzzled.

Shi Qingluo glanced at him meaningfully again: “Do you think I will tell you such a secret technique?”

Bai Xu: “… …”

That’s right, he wouldn’t say if it was him.

Just now he was so curious that he asked.

“Do you want to sell this sugar?” He saw a huge business opportunity.

This sugar was better than the sugar he knows in terms of appearance, quality, and taste.

If it was deliberately packaged, the grade was raised, and taken out to do business with the powerful and rich, the profits should be considerable.

He has to say that this woman was accurate when it comes to making decisions.

Shi Qingluo looked like you were so stupid: “I made it, if I don’t sell it, should I keep it to eat? I can’t eat so much!”

Bai Xu: “… …”

He felt that he had been connoted.

He decided not to argue with her for the sake of money: “Then how much do you have? If I buy it, how can I sell it?”

Shi Qingluo said: “How much do you want, I have as much as you want.”

She can buy brown sugar on the market, and then decolorize it into white sugar with yellow mud water drizzle.

Bai Xu racked his mind and asked tentatively: “Your tone is really big, could it be you can make brown sugar into this white sugar, can you?”

Otherwise, how could she have as much as you want? The main point was there was no sugar cane in Nanxi County.

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