Stepping into the carved door of the palace and the top gate, Youyou let go of Sang Yuan's wrist.

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He turned around and slowly closed the hall door.

Sang couldn't help but hold his breath far away, only to feel that the temple was so quiet.

She was not afraid of him or anything he did to her, but his state at this moment was obviously a bit abnormal. She could feel his heartbeat has been chaotic and her body has always been cold.

After closing the temple door, he didn't move for a while, so he stood back with her back so quietly.

He wore a black robe today, with dark golden hidden thread embroidered on the neckline, cuffs and robe. In the slightly dimly lit hall, it shook and gave out a little bit of cold light.

There was no ups and downs in his body, as if he had stopped breathing.

"Yu Mingming..."

She called him softly.

There was a little cramped voice whirling around in the empty temple for a moment.

He finally turned around slowly.

"Little Mulberry, I want you now." He said.

She looked at him stunnedly, and after a while there was no reaction to what he was talking about.

Because his expression was so calm.

She moved her lips and froze, watching him walk up to her in two steps, and hugged her across the inner hall.

The cloud bed was cold and cold, the windows were closed, and the hall was dark. He didn't mean to burn the candle at all. After putting her flat on the cloud couch, he took out a jade jade, looked at it for a moment, put it next to the jade pillow, and began to undress.

The black robe slipped to the ground.

He lowered his head and untied her clothes without saying a word.

His eyes were empty, as if he had a heavy heart.

Until he fits over, she still has no preparation.

She squeezed her lips and gently hugged his neck, responding softly to him.

He was obviously not attentive, and from time to time he would unconsciously glance at the jade jade next to his pillow, as if waiting for news-she couldn't tell whether he wanted to wait for news or not.

Both were absent.

His body is cold, as if he is mechanically completing the task.

Her heart was stunned, and the fate at the moment made her unable to see through again. Just like the mad man in chaos who was likely to be sick at any time, at this moment, apart from being able to make sure that he would not harm her, she knew nothing about his emotions.

The dim light that had penetrated from outside disappeared completely.

"Yu Wuming..." she said softly, "more than half an hour."

He acted.

Slowly looked down at her.

In the darkness, his eyes were like two stars burning with dark fire.

"Can't stand it?" he finally asked.

The voice is calm and a little dumb, but not the dumb with darkness.

"Well. It hurts a little," she replied.

He raised his hand and stroked her forehead.

"Good boy, soon..."

The jade jade suddenly lit up.

In this dark and cold bedroom, the jade light that suddenly appeared was quite dazzling.

The green light reflected on the lifeless face, his eyes turned into two bright green fires, the expression was calm, but like a vicious ghost.

He pulled up, put on a black robe in his backhand, sat on the edge of the cloud couch, lifted the jade jade, "said."

The voice of Agu was heard in the jade jade: "Report to the lord, there is another incident, before the death time is incense."

You Wuming asked indifferently and coldly, "Is there any difference in the law of death?"

Agu replied: "No!"


You Wuming crushed the jade jade.

He threw a blaze of light and lit the candle in the temple.

She closed her eyes, unable to adjust to the light for a while.

He slowly turned his head, his mouth twitched slightly, and his smile was cold.

"Little Mulberry, heart seeker, can't allow us to be together."

She was startled suddenly, shuddered unconsciously, her heart jumped suddenly, staring at him in amazement.

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For a moment, she didn't know what to say, and she was a little shocked and dazed.

"Frightened?" He smiled with a lip.

She eased her mind, grabbed his arm and sat up, put her soft body behind him, and said hardly: "You mean, if you are with me, someone will be killed?"

"Well." His chest quivered sullenly, making a low, calm voice, "The time when the deceased first appeared was on your cloud couch, when you and I were husband and wife."

He turned around, reached out his long arms, and took her whole body in his arms.

He stroked her hair one after another: "I thought about it all the way, and finally found the only law-but whenever I am excited because of you, the heart seeker will start murdering."

Sang shook far and wide: "Can time... be sure?"

You Wuming's thin lips twitched lightly, revealing an extremely cold smile: "Now, it is completely determined."

She felt a little difficult to digest for a moment, murmured: "You, me, and short-lived, when playing in the small river, is it the most exciting time for you?"

During that time period, the "heart-seeker" killed two Shadowguards in a row.

