Chapter 19

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The news of Qu Xueyu’s romance has been fermenting for a week, and Bo Yangzhi has started to deal with the ongoing popularity. But how could he have expected that his own master, who is usually very picky and difficult to serve, would appear in the hot topic with Qin Gu? The movie emperor and his domineering president, childhood friends, and rivals. The photo of the beautiful youths, together with these elements is simply bursting with sparks that are almost too good to be true. However, they were caught by surprise and appeared in the spotlight, attracting a lot of cp1CP fans, fans who ship a certain pair of people together as a couple/cp. fans, and even pressed other messy news to a clean sweep.


This time the foolish marketing agencies saw that the famous PR team of the powerful Film Emperor Qu was actually ignoring the speculation on these articles, so they have been emboldened, madly laying down their bold speculations on the relationship between Qu Xueyu and Qin Gu.


Bo Yangzhi was in a difficult position, Qin Gu is a friend of his family’s master, and also a member of the Qin Family. In the end, how to handle this kind of news exposure is truly a test of skill.


“Withdraw it. The ones that exposed this should be sued.” Ruan Jiangjiu looked at all the lively buzz, remembering how the young man presented him with this message after returning from dinner last night, his eyes shining: “I told you that Qu Xueyu absolutely loves Brother Qin Gu!” After a pause, added with feigned ferocity and swore: “That’s why I hate Qu Xueyu, really.”


Just thinking about this Qu Xueyu’s teeth itched a little2Teeth itching is slang for saying you’re angry., he mused: “Say, am I that unattractive?”


Bo Yangzhi had not reacted yet over wanting to sue the marketing accounts, and then was blindsided by the next sentence into utter confusion, “What?! Who does not like you? Who can dislike you? Then he must be amazing3Nuo bi again.” There is no one in this world who does not like Qu Xueyu, and there was also nobody who could reject Qu Xueyu. He had been an agent for twenty years, and from the first time he saw the teenaged Qu Xueyu, he knew that this was someone who was born for this job, someone who should be enveloped by light and noticed by all.


“It’s not important.” Ruan Jiangjiu seemed to sigh softly, there was even a slight note of chagrin in his tone, which caused alarm bells to ring in Bo Yangzhi’s heart – this was definitely not normal. Qu Xueyu appeared to resemble a mountain of ice and snow that was untouched by the dust, but at heart, he was prideful and wild yet spontaneous, otherwise, he wouldn’t have become friends with Qin Gu, so he tentatively asked, “Is this related to your relationship with your golden master?” He only thought he was joking when his master said that he was staying at the home of a friend.


-A friend? He also recalled Qu Xueyu’s unusual attitude towards the scandal with Qin Gu, so he added: “Xueyu, you and Mr. Qin are not really…”


Ruan Jiangjiu: “…”


“I am not in a relationship with Qin Gu.” Ruan Jiangjiu was expressionless as he replied.


Bo Yangzhi: “All right…truly?”

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Remembering a different thing, Ruan Jiangjiu changed the subject, “I’m informing you that I’ve accepted a new show that will be filmed in a little over two weeks.”


Bo Yangzhi has become accustomed to his master’s surprise moves, so he was not surprised by it, “Okay, it’s rare for you to encounter a role that you like, and two weeks won’t affect your participation in director Zhou’s play, so that you can take it. In fact, I have suggested before that you could take some shorter roles in these two months to fill the gap.”


It’s just that Qu Xueyu has always preferred not to overdo it, and has a habit of preparing seriously when he meets a project he likes, which is why he has a full two-month gap. He casually asked, “Whose show is it? Director Liu’s?” Two weeks is usually a guest appearance, and Director Liu happens to be in Jinghai to shoot for an award-winning literary film. There is nothing wrong with finding Qu Xueyu to make a guest appearance.


“A web drama, the director is also unknown, and I’ll play the third male.” Ruan Jiangjiu blandly stated.


Bo Yangzhi: “…” he felt as though he could hardly breathe, he was about to pass out. With this master of his, there’s truly, a daily “surprise” – he will sooner or later be surprised by the young master into the emergency room.




The place where Qin Gu asked to meet this time was still a bar, but probably because he didn’t bring Xiao Yang, this time it was completely different from the previously clean and elegant bar. The room was still clean, but the lights were dim and ambiguous – in fact, this is what Qin Gu really likes, hidden deep in his bones were chaos and brutality.


Qu Xueyu entered the room and frowned slightly – Hah, if his little gold master was to see, he would be even more sure of his wild theory.


Qin Gu leaned lazily on the sofa, drinking a glass of wine with a misty color. Qu Xueyu sat down opposite him and raised his eyebrows: “Why are you looking to see me?”


Qin Gu drained the wine in his hand before looking at Qu Xueyu: “Why are you meddling in Lu Bai’s affairs?” The “doggy” 4Paparazzi are called dogs because the way they spell it “狗仔队 / Gou Zai Dui” Is literally “Dog Group”. So they like to insultingly/jokingly refer to them as dogs. There is a whole danmei based around this called “One Useless Rebirth” by Cant Play Chess (complete translation on Novel Updates btw)that both he and the Lu family were looking for was finally found by the Qu family, and the Qu family had given that “doggy” to Lu Zhi.


Qu Xueyu chuckled, “I wanted to intervene, so I did. But you, Qin Gu-” he dropped his smile and lightly looked at the other party’s half-drunk eyes: “Don’t you hate him? Then why did you interfere with his affairs?”

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Qin Gu looked perplexed for a moment, and then he slumped on the sofa and reached up to cover his face, laughing dumbly, with a strong sense of bewilderment and a little bitterness in his voice: “Yes, why? I also want to know why.”


Qu Xueyu dropped his eyes and didn’t respond.


Qin Gu refilled his glass of wine, before standing up: “I’m going outside for some fresh air.” He suddenly had the illusion that he must not be at a disadvantage in front of Qu Xueyu. This thought is weird and strange, but it wouldn’t go away.


“Go ahead.” Qu Xueyu said.




Walking down the corridor of a certain bar, Lu Bai once again felt that his work is very beastly, according to the original, at this time the protagonist gong Qin Gu and the protagonist shou Qu Xueyu are meeting in this bar. They met for a drink, and with the influence of alcohol, the two people kissed in a very natural way. As for the vicious male support, Lu Bai learned from an email from an unknown sender that Qu Xueyu and Qin Gu were going to meet in this bar, so he stormed over. He was so angry that he came to beat the lovebirds.


It’s so cruel, Lu Bai thought, disturbing a young couple’s intimacy means getting struck by lightning5There’s an old Chinese proverb about those who beat/separate a pair of lovers will be struck by heaven’s lightning.!


Standing in front of the private room, Lu Bai took a deep breath and decided to make this come to a quick conclusion. Xiao Ruan had something to do today, and he wanted to go home early and wait for him.


So he violently shoved open the door, and viciously delivered those unbearably nasty lines – and in order to prevent himself from seeing any improper scenes, he also closed his eyes as well!


“Qu Xueyu! You fuck off! Stay the hell away from brother Qin Gu!”


There was silence for several seconds.

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Lu Bai frowned in confusion – strange, according to his reasoning, Qin Gu would have directly sprayed him with a glass of wine, and then sneered at him to get lost. But how come there is no movement now?


Finally, he cracked his eyes open, and then they snapped wide open.


In the dim light, Qu Xueyu was standing in front of him with his arms crossed, looking at him with a wry grin, and then he shrugged his shoulders. “Qin Gu is not here.”


Lu Bai: “…!” What the heck, what’s going on?!


For Lu Bai, the momentum of the vicious male match for this kind of thing happened all in one go. If the first time it didn’t work, it will never come back again. So the person who had just acted so arrogantly, now could only take a step back in a somewhat abashed manner and dryly say, “Oh.”


Qu Xueyu moved his long legs to stand in front of the young man, he was so close that Lu Bai could see his reflection in the other’s eyes.


“You, what are you doing?” Lu Bai took two more steps back – this person, is not going to beat him, right? Qin Gu had the possibility, but such a clean and noble person like Qu Xueyu who grew up drinking dew would not beat people ah? He probably… won’t get punched, right?


“I’m warning you-“Their distance is so close that Lu Bai could hear the other man’s heartbeat. His warm and pleasant smell also gave him a sense of oppression, and Lu Bai thought he was too unfortunate.


As he finally reached the door, Lu Bai tried to run, but Qu Xueyu’s hand crossed Lu Bai’s shoulder and neck and closed the door with a bang.



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Lu Bai was pressed against the door by Qu Xueyu, the other arm placed over his head, and prevented him from escaping. “I have nothing to do with Qin Gu.”


In the dim lighting, Qu Xueyu met the panicked eyes of the youth, his eyes glowing like both a starburst and a bottomless abyss, he solemnly stated once again, “I have absolutely no relationship with Qin Gu.”


He leaned down to get closer, and could even feel the other’s panicked and warm breathing, “Do you hate me that much?”


Lu Bai felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. His brain was buzzing like hundreds of bees were flying around, and he couldn’t think clearly about what was going on.


His throat moved, and he pushed the other man away, his head was so chaotic that he stumbled back into the room only to trip over nothing and fall to the ground.


Qu Xueyu’s pupils shrank, and he quickly reached out to catch the young man’s wrist, but ultimately was brought down to the ground with him.


The floor was carpeted and soft, but Qu Xueyu had still reached out to protect the back of the young man’s head before they hit the ground. Lu Bai looked at the man pressed against him with his dazed eyes wide open, and could not utter a word.


This is when the door was opened, Qin Gu was standing in the doorway against the light looking into the room, after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, his face became cold, and his voice chilled to a frightening degree: “What the hell are you two doing?”



TN: Lots of footnotes this time, for the novel I mentioned in my 4th footnote, I’m going to try and Hotlink the Novel Updates page for it –here– It’s 293 chapters completed and the translation wasn’t too bad.

My proofreader has been MIA for a month now so the last three chaps have not been PR’d yet, If you see anything glaring please let me know either here or through discord!


Edited: Krone

1CP fans, fans who ship a certain pair of people together as a couple/cp.2Teeth itching is slang for saying you’re angry.3Nuo bi again4Paparazzi are called dogs because the way they spell it “狗仔队 / Gou Zai Dui” Is literally “Dog Group”. So they like to insultingly/jokingly refer to them as dogs. There is a whole danmei based around this called “One Useless Rebirth” by Cant Play Chess (complete translation on Novel Updates btw)5There’s an old Chinese proverb about those who beat/separate a pair of lovers will be struck by heaven’s lightning.

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