The main attack has begun!

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On the left and right sides, Youjun has besieged Huangfuxiong's elite cavalry regiments. They have pulled up a huge network of iron ropes across the north and south, and set them on the clouded beasts equipped with excellent armor-these are steaming gold!

Huang Fuxiong found that something was wrong and finally began to try to break through.

But where is it too late?

The retreat was completely blocked. Youzhou’s infantry formation was full of ambition. It was precisely for the cavalry. I saw the cloud beasts of Dongzhou one by one were netted into the iron net, struggling on the ground and struggling. Many cavalry also Unable to move by the net, the rest either died or fell, and quickly fell like a wheat cut.

Two long lines of Youzhou soldiers, like the two black waves on the sea, quickly encircled towards the middle and crushed the final struggle.

Sang exhaled a long breath, finally letting go of the heart that had been hanging for a long time.

Only to reap the results!

Her mind wandered around.

Suddenly, the ears were staring, and in the mountains behind, a very unusual voice appeared.

The mountains and trees were swaying, and she heard a group of people walking among the jungle.

Suona whispered mournfully, and a young woman whimpered—

"Concubine, Qu Ya'er, today in this barren mountain, for the person who admires in his heart, stands the tomb of the coat of arms. Lang Jun arrived at Huangquan Road today, and hopes to hear the concubine's voice, wait a minute, don't want to be alone Lonely on the road. When the concubine arranges the parents and younger brothers, when the exact news of your death, he will die, and will be a companion with Lang Jun, a slave to the slave, and accompany Lang Jun."

Sang heard it strangely from afar, and secretly said, since she has not received the news, how do she know that her beloved will embark on Huangquan Road today? I don’t know if a person is dead or not, so I hurriedly started to make a grave for him, and also made a clothing mound? Is she so sure that she can't collect him?

It's really weird everywhere.

Abnormal must have demon. At this moment, Yuming was not around, Sang decided to take the initiative to attack, to figure out what was going on, and to prevent it if there were any problems.

She threw out a big face flower, weaved a thin piece of Ling Yun silk, and sneaked into the place where the group of people dug a grave and set up a monument.

Ling Yunsi quickly found the sound source.

I saw a woman wearing white linen with a beautiful face. It was really sad to look at it.

Digging graves and playing music are strong men, numb look, look like money to do things.

Sang Yuan thought for a moment, manipulating Ling Yunsi, crawling to the piece placed aside, preparing to stand in front of the tombstone.

The tombstone is covered with a thin white cloth. I don't know if it's a custom, or I don't want people to see the words on the monument.

Ling Yunsi quietly crawled into the thin white cloth, and Sang looked away from the inscription.

Seeing things through the spirit is like a thick layer of water. It is not clear. Sang far recognized the swaying words on the tombstone with difficulty-

The font of the year of birth and death is too small to see clearly, and only the name of the owner of the tomb can be recognized.

I saw the middle, with the vertical engraving on the left: Jizhou Qu's female Quyaer.

Qu Yaer. It seems that the woman in white in Cai just claimed to be Qu Ya'er.

Sang looked far to the right.

Her pupils tightened instantly.

I saw that the vertical engraved words on the right are actually-Youzhou Wang Youyou lifeless.

Sang took a deep breath from afar, stabilized his mind and stared at it again.

Word by word, clearly.

Youzhou King, you are lifeless.

You lifeless?

This woman in white was making a tomb mound for You Wuming—after she died, she would accompany his tomb to bury a double tomb.

Sang Yuan didn't know which thing to shock for a moment.

The name Qu Ya'er has never been seen or heard of once.

Why does this woman think Youyou is going to die today?

Sang Yuan's heart couldn't help but flustered, and the back ridge burst into chills. She withdrew her mind and turned to look at the battlefield.

The harvest of the Youzhou Army is nearing its end, and You Wu Ming hands over the battlefield to his men. Too far apart, people are like little ants. He has closed his hand and no longer erupts the green awn of the sign. Sang looked away for a while, but he did not find him.

The Yuzhou Army’s actions were methodical and the atmosphere was lively and cheerful. Obviously, their monarch did nothing.

very good.

Sang was far away from being a god, but he was still at ease.

She hesitated for a moment, marking the trees all the way, looking for the strange tomb team.

Soon, they were found on a mountainside.

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Sang was hidden in the woods far and carefully, looking out.

In addition to the woman named Qu Ya'er, there are thirteen people in this line. The four people who have been suona have stopped, sitting on the grass beside them, resting, and taking out the buns in their arms to eat.

