Chapter 53: That’s why he was slapped in the face

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8-10 minutes 29.05.2023

Shi Qingluo found out that this profiteer’s brain was really easy to use.

“So what?”

She didn’t deny it either.

Besides, she was not going to buy brown sugar to turn it into white sugar by herself but was going to sell this technology.

After all, after buying brown sugar for decolorization, the profit was limited, and it was troublesome to buy brown sugar.

She wants to exchange technology for a sum of money first, to solve the current urgent needs.

Besides, her husband was still just a scholar. Such technology, if this stays in their hands. It can be estimated that they will be targeted by the rich and powerful, and it will be dangerous.

If it can be sold to the Bai family, the Bai family will bear this risk.

As for the beet sugar workshop, they can still open it. After all, the cost of directly making sugar from beets was much lower than buying brown sugar for decolorization.

With the Bai family standing in front of them, they can drink soup with peace of mind.

Bai Xu thought for a while and said, “I want to see more of your sugar.”

Shi Qingluo said: “My family has it, so I asked you to go back with us. While watching your precious flower, we can also discuss business opportunities.”

She rolled her eyes at him again, “You didn’t believe me before.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

That’s why he was slapped in the face.

“Okay, I’ll go back with you later.”

He wanted to see how his flower was doing.

Of course, the focus was on sugar.

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Shi Qingluo wanted to sell technology, so she had to show Bai Xu on the spot, “By the way, you can bring a few catties of brown sugar with you, and I’ll make white sugar for you.”

Bai Xu did not question her this time, he nodded and said: “Okay.”

He asked: “Then, should we leave now?”

Shi Qingluo was speechless: “Why are you in such a hurry, we haven’t talked about how to sell our books yet.”

“If you are not interested in profit sharing, we will change to another bookstore.”

She smiled again and said: “Of course, you don’t have to taste tofu and look at white sugar anymore.”

Bai Xu wanted to cry but had no tears: “… …”

This woman is too cruel.

“Okay, as long as the tofu you said is delicious, the white sugar is also as you said just now, and I will cooperate with you.”

“The payment to Young Master Xiao’s script will be calculated according to 40% of the profit after the sale.”

“This kind of script trading doesn’t exist in Daliang.”

The main reason was that he also felt that Xiao Hanzheng’s book might sell well, so naturally he wouldn’t let them go to other bookstores.

It was just, he was more interested in tofu and sugar.

Shi Qingluo smiled: “Don’t be so grandiose. Even if you hadn’t taken a fancy to my husband, his work would still sell well. You know it, that’s why you don’t want to miss it. Isn’t it?”

Bai Xu: “… …”

It’s good you can see it, but you don’t need to say it.

He turned his head to Xiao Hanzheng and said: “In the future, we can talk about business, but I think it’s better if it’s just the two of us.”

“Your wife’s mouth is too strong.”

He can’t have a good talk with her. The main point was she had a series of distorted theories that made people feel reasonable. It was indeed like this, but it was too poisonous.

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Xiao Hanzheng laughed: “My wife is fine.”

And he said frankly: “My wife is in charge of our family, so she should discuss business matters.”

He has more experience in how to fight wars, how to intrigue in court, and how to be an official, but he was not good at doing business.

Each person has a specialization in industry, and his wife happened to be very good at this aspect.

Shi Qingluo glared at Bai Xu: “Why, do you look down on women?”

Bai Xu found that Xiao Hanzheng spoiled and indulged his wife too much. Which family has a daughter-in-law in-charge in their family? He hadn’t seen it anyway.

Seeing Shi Qinglou glaring at him, he admitted defeat for his precious flowers, tofu, and sugar.

He smiled embarrassingly and said: “Just kidding, I am just making a joke with Young Master Xiao.”

He has to say that Xiao Hanzheng’s wife was too maverick, he can’t afford to provoke her.

Shi Qingluo let him go.

Then Bai Xu and Xiao Hanzheng signed an agreement, and the storybook will be printed by the shopkeeper. The book will be published as soon as possible.

Bai Xu asked people to prepare the carriage so that they can go back to the village.

After getting into the carriage, Shi Qingluo said to Xiao Si who was riding the carriage: “I want to buy some things, so let’s go to the places we visited last time.”

Xiao Si didn’t know what to do, so he glanced at Bai Xu and waited for orders.

Bai Xu: “… …”

He knew that this woman’s main point was to use his carriage.

“Go, take her to buy it.” What else could he do?

Xiao Si nodded and drove the carriage to the butcher stall and grocery store.

Shi Qingluo went to the cloth shop again to buy some fine cotton and coarse cotton and went back to make clothes.

She currently only has two sets of clothes, which were not only worn out but also uncomfortable to wear because they were made of burlap.

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The slightly better clothes of Mrs. Kong and the others were taken away by the people in the main house before, so they also need to make new ones.

Fortunately, Daliang Dynasty already had cotton, and cotton cloth had been popularized. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to wear silk to do things, and she didn’t like wearing linen.

After buying a bunch of things, Shi Qingluo asked Xiao Si to drive back to the village.

In the carriage, Shi Qingluo was drinking tea and eating refreshments leisurely.

She looked at Bai Xu and asked, “Your carriage horse is not bad. It’s brought from another place, right? Is it a grassland horse?”

Bai Xu looked at Shi Qinglou sipping tea and eating tea elegantly, she didn’t look like a village girl at all.

Hearing her question, he was taken aback, “Do you also know horses?”

The horses in his family were indeed brought from the grassland at a high price through a relationship.

Shi Qinglou nodded: “Of course.”

Born in a wealthy family, horse riding has been a compulsory course for her since she was a child.

Because she also likes riding horses, she has done a lot of research on horses.

“How can you tell?” Bai Xu asked curiously.

Shi Qingluo replied: “Your horse has a big head and a short neck, a strong physique, a broad chest and a long mane, thick skin and thick hair, and a kind of rough and majestic. Horses in the grassland are like this.”

“However, horses are better from Dawan in the Western Regions.”

She turned her head and said to Xiao Hanzheng: “In the future if we have a chance, let’s get a few to raise.”

She has raised several horses of precious bloodlines in modern times, and she doesn’t want to wrong herself in ancient times.

Xiao Hanzheng nodded with a smile on his face, “Okay!”

If his wife wants it, then go and get it done.

Bai Xu: “… …”

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These two discussed making a fortune in the Western Regions as if it was as simple as eating and drinking. He was impressed.

He can’t help sighing again, Xiao Hanzheng was too indulgent of his wife.

“Do you also know Dawan in the Western Regions?” This should not be known by a village girl.

Even, he learned Dawan in the Western Regions because of the trade between the border and the Western Regions. He heard a young master in the branch show off that he had done business with the barbarians in the Western Regions.

Shi Qingluo said lazily: “Why can’t I?”

She showed off her vest again and said: “I am the apprentice of the Old Immortal Master, I know a lot of things.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

Suddenly, he wanted to visit the old Taoist temple.

Shi Qingluo said again: “The furs and gems in the Western Regions are very good. You can do business with Hu merchants in the future.”

Bai Xu laughed: “I’ll take a look later.”

He always felt that this woman was not just talking about these things.

So he asked: “Do you want furs and gems?”

Shi Qinglou squinted her eyes and smiled, “Smart!”

“And I also want to buy a few horses from your grassland.”

“Although it is not as good as Dawan in the Western Regions, we can use it first.”

After all, there will be more workshops, so it was necessary to equip a few more carriages to pull goods.

Bai Xu: “… …”

He knew this would be the case.

What made him even more helpless was that, even if it was not easy to get a grassland horse, she despised them… …

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