"Hmm." A trace of tenderness crossed his eyes. "Never had such a mood."

It was a play that opened his mind completely, did not mix desires, put away all his worries, and was with a loved one, and also brought a dog.

Sang Yuan felt a shock in his heart-no matter how far apart, he could immediately sense his emotions, and he could kill the master of Lingming Realm without knowing it...

She closed her eyes heavily and uttered two words like a groan.

"Is it?"

"Yeah." Youyou said lightly.

He dropped his deep, narrow eyes and stared at her.

"After breaking the border, he broke control." He ripped his lips and sneered. "I thought the repair was too high, it couldn't keep up, and it became an immobile wood."

Sang took a deep breath, "What the **** is it?"

"Yeah," You Wuming narrowed her eyes. "What is it?"

That was his original body. He had already died 20 years ago, because he still felt with it, so he took it with him to practice and made it into an idol.

Who would have thought that I would break the line and get rid of the shackles of the teacher?

She suddenly thought of something and looked up at him: "It can still sense your happiness. What about you? Can you sense it?"

"Hate." You Wuming slowly blinked his eyes. "Only hatred. As I used to, a whole piece of it is a dark hatred like moss. The whole person, from inside to outside, is moldy. moss."

He spoke such shocking words in a calm tone.

She hugged him tightly and tried to warm his cold body.

After a while, he gave a low chuckle.

"Little Mulberry, why don't you put on your clothes? Do you want to either?"

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Forgot.

He extended his long finger and picked her chin: "I can only wrong you for a while, and I can't touch you again until I get it."

She nodded.

Immediately, I felt something was wrong.

As if she needed him to touch her badly.

She stood up speechless, put on her clothes, and sat a foot away from him, saying, "I just didn't think you were excited, how could it still kill people?"

You Wuming glanced at her faintly: "There is excitement. How could it not be."

"Oh." Her heart was slightly embarrassed afterwards.

He moved closer: "You don't seem to like it. Is it too long?"

Sang Yuanyuan: "No, it's a lack of feelings."

"Ah..." Youyou patted her forehead angrily, "I just thought about that..."

"It's okay." She smiled at him comfortably, "You look so charming, so charming."

His face changed slightly, and she was startled, and pointed to him in a hurry: "Don't be excited!"

The two looked at each other, took a deep breath, and adjusted their emotions. For a while, it seemed like a battle, and I felt quite tired.

She stretched a woman's face.

"From today on, you need to feel calm."

He wanted to laugh a little, and he swallowed his hand with disdain: "Cultivation and cultivation."

This night, Sang Yuanxiu took a big step forward again, successfully breaking through the six heavens of Lingming Realm. In fact, she is obviously a genius in practice-her affinity with Mu Ling is already amazing, plus there are also big guys flying around, such an upgrade speed can scare people to death.

The cyan spiritual strands in my mind became six.

Sang made a move from afar, and saw that the whole hall was packed with big faces and flowers.

Two large, one small and three piranhas struggled to squeeze their bright red petals from a pile of face plates, and from time to time opened the huge petals mouth, swaying towards the big face flower left and right, shaking a few times, as the momentum Eat others' face plates.

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You Wuming pressed the dark clouds to the bottom of her eyes, and laughed vainly, patting the bed with a smile.

"Xiao Sanguo, do you want to laugh to death so I can inherit my legacy?"

"Inherit your **** debt?" She stared at him angrily.

You Wuming pretended not to hear what she was saying, turning her black eyes, slowly wringing her face to the other side.

He touched his chin and pondered for a while, then said seriously: "Your fault should be too strong."

She looked at him in surprise.

He continued: "But what's in his head is too..."

He pointed to the mourning and strange things in front of him. He couldn't find a proper adjective for a long time, and he covered his stomach and smiled.

Sang Yuanyuan: " are enough for Youming."

"Well." He simply turned over and left the bed. "I should go, and wait for me at home."

Sang looked at him in surprise, "Don't you take me there?"

You Wuming smiled: "Xiao Sanguo, I am not going to play."

"Actually, I'm not so useless now..." She thought for a moment, bowed her head in dismay, "Forget it, don't drag you down."

After all, her reaction speed and physical strength are much worse. On the battlefield, those flowers will not play a big role.

Dealing with the elite of Huangfu's family is no better than harvesting demons.