Eight other men were digging graves, and there was a coffin with no lid closed. The coffin was hollow. The woman held a piece of cloth in her hand and was reluctant to put it in the coffin.

Is it the lifeless clothes?

Sang narrowed his eyes far and looked at these people with breathless breath, and looked at them one by one, it seemed that there was no problem-she observed many details, such as the suona blower and the grave digger, and the cocoon in their hands. The old and new wear of shoes and clothing can be abnormal, and the skin behind the ears has no traces of contaminated spirit.

After looking around, she concluded that these are ordinary people.

It is common to numb the scalp.

Sang thinks for a moment, quietly throws out his big face, finds out the Yun Yun ribbon, and quickly climbs from the ground into the field. Thirteen strands of Ling Yun ribbon dive to the feet of the thirteen people.

She closed her eyes and suddenly attacked!

Ling Yunsi suddenly wrapped up the ankles of the thirteen people, slammed them up, pulled them away from the ground, wrapped them around the tall trees, brushed their heads down, and hung upside down. On the tree.

Waiting for these people to react, Sang waved his hand far away, and a huge cannibalism appeared directly under the crowd. It screamed and opened a huge mouth, swallowing them.

"Mountain ghost! It's a mountain ghost--"

After a short period of silence, a group of people began crying and howling.

Sang was hiding between the trees, and they screamed for a while in horror.

After observing for a long time, she has determined that these people are not practitioners, because the most subtle instinct in the body cannot deceive people, they are really panicking and fearful, like a headless fly.

Sang manipulated Ling Yunsi slowly and carefully, helping them one by one to “quietly” climb the branches one by one, go around the tree, and slide into the grass under the tree.

Everyone who fell on the ground tried hard not to make a sound, staggered, and ran out of the mountain with both hands and feet while they didn't find them.

Soon it ran away like a rabbit.

Sang Yuan continued to observe for a while, seeing that Qu Yaer shouted to exhaustion, and was about to faint, so he took the piranha and put Qu Yaer down.

I saw the woman's eyes swollen with redness, and fell down under the tree with paralysis, still holding the piece of cloth tightly, shaking into a quail.

"Why don't you run?" Sang came out from behind the tree, standing at a distance from Qu Yaer.

Qu Yaer shivered and looked at her.

Looking from head to toe. Looking away from Sang's neat and clean clothes, she finally landed on her face that was not so beautiful as a mortal.

Qu Ya'er's eyes gradually lighted up.

"You... are you a mountain ghost... or a mountain god?" Qu Yaer asked cautiously.

"What's the difference?" Sang took a step forward.

"If it's a ghost, please wait and eat me a little bit, and let me make a grave for him. If it's a god, please show your dignity and help my admirers!" Qu Ya'er seemed to be a drowner and took his life. Like straw, he fell to the ground and thumped his head.

Sang Yuan didn't know what he felt in his heart at this moment. You Wuming must not have imagined that there is such a woman in this world who can overcome the fear in his heart for him, even the ghosts and gods.

She moved her fingers and pulled the thin white cloth wrapped around the tombstone with Ling Yun.

"You're lifeless. He is so decent, why should he save?" Sang asked from afar.

Qu Ya'er: "Are you... a fairy?"

She walked a few steps on her knees and came to Sang Yuan before, without a second heck of a loud noise.

"Please show your might, go to heaven and save the life of King Youzhou! I am willing to pay to switch him to safety, and I will do my life for you!"

Sang Yuan asked: "Who tells you he is in heaven?"

Qu Ya'er raised his head, his lips trembling, and his eyes were horrified: "I saw it, and I also saw that he was cut by a man in a purple shirt...beheaded, beheaded..."

Sang Yuan’s heart dangled suddenly, his scalp numb, his hands and feet cold, and he forgot to breathe for a while.

If you follow the plot of the original book, You Wuming was killed in Huangfujun's hands at this time point?

I just felt buzzing in my head, and my mind was confused for a while, but I couldn't find a clue.

After a moment, she said quietly: "When and where did you see?"

Qu Yaer said anxiously: "Can the fairy save the King of Youzhou first? It's too late to be late!"

Sang raised his face from afar: "I will never let him have an accident. Say, what is your relationship with Youzhou King, and where did you learn about the heaven?"

Qu Ya'er has regarded Sang Yuan as a life-saving straw.

