Ch6 - The Old Photo Album

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During the weekend, Xu ChengYan received a call.

“Sister-in-law! I’m back! Come and pick me up!” The voice on the other end of the phone was a little excited. 

Xu ChengYan asked: “When will you arrive?”

“Just this afternoon! Two or three o’clock!”



“So soon?” Xu ChengYan was a little surprised, “Why didn’t you tell me in advance?”

“I want to surprise Sister-in-law and Big brother!” The other party laughed. 

After hanging up the phone, Xu ChengYan went to the study first to find XianSheng.


He Yang was leaning on the sofa, looking at an old photo album.

But when Xu ChengYan came in, He Yang closed the album and put it aside.

Xu ChengYan glanced at the album. He knew that sometimes XianSheng would stay alone in the study and flip through this photo album, which seemed to be a very important thing.


Xu ChengYan walked over and said, “XianSheng, Jiang Lin is coming back, and it’s this afternoon flight.”

Jiang Lin was He Yang’s cousin, who was studying in a university abroad, and would only come back occasionally during holidays.

“This afternoon?” He Yang raised his head.


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“Yeah.” Xu ChengYan said, “XianSheng, do you want to pick him up together?” 

He Yang agreed.

Xu ChengYan also went back to the bedroom first, prepared to change clothes.

But when Xu ChengYan was about to undress, He Yang came in.

He Yang stood at the door of the dressing room and looked at the young man in front of him. 

The upper body of the young man was naked, with a long-sleeved shirt in his hand, which he hadn’t had time to put on.

He Yang walked over and suddenly said, “Change another one.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He Yang then walked towards the closet, he chose (the clothes) leisurely and picked out a white shirt from inside.

Pc jvvlalbc ab atf rtlga, Lf Tjcu jirb qlmxfv bea j rkfjafg, j mbja, jcv fnfc j rmjgo. 

We JtfcuTjc kjr j ilaaif tfiqifrr, abbx atf mibatfr ogbw atf wjc jcv qea atfw bc byfvlfcais.

Zbra bo atf mibatfr lc atf mibrfa kfgf ybeuta obg tlw ys WljcVtfcu, jcv atfs kfgf jii rasifr atja WljcVtfcu qfgrbcjiis qlmxfv.


XianSheng liked to help him choose clothes, and even matched a whole set directly, and then asked him to change it.

Sometimes he just felt like a doll, and XianSheng was the one who dressed the doll. 

But he didn’t mind, as long as XianSheng liked it.

After changing his clothes and putting on his scarf, Xu ChengYan saw the man handing over a perfume bottle ——

It was the Snow Season Forest.

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Xu ChengYan took the perfume and used it a bit on his body. 

He knew that XianSheng had never used perfume, but he liked to give him perfume, and the closet was already full with it.

And recently, XianSheng seemed to like this Snow Season Forest.

After Xu ChengYan finished dressing up, he went to the airport with He Yang.

After three o’clock, Xu ChengYan saw Jiang Lin in the crowd at a glance. 

Jiang Lin was two years younger than Xu ChengYan, and because he had a baby face, he looked even younger.

“Brother! Sister-in-law!” Jiang Lin rushed over with a suitcase.

Jiang Lin’s temperament was rather active. As soon as he saw Xu ChengYan, he gave a hug and was all smiles: “Sister-in-law is getting more and more handsome!”

Jiang Lin looked at He Yang next to him again, and said with a smile: “Big brother is also handsome.” 

It’s just that He Yang was a little indifferent, so he just said lightly: “Go back first.”

Jiang Lin also knew that He Yang was this character, so he followed him and quickly said: “I want to freeload dinner tonight! I haven’t eaten well for a long time! Sister-in-law’s cooking is the best!”

“Okay.” Xu ChengYan nodded.

The three returned to the apartment, and Xu ChengYan went to the kitchen to make dinner. 

Jiang Lin started unpacking his luggage in the living room and took out two gift boxes from it.

He Yang had already returned to the study. Jiang Lin took the two gift boxes and rushed into the study impatiently.


“Brother! Souvenirs for you and Sister-in-law!” Jiang Lin put two gift boxes on the table.

He Yang, who was leaning on the sofa and flipping through the old photo album, looked up and responded casually. The expression on his face was still a little cold. 

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Jiang Lin was about to say something but when he suddenly noticed the photo album in He Yang’s hand, he fell silent.

After a while, Jiang Lin asked in a low voice, “Brother, when are you and Sister-in-law going to get married?”

He Yang just said lightly, “I don’t know.”

“It’s been five years…….” Jiang Lin muttered, “I’m still thinking of being the best man…….” 

He Yang lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Looking at the photo album, Jiang Lin suddenly frowned and said, “Brother, you are not waiting for him, right?”

Jiang Lin’s words were a bit sudden, but He Yang understood.

“Adults’ business, it’s not for children to care.” He Yang closed the album, got up, and carefully put the album in the drawer. 

“Okay, I don’t care.” Jiang Lin leaned on the sofa, thought for a while, and suddenly said, “But he seems to be coming back soon.”

“M-hm.” He Yang’s reaction was still lukewarm.

Jiang Lin glanced at him, but he couldn’t see any mood swings on He Yang’s face, so he finally had to give up.

The atmosphere in the study became a little stiff for a while, and neither of them spoke. 

Until the knock on the door broke the silence of the study——

Xu ChengYan stood in front of the study door and smiled, “Dinner is ready.”

Jiang Lin was instantly revived and energetic and he rushed out.

After dinner, Jiang Lin was ready to leave. 

Jiang Lin had a suite here, which was at the apartment next door and very close to theirs.

Xu ChengYan helped hold the suitcase and escorted Jiang Lin to the elevator door.

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Jiang Lin suddenly thought of something and asked, “Sister-in-law, where will my brother’s birthday party be held?”

Xu ChengYan: “Blue Ocean Cruise Ship.” 

Jiang Lin nodded, “Okay, leave a seat for me!”


Xu ChengYan asked again, “Where do you plan to go after graduation?”

“I’ll come back.” Jiang Lin scratched his hair, “It’s not fun to go abroad, it’s better to be here.” 

Jiang Lin would graduate this year, and there were only a few months left.

Xu ChengYan smiled and said, “So, you’re going to work after graduation.”

“I won’t work! I want to play for a few more years!” Jiang Lin joked and before he entered the elevator, he waved at Xu ChengYan, “Sister-in-law, I’ll come to play with you again!”

“Okay.” Xu ChengYan watched Jiang Lin enter the elevator, and then turned back. 

Xu ChengYan was about to go back to the bedroom, but as he passed the study, he glanced subconsciously.

The door of the study was not closed, and there was a warm yellow light inside.

The man was sitting there, looking down at an old yellowed album.

Looking over it over and over again, like treating some rare treasure. 

Xu ChengYan looked at the man’s profile, but in the end he didn’t bother him and turned to leave.

He would not touch or be curious about XianSheng’s past.

As long as it stayed like this, it’s the best.

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