She climbed up and took the robe from the table for him: "Come on, it's okay to be injured, come back and I will treat you!"

He wanted to kiss her crow's mouth a lot, and finally suppressed his mind.

Putting on his tabard, he strode out of the palace stride without ever looking back.

Sang went to the long couch by the window and sat down, holding his cheeks, looking at the sky with some melancholy.

Suddenly there was a dark shadow at the gate of the temple, and Youmei, dressed in a battle shirt, strode back and grabbed her hand: "Go!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "?!"

He took her, jumped on a short-lived back, and swept out of Jidu like an arrow.

"I go out to fight and you can't see me. I must be thinking wildly, and my mind is uneasy." He said quietly in a tone of fact, "I think of a place where you can watch the battle."

"No," she felt warm in her heart, and her lips could not help but smile. "I will practice, I may not know if you come back."

He chuckled softly and said lazily: "Come on, you can make it, I will lose."

A few words of kung fu, short-lived has ran through a small piece of wasteland, in front of the rolling hills, rare trees on the mountain.

"Up the mountain." You Wuming shot the short-lived head.

Short-lived turned his head very uncomfortably and sneered angrily.

Sang knew from afar that it was psychologically unbalanced.

There is no unevenness, but short-lived life was just swaying in these poor states in the west. Everyone was not equipped, and it didn’t feel much. This time I went back to Yunzhou and walked around for a while, and it found that the other clouds were wearing equipment!

Moreover, I heard that the Yunjian beast in Dongzhou is better treated. The Lingjia is wrapped from head to foot. Entering this mountain, passing through the bushes, there is no burr at all!

The advanced cloud beast like it... why streak! why!


It glanced at You Wuming and counseled, honestly hooked his head, jumped into a cluster of low trees, and quickly passed through the hill.

Near noon, the short-lived two carrying the lifeless two jumped over a cliff of heaven and fell into a piece of pine Berlin.

Out of Songlin Berlin, the eyes are suddenly bright!

Just below the mountain, there is a rare open field. A flat mountain valley road leads to the outside, enough for fifty heads of clouds.

The cavalry was hoarded in the open, about 8,000 people, well-equipped and majestic.

The leader was a burly figure, and Sang looked at him from a distance, and recognized Huang Fuxiong, an old acquaintance.

Her eyes drifted along the valley road in the mountains. A few miles away, it was Qixi Road connecting Qin and Jizhou. Among Qixi Road, there was Qinzhou, a logistics and transportation army general in Dongzhou. Lingjia is transported to the south.

In the mountains and forests on both sides of Qixi Road, you can occasionally see a little light reflected by the black armor. That is the Yuzhou Army ambushing on both sides, preparing to harvest this batch of armaments.

When the Yuzhou Army cut off its armaments and moved to the south, Huang Fuxiong would suddenly kill eight thousand cavalry. The Yuzhou Army was caught off guard, with heavy equipment, and the infantry met the cavalry, and must suffer a big loss. .

This is the "interest" that Huangfuxiong wants to collect from Youwuming, so that everyone in the world knows that although he lost his equipment, because of his thunder strike, Yufuming also suffered a lot. !

It's a pity that Huang Fuxiong couldn't think of it. Behind his yellow tit, there was also the cruel cold-blooded hunter You Youming.

You Wuming Ping raised his arm and casually pointed to a flat ground outside the mountain road: "Yongfu Xiong's eight thousand rides left the valley, and it is necessary to form a whole army array and launch a charge. Xiao Sanguo, you see, I will yesterday Let them bury the tribulus terrestris in front of the flat ground half a mile, and Huang Fuxiong charged, he must be turned over!"

"Behead Huangfuxiong, I will come back to pick you up." He took her off his short-lived back, found a clean big stone, and let her sit down.

Sang was shocked: "Are you going to kill Huangfu Xiong?"

Huang Fuxiong, what do you say? Although hostile, it does not seem to be a bad person. And if you kill Huangfu Xiong now, wouldn't it bring back Huangfujun's hatred again?

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You Wuming said with a smile: "Well, according to you, don't kill. Oh, Xiao Sanguo, you know, I want to kill him, just kill it casually."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." He clearly did not want to kill!

He no longer verbose, jumped on the short-lived back, like a gust of wind, rolled down the mountain.

