Ch7 - Have you seen the genuine product?

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On He Yang’s birthday, Xu ChengYan woke up early.

The man beside him was still sleeping soundly. Xu ChengYan got up, lightened his movements, got out of bed in his pajamas and went to the open-air balcony, seeing the sun outside. 

There were also several flower pots in the corners of the balcony. Xu ChengYan watered those, and when he returned to the bedroom, he saw that the man on the bed had woken up.

The man was sitting on the edge of the bed, lowering his head and holding the mobile phone for information, as if he was dealing with things.



The man’s upper body was still naked, the quilt slipped down on his waist, and several long red scratches could be seen on the exposed sturdy back.

Xu ChengYan looked at the marks on the man’s back, and his peach blossom eyes couldn’t help but bend. 

These were the traces he left last night.


Xu ChengYan walked over and sat beside the man. He suddenly leaned over, and put his arms around the man’s waist.

“XianSheng, happy birthday.”

Xu ChengYan leaned on the man’s shoulder, sniffing the familiar breath on the man’s body, feeling very secure.


The man turned his head and asked in a low voice, “You don’t need to go to class today?”

“There is no class today, so I can spend the whole day with XianSheng.” Xu ChengYan raised his head, his eyes were sparkling.

Suddenly thinking of something, Xu ChengYan quickly released his hand, “XianSheng, wait a minute.”


Xu ChengYan got up, went to the closet on the side, opened the drawer, and took out a packaged gift box from it. 

Xu ChengYan took the gift box, returned to the bed, and hurriedly handed it over.

“Birthday gift!”

He Yang took the gift box and opened it, and found a pair of blue sapphire cufflinks inside.

“Didn’t you buy a suit last time, XianSheng? You can just match it with this.” Xu ChengYan smiled. 

This pair of cufflinks was a style he had chosen for a long time and he had been saving for it for a long time, and it was already the best gift he could give.

He was just an ordinary piano teacher, while XianSheng was a super big boss in the upper class. There was a big gap between them.

He could only try his best to give the best things to XianSheng.

Sometimes he even felt that it was the most fortunate thing for him to meet XianSheng. 

He and XianSheng were completely the people of two worlds, but on a certain day five years ago, they suddenly had an intersection, and then they got closer and closer.

XianSheng was like a god high above, out of his reach.


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But now, the god belonged to him alone.

Xu ChengYan looked at the man’s profile with a smile in his peach blossom eyes. 

He Yang looked at the gift box in his hand, and when he turned his head inadvertently, he met the young man’s gaze.

The two were very close, and He Yang could still see that in the young man’s peach blossom eyes, his own reflection was reflected there.

Their breaths were almost intertwined. He Yang looked at those peach blossom eyes, and suddenly stretched out his hand to slowly untie the belt of the robe on the youth’s body.

The belt of the robe could be removed and He Yang used the belt to cover the peach blossom eyes of the young man, and immediately after he covered the eyes, he pressed the young man on the bed, and put a hand in from under the robe. 

Xu ChengYan obediently stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulders, his fingertips left scratches on the man’s back again.

When the affair was over, Xu ChengYan lay on the man’s chest to calm down, and the flushing on his face had not faded.

He Yang untied the belt on the young man’s eyes, then got up and went to the bathroom.

Xu ChengYan hadn’t recovered from the affair just now, lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and fell asleep unconsciously. 

When Xu ChengYan woke up again, it was already noon.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf yfvgbbw kjr fwqas, jcv WljcVtfcu kjr cba lc atf gbbw.

We JtfcuTjc olgra kfca ab atf yjatgbbw ab ajxf j rtbkfg, atfc kfca ab atf vgfrrlcu gbbw kfjglcu j yjatgbyf, jcv abbx j rtlga ogbw atf mibrfa.

Dea ktfc We JtfcuTjc abbx boo tlr gbyf, tf tfjgv obbarafqr jqqgbjmtlcu. 

Xu ChengYan didn’t look back, just continued to change clothes, and when he put on his shirt, he met the man’s gaze from the mirror.

He Yang came over, saw the white shirt on the young man, and he came to the side again, took out a dark colored coat from the closet and handed it over.

