Sang looked at the Gaoguan Taoist in front of him very silently.

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Somehow, he always feels familiar.

The Temple of Heaven Child is between 30 and 40 years old, with a clear face and a weak face, and the skin is very good. That is, the appearance of being tall and killing, is really very ill-educated.

The officers and soldiers showed their swords and poured into the courtyard to surround Sang Yuan with four people.

"Man in the Temple of Heaven?" You Wu raised her eyebrows casually.

The officers and soldiers' eyes narrowed slightly and stared at the lifeless armor: "Yuzhou soldiers? You're out of luck! Blame it, blame yourself for your bad luck, and take care of things you can't do."

You Wuming froze for a moment, and then issued a series of light, low laughs: "...Is there anything that you can't do in this world?"

"Yu Mingming?!"

Just when the other party was stunned, I saw You Wu Ming like a **** butterfly, flicking up lightly, whirling, flashing, and out of the sword.

He fell back to his place, pressed the knife low, and the blood beads gathered at the tip of the knife, dropped, and struck on the masonry ground in order.

He smiled with his head down.

There is no need to confirm the results.

This pretending action was made by Youyou, and there was a natural and proper smell.

Sang was handsomely caught by him far away.

She looked up and saw that the Tiandu officers and soldiers on the third and third floors there had all covered their broken necks, spitting blood in disbelief, and fell to the ground one by one.

Puff, Puff, Puff...

In a few breaths, you can stand still, leaving only the completely foolish temple son.

You Wuming turned around slowly, brushing his cuffs, squinting his eyes, and said slowly: "The King of Qinzhou has a brother named Qin Yuchi. He heard that he was weak and sick, and had been hidden for many years. It was hidden in the Temple of Heaven. Son of Heaven?"

Hearing what he said, Sang Yuan was immediately empowered.

No wonder this person is very familiar!

His appearance is very similar to that of Qin Wuliang and Qin Wushuang's siblings, but his age and dress are very different.

Among the sons of the Temple of Heaven, there are actually royal families?

Originally in Sang Yuan's eyes, the Temple of Heaven was a metaphysical institution, stargazing, and Bu Yun, the sons of the Temple of Heaven who claimed to be able to communicate with the gods and ghosts, but just took the **** stick of the public pension.

Later, she knew that she was very likely to be related to the Temple of Heaven before she began to pay attention to this organization.

Today's accidental discovery of the "original drama history" of the dead and dead in the capital was actually recorded in a broken mirror left by the Temple of Heaven. This matter made her clearly realize that the Temple of Heaven is not at all Simple, behind all this, there must be a lot of shady.

Even so, when he knew that the Holy Son was actually a royal family, Sang Yuan was still taken aback by surprise-the Temple of Heaven had no real power in the past, and the Holy Sons lived in sorrow and lived in sorrow. Appear, send blessings. Even the fallen royal family will not fall to the Temple of Heaven.

Unless he already knew that the Temple of Heaven was deep.

"Yu, You Wuming? Are you Yuming Fu?" The Temple of Heaven found that his guard was actually killed by a stroke, and the clear and arrogant expression suddenly broke completely, "You, you can kill me, but before you start, Best to think twice—The Temple of Heaven is not something you can afford to provoke.”

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Shame on Zhong Er's lines.

You Wuming put the **** knife into the brick, leaning on the handle of the hand, smiling straight.

Temple of Heaven Qin Yuchi quickly retreated two steps.

You Wuming lifted his chin and motioned him to look back.

"Cross that line, you'll cut it in two from here." You Wuming stretched out a slender finger, flatly shining on Qin Yuchi's waist.

Qin Yuchi's face changed, and he looked back to the ground.

He saw the blood of officers and soldiers weirdly making a circle on the ground behind him.

"Yuzhou King! I advise you not to go against the Temple of Heaven!" Qin Yuchi said, "You let me go, I can assume that this has never happened!"

Sang Yuan and You Wuming glanced at each other, and instantly understood the other person's eyes-this son, I was afraid to buy it with money.

Combined with him sneaking back to Qinzhou with broken mirrors, he didn't dare to look for things in a big way on the way back, and he found that there were acts of killing and killing people. He was doing these things in private. I dare not let the Temple of Heaven know.

and so……

Sang far had reason to suspect that it was this Qin Yuchi who secretly took the'Mirror of Prophecy' back to Qinzhou to let the Qinzhou King see what he would do. Jin Bei, let Qin Wushuang take this big dowry to attend Han Shaoling's fixed wife banquet.

So, what did Qinzhou King see through this mirror of foresight?

Sang Yuan's heart jumped straight, saying, "Take him back and examine carefully!"

You Wuming made an exaggerated blow: "Follow the order!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

Qin Yuchi turned and wanted to run.