Today he took his knife.

The figure appeared and disappeared in the shadow of the tree, like a frame deliberately cut out of the frame, each of which was the most energetic look of the young king.

He seemed to turn back.

So far away, I can't see each other's faces.

She still smiled at him.

Qixi Dao soon heard Zhentian's shouting.

This place that You Wuming was looking for was really excellent. Looking down from here, the entire battlefield was unobstructed.

Sang far noticed many details. For example, compared with the Huangfu Army, Youjun really lost the equipment. They ambushed the Dongzhou Transport Corps through the bottom valley by the mountain. They should have been hungry tigers out of the mountains and ate the rabbits. However, the Huangfu army was well equipped and formed a defensive front. , Youzhou couldn't catch up.

Of course, on the battlefield, you can't see these things.

In the view of Youjun, it was they who went down the mountain. The Dongzhou transport team threw things down and ran away, running faster than the rabbit.

This is fast, and there are also particularities-first of all, the Huangfu Army's cloud beast has better quality. Secondly, the daily diet of Yunjian beasts must be more healthy and nutritious, and their explosive power and strength are far superior to the poor beasts of Youzhou. Again, the spirit armor on the cloud beast did not hinder their running speed.

To sum up, it is a word of money.

Sang far understands why Youyou chooses such extreme extremes in the book.

As it drags on, Youzhou will only become poorer and weaker, and its strength will be weakened more and more.

Watching the Chou family become stronger and stronger every day, what can he do?

It's good to be able to share the same. Counting the time, after Han Shaoling's 30th fixed wife banquet, Youyou will have to burn the heavens and have a strange place in your head!

Fortunately, there is her now. She has reversed her life and temporarily saved his puppy's life.

Sang took a deep breath.

The road is still long to defeat those enemies.

The top priority is-


She held her fist.

Must find a way to help him make a lot of money!

and many more.

Suddenly she reacted to one thing-You Wuming all his belongings, how much money can there be?

Use all your belongings and taxes for the next five years as a gift?

I am afraid that it is really a lot of money, only the five years of taxes paid in advance? !

So he wrote an empty cheque, so let her go! In fact, it's simply nothing! Cheating your wife empty-handed!

Sang Yuan, who thought he was very valuable, said: "..."

hold on.

Almost all of Youzhou are soldiers. The soldiers on your desperate opponents are treated very well, so it is impossible for him to collect much tax from them! Taxation in the next five years, I am afraid, there is no money at all!

Sang Yuan, who has discovered that he may be less valuable: "..."

This dog man, actually put on that bold and generous appearance, deceived her to be careful and trembling? !

So in fact, his offer of gifts may not be as much as the time spent by Zhao Zhouqi's nobles in small states.

As for the big wedding one month later?

Forget it, please invite friends and relatives, just put two tables together!

Finally found himself worthless Sang Yuan: "..."

She stared at the swift shuttle through the mountains and forests, towards the sharp figure of Huang Fuxiong's cavalry quickly approaching.

After glaring for a while, he couldn't help holding his forehead and laughed helplessly.

This man, she doesn't have to worry about what little three will fight in the future-he has no money to go to the waves!

After thinking about the financial affairs, her gaze drifted westward.

She remembered his performance on the cloud bed today.

You Wuming is an extremely intelligent person. After seeing the scars on the body with his own eyes, he probably already has a rough guess. So when he is on the road, he will carefully recall what he was doing and his mood when each murder occurred. how is it.

Two contrasts, he has determined that the "heart seeker" is the puppet. But after arriving at Jidu, he still chose to hold her on the cloud couch, with an extremely complicated mood, intimate with her once.

One is the final confirmation.

Second, it was for her safety.

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He must confirm that the evil idol is in Youzhou at this moment and cannot harm her.

Only then would he dare to leave her and go to the battlefield alone.

Sang looked towards the figure that was shuttled through the dense forest. The terrain here is really steep. Except for short life, there is no second cloud beast that can approach the Huangfuxiong’s cavalry so silently and quickly, but this battle must be fought, because the tribulus can not destroy an eight thousand The human cavalry, once Huangfu has stabilized his position, will bypass the trap zone and launch the charge again.

So You Wuming must be this hero.

Sang gazed at him from afar, his eyes slightly fainted.

This thoughtful man actually paid too much for her.

