Chapter 54: What I pluck is your wool

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8-10 minutes 30.05.2023

Bai Xu looked at Shi Qingluo.

“What if I can’t get a horse?”

Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow: “Then I’ll get it from other places. We will end our business discussion, and I will replace you with someone else.”

If they can’t help each other, she doesn’t need to cooperate with the Bai family.

Bai Xu: “… …”

He was pinched to death by this woman again.

He doesn’t know why, but he has a feeling that this woman was not simple.

She may not only know what she said in the bookstore before, but she may come up with other things in the future.

As a result, the helplessness on his face became stronger: “Okay, I will try to help you.”

“However, there should be no more than five horses. The court has strict management over horses.”

He added: “I was able to get a few horses because my uncle was in the livestock business.”

Shi Qingluo’s eyes lit up, “Then does your uncle also deal with cattle, sheep, and pigs?”

Bai Xu didn’t know why Shi Qingluo reacted so strongly when he mentioned the livestock business.

“Mmm! But my uncle mainly does business with grassland herdsmen. He transports horses, sheep, and cattle from there to Daliang and sells them.”

“Of course, because we often have to go deep into the grasslands to collect livestock, so this business is very dangerous, and it is tantamount to risking our lives.”

It was no secret.

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His mother’s family was a big businessman in the prefecture next door. His mother married his father in the beginning because she fell in love with him, and it was a low marriage.

Therefore, no messy wives and concubines were fighting in their families. He only has younger brothers and sisters who were born to the same mother. He has no brothers and sisters born to the concubine.

Shi Qingluo smiled and said, “Aside from the 5 horses, I also want to buy a batch of cows, sheep, and pigs with your uncle.”

Bai Xu raised his eyebrows: “My uncle only does big business, selling at least a hundred cattle, sheep, and pigs.”

Shi Qingluo also raised an eyebrow: “What, you think I can’t afford it?”

Bai Xu nodded: “Can you afford it?”

He doesn’t know who ask him for the deposit for the flower treatment. How much was it? And how much would it cost to buy hundreds of cattle, sheep, and pigs?

Shi Qingluo said confidently: “I won’t be able to take it out right now, but I will be able to take it out in an hour or two.”

Bai Xu laughed: “Why don’t you say you can do magic tricks.”

Shi Qingluo looked at Bai Xu with a stupid look in her eyes: “I don’t know how to do magic tricks, but after you see how I turned brown sugar into white sugar, won’t the money come?”

She added meaningfully: “You also delivered yourself.”

What she meant was like ‘What I pluck is your wool’.

Bai Xu: “… …”

He almost forgot about it, this woman calculated everything.

“You win.” He didn’t even know what to say.

Shi Qingluo raised his chin, “That’s right!”

Fighting with her, Young Master Bai was still too tender.

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Xiao Hanzheng looked at his little wife’s arrogant appearance, and a smile overflowed in his eyes.

Then he took out his handkerchief, and reach out to wipe off the tea foam on her lips.

Shi Qingluo didn’t move and let him wipe.

This made Bai Xu black lines on his face. Xiao Hanzheng overturned his previous understanding of him.

Such a handsome and out-of-this-world little Sanyuan would wipe his wife’s mouth… …

The three sat in the carriage and chatted.

When approaching the village, Xiao Hanzheng suddenly said: “It seems that someone has been following us.”

Bai Xu was stunned for a moment and opened a small hidden window at the rear of the carriage.

Sure enough, he saw a boy riding a horse not far behind.

He closed the window: “He should have followed me, a servant from the Wu family.”

He was displeased, this Wu Family was going too far, and even asked people to follow him to the countryside.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qingluo looked at each other. They both felt that the people from the Wu Family were more likely to be following them.

But they didn’t say it out. After all, it was not appropriate for Bai Xu to know about the explosives.

Besides, they were not completely sure whether the other party’s target was them or Bai Xu.

Shi Qingluo encouraged Bai Xu: “So hurry up and pull down the Wu family, and your Bai family will be the richest man in the county without being stared at all the time.”

Bai Xu rolled his eyes at him: “I want to, but it’s not easy to bring down the Wu family. Standing behind them is the magistrate.”

Shi Qingluo chuckled lightly and said, “Then bring down the magistrate too, I believe you Bai family can do it.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

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I thank you for your compliment.

This woman just wants to encourage them to fight against the Wu Family!

“You praise too much, our Bai family is not that good.” He smiled.

He said this on his lips, but in his heart, he agreed with what Shi Qingluo said.

If the Wu Family and the magistrate were not brought down, their Bai family will not be so easy to stand out.

Speaking of their business in Fucheng, their Bai family had the opportunity to intervene and expand several times, but unfortunately, they were deliberately suppressed by the magistrate and had to give up.

His uncle was framed in Fucheng and almost went to jail. Their family was forced to send ten thousand taels of silver to bail him out.

If it weren’t for the people in their capital, his family probably would have been destroyed by the Wu Family. The Prefect was also just like another big merchant family, he took their property.

Anyway, the feud between the Bai family, the Wu family, and the magistrate has already been forged.

He reminded: “You and the Wu family have also had grievances. Afterward, Young Master Xiao will go to Fucheng for the test, so you have to be careful.”

The reason why he felt more at ease in cooperating with Xiao Hanzheng was also because he found out that the two had a grudge against the Wu family.

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “I will.”

The township examination was still more than a year away, and he will try his best to pull the magistrate down before the exam.

He said meaningfully: “Perhaps, we will have other opportunities for cooperation other than business.”

Bai Xu was a smart person, and said with a smile: “It’s not impossible.”

He found that Xiao Hanzheng was not a simple person. He was not only good at reading, but nine times out of ten he was good at martial arts, otherwise it would be impossible to find someone following him.

Xiao Hanzheng smiled and didn’t bring up this topic again, as long as everyone knows it well.

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After arriving home, the three got out of the carriage.

The Wu family boy who followed them turned around and left before they got off the carriage.

Several people ignored it.

Back home, Shi Qingluo put the seasonings and meat she bought into the kitchen.

Then she came out of the kitchen with another jar in her arms, and handed it to Bai Xu: “This is the sugar I made yesterday.”

“If you don’t mind, you can have a light meal at our house. I will ask my sister-in-law to fry a few more tofu dishes.”

Bai Xu took the jar: “Of course, I don’t dislike it, so I will bother you.”

He also wanted to try dishes made of tofu.

Then he opened the jar and saw a lot of sugar inside.

He stirred it with a spoon and saw that it was all clean white sugar.

He asked: “This is not made of sugar cane, right?”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “No, I made it from the kind of plant called beet.”

“In the future, our family will open a sugar workshop, and then ask people to plant it on a large scale.”

“If we cooperate happily, the white sugar in the future can be mainly sold to you.”

Bai Xu smiled and said: “Cooperation is naturally a must, I want as much sugar as you can have.”

However, he was more interested in this: “Aren’t you going to let me witness the brown sugar turning into white sugar?”

Shi Qinglou sat down and asked: “No hurry, shouldn’t we talk about the price first?”

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