After the Breakup, I Went Viral in the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 4: Doing a good deed anonymously

Luo Ning left the apartment, went to the Feng Shui shop in the antique market, and bought some items for drawing talismans. This Feng Shui shop had private rooms for customers. She rented one for the afternoon and started drawing talismans.

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In her previous life, she had learned metaphysics and Feng Shui from her father, and later traveled to specialized worlds of metaphysics and immortal cultivation, so she had a lot of knowledge and experience in drawing talismans.

When she first entered the entertainment circle, she not only wanted to chase Ji Xingheng, she also wanted to make money. Thinking about her younger brother’s situation, she needed to earn more money and win the auction item in two months. The only thing she had going for her at the moment was her participation in the reality show. The money would not be credited to her account until after the first episode, and half of it would go to the company. The money wasn’t enough at all, so she could only find alternative means. Selling talismans was a good choice; quality goods need no advertising.

After several worlds of improvement, Luo Ning had reached a very high level in drawing talismans. By the time evening came, she had already drawn several different types of talismans. She packed her things and left the private room.

Luo Ning felt nostalgic for the taste of the wontons from a small shop that she had eaten before. Even though it was a bit far away, she went there anyway.

It was completely dark when she finished eating and walked out. She checked the time and it was after midnight, so she decided to take a shortcut to Xi Shu’s house. Xi Shu had told her in the afternoon that a house had already been found for her, but she could only live in it after it was cleaned up. She offered to let her stay with her for the next two days.

New residential areas were being built around this road, and it was relatively secluded, with not many cars at night. Halfway along the road, Luo Ning suddenly saw a large truck blocking the road and an overturned SUV. She was startled and got out of the car to take a look. The truck was still running, but the driver had disappeared. It was probably a hit-and-run accident.

She quickly walked to the side of the SUV and found someone inside. She first called an ambulance and the police, then took a steel rod from the truck, forcibly opened the door of the SUV, and carefully pulled the person out. When she clearly saw the man’s face on the ground, Luo Ning was surprised. This was a handsome and familiar face, and she doubted that many people would not recognize him. The youngest and most promising actor in the entertainment circle, Lu Xun, who was also Bo Xiangxiang’s white moonlight1a person or thing that is elusive in the heart, has always been loved, but cannot be touched and idol.

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She read the book and knew that the female lead, Bo Xiang, was originally an average-looking unpopular starlet. After an accidental death, her soul possessed the beautiful Bo Xiangxiang who had just slit her wrists and committed suicide shortly after her debut.

From then on, her luck increased, especially when she took down a female celebrity with high luck, Bo Xiangxiang’s luck would increase accordingly. By chance, she would meet or rescue some handsome and successful men, such as well-known directors, best actors, renowned singers, top streamers, big investors, and so on, and became the object of their affection. Some of these people already had families or girlfriends, but in the end they all fell for her. They even left their wives or broke up with their girlfriends to start that kind of relationship with her.

However, there were two people who were relatively special; one was Luo Ning’s scum boyfriend, Ji Xingheng. Although he took good care of Bo Xiangxiang and was always the first to help her whenever she needed it, he was the only man in the harem who never had that kind of relationship with the female lead. The other was Lu Xun, the best actor who was considered to be the original Bo Xiangxiang’s idol. This was the man she deliberately created opportunities to encounter, but never won.

And Luo Ning was a cannon fodder supporting character who was targeted by Bo Xiangxiang to absorb her luck and rise to the top. As a result, Luo Ning’s luck got worse and worse, and she couldn’t do anything smoothly.

There were quite a few female supporting roles like this in the book, but because Luo Ning had the highest IQ and ability, she basically survived the whole book, and was not quickly taken down by Bo Xiangxiang like the others.

Luo Ning recalled that it was around this time in her past life that news of Lu Xun’s car accident broke out on the Internet. He was in a coma for months before he woke up, and it took more than a year of rehabilitation for his severely injured leg to recover.

Lu Xun was like a mythical existence in the entertainment world. After disappearing for more than two years, he returned. Not only did he not lose his temper, he soon won an international award with a big-budget movie, and he was even more popular than before his injury.

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In her previous life, Luo Ning had met him when she was at her lowest point after being blacklisted by the entire Internet. He didn’t despise her like other people did, or avoid her like he was running away from the plague. When she was accidentally pushed by an anti-fan and was about to fall, he supported her in a gentlemanly and polite manner. He told her to be careful and asked his assistant to help her leave safely. During that dark period, such kindness without hidden intentions made her a trace of warmth, so the memory was still fresh.

Luo Ning checked his wounds, and as expected, his legs were severely injured. When she felt Lu Xun’s fingers move, she gently comforted him in a low voice, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”

After thinking about it, she tied a sickness-dispelling talisman she had just drawn during the day with a red thread and hung it around his neck.

“You’re very lucky today. I just drew the talisman, and you get to use it,” she said with a sigh. With the effect of the talisman she drew, Lu Xun’s legs would definitely not be as bad as in the previous life, and he would not be in a coma for too long.

Soon the ambulance and traffic police arrived, and the medical staff carried Lu Xun into the car. Since his car had a dashcam and her car had no signs of being hit, it was determined that the accident had nothing to do with her, so she was not asked to go to the hospital with him. After talking about the situation as a passerby, Luo Ning looked at the ambulance disappearing in the distance, then got into her own car and left. She didn’t want Lu Xun to repay her. She gave the talisman to repay the rare kindness he showed her in her previous life, so of course she did the good deed anonymously. At this time, she didn’t know that Lu Xun’s eyelids trembled when he got into the ambulance before he completely passed out.

As soon as Luo Ning arrived at Xi Shu’s house, she was pulled over to sit down by her.

“Ningning, you’re trending. A paid media account posted misleading news that you were the person Ji Xingheng went to the police station to pick up last night.” Xi Shu said anxiously.

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As for who released the news, she guessed that it was either Yan Qiuping or Bo Xiangxiang.

“These people are too much.” Xi Shu said angrily as she scrolled through her phone.

Luo Ning took out her phone and turned it on to take a look, only to see that the trending Weibo post was full of comments that were dissing her.

[OMG, it’s Luo Ning, the flower vase2Attractive but useless again! Why does she always drag our man down?]

[Shameless damn vase, her character is so bad. I wonder what bad things she did to have to go to the police station in the middle of the night, and even force our Xing cub to go pick her up.]

[I heard that she has a sugar daddy and has been taken care of by many people. Could it be that she was caught by his wife and taken to the police station?]

[If so, that’s disgusting.]

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[Why did Xing cub pick her up? Why care for such a woman!]

[Well, who told her to have the same manager as Xing cub. He’s always being dragged down by her, poor baby.]

[Can this flower vase stop trying to use our Xing cub’s popularity? Is it not enough to have tied him down for so long?]

[Have Brother Yan sign another celebrity! I almost threw up my dinner reading this, fuck off flower vase Luo.]

[Yeah, fuck off, flower vase Luo, don’t limit my man anymore.]

1a person or thing that is elusive in the heart, has always been loved, but cannot be touched2Attractive but useless

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