Ch63 - Stay with me tonight

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On the set.

The man in white knelt on the ground with guqin in his arms, staring at the person in front of him. 

“Cut!” The director hurriedly interrupted, frowning: “Qin Zhou is not in the right state.”

The director came over with the script and explained: “You are secretly in love with the general. When you look at him, you should also show some emotion.”



There was no emotional scene for the guqin player in the original script. The relationship between the guqin player and the general was just friendship, but now because of the extra love scene, the guqin player also had more emotional lines.

Director: “You like the general, so your attitude towards him is different from others, and try to act out that feeling of admiration.” 

“Okay.” Qin Zhou responded.


After a few minutes of rest, the scene was retaken.

Qin Zhou knelt down beside Lin ChiXiao, looking up slightly at the person in front of him.

However, during the reshoot, the director was still a little dissatisfied with Qin Zhou’s performance.


“Cut!” The director was a little anxious, “Qin Zhou, you have a crush on the general, a crush! You don’t have to act so straightforward.”

Qin Zhou nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

Secret love…….


Qin Zhou adjusted his state again and prepared to reshoot. 

However, this scene got stuck several times, and finally the director was barely satisfied.

The director looked at the monitor screen and said to Qin Zhou, “Afterwards, you should pay attention when shooting. After you go back, watch a few movies about secret love, and find that feeling of admiration.”

“Okay.” Qin Zhou responded, put the prop guqin on the table, and prepared to remove makeup first.

He only had one scene today, and he could go back to rest after shooting, but Lin ChiXiao still had to stay and continue filming. 

Qin Zhou went to the dressing room to remove his makeup, and when he was halfway through, he suddenly heard a commotion from the set.

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Qin Zhou continued to remove his makeup. After changing his clothes and coming out, he saw a large group of people around the set. The two leading actors were also there, standing aside respectfully.

Even the director and assistant director came over there, and it seemed that a big shot had come.

Qin Zhou looked around and asked a staff member next to him, “What’s the matter?” 

The staff member explained: “It’s the investor who came, and Director Li took the investor to have a look around.”

Qin Zhou nodded and ignored the lively scene on the set. He packed up his things and prepared to go back to the hotel to rest.


It’s just that when Qin Zhou left the set, he saw a limited edition luxury car parked outside the set. The license plate number was still the familiar serial number.

Qin Zhou looked at the license plate number, but still looked away and returned to the hotel. 

Qin Zhou stayed in the room and read the script for a while. After Lin ChiXiao finished work and returned to the hotel in the evening, the two went out for dinner together.

There were many snack bars near the film and television city. Qin Zhou found a restaurant and the two sat in an inconspicuous corner.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olc JtlWljb kjr kfjglcu j tja, rlaalcu jmgbrr ogbw Hlc Itbe, mtjaalcu: “C ylu ybrr mjwf veglcu atf vjs. Ktf ktbif mgfk lr agslcu ab qifjrf atf ylu ybrr, jcv fnfc atf oliwlcu kjr qbraqbcfv.”

Hlc Itbe cbvvfv. Lf kjr cba atja lcafgfrafv lc atf ylu ybrr. 

“Ds atf kjs, atf vlgfmabg jrxfv wf ab ufa jmdejlcafv klat sbe wbgf lc atfrf ofk vjsr, rjslcu atja atf ibnf rmfcf klii yf oliwfv atlr kffx.” Olc JtlWljb kjr fwyjggjrrfv ab yglcu eq atlr abqlm, “P mjc’a jma, rb P’w tfgf ab jrx sbe………”

Qin Zhou asked: “Have you read the side story? You can read that side story of the general first.”

“I did.” Lin ChiXiao nodded and said, “I just read it, but I don’t think I can act well.”

The description of the general and the guqin player having s*x in the side story was very detailed, but the script was relatively concise, and it all depends on the free play of the actors. 

It’s just that Lin ChiXiao was acting for the first time and had little experience. And the general in the side story kissed and hugged the guqin player, so it may be a little difficult to perform.

Although he and Qin Zhou also had scenes against each other in the MV, the scenes in the MV were all edited, making it easier to shoot, which was different from acting.

Qin Zhou: “Just treat it as a MV, and I’ll take the initiative.”

“But the general also responded.” Lin ChiXiao sighed. 

Although it was the guqin player who took the initiative to go to bed, when it came to the rest, it was the general who turned the table.

Qin Zhou comforted: “It probably won’t shoot in such detail. Just follow the script. You just need to lie down. It’s easy to shoot.”

Qin Zhou thought the s*x scene was better, but it was very hard to   capture and act the guqin player’s feeling of admiration and secret love for the general.

After dinner, the two walked around the neighborhood for a walk, and then they were ready to go back to the hotel. 

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However, when the two came downstairs to the hotel, they were stopped.

The male secretary stood in front of Qin Zhou and said respectfully, “Mr. Qin, President He would like to talk to you. I wonder if you have time.”


Qin Zhou looked at the limited edition luxury car parked not far away, he still turned towards Lin ChiXiao said: “I have something to do, you go up first.”

Lin ChiXiao reminded: “Call me if you have anything.” 


Lin ChiXiao entered the hotel first, and Qin Zhou followed the male secretary, came to the car.

As soon as Qin Zhou got in the car, he saw He Yang in the car.

The two sat alone in the back row seats, the secretary was in the driver’s seat, and the partition in the middle was raised to separate the sight. 

Qin Zhou called, “President He.”

He Yang frowned slightly and said slowly, “You accompanied him to dinner.”

Qin Zhou said casually, “It’s just a meal.”

He Yang didn’t respond. He habitually touched the ring on his left hand and rubbed it lightly. 

After a long time, He Yang said, “Grandma will have an operation tomorrow.”

Qin Zhou looked over after hearing this, and the expression on his face became a little serious.

He Yang: “I asked the doctor, your grandma’s situation is quite special, and one operation is not enough.”

“There is a doctor abroad who specializes in this field, and I can invite him over.” 

“I will hire the best professional team to help study grandma’s condition and help you take care of Grandma.”

Qin Zhou lowered his head, staring at the carpet in a daze.

Neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere became silent.

In the end, Qin Zhou still looked up at the man and said slowly, “President He, what are your requirements?” 

With his current ability, although he could slowly make money and save for medical expenses, he didn’t have the network and resources to give Grandma the best treatment and environment.

But He Yang had that ability.


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Qin Zhou was quiet, waiting for the man’s reply.

He Yang: “Stay with me.” 

“President He, you said ‘accompany you’……..What do you specifically mean?”

“Let’s start over.” He Yang met the young man’s eyes, and said calmly, “Let’s start dating again.”

Qin Zhou just replied: “President He, I have no plans to fall in love for the time being.”

He Yang frowned and said, “Then, as the gold master, I will support you.” 

Qin Zhou asked: “If President He wants to take care of me, then what do I need to do?”

He Yang: “You can’t act as lovers with others, you can’t go out to eat alone with others, you can’t accept other people’s roses, you can’t ——”

But He Yang hadn’t finished talking yet, he was interrupted by Qin Zhou.

“President He, don’t you think the requirements are a bit too much?” Qin Zhou laughed, “I may not be a qualified little lover, it’s better for President He to find someone else.” 

After speaking, Qin Zhou reached out his hand, as if he was about to get out of the car.

He Yang leaned over and stopped Qin Zhou’s movements, almost holding the young man in his arms, and said in a low voice, “No requirement.”

He Yang: “You can do whatever you want. No requirement.”

Qin Zhou retracted his hand, leaning on the back of the seat, and asked, “How long does President He plan to keep me?” 

“Fifty years.”

Qin Zhou instantly laughed angrily.

Fifty years later, he would be an old man.

“I’ll pay you to support you and help you take care of Grandma.” He Yang took the young man’s hand, “You stay with me for fifty years.” 

“President He, only three months.” Qin Zhou pulled out his hand, “I will be your little lover for three months. Please help me invite the doctor and take care of Grandma.”

He Yang frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with the deal.


It’s just that the man who had always made hard bids at the negotiating table did not dare to bargain at this time, but was cautious instead.

“Then three months.” He Yang responded. 

“I don’t like being controlled by others, so I can only accompany you in bed, and I won’t guarantee anything else.” Qin Zhou said.

“Okay.” He Yang responded, “Stay with me tonight.”

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Qin Zhou nodded.

After the negotiation, He Yang took Qin Zhou directly to the hotel. 

The hotel where He Yang stayed was not far away, and it was the most luxurious top-level suite.

As soon as he entered the suite, Qin Zhou took off his coat and went to unbutton his shirt.

However, Qin Zhou hadn’t had time to unbutton the buttons when his waist was suddenly tightened and he was hugged by the man.

He Yang directly picked up the person by the waist, came to the bedside, and put the person in his arms on the bed. 

He Yang supported the young man with one hand and held the young man’s face with the other, leaning over slowly, wanting to kiss.

However, Qin Zhou put his hands on the man’s chest and said unhurriedly, “President He, no kissing.”

“YanYan.” He Yang frowned, “Kiss.”

“Our relationship is just ‘lovers’, we can only be regarded as ‘bed partners’ at best.” Qin Zhou smiled casually, “Bed partners don’t need to kiss.” 

He Yang’s brows furrowed even tighter, and in the end, he didn’t continue to ask for a kiss. He just buried his head in the young man’s neck.

Qin Zhou opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling above his head, he reminded: “President He, you need to wear a condom.”


Qin Zhou pushed the man’s shoulder, and said, “It’s ok if you don’t wear it, then I’ll be on top tonight.” 

He Yang stopped kissing and looked at the young man under him.

Qin Zhou met the man’s eyes and repeated: “I’ll be on top.”


He Yang responded with a sound, holding the person in his arms, he changed his position.

Qin Zhou sat on the man’s waist, and inadvertently met the man’s eyes. 

At this moment, the man was watching him quietly.

That was a very focused gaze, as if he was the only one in the man’s eyes.

There were too many emotions hidden in those dark eyes.

Looking into the man’s eyes, Qin Zhou slowly reached out and untied the man’s tie. 

Then, with the tie, he covered those eyes.


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