Ch62 - The love scene added at the last moment

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Thank you, VitaB for your coffee!!! I am so happy and thank you very much for your words and support! I’ll thank you again here and wish you all the best in 2023!!!


“President He wants wontons?” Qin Zhou raised his head to meet the man’s gaze, and said slowly, “The restaurant outside should sell them. If President He wants it, I’ll go buy it now.”

After speaking, Qin Zhou turned around, prepared to go buy wontons.



However, before Qin Zhou could go far, the man grabbed his wrist.

He Yang held his wrist tightly and refused to let go, and said in a low voice, “(I want) The wontons you made.” 

Qin Zhou said flatly, “A bowl of wontons is worthless.”


He was not a senior chef, and the wontons he made were just ordinary ones with ordinary taste.

Back then, he had made wontons for He Yang for five years.

But later, the wontons he sent to He Yang were returned intact.


After all, after five years of eating, he had long since gotten tired of it, and he didn’t want it anymore.

Qin Zhou asked: “President He, are you sure you want wontons, and nothing else?”

“I only want wontons.” He Yang was very stubborn, “The wontons you made.”


“If you insist on wanting wontons, of course you can.” Qin Zhou nodded his head, “You helped me get an appointment with the doctor. I am very grateful to you, and this is what I should do.” 

Qin Zhou’s attitude was very distant. His speech was polite, and he kept his distance.

He Yang stretched out his hand and couldn’t help but put it against the young man’s face, and called out, “YanYan.”

Qin Zhou turned his head to avoid it, and was very resistant to such an intimate gesture like touching his face.

He Yang withdrew his hand and stopped touching. He changed the subject and asked, “Which hospital is Grandma in? I’ll send someone to pick her up.” 

Qin Zhou told He Yang the hospital address.

He Yang’s speed was very fast. So, he picked up Grandma the next day, and the hospital immediately arranged a general examination for the elderly woman.

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Qin Zhou was by his grandma’s side and after confirming the operation time with the hospital, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After settling down Grandma, Qin Zhou stayed in the ward for a while before getting up and leaving. 

He Yang had been outside the ward, and when he saw Qin Zhou coming out, he reminded him: “Wonton.”

“Okay.” Qin Zhou nodded.


He Yang took Qin Zhou back to the apartment.

Qin Zhou followed behind He Yang, and when he entered the living room, he found that the furnishings in the room were still the same as before, without any changes in three years. 

Even the potted plants that he specially moved to the balcony before he left were still there.

It’s just that the types of flowers in the potted plants had been changed now, not the ones he used to raise. It is estimated that the original flowers had been raised to death long ago.

Qin Zhou quietly followed behind He Yang and came to the kitchen.

He Yang took out wonton wrappers and meat stuffing, and put them on the table. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Hlc Itbe kjrtfv tlr tjcvr jcv rajgafv kgjqqlcu kbcabcr.

Lf Tjcu vlvc’a ifjnf jcv rajsfv yfrlvf tlw, jcv xfqa kjamtlcu Hlc Itbe wjxf kbcabcr jii atf alwf.

Hlc Itbe’r wbnfwfcar kfgf nfgs mjreji. Ktf kbcabcr kfgf mgbbxfv lc rtjqf, jcv atf jwbeca bo wfja oliilcu lc fjmt kbcabc kjr jirb vloofgfca. Vbwf kfgf nfgs ijguf jcv rbwf kfgf nfgs rwjii.

After wrapping more than a dozen wontons, Qin Zhou was ready to cook the wontons. 

Qin Zhou put the wontons in the pot and stood aside to wait.

However, it may be because the time was not controlled properly. The wontons took a little longer to cook in the pot. When Qin Zhou picked up the wontons, several of the boiled wontons had already fallen apart.

The appearance of wontons was very ugly, and the soup was very bland. At first glance, it looked like it was not made with care.

Qin Zhou put the bowl on the dining table, “The wontons are ready.” 

Qin Zhou wiped his hands with a tissue and said, “It’s not worth much to make a bowl of wontons. So, I will still pay you back the medical expenses as I said before.”

He Yang heard Qin Zhou mention the medical expenses again, he frowned slightly and said: “No need to pay back.”

But Qin Zhou just said: “President He, I don’t like to owe favors.”

“You were also the one who helped me with the manager’s matter, and I am very grateful.” 

“I don’t want to owe you favors, it’s better to be clear.”

He Yang looked at the bowl of wontons on the table and fell silent.

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After a long time, He Yang said, “Then, stay here.”

He Yang came over, took the young man’s hand, and said slowly, “You like acting, I will support you, and I will give you all the resources.” 

“As long as you stay, I will give you everything I have.”

Qin Zhou suddenly laughed when he heard it, “President He, are you trying to keep me?”

He Yang frowned slightly and said: “It’s not keeping you.”

“You are the big boss, and I’m just a little star.” Qin Zhou smiled, “But now you say you want to support me, don’t you mean to keep me?” 

“No.” He Yang lowered his eyes. Looking at the ring on his left hand, he said slowly, “I want to get married.”

“President He, the topic of marriage is inappropriate.” Qin Zhou smiled politely.

They were not even lovers, and it was ridiculous to discuss marriage.

Qin Zhou removed the man’s hand again and said calmly, “President He, I have something to do, so I won’t disturb you.” 

“I’ll see you off.”

“Don’t bother.” Qin Zhou took a step back, “It’s okay, I’ll go back myself.”


When Qin Zhou returned to the dormitory, he just received a message from Lin ChiXiao, saying that he had something and wanted to see him. 