Her face was distorted with excitement, and she fell anxiously on the ground and said: "Three years ago, I went out and lost my way accidentally. I met some outrageous people and wanted to do something wrong. Fortunately, I met the king of Youzhou and passed the army, which just saved me . I knew then that he was not as bad as the outsiders said, he was a great man, a hero!"

The god-like handsome man saved her life at the most critical time, enough to make the girl crazy for him.

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Sang Yuan's eyes fell on the half of the fabric that Qu Yaer was holding in his arms.

She could imagine that Qu Yaer was insulted by the gangsters at the time, and it must have been a disheveled look. Generally speaking, the hero who saved her will give her a piece of clothing to cover her.

But would a person like You Wuming take off his clothes to wear to a strange woman on the roadside?

Qu Yaer saw that Sang was staring at the cloth in her hand, and said: "This is Youzhou King torn from the guard next to him, borrowing the clothes I used to cover my body..."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

So this means taking Agu's clothes and making a clothes for You Wuming?

Although Sang knew very well that this piece of clothing was the only thing Qu Yaer could find related to You Wu Ming, this was not necessarily too embarrassing.

Sang took a deep breath and said, "You don't have to say anything about it, just say how do you know he will have an accident in the sky."

Qu Ya'er didn't dare to hide: "Don't hide the mountain god. A few days ago, Lord Tiantan Son passed our Qujiazhuang and dropped a box of gold and silver treasures. They were secretly divided by the people in the village. Our family didn't take it, but I accidentally picked up a broken mirror thrown away by them. I don’t know if Master Son will look back, so I want to take it home to have a good collection. Who knows, that broken mirror is actually a fetish, touch When I encounter it, I can see things that haven't happened from time to time, and those things really happened soon!"

Sang Yuan's heart beat.

The Son of Heaven, the mirror of foresight. Intuition told her that she felt a clue!

She calmed her breath and asked calmly, "What about later?"

Qu Yaer's cheeks floated red: "Later, I tried and called the King of Youzhou in my heart... I saw him. For the first time, I saw him standing on a high platform and commanding thousands of troops. To attack Tiandu. The second time I saw him wiping the knife in his hand outside the emperor capital, that looks really terrible. The third time, he saw that he died in is the emperor, let The historian recorded the day in the royal calendar, and I heard the day, it is today..."

"I'm just a daughter of an ordinary merchant, I can't do anything. I tried everything I could, and I couldn't communicate with anyone who could speak in front of Youzhou King... Besides," Qu Yaer shook He smiled bitterly, "People like Youzhou King will never change what they decide. What I can do is keep him on Huangquan Road, don't be too lonely... even if there is a maidservant Ok."

Sang was in a trance for a moment.

She thought, if everything is in accordance with the original trajectory, if you die after his death, if there is a spirit under the spring, will he go alone? Or will you wait for this infatuated woman?

Thinking like this, I don't know if it's sour, painful, or sweet.

"He won't be alone." Sang smiled far, "He has me."

Qu Yaer looked up at her in surprise.

Sang Yuan said: "You are lifeless, he is mine. Bilu Huangquan, I will be with him."

Qu Yaer froze.

For a long while, she grinned her lips and cried and laughed: "You and the King of Youzhou are indeed a pair, made a pair! You quickly save the King of Youzhou, I am willing to serve two adults, a lifetime!"

Sang far said: "That's not necessary. You can just give me the broken mirror."

Qu Ya'er said: "The gods are hidden in the house, I will take you to get them. But the King of Youzhou..."

Sang smiled far away: "Wait for him."

Qu Yaer: "???

The wind in the mountains and forests brought Sang far familiar familiarity.

Short-lived is really powerful, the shuttle is silent in the forest, just like a gust of wind, she has to condense her mind to capture the subtle movement.

At this moment, You Wuming has searched for the traces left by her, and Sang far and clearly heard the sound of the meat pad in the short-lived palm stepping over the fallen leaves.

She turned around and saw the tree just one point away. The impassioned king stepped out of the forest with one hand holding the reins, and the black eyes fell high and locked her.

She bent her lips to smile, but she burst into tears unconsciously.

She flew at him, frightened Youyou jumped, hurriedly jumped from her short life back, opened her arms, and took her into her arms.

After arrogantly fighting for so long, he naturally sweated.

The floral scent has become more intense, and it is a very manly floral scent. She pressed her face to his armor, and across the battle armor, heard his powerful heartbeat.

She hugged him tightly, wishing to hug his thin waist.

