Led by ghostwriters, these people were not satisfied with just throwing insults on this page, and immediately went to Luo Ning’s Weibo to diss her there. They also used a lot of ugly words.

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For example: [I heard that Luo Ning has several sugar daddies behind her… keep such a rotten woman from corrupting our young A-lister!]

[Looking at Luo Ning’s appearance, she’s just a slut. If you want to hook up with someone, go to your sugar daddies. Don’t hurt our Xing cub.]

[Go to hell, Luo Ning…]

Some of Luo Ning’s fans also retorted back, saying that there was no evidence at all, don’t slander her, and so on, but these comments were quickly drowned out by Ji Xingheng’s fans.

After experiencing being blacklisted and boycotted by the entire Internet, having all her resources canceled, and being kicked out of the entertainment circle, Luo Ning paid no attention to this little bit of hatred and spray. She was not surprised by the news; it was all expected.

She smiled and patted Xi Shu’s shoulder. “Don’t be angry. Bo Xiangxiang had set up a trap for me, and I didn’t fall for it, so she definitely won’t sit still and let it go.”

“Then what should we do? If we clarify it and there’s no movement from Yan Qiuping and Ji Xingheng, we will be ridiculed even more.”

Xi Shu couldn’t think of any good solutions. Those two were on Bo Xiangxiang’s side, and they definitely wouldn’t stand up for Luo Ning. This made her furious. It was hard to explain this kind of matter clearly. Without a hard blow, the anti-fans and ghostwriters would have no mercy on Luo Ning.

“I have a solution. Don’t worry about it for now. Let them continue to lead the wave and diss me, it’ll only increase my fame.” Luo Ning said calmly and confidently.

“The more heated it gets, the more interesting it’ll be when I counterattack. I’ll also be able to completely tear off the label of riding Ji Xingheng’s popularity and tying him down.”

Seeing her relaxed and calm appearance, Xi Shu’s anxious heart calmed down. “Is there anything I can do?

“I’m going to change managers. If Yan Qiuping comes looking for me in the next two days, just tell him that I’m in a bad mood.” Luo Ning didn’t want Yan Qiuping to find out and cause trouble.

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Xi Shu nodded. “No problem.”

In the darkest moment of her life, Luo Ning pulled her up. For that, she would always stand by her side.

The next day, Luo Ning went back to the company alone. Instead of going to her own workroom, she went directly to the president’s office. The person currently in charge of Star King Entertainment was Fu Ci, the eldest son of the Fu family. He was the only one who could help her change managers quickly and easily. As she walked to the door, Fu Ci’s secretary came out.

“Miss Luo, may I ask why you’re here?”

Luo Ning didn’t beat around the bush. “I want to see Mr. Fu.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

Luo Ning shook her head, “No.”

“Then I’m sorry, Mr. Fu’s schedule is already full today.”

The secretary couldn’t help but think, was this another starlet trying to take a shortcut to the top? Their President Fu wasn’t a playboy who would break the unspoken rules for artists under his company.

“Please give this note to Mr. Fu, I believe he will see me.” Luo Ning took out the note she had written earlier from her bag and handed it over.

“The contents of this note are of great importance to Mr. Fu. If it is delayed, it will cause him a great loss.” Seeing that the other party did not take the note, she added with a slight smile.

Secretary Wei originally wanted to continue to refuse, but after hearing her last words, he reached out his hand to take the note after thinking about it. “I’ll go in and ask Mr. Fu for you.”

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This woman had better not be lying to him, or she would be done for.

Secretary Wei knocked on the door and walked in. Fu Ci looked up and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Sir, Luo Ning, a starlet in the company gave me a note and asked me to pass it on to you. She said that the contents have something to do with you. I was afraid that it really is something important, so I brought it in.”

Fu Ci frowned. “What could a starlet know about me?”

“Then I’ll go out and reject her,” said Secretary Wei.

Just as he was about to turn around, Fu Ci thought for a while and said, “Forget it, bring the note over and let me see what tricks she is trying to play.”

As the president of an entertainment company, there were many women who often wanted to attract his attention or seduce him, but this was the first time he received a note.

Secretary Wei handed over the note, and after Fu Ci opened it and read it, his eyes narrowed.

“Let her in.” He tore the note into pieces and threw it into the bin.

Secretary Wei was surprised. “Okay!”

Soon, he brought Luo Ning into the office.

Fu Ci looked at Luo Ning with a faint smile on his face. Despite the lack of makeup, her breathtaking beauty was still on display. “Miss Luo, please sit. What would you like to drink?”

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“Tea is fine!” Luo Ning sat down gracefully.

Fu Ci nodded to Secretary Wei, who immediately went out to make tea.

“Miss Luo, how do you know about my sister?” Fu Ci asked bluntly.

The note he had just received said, “I can help your sister recover”.

Not many people in their circle knew about the matter regarding his sister, let alone the outside world.

Luo Ning looked back at him and said, “I can tell from your face.”

“The ends of your eyebrows are scattered, and there is a small break in the middle. This tells me that your siblings have health problems, and I can see from your face that you only have one younger sister.”

Fu Ci raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Miss Luo can read faces?”

Luo Ning nodded and said, “I’m quite proficient in this area.”

“Then how will you help my sister recover? Could it be you have medical skills?” Fu Ci clearly didn’t believe her words, thinking it was her way to attract his attention.

Luo Ning could tell what he was thinking, so she took out a drawn and folded triangular talisman from her bag and handed it to him.

“Your sister’s condition is not a normal disease. This is a talisman I drew. You can take it home and give it to her to see if it works.”

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She happened to meet Fu Ci’s younger sister in her previous life and discovered that the other party was surrounded by a negative air. This was the cause of her physical discomfort, which was often accompanied by various accidents. She wanted to save her, but at that time, her level of drawing talismans was not as high as it was now. By the time she finished drawing, the other party had died unexpectedly.

Fu Ci took the talisman that Luo Ning handed over and frowned. “You mean my sister can recover by wearing this talisman?”

After his sister got sick, he asked the best hospitals in the world to examine her, but they didn’t find any major problems. Some people said that she might be possessed by evil spirits, so the family hired professionals in the field, but in the end, nothing happened. This talisman alone could restore his sister? What a joke.

“It won’t make her fully recover, but it can improve her condition,” Luo Ning said.

“Since it’s already the worst-case scenario, why not take a gamble?” She could tell that Fu Ci didn’t believe her.

Fu Ci, who was planning to throw the talisman into the trash when Luo Ning left, froze for a moment and unexpectedly put the talisman into his pocket.

“Okay, I’ll take it back and give it to her to try.” Then he added meaningfully, “I hope you’re not playing tricks to get my attention. You should know the consequences of offending me.” Just a casual word from him and the company could suspend Luo Ning.

Luo Ning nodded confidently. “Of course I know, so this talisman will surely be effective.”

“What do you want? Don’t tell me you’re just doing a good deed.” Fu Ci was a bit curious about Luo Ning’s intentions.

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