So Qin Zhou went to look for Lin ChiXiao next door and knocked on the door.

Lin ChiXiao hurried over to open the door. Qin Zhou entered the room and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lin ChiXiao took the script from the table and handed it to Qin Zhou, explaining: “The crew said that they wanted to add a scene at the last moment, and this is a new script.”

Qin Zhou took it and flipped through it, and found that a s*x scene was added, in which the guqin player riding (the general). 

“An extra love scene was added.” Lin ChiXiao was a little embarrassed, “I only found out today…….”

Originally, when the screenwriter adapted it, it was based on the original book, without adding the s*x scene in the side story.


But later the actors of the general and the guqin player were decided, and the director also watched the MV of “Fallen” and felt that the two of them were very suitable. So, he added the s*x scene back.

Lin ChiXiao: “The director said that the two of us will be filming love scenes in the first week, so it’s best to prepare in advance.” 

Qin Zhou nodded, and his reaction was relatively calm.

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“Do you mind?” Lin ChiXiao asked.

“I don’t mind.” Qin Zhou shook his head.

He was an actor, and it was okay to shoot a s*x scene. 

“I may not act well…….” Lin ChiXiao scratched his hair.

Qin Zhou: “It’s alright, you just need to lie down and don’t move. I’ll act on it.”

Anyway, this s*x scene was initiated by the guqin player.


At the end of the month, Qin Zhou was ready to join the crew.

Qin Zhou packed up his things and went to the crew with Lin ChiXiao.

The shooting location was a film and television city in the next city, and the actors’ accommodation was also arranged uniformly by the crew.

It just so happened that the rooms that Qin Zhou and Lin ChiXiao were assigned were connected together, very close. 

Qin Zhou put away his luggage, tidied it up, and then called Lin ChiXiao, preparing to go to a nearby supper stall to eat.

And because it was already dark at night, both of them just put on a hat and came to have supper.

The supper stall was livelier there. The two found a corner and chatted while eating.

But just when the two were about to leave after eating, they were suddenly stopped by a female voice. 

“Is it Brother Chi Xiao?” An eighteen or nineteen year old girl approached cautiously with a mobile phone.

Lin ChiXiao showed a smile, “Hello.”


“Ahhh!” The little girl suddenly screamed with excitement. She was about to say something while holding the phone, and suddenly noticed the person next to Lin ChiXiao. She became even more excited. “And Qin Zhou, ahhhh!”

“I like your MV so much! Can I take a photo?” 

Lin ChiXiao nodded, and Qin Zhou also didn’t mind taking a photo together.

So the little girl quickly gave her phone to her companion and asked her friend to help take pictures.

After the photo was taken, the little girl looked at the photo with excitement.

And there were already passers-by around here who had noticed this. Lin ChiXiao didn’t want to attract too much attention, so he went back to the hotel with Qin Zhou. 

Qin Zhou went back to the room, read the script, and went to rest first.

However, when Qin Zhou woke up and opened Weibo, he saw a lot of notifications on his phone. Only then did he find out that he and Lin ChiXiao were on the hot search.

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【#Lin ChiXiao Qin Zhou# I met General Lin by chance! General Lin and the little demon are out for supper! 】

The picture attached to Weibo was a group photo of the three, with the fan standing in the middle, and Lin ChiXiao and Qin Zhou standing on both sides. 

【Oh my god! I knew it! ! The general and the little demon are real! 】

【Sure enough! Our General Lin is still fallen! Actually having supper with the little demon! 】

【Seeing that so many sisters are following the general and the little demon, I feel relieved! 】


And on the other side, Nancheng.

In the office, Yuan Lie was wearing a white coat, looked at the man opposite, and reminded: “President He, you have been in this posture for a long time.”

He Yang looked at Weibo and said coldly, “Remove the hot search.”

Yuan Lie explained patiently: “President He, Lin ChiXiao is also an artist of our company. This hot search can just attract traffic to the two of them, so there is no need to remove it.” 

He Yang: “I’ll be responsible for the loss and will pay double for it.”

Yuan Lie suddenly smiled. He nodded and said, “Okay, I will contact the public relations department now to withdraw the hot search.”


After speaking, Yuan Lie took his phone and sent a message to the person in charge of the public relations department.

He Yang continued to browse Weibo, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a voting Weibo posted by a marketing account—— 

【 Lin ChiXiao and Qin Zhou work together again! The two will once again act as a couple in the new drama “Troubled Times”. Do you think they will fall in love because of the drama? 】

He Yang stared at this Weibo, frowned, and suddenly asked: “Qin Zhou is going to act as lovers this time?”

“I don’t know that, the script was chosen by the agent.” Yuan Lie smiled, “But I remember that the script is an adaptation of a novel, you can go and read the original novel.”

He Yang became a little irritable, resting his fingertips on the armrest, tapping indifferently. 

Yuan Lie pushed on his glasses and said, “President He, since you care so much about Qin Zhou’s affairs, I suggest that you might as well just chase him openly and honestly.”

He Yang ignored him.

Yuan Lie was still smiling, and suddenly asked, “President He, do you know ‘on-set couple’.”

“After the actors join the crew, they have to stay in the crew for several months.” 

“Therefore, in order to solve physiological needs, some actors will find actors in the crew to form a pair and solve each other’s physiological needs.”

“Especially for some actors who are acting as lovers in the crew, sometimes they can’t act, it’s easy to ——”

Before Yuan Lie could finish speaking, he saw the man in front of him suddenly stand up and leave in a hurry.

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