"Little Sanguo," You Wuxiao laughed, "What's the matter with you? It's not enough to leave for a while? Is it really that you should be tied to my belt!"

She squeezed her face out of his arms, wiped her eyes, and said, "Well, no more excitement."

She took a step back and said, "There is something going on."

She motioned him to see Qu Ya'er.

The poor and obsessed woman had long been stupefied, her mouth wide open, her eyes staring at Youmei without blinking.

Seeing You Wuming looking over, Qu Yaer snapped back to the ground and fell to the ground, shouting ecstatically or sorrowfully, "King of Youzhou--"

Youming: "..."

He lifted his eyes and stared far away at Sang.

"Little Sanguo, which one is playing again."

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He said cautiously.

Sang sighed far away and said, "Three years ago, you saved her life. She was willing to be a slave and slave to you. I have rejected it. I think she should have her own life."

"Well, yes. I don't need any slaves." Youming said quickly and vigilantly.

Sang Yuan said again: "It was also a coincidence that she picked up a broken mirror missing from the Temple of Heaven. Through the broken mirror, she can see the future."

"Poof!" You Wuming laughed out loud, "It's ridiculous."

He raised his chin at Qu Ya'er: "Could you still see me dominating the world? Oh, that is a fact anyone can guess."

Qu Ya'er raised his head, looked at him, his eyes hard to say—this male **** seemed very different from memory and imagination.

Sang rubbed his eyebrows from afar, and made a mouthful at the tombstone on the edge: "Well. You are dead, you have a monument."

Youmei looked lightly past.

Then he laughed, and the whole mountain trembled.

The blue light flashed, and the stone burst into powder. You Wuming elegantly withdrew the black knife into her sheath, and Chong Sang nodded her chin from a distance: "Hey, I can't die. Let's go!"

He smiled sideways and whispered to his short life: "Oh, I will die. What do you believe in short life?

Sang rubbed his forehead from afar and felt a headache.

"Yu Wuming," she said, "I don't care, I just want the broken mirror of the Temple of Heaven."

Talking to a guy like him is still the most coquettish.

"Good." He stopped smiling and took her on a short-lived back.

"You have to bring her." Sang pointed away from Qu Yaer, "Lead the way."

You Wuming pulls the reins, passing by Qu Ya'er shortly. He grabs with a big hand, grabs the clothes on her back, and puts the whole person in his hands.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Forget it, short life should not be willing to be rided by strangers.

He lowered his body a bit and covered her ear: "I put Huangfu Xiong back."

"How's the harvest?" she asked.

You Meng said happily: "Almost all the eight thousand clouds between the beasts are alive, with armor! The armor on the human body is also picked up, and the captives are kept, and then the Huangfu Xiong will bring money to redeem!"

Listening to him talking like this and feeling the hot temperature on him, Sang far felt that he woke up completely from the cold forest nightmare.

"Okay!" Sang Yuanyin turned his head to look at him. "Why didn't you expect people to make money for life?"

You Wuming slowly moved her black eyes: "It used to be that one person is full and the whole family is not hungry. How come you come quickly. Now that you have a wife, can you still be hungry?"

There was a thick firewood in the world, and she couldn't help but want to turn around and kiss him, thinking of the evil idol, she pressed it down, only nodded and said, "Well."

She looked at Qu Ya'er sideways.

Although Qu Ya'er was being carried, he ran fast and stable for a short life, but he didn't have any discomfort, but his expression was a bit trance, and then he would show a bitter smile for a while. At first glance, Youmei was so cold. The unattainable male **** made her obsessed with it for three years. I thought he was going to step into the hero's end today. Unexpectedly, he actually appeared so lively in front of him, and it was so... It was hard to say.

Qu Yaer felt as if she had let go of her thoughts. A little empty and a little happy.

Going down the mountain, You Wu ordered Qu Ya'er to show her way, and soon she reached a quiet village.

You Wuming's nose bridge moved slightly, stopping the short life.

"There are dead people." He said coldly, throwing the Quyaer in his hand aside.

"Trap ambush?" Sang frowned in confusion.

If this is a trap, then Qu Ya'er is really acting to crush Sang Yuan, the next generation master.

Qu Yaer looked blank.

You Wuming sneered, outstretched the knife, pressed it against her side, pulled the reins, and swept far into the village with Sang.

I saw the dead at a glance.


You Wu Ming slowed down the speed, walking slowly along the main road.