“Wear this.”

Xu ChengYan obediently took the coat and put it on. 

The coat was light gray, from a relatively small brand, bought for him by XianSheng.

To be precise, almost 80% of the clothes in the closet were bought by XianSheng.


He didn’t buy clothes much, but XianSheng liked to buy him clothes or something and help him match his clothes.

And XianSheng had a little habit of buying things. As long as it was a style he likes or a series he likes, he would buy all the colors back. 

For example, the coat he was wearing now, there were already seven or eight of similar styles in the closet, all of the same brand.

In addition to buying clothes, XianSheng also liked to help him with clothes.

As long as he was not in a hurry to go out to work, XianSheng would help him choose clothes.

Xu ChengYan tidied up his collar in front of the mirror and thought of the big sun today, so he asked, “XianSheng, will it be a little hot to wear this?” 

“It will cool down at night, so this is just right.” He Yang stood behind Xu ChengYan, looking at the young man through the mirror, he felt a little dissatisfied. He frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, “There’s something lacking.”

Xu ChengYan looked down at himself, and subconsciously asked, “What’s wrong?”

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He Yang didn’t speak. He just came to the side again, opened the accessories cabinet, and took out a pair of gold-rimmed plain-glass spectacles.

Xu ChengYan was a little helpless, but he had to put on his glasses. 

He was not short-sighted, but XianSheng seemed to like watching him wear glasses. There were all kinds of glasses in the house, all of which were bought by XianSheng.

Xu ChengYan pushed on his glasses and asked with a smile, “Is it alright now?”

“Yes.” He Yang responded, hugging the person in his arms from behind, reaching out and touching the wrist watch on the young man’s wrist.

Xu ChengYan also noticed the man’s movements and laughed, “I will always wear it as it’s a gift from XianSheng.” 

This watch was a birthday present that XianSheng gave him before.

He would always wear it.

The birthday banquet began in the evening.

Although it was said to be a birthday banquet, it was not so formal. It was the gathering of friends to have a meal together or something. 

He Yang reserved the entire cruise ship restaurant. When the two arrived on the cruise ship, almost all the guests were there.

As soon as He Yang appeared, he was surrounded by the rich young masters.


“Young Master He is here!”

“Our birthday star is here!” 

Jiang Lin also came to the cruise ship long ago. After seeing He Yang, he hurried over and said, “Brother!”

Jiang Lin also saw Xu ChengYan beside He Yang, he laughed and shouted: “Sister-in-law!”

A group of people came to the open deck, chatting casually.

He Yang was the host today and was surrounded by guests. 

And because they were all acquaintances, the young masters were not polite, and they all made trouble and forced He Yang to drink.

Xu ChengYan didn’t drink, he just sat quietly beside He Yang, holding the red wine glass and accompanying him.

He Yang leaned on the sofa, casually shaking the wine glass, and slowly drinking red wine.

And the group of young masters around them poured drinks to each other and chatted. 

“I prepared a special gift for Young Master He today!”

“Yes, yes,yes! Surprise!”

“I guarantee that Young Master He will be absolutely satisfied!” Chi Yi smiled, took a sip of wine, and gave Xu ChengYan a meaningful look.

He Yang asked casually, “What surprise?” 

Several young masters looked at each other, as if they had reached a tacit understanding, they refused to say anything.

“Young Master He will know when the time comes anyway!”

He Yang made a faint smile but didn’t ask any more questions.

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After a while, a young master received a text message. He immediately got up and said, “It’s here, it’s arrived! Here comes the gift! Who will pick it up?” 

“I’ll pick it up!”

“I’ll go too! I haven’t seen ‘it’ for a long time!”


Mysteriously, several people all walked outside.

There were also a small number of guests who were not clear about the situation, and because of curiosity, they came to the railing and looked down, wanting to see what the “surprise” was. 

Xu ChengYan was also aroused by curiosity and looked up, but he hadn’t seen the “surprise” yet, so he looked back.

Chi Yi and Jiang Lin were still sitting on the sofa, not going to pick up the “surprise”.

Chi Yi drank the wine, looked at He Yang and Xu ChengYan back and forth, and said with a mischievous smile: “Young Master He, are you not going to take a look at the surprise?”

