Chapter 93: Then try it

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August 5, 2023Ai Hrist

When Shi Qingluo said this, all the villagers present were surprised.

But soon many people suddenly realized.

“I was wondering why your relationship with Old Lady Xiao suddenly became better than before. It’s all because you wanted to provoke people!”

“It’s too unkind of you to do this. Dalang’s wife is from our village, but you still go there to bring them trouble.”

“The Wu family is so bad, you help his family to do bad things? I didn’t see it before. You are such a person.”

“No wonder Dalang’s wife doesn’t want your family to do things. Even I wouldn’t dare to do it.”

“That’s right. Who knows when you learn the prescription of how to make mosquito coils, you secretly tell the Wu family. What should we do by then?”

“The Wu family likes to steal prescriptions from others the most. Does your family want to sign up so that you can steal prescriptions?”

Everyone was from the same village, and it was normal to have conflicts with each other.

But colluding with outsiders to deal with people in the village, makes the villagers not accept it.

The old lady didn’t expect Shi Qingluo to know about it.

But she didn’t admit it: “Where did you hear that? I didn’t do such a thing.”

Anyway, the members of the main Xiao Family have all gone to the capital, so they can’t confront each other in public.

Otherwise, if this matter spread, how will their family be in the village? Won’t they be cast aside to death?

She also complained about Shi Qingluo. It was just a trivial matter, was it worth bringing it up?

Shi Qingluo was on guard, she took out a piece of paper from her sleeve and handed it to the patriarch.

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“Patriarch, this is what my ex-grandmother-in-law wrote to me before their family left the village. It’s all about how the old lady provoked her at that time.”

“There is also my ex-grandmother-in-law thumbprint here.”

When she went to the main Xiao Family that night, she asked Xiao Dalang to write it and asked the old lady to press her fingerprint.

The main Xiao family will not lose any benefit from it, so they did it.

The patriarch took a look, and looked at the old woman displeased: “The evidence is here, do you still have to argue?”

The old lady didn’t expect Old Lady Xiao to be so vicious, she told Shi Qingluo about these things and even wrote them down.

There was nothing she can do even if she refuses to admit it.

She can only smile embarrassingly: “I just said a few words casually, it’s not provocative.”

“Our family signed up just to earn some wages, and it has nothing to do with the Wu Family.”

Recently, the Wu Family’s reputation in the county has become bad, and their reputation in their village was even worse.

Now it was not possible to gain anything by working under the Wu Family.

Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow and said meaningfully: “Really? Then you can guarantee that if you learn how to make mosquito coils, you will not leak it to the Wu family?”

“Working in my family, you can only have 100 pennies a month, but if you learn the prescription and sell them to the Wu family, you can at least earn a few dozen taels of silver or even 100 taels of silver.”

“Before, you stabbed us in the back just because your family members were working in the Wu Family’s inn. Now that you can earn a high price, how can you hold back?”

This remark made everyone feel very reasonable.

What will you choose between a hundred pennies, a dozen tael of silver, and hundreds of taels?

Judging from what this family has done before, nine out of ten choose the latter.

No need to mention it, someone else present was tempted.

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Shi Qingluo scanned around and knew what to expect.

In addition to killing chickens and monkeys today, she has to make prescription secrecy a top priority.

Rules alone were not completely reliable, the key was to rely on everyone’s self-awareness and mutual supervision.

So before the old lady wanted to explain, she spoke again.

“If the Wu family learns it, my family’s workshop will be robbed of business, and then there will be no way to hire people to do things. Will you be happy when the villagers lost their work?”

“There is an old saying that cutting off people’s wealth is like killing their parents. Are you trying to make enemies with the whole village?”

The old lady was startled by these words, “No, we didn’t.”

She did have such thoughts before.

The salary of 100 pennies was not low, but if they get the prescription and sell it secretly, that would be great. And that was the purpose of their entry into the workshop.

Her son asked her to keep an eye on the Xiao Family before. If there was any useful information, they can get rewarded from the Wu Family.

Who would have thought Shi Qingluo will bring it out ahead of time?

Moreover, she used the whole village as a raft. She suddenly regretted why she jumped out just now.

The whole village looked at them with disgust and suspicion, which made her heart skip a beat.

She immediately retorted, “You can’t just open your mouth to wrong a good person. We didn’t have such a thought.”

Shi Qingluo pointed to the paper in the patriarch’s hand, “You also said before that you didn’t go to Old Lady Xiao to provoke, but in the end, the evidence was presented, you can only admit it.”

“So your words have no credibility.”

The villagers also spoke one after another.

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“Yes, who knows what you think.”

“Once the prescription is given to the Wu Family, who would still admit it?”

“If you give it to the Wu Family, you will cut off the money for others. Your heart is very dark.”

It involves everyone’s interests, so they were all filled with righteous indignation.

Even though the old lady was guilty, she refused to admit it, “No, we didn’t.”

“It’s not a big deal to make mosquito coils, we won’t go.”

After all, she was just an old lady in the mountain village. When Shi Qingluo provoked her in public, she showed her feet.

“It’s a guilty conscience.” Shi Qingluo continued to take the rhythm.

The villagers also looked more and more like each other, so they condemned the old lady and her family again.

The old lady’s family feels ashamed to stay any longer. After saying that they won’t participate, they slipped away.

This also made them looked feel guilty.

Even after they left, the villagers were still scolding people.

The patriarch was a wise man.

Looking at it, he can guess more or less guess Shi Qingluo’s thoughts of killing chickens and monkeys and taking precautions in advance.

Not only did he not feel disgusted or blamed, but he also felt that it was right.

The village finally got off to a good start, they can’t let some rat mess it up.

So he raised his hand and said: “Everyone is quiet, listen to me.”

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The patriarch was very dignified in the village, so everyone quickly quieted down.

“This incident also gave us vigilance, let me put something here first.”

“In the future, no matter whether you go to work in Xiao Family’s workshop or other places, you are not allowed to leak prescriptions or the like.”

“Otherwise, you will be against the people of our entire village, and you will be severely punished.”

“If it is serious, you will be expelled from the village directly.”

If there was no strict regulation, there will always be people who will try to step on the line because of their interests.

The words of the village chief made everyone startled.

But it was right to think about it if anyone steals the prescription and sells it, it will not only hinder the interests of the Xiao Family but also everyone in the village.

The main point was it will also bring a bad reputation in the village.

“Yes, in the future no one can do such stealthy things and ruin the reputation of the village, otherwise it will be against the whole village.”

“Anyone who doesn’t listen will be driven out of the village.”

Everyone agreed unanimously.

Shi Qingluo discovered that the patriarch of the Xiao Family was not only smart but also very righteous.

She was afraid of having pigs teammates, and now he didn’t disappoint her.

She added with a smile, “The patriarch is right. I don’t have too many demands. When you go to work in my house in the future, you just need to abide by this principle.”

Bind the interests of all people together, it depends on who dares to commit crimes.

In this ancient time dominated by clans, being expelled from the village was a very serious matter.

After committing public anger, do they think their family can still hang out in the village? Then try it.

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