There was nothing to do in this man's body. You Wuming knocked on him casually, carrying it in his hand like a little chicken, and then leaned his head toward the elder brother Qu Yaer, and said softly, "Go , Find the mirror."

You Wuming is a man who is afraid of trouble.

If Qin Yuchi was asked to surrender something, he would definitely not be willing, and would have to talk about it for a long time.

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He simply fainted and asked the younger brother Qu who had seen the broken mirror to do things for him.

Because the flames of hatred burned in my heart, the siblings were not afraid of these corpses and the blood on the ground. They searched around, and soon, they came back with a suitcase.

When we arrived, we lifted the lid of the box and saw that the box was full of shiny gold and silver pearl shells.

Qu Yaer pursed his lips and red eyes, pulled inside the pile of Jin Cancan for a while, took out a small triangular mirror, and gave it to You Wuming.

"It's exactly this thing." Qu Yaer holding a small mirror, holding back the grief.

It was such a clean little mirror that was stained with the blood of a villager.

You Wuming stretched out two long fingers, carried the broken mirror, and leaned her head, saying, "Motion is fast, hey, those things will reward you."

Sang smiled far away.

Only when he asked this younger brother to get things, she felt something, guessing that he would give them those gold and silver.

You Wuming is a person with distinct grievances and rewards and punishments. Qu Yaer made a tombstone for him, dedicated to him for peace. Although he will not respond to this intention, he will never be mean.

It was precisely because of Qu Ya'er's intentions that, by chance, Sang found an important clue far away, and it was an inadvertent achievement.

Now that the whole village has been slaughtered, the two sisters and brothers are here to stay. They want to survive, and they must leave their hometowns and stay anonymous. With these gold and silver, at least there is the basis of life and health. As for the way forward, it depends on creativity.

You Wuming, has always been such a neat person who acted neatly and sloppily.

Sang Yuan sighed in his heart, and added a lot of tenderness to the gloomy eyes.

"Sanguo, leave."

You Wuming grabbed the unconscious Qin Yuchi, grabbed Sang from a distance, jumped on a short-lived back, and galloped away in the direction of Youzhou.

On the plains, she peeped at him and snorted: "Someone would like to promise life and death. Very proud of it? Shot so generously!"

You Wuming was taken aback, and said in earnest: "No, don't talk nonsense."

She glanced at him, her eyes drifting faintly into the distance: "You're lifeless, you sent me a gift, is that box of precious baby valuable?"

You Wuming ‘poo’ laughed out: “What do you want, little mulberry! I’m smashing the pot and selling iron, and I have to put together dozens of carts of gold to make a gift for you! What a little thing is nothing!”

Sang looked back at him in surprise.

This man never talks nonsense, he can be specific to the quantity, that is what he really does.

Dozens of cars gold?

That's really selling iron.

She couldn't help but hurt him so much that she was about to open her mouth and saw the dog man narrowed his eyes proudly and said with a smile-

"Why would someone like father-in-law allow others to talk about selling his daughter for gold? Look, he will definitely bring Jinbei to Qinzhou and buy all the money for Lingjia as your dowry. !"

Sang Yuanyuan: "'re still shameless, Yumei!"

"It's enough to have a daughter-in-law, what to do with your face." He smirked and held her tighter.

After holding back for a while, he couldn't hold back, and mysteriously leaned over to her ear and said, "Xiao Sanguo, believe it or not, this Qin Yuchi, can exchange for dozens of cars of gold! This is a golden pimple." !"

Sang Yuanyuan: "...So dozens of cars of gold are contributed by this guy for you, and the gift you gave yourself is just an iron pan?!"

You Wuming's black eyes flashed, and immediately pointed to the distance: "Look at Xiao Mulberry! There are a group of sheep!"

Sheep, on the endless prairie, there are more cattle and sheep!

"Don't change the subject for me!" She turned back angrily, grabbing his shirt.

Just waiting for playful play, I suddenly remembered the doll who could not tolerate the lifeless joy and happiness, and the two of them hurriedly calmed their minds and stopped disturbing.

After a while, both of them calmed down.

"What about broken mirrors?" she asked.

You Wuming said: "I keep it, I won't let you touch it until I get the moth inside."

Sang nodded slowly.

After all, she had an accident and the Temple of Heaven was inseparable. The broken mirror has such a mysterious power. Who knows whether it will affect her?

"Go back first."

In my heart, I remembered the two major events of the broken mirror and the puppet. You Wuming quickly jumped to Youzhou and ran the short life into a gyroscopic wind.

Along the way, Qin Yuchi woke up a total of three times, and each time he woke up, he was knocked back by Yumie.

When entering the Yudