Ch64 - Covered the eyes

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“YanYan.” He Yang raised his hand, as if he wanted to take off the tie.

It’s just that Qin Zhou stopped the man’s movement, leaned over slightly, and said in a low voice: “President He, you can’t take off the tie.”



Qin Zhou’s voice was still a little hoarse, and his fingertips were also attached to the tie. Stroking it over and over again, he stared at the man below him.

And because of the posture of sitting above, Qin Zhou could clearly see every subtle change on the man’s face. 

His eyes gradually slid down the man’s face, swept across the collarbone, and landed on the man’s chest.


It had to be said that He Yang’s figure had always been maintained very well.

Perfect pecs, abs, and mermaid lines.

He was very satisfied with He Yang’s body, and He Yang was an excellent bed partner.


After the deed was over, Qin Zhou lay on the man’s body and calmed down a little bit.

The riding position was very good, but his waist was a little sore.

Qin Zhou closed his eyes, but he still hadn’t calmed down.


But He Yang took off the tie over his eyes, embraced the person in his arms, and lowered his head to ask for a kiss. 

Qin Zhou frowned slightly, and pushed the man away a little, “Don’t kiss.”

Qin Zhou got up, picked up the clothes and pants at the corner of the bed, and walked towards the bathroom.

Qin Zhou was sitting in the bathtub, and when he was about to clean up, he saw He Yang coming in.

He Yang came over and squatted outside the bathtub, as if he wanted to help clean up. 

Qin Zhou glanced lazily, leaned in the bathtub, and let the man move.

He Yang stretched out his hand, and started cleaning clumsily.

It’s just that in the middle of cleaning, He Yang couldn’t help but his gaze fell on the young man’s calf.

There was an unsightly scar on the calf. He Yang looked at the scar, and asked aloud, “How did you get this scar?” 

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“There was a little accident before.” Qin Zhou said lightly.

He Yang looked at the scar, it didn’t look like a new injury. It should have been left a long time ago.


He Yang asked: “Was it that car accident?”

Qin Zhou lowered his head and chuckled, but did not answer. 

That scar was indeed left on him by that car accident.

When he crawled out of the car, his lower leg was gashed in the car, leaving a wound.

This scar had been with him for three years, and he was used to it.

Qin Zhou’s reaction was very calm, and he didn’t care much about the scar. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, He Yang kept staring at the scar, frowning tightly.

Coafg mifjclcu eq, Hlc Itbe mjwf bea bo atf yjataey, abbx atf abkfi, vglfv tlwrfio jcv mtjcufv tlr mibatfr.

Hlc Itbe mjwf ab atf yfvgbbw, rja ys atf yfv. Lf abbx atf qtbcf jcv mtfmxfv atf wfrrjufr, jcv gfqilfv ab Olc JtlWljb.

Lf Tjcu ifjcfv bnfg, jcv teuufv atf sbecu wjc ogbw yftlcv. Efralcu tlr tfjv bc atf sbecu wjc’r rtbeivfg, tf rjlv lc j ibk nblmf, “Ofa’r tjnf vlccfg abufatfg abwbggbk cluta.” 

Qin Zhou frowned, not liking such an intimate act. He moved the man’s hand away, and said casually: “I still have to shoot tomorrow. I don’t have time.”

“You can ask for leave, I’ll tell your director.”

Qin Zhou said calmly: “President He, I hope you can keep a low profile.”

“I also don’t want our relationship to be known by others. Such a thing like being kept is disgraceful after all.” Qin Zhou’s attitude was very casual. 

He Yang was silent for a long time, but finally agreed, “Okay.”

“If there is nothing else, I don’t want you to bother me.” Qin Zhou said, “If you want to have s*x, send me a location, and I’ll come right over.”

Qin Zhou was a little indifferent, and his attitude was very sloppy, not at all like the attitude a little lover should have towards a gold master.

But He Yang complied with everything obediently without any request. 

It wasn’t until the little lover was about to leave that He Yang took the young man’s hand and said in a low voice, “You haven’t added friends yet.”

Qin Zhou also realized that they hadn’t even added friends.


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“Almost forgot.” Qin Zhou took out his phone, added He Yang as a friend, and then left.


The next morning, Qin Zhou came to the set.

The crew was filming the scene of the queen and the general. Qin Zhou went to put on make-up first, and then waited leisurely in the dressing room.

Lin ChiXiao finished filming, and when he went back to the dressing room to touch up his makeup, he saw Qin Zhou inside.

Qin Zhou was still reading the script, but the script had not been turned, it seemed that he was distracted and a little absent-minded. 

Lin ChiXiao walked over and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Qin Zhou woke up a little when he heard the voice. He looked up at Lin ChiXiao, and replied, “My grandma at home is having an operation today, and I’m a little worried.”

Lin ChiXiao nodded, and said, “Where are the rest of the family? They should be able to help take a look.”

“No more.” Qin Zhou closed the script, and said calmly, “It’s just me and Grandma at home.” 

Lin ChiXiao was stunned , and asked again: “Then do you want to ask for leave and go back to see your grandma?”

“I don’t want to ask for leave. Anyway, I have nothing to do the day after tomorrow. I will go back to Nancheng to see Grandma tomorrow night, and I will come back in the morning in the next three days.” Qin Zhou said.

“The time is a bit rushed.”

“It’s okay.” Qin Zhou smiled, lowered his head and continued to read the script, preparing for shooting. 

Today, there was a rivalry scene between him and Lin ChiXiao, where the guqin player reported information to the general.

However, when shooting, it was not very smooth.

The director said angrily: “Qin Zhou! You admire the general! Do you understand ‘adoration’?!”

“I’m sorry, Director Li…….” Qin Zhou lowered his head, knowing that something was wrong with him. 

He couldn’t act out the feeling of admiring someone.

Director: “You like the general, so your eyes should convey it!”


Qin Zhou hurriedly said, “I’ll prepare better.”

Qin Zhou came to the side and continued to read the script, but still couldn’t find the feeling. So, he took out his phone, and clicked on the side story of the general. 

There were many descriptions of feelings in the side story of the general, and it could be seen that the guqin player had always admired the general ——

He was not allowed to love the general, but he was willing to stay by the general’s side silently, humble to the extreme.

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Qin Zhou read the side story, and then looked at Lin ChiXiao beside him.

Lin ChiXiao hummed while playing with his mobile phone, but he didn’t notice Qin Zhou’s gaze. 

Qin Zhou looked at the person beside him, trying to put in the feeling of having a crush on someone.

It’s just that he and Lin ChiXiao were more familiar, and the more familiar they were, the harder it was to get emotionally involved.

Qin Zhou became a little annoyed and frowned tightly.

After resting for a while, Qin Zhou was about to go to shoot. 

Qin Zhou walked towards the teahouse, and just when he got near the teahouse, he suddenly heard a burst of exclamation——

“Be careful! Stay away!”

Qin Zhou looked up and saw the outer wall of the teahouse suddenly collapsed.

Qin Zhou stepped a few steps back quickly to avoid it. The outer wall collapsed in an instant, even the fence of the teahouse collapsed, and the set was completely destroyed. 

The director came over and asked, “What’s going on?!”

The staff responsible for arranging the scene quickly came over and explained: “The outer wall was not fixed when it was being repaired. Just now, someone accidentally bumped into the outer wall, and the outer wall fell directly……..”

The director frowned tightly, and because the teahouse had a problem, there was no way to shoot the scene of the teahouse, so he could only shoot other scenes first.

The teahouse was going to be rebuilt, and the teahouse scenes had been postponed, even the scenes with Qin Zhou had been postponed. So, there was no need to shoot today. 

So, Qin Zhou went to remove his make-up first, then checked the plane ticket, and planned to go back to Nancheng directly today.

After Qin Zhou changed his clothes and walked out of the set, he saw He Yang’s car again.


Qin Zhou looked at the car, but still pretended not to see it. He looked away and planned to go around.

But when Qin Zhou just turned around and walked a few steps, that luxury car suddenly started, followed, and stopped beside Qin Zhou. 

Qin Zhou looked at the limited edition luxury car, and finally opened the door and got in.

Sitting in the car, Qin Zhou saw He Yang and asked directly, “President He, are we getting into the bed?”

He Yang frowned, and replied, “No.”

Qin Zhou: “If there is nothing else, I’ll go back first .” 

Seeing that Qin Zhou wanted to leave, He Yang said, “Stay with me tonight.”

Qin Zhou just replied, “Sorry President He, I don’t have time tonight. I want to go back to Nancheng to see Grandma.”

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After He Yang heard that, he said, “I’ll go with you.”


The film and television city was not far from Nancheng, and it only took four hours to drive there.

Qin Zhou went back to the hotel to pack his luggage, got in the car, and headed back to Nancheng.

The car arrived at Nancheng at night, and because Qin Zhou was in a hurry to go to the hospital to see his grandma, He Yang asked his secretary to drive directly to the hospital.

After the car stopped, Qin Zhou got out of the car quickly, still holding a newly bought radio in his hand. 

Grandma liked to listen to operas, but the original radio was an old model and the sound quality was not very good, so he bought a new one this time.

Qin Zhou hurriedly went to the ward, and saw his grandma lying on the bed and sleeping, and there were two nurse’s aide aunts beside the bed.

Qin Zhou went in to look at Grandma, then looked at the nurse’s aide next to him, and asked in a low voice, “How’s Grandma’s operation going?”

The nurse’s aide explained, “There’s no problem. The operation went well, and the doctor said it would be fine after resting for a while.” 

Qin Zhou felt a little relieved. He put the new radio on the bedside table, sat by the bed and looked at Grandma quietly.

He Yang just stood outside the ward without going in. He looked at the young man in the room, and took out a cigarette in his pocket.


Grandma lived in the advanced ward area, which was all private wards, very quiet.

He Yang walked towards the stairs, intending to find a place to smoke. 

But just when He Yang came to the stairs, a doctor happened to come down from upstairs.

After seeing He Yang, the doctor called out in surprise: “Young Master He.”

He Yang glanced at the doctor and recognized that he was a doctor from the Department of Cardiology, so he nodded casually and took out a lighter.

The doctor had met He Yang several times before, and every time He Yang came to look for him, there was always someone by his side. 

So the doctor asked: “Are you here to see Mr. Shen?”

He Yang paused and looked at him.

Doctor: “He’s going to have surgery in a few days, and he’s still resting upstairs.”

He Yang didn’t speak. 

And the doctor quickly explained: “Mr. Shen has recovered very well recently, so you don’t have to worry.”

Just when the doctor was about to say something more, footsteps came from the stairs.

The weak little young master in hospital gown walked down the stairs slowly, with a smile on his face, he called out softly: “He Yang.”

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