Chapter 20

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When Lu Bai heard Qin Gu’s voice, he robotically turned his head to look at Qin Gu’s terribly cold face in the doorway. Because of this movement, Qu Xueyu’s slightly cool lips brushed against Lu Bai’s already red and boiling ears. Lu Bai’s entire body jumped because of this touch, but there was nowhere to escape when he wiggled his body.


While Lu Bai’s eyes seemed to be fixed on Qin Gu, Qu Xueyu was fixated on the youth’s delicate white neck in the dim light—the burning sensation upon his lips is like a butterfly on the tip of a man’s nose; his breathing was in disarray.


Qu Xueyu took a deep breath and then got up calmly before bending down to pull the young man’s wrist to lift him up. Lu Bai’s body was so stiff that he stumbled a few steps as soon as he stood up and fell straight into Qu Xueyu’s arms.


The young man’s warm body rested against his chest, and the corners of Qu Xueyu’s lips raised a light smile. He leaned down slightly and placed his lips right next to the young man’s reddened ears, blowing softly with bad intentions as he whispered. “Don’t hate me anymore, okay?” After a pause, his voice was so low that it was virtually flirtatious: “If you don’t say anything, I’ll take that as a yes.”


Lu Bai’s eyes widened, the buzzing bees in his head making his eyes glaze over. In this kind of situation, he couldn’t speak as if he had lost his vocal cords. Qu Xueyu showed a winning smile, just to have the youth violently push him away, turn and escape to the door.

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Qin Gu subconsciously grabbed Lu Bai’s wrist, “Let me go, please.” Lu Bai’s voice was hoarse beyond recognition, as he stiffly broke free from Qin’s hand. Qin Gu saw the red eyes of the youth looking at him and he let go of his hand in a daze like he had been burned.


Lu Bai’s figure disappeared down the corridor, and Qin Gu turned around with a blank face and looked grimly at Qu Xueyu. Qu Xeuyu had already put on his sunglasses and his cap, as he was apparently preparing to leave, “Xue. Yu. Why did you do that?” His voice was terribly deep.


Qu Xueyu slowly walked toward Qin Gu, as he looked in the direction where the young man’s figure had disappeared. “There is no reason, Qin Gu. This is my personal matter.” After a pause, he turned to meet Qin Gu’s cold and tumbling eyes and calmly said, “I like that young man very much. I have some matters to attend to, so I will be leaving.” He said and then left with great strides.




Qin Gu smashed his fist into the wall, and his knuckles became red and distinct.

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In the alley behind the bar, Qu Xueyu stopped at a trash can and sighed softly. After that, he took off his trench coat, sunglasses, and hat before tossing them in. Then, he walked towards the brightly lit main street—it didn’t matter if he was photographed, he just wanted to find the youth quickly.


Lu Bai was crouched under a lonely street lamp on a corner; his head buried deep in his arms. His head was burning, and his breath was hot despite the autumn night breeze that made him feel chilled to the bone.


His heart pounded inside his chest, and Lu Bai had no spare capacity to consider whether he had completed the plot or whether the world would punish him after he failed to complete his plot.


“Little liar.” A gentle and lovely voice came from above, and Lu Bai froze; his eyes widened in surprise.

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Ruan Jiangjiu watched the youth bury himself into a ball and sighed lightly. It seemed that just now, he had gone a little too far. He was about to speak up when he saw the young man stumble to his feet with his head slightly lowered and his messy bangs covering his eyes, so Ruan Jiangjiu could not see his expression at that moment. Then, he plunged into his arms—his trembling arms loosely hugging his waist.


Ruan Jiangjiu’s pupils shrank, with both hands subconsciously raising. And it was only after a brief pause that he gently placed one hand on the back of the youth’s lovely head, while the other hand encircled the youth’s slim waist in a protective posture.


“Xiao Ruan is so warm.”


The muffled voice of the youth that was buried in his chest made Ruan Jiangjiu subconsciously breathe lighter. He regretted throwing away the windbreaker he just had which could not have been given to the youth for more warmth on this autumn night. His voice is soft like coaxing a fragile child: “Who is bullying you?”


Lu Bai’s face stayed buried in the other party’s warm embrace, and he was silent for a while before declaring, “I really think he’s bullying me.” His voice had a strong nasal sound and contained aggravation.

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Ruan Jiangjiu’s heart felt like it was stabbed by something, and it hurt intensely for a moment. He hugged the young man tighter and looked up at the hazy night sky. Not knowing what he was feeling, he then stated: “Then, he is indeed a big bastard.”



No notes for this chapter, but let me know if anything was confusing

Big Thanks to Nitta, my new proofreader who helped me get this chapter out on schedule!

Edit: Krone

Proofreader: Nitta

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