Qixi Road's'battle' soon ended.

Youjun won a great victory, and transported that car with excellent equipment from the valley. From afar, you can see that the ant-sized black people are all a poor man of Chafu, walking with fluttering virtue. Sex.

Wish to sing all the way back.

Huang Fuxiong's cavalry was dispatched. In a row of fifty people, the iron hooves stepped out of the invisible valley and quickly formed a square formation on the plain outside the valley. They pressed down the spearpoint and began to charge.

Everything is under the control of lifeless.

His figure stopped on the last hill.

Suddenly raised his head, ready to charge.

With the knife in his hand, he turned his head and glanced at the mountain behind him.

Immediately, the battle robe flew up, shaped like an arrow, and went straight towards the eight thousand iron rides in front of it, and went forward!

The black knife was low and low on the side, so far apart, Sang could hear the faint buzzing and trembling.

She stood up in excitement, her heart pounding violently, the blood running in her body.

Both nervous and excited for him.

This is the man she chose!

The front row of Huang Fuxiong's cavalry began to turn over.

In addition to Tribulus terrestris, many explosives were buried in that area.

On the plains, rumbling and beasting sounds continued.

The charge is not to stop.

Something happened in the front, and there was no time to brake in the back row. Even if the cloud beast was stopped in time, the cavalry in the rear would also chase up.

Huangfuxiong only knew that he had thrown such a large piece of fat as bait. Youzhou people must be fooled. In any case, he wouldn’t think that there are still finches. The other people are actually looking a step further than him. .

In a mess of chaos, You Wuming's figure with the breath of **** has already been killed!

It does not give Huang Fuxiong a chance to reorganize his army!

His laughter echoed on the plains, which made the Huangfu army terrified and even more at a loss. Across a trap zone, under the command of the general, Youjun quickly divided into two groups, one group continued to **** the armament back into the customs, and the other group was formed as a marching line, from the flanks on both sides to Huangfuxiong’s cavalry. go with.

You Wuming kills in the army, disturbing them to form a formation. A large wave of chasing soldiers gradually gathered behind him.

Huang Fuxiong soon found out that the madman Yuyouming dared to break into his soldiers' formation and went crazy on the spot.

It's a shame!

Huang Fuxiong was eager for his brain. He ignored the enemies from the left and right, and directly commanded the army under his command, blocking the dead from all directions.

Sang couldn't help but feel nervous, she walked a few steps forward, holding a pine tree, and stood on the edge of the mountain.

You Wuming did not reveal his true strength.

He suppressed the cultivation behavior and flame power, and the blue light exploding on the knife was still similar to that of Yumenguan in the first battle. With only five points of effort, his endurance is naturally greatly improved. He has fought for a long time. Instead of seeing a little fatigue, he has become more and more courageous.

He was so brave, Huangfu Xiong only thought he was the end of a strong crossbow, and waved his death to death more diligently.

Sang gazed at the dragon-like figure of Youwu Ming from afar, and seeing where he went, the Huangfu Army fell down like a wheat stubble, and he couldn't help but feel more excited and cheered him in his heart.

The Youzhou Army, which has been outflanked from the wing, is getting closer and closer. I see another Kung Fu Kung Fu. Huang Fuxiong's chaotic cavalry will be swallowed by the tiger!

When the cavalry is unable to charge, it no longer has an overwhelming advantage over the infantry.

At this moment, Huang Fuxiong had red eyes, and he wanted to take a lifeless life with one mind. He didn't even notice that he would soon fall into the encirclement of the enemy.

Sang couldn't help but sigh again—you're lifeless, really not human.

If he led a cavalry team to attack from behind, Huang Fuxiong would not be so mentally heated, he would definitely be alert, notice the situation of the flank, and began to break through early.

However, he rode in.

It was really a shame to retreat the 8000 cavalry by one person. In Huang Fuxiong's **** second head, there was absolutely no idea of ​​retreating.

Really, it's done.

I saw the blue moonlight flashing in the crowd, the Dongzhou soldiers turned their horses upside down, the left and right wings, the Youzhou infantry quickly outflanked, and launched the general attack against the messy Dongzhou cavalry formation!

You Wuming's cold, smiling voice is extremely penetrating, sweeping across the field and echoing in the valley—


Youjun's fighting intentions were completely ignited.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

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