Every door was broken, and at a glance, the house was turned upside down, the bedding and other objects were thrown into the courtyard, the grass pillow was pierced by the blade, and the ground was covered with fragments of crocks-obviously, the murderer was Looking for something.

I searched unscrupulously and didn't have the patience to check those bottles and jars, and I just smashed them all.

Dead bodies lie everywhere.

Many people are in their own homes, their faces blankly beheaded.

Some people fled abroad and died on the road.

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The whole village was slaughtered, and chickens and dogs were not kept.

You Wuming narrowed her eyes and looked around.

"It must have come to find the broken mirror!" Sang took a deep breath and turned back to find Qu Ya'er.

Behind him, Qu Yaer stumbled into a large courtyard, and a moment later, the tears of the heart-breaking cry came out—

"Dad! Mother!"

Short life jumped up gently and landed at the door of the big yard.

In the courtyard, a pair of middle-aged men and women died extremely miserably. They knew at a glance that they had suffered inhumane torture.

Sang looked at the broken corpses with twisted limbs from afar, and felt discomfort for a while.

Suddenly, she heard a strange "grunt" sound not far away.

Looking around, I saw a well.

"Someone in the well!"

Without thinking, she threw a big face flower, and Ling Yun was like a snake, quickly crawling down the wellhead.

A wooden barrel was hanging on the water, shaking from side to side, and a small body sank into the water, looking exhausted.

Sang manipulated Ling Yunsi from afar, slammed his waist, and pulled out the sinking man.

A boy of about ten years old, born beautiful and beautiful, trembling at the moment, his lips were blue, his skin was blistered, and his layers were white.

"Little brother!" Qu Ya'er flew over and hugged the pale boy.

The boy coughed a few times and cried out wowly: "Sister! Sister! They caught Daddy and Mother! The mother handed over the mirror, but they still did not spare! Daddy was killed! Mother refused to say where you went , Also killed by them!"

Although the boy was scared and stupid, he was able to make things clear.

Qu Yaer hugged him tightly and shook it.

"Sister Shuang hid me in the well while I was in trouble. I hid for a long time under the well. Just now, I heard my sister's voice, and I wanted to call you, but without strength, I fell into the water and woo..." The teenager cried and looked back.

Looking at him, I saw a maid's body lying on the edge of the well, with a scary sword wound on his neck.

"Sister Frost!" the boy cried aloud.

Big face flower sprayed hot spray to the two sisters and brothers, and took away the cold water vapor from them.

"Is the perpetrator the Son of the Temple of Heaven?" Sang asked from afar.

The teenager lipped his lips and said nothing.

Qu Yaer hurriedly pushed him: "Speak quickly! This is a fairy elder sister, and he will definitely decide for us!"

The teenager immediately burst into tears: "Yes! That's those people! They came to the door to find something, saying that we stole something from Lord Son! Father and mother didn't give them nor did they break things! Why did they want to kill them? People, why!"

You Wuming was sorely hurt by his crying, and he comforted casually and casually: "What are you crying, there are more dead people, you go outside to see, there is no one living."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." If you can't speak, just talk less.

The teenager cried louder.

"So things have been taken away by them?" Sang asked from afar.

The teenager cried and nodded.

Sang looked at Qu Yaer from afar: "What day did they leave things?"

Qu Yaer forced to endure sadness and recalled a moment: "It should be the day before yesterday or the day before yesterday."

So two or three days ago, the Temple of Heaven Son took things through Jizhou. After discovering that something was lost, they did not say anything, but searched quietly along the way-Jizhou had been occupied by Youwu Ming for most of the time, but did not hear any news.

To this day, it was found that things were thrown in Qujiazhuang, so he came to the door, took the things back, and wiped out all the people in Qujiazhuang.

Obviously not for any gold or silver, but for the broken mirror.

"Go out and see if you can find traces? Maybe you can still catch up." Sang looked far away from You.

His black eyes suddenly became certain, and a delicate smile appeared on the delicate lips.

"Here it is." The voice fluttered lightly.

A sound of soldier armor rang behind him, and Sang looked back in amazement, seeing a team of Tiandu soldiers pouring in from the courtyard gate.

The general led by the face was flattering and nodded to the high-ranking Taoist next to him, saying: "Sir Son is a wonderful man, and he deliberately pretended not to know that this child was hiding in the well, and he really led the fish out of the net! Yingying, wise!"

The Gaoguan Taoist, known as "Sir Son", dressed in a white robe, a tall and self-assured look, nodded lightly: "Since he has cast himself in the net, he will kill him."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Who is in the net?

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