Chapter 94: Will be popular

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August 6, 2023Ai Hrist

After the selection was over, people who will make mosquito coils can start to work soon.

But then Shi Qingluo looked at everyone again and said: “Our family will need a lot of beets every year, so we will collect them at a price of no less than 3 pennies a catty every year.”

“Everyone can open up some wasteland or use your inferior land for planting. I will provide the seeds and sign a contract at that time.”

“80% of the beets you grow will be sold to me, and the price will be written together, so we can guarantee each other.”

“Those who want to grow beets can come to our house to find my husband to sign a contract, and then receive the seeds.”

If they want to make a lot of sugar, it was not enough to rely on the wild beets on the mountain.

So the villagers have to be mobilized to plant, it was better for her to harvest directly.

The villagers were also happy to hear this.

“Is it not less than 3 pennies per catty?”

A catty of cabbage was worth a penny. They have seen that beet before. It seems that it was not difficult to grow, but the price was so good.

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “That’s right, and as for the first batch that will be planted this year, I will buy them for 4 pennies per catty. The second batch will have a fixed price of 3 pennies a catty.”

“This can also be stated in the contract.”

Only if she raises the price of the first batch more people will want to plant it.

And sure enough, many villagers were moved.

“Okay, then our family will open a few acres of wasteland these few days to grow beets.”

“My family too.”

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As long as someone takes the lead, more people will follow suit.

Most of the people in the village expressed their willingness to open up a wasteland or plant in their land.

Now the land was vast and sparsely populated, and the court was also encouraging the people to open up wasteland. Therefore, the land that will be opened up doesn’t have to pay taxes for the first two years, but it must be registered at the government office.

Then Shi Qingluo sent five mosquito coils to every household in the village, asking them to try it at night.

Only when people try it themselves, they will know that mosquito coils were good and advertise it on their initiative.

The villagers were even happier and felt that Xiao Hanzheng’s wife was magnificent.

The patriarch was also happy. With the opening of the Xiao Family’s workshop, the life of the villagers in their village became better and better.

Shi Qingluo also announced to the outside world that she would collect wormwood leaves and wild chrysanthemums for a penny a catty.

She doesn’t want to take the whole family to pick in the mountains every day, it was too tiring.

It was not a problem for her to spend money to collect it. It saves her time and effort, and it can also generate income for everyone.

The villagers were very happy when they heard the price she said.

Picking some wormwood leaves and wild chrysanthemums in the wild and the mountains can make them a penny a catty. It doesn’t take much time and effort. It was more like a pie falling in the sky.

After the meeting was over, the people in the village took action, picking wormwood leaves, and wild chrysanthemums, or catching eels and fish.

When people in other villages heard about it, they asked their village chiefs if they can also do the same.

If they sell it, will the Xiao Family accept it?

After Shi Qingluo gave an affirmative answer, people in other villages also took action.

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Everyone is full of energy.

In the Xiao Family, Shi Qingluo brought the family out to make a batch of mosquito coils.

A lot of materials were collected in the afternoon.

The next day, the villagers got together to chat.

“Did your family burn mosquito coils yesterday?”

“Yes, it’s really useful.”

“That’s right, the mosquito coil made by Dalang’s wife is amazing. My family was not bitten by mosquitoes last night.”

“I used to hear mosquitoes screaming in the middle of the night, but they were all gone yesterday.”

“This mosquito coil is so easy to use, I just don’t know how much is it. if it’s not too expensive, I want to buy some for home use.”

“Me too.”

One night proved the effect of mosquito coils.

The women in the village also go to work in the sugar workshop on time.

Shi Qingluo divided them into four groups and sat in different rooms.

Some picked wormwood and wild chrysanthemum grinned the fishbone into powder, mixed the ingredients altogether, mounted on paper, and finally, packed it into bundles.

She also emphasized that they cannot exchange information about their work, otherwise, they will be fired.

This can temporarily keep the prescription secret.

But Shi Qingluo also knows that this kind of formula can only be hidden for a year. Anyone interested can use one for research and inquire about the materials she collected, and the formula will be deciphered soon.

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But what she wanted to do was to create a brand, so that when the mosquito coils become popular in the future, everyone will know the words Nanxi mosquito coils.

Only when there was competition can the market will be active. Mosquito coils can be used by every household, with such a large scale of business, the market will be huge.

Today, they made tens of thousands of mosquito coils.

Shi Qingluo said to Xiao Hanzheng: “Old Xiao, let’s go tomorrow to the county town to give away mosquito coils.”

Xiao Hanzheng was stunned for a moment: “Give away mosquito coils?”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “That’s right, people will buy it with money, but they don’t know its effect is good, so they probably wouldn’t dare to buy it.”

“But if we give away a few for free first, they will come to buy it after they know the effect.”

“This is also a good way to spread the news about our mosquito coils so that merchants in other places will come to buy them.”

Xiao Hanzheng was an ancient person. He doesn’t know modern free marketing.

But he quickly figured out the joint, so to say, they will lose some money in the early stage, but as long as the mosquito-repellent incense becomes well-known to the public, they won’t have to worry about selling it.

He smiled and said: “This is a good way!”

“Tomorrow, I will go to the county government to teach people how to make ice for the last time, and then send it to the county government.”

He told Mo Qingling that he would go again tomorrow, and whoever wants to learn how to make ice in the future should let the county government officials teach him, and the other party agreed.

Shi Qingluo nodded: “Give some to Mo Qingling and others, even if they don’t buy it, it is also good publicity for us.”

She smiled and added: “Look, this is the mosquito coil used by the magistrate of the county. If you don’t use it, you will be out of date.”

Following the trend was a kind of trend, which was not only liked by modern people but also by ancient people.

She heard Xiao Hanzheng say before that the young masters and young ladies in the capital like to follow suit or show off.

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It was like buying flowers. First, a small group of people will buy, and then many people follow suit.

How many people love flowers so much?

It was just that everyone thinks that if you don’t have a few pots of rare and precious flowers, they will fall behind.

This also led to the high price of precious flowers in the capital, and they would be snatched away as soon as they appeared.

Bai Xu has been urging her recently, asking her to breed more rare and famous flowers.

That pot of chrysanthemums of several colors has already been taken to the capital and sold for a good price.

Shi Qingluo couldn’t let go of this market, so she recently cultivated several rare and famous flowers.

Hearing her last words, Xiao Hanzheng couldn’t help laughing: “I don’t know if Mo Qingling will want to cry after knowing your plan.”

Shi Qingluo chuckled: “He will probably laugh. I’m also helping him increase his political achievements.”

The next day, the two brought the mosquito coils they made to the county seat.

Xiao Hanzheng first visited Mo Qingling and gave him some bundles of mosquito coils.

A bundle was ten pieces, tied together with a long and thin paper strip that says “Nanxi Mosquito Incense”.

It was the first time Mo Qingling had heard of mosquito coils, so he took it and took a look.

When he saw the above four words, he couldn’t help but laugh: “Your wife is quite thoughtful.”

He was now the county magistrate of Nanxi County. With the name of Nanxi mosquito coil on it, how could he not be happy?

If it has the effect Xiao Hanzheng said, they will not have to worry about selling it outside, and it will also let everyone know about Nanxi County, which was very good.

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