“No.” He Yang said lightly, as if he had no interest in that “surprise”. 

Chi Yi looked at Xu ChengYan next to him again and said with a smile, “How about Yanyan? Do you want to have a look?”

“I won’t go.” Xu ChengYan politely refused.

However, Jiang Lin was a little curious: “What’s the surprise? Why is it so mysterious?”

“Second Young Master should be able to guess.” Chi Yi narrowed his eyes. 

“Ah?” Jiang Lin didn’t react for a while.

At this moment, there was a lively sound at the entrance of the cruise ship.

“Here it is! Here comes the surprise!”

Xu ChengYan heard the voice, looked over subconsciously, and saw the group of young masters coming with a strange young man. 

The strange young man smiled and was talking to the person beside him.

Seeing the young man, Xu ChengYan was stunned for a moment.


It’s so similar. 

That young man, was just too similar to him.

It’s not that they look alike, it’s that their dressing styles were so similar, and even their body shape looked similar, that was: they were of the same type.


The man was wearing a dark gray coat and thin-rimmed glasses, with a refined and cultivated appearance, and he looked very gentle.

The coat on the other party was exactly the same as the one he was wearing now, only the color and some small details were different, because the coats on them were from the same series of the same brand. 

Even the clothes that the other party wore inside, there was an exact same one in his closet.

Even thin-rimmed glasses were the same.

But the clothes on his body were chosen by XianSheng, and the glasses were also what XianSheng asked him to put on.

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Xu ChengYan became a little puzzled, and looked at He Yang subconsciously, but found that the man beside him was looking at the strange young man. 

Xu ChengYan didn’t know how to describe this sight.

That was a very focused and serious attention, as if there was only the young man in the man’s eyes.

But why, XianSheng pay such attention to look at that person?

Xu ChengYan exerted a little force in his hand, holding the wine glass tightly, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of panic. 

It’s an instinctive sense of crisis.

He had exactly the same style as that strange young man, and now, that strange young man completely robbed XianSheng’s attention.

But that person…. who exactly was he?

He remembered every friend around XianSheng, but he didn’t remember this person at all. 

At least in the five years he had been by XianSheng’s side, he had never seen this person.

Why was this person’s style so similar to him?

Suddenly, a name flashed in Xu ChengYan’s mind.

Xu ChengYan lowered his eyes, but still pretended to be calm, and asked the man beside him, “Is he a friend of XianSheng?” 

He confirmed the list of guests for the birthday banquet with XianSheng in advance, and he confirmed and affirmed that there was no such person on the invitation list.

Xu ChengYan patiently waited for an answer, but the man didn’t speak, he just stared at the young man quietly.


Although the man didn’t speak, Xu ChengYan already knew the answer.

Immediately afterwards, Xu ChengYan saw the man beside him put down his glass and walked towards the strange young man step by step. 

Xu ChengYan got up, looked at the man’s back, and he wanted to follow.

He came with XianSheng, and he was considered half the host, and the strange young man was a guest, so he should go with XianSheng to greet the guest.

But for some unknown reason, Xu ChengYan suddenly lost his courage. So, he just stood there and watched helplessly as XianSheng came to the young man’s side.

The two stood together, chatting as if there was anyone else, as if they were old friends who hadn’t seen each other for many years. 

He Yang said something to the young man, and the youth seemed to be amused.

He had to admit that the young man looked very good, and when he smiled, his eyes were sparkling.

Like a little young master from a distinguished family, well protected and ignorant of the world.

Xu ChengYan looked at the scene in front of his eyes, and suddenly felt very dazzling. 

It seemed that someone was approaching behind him, but Xu ChengYan had no time to pay attention to who it was, so he just stared at the two people blankly.

At this time, Chi Yi had also come to Xu ChengYan’s side.

“Yanyan, have you seen the genuine product?” Chi Yi smiled and put his hand on Xu ChengYan’s shoulder, as if it was just a greeting between friends to get close.

But there was no smile in Chi Yi’s eyes, and his tone was malicious, like a cold poisonous snake, and he said word by word —— 

“A copycat will always be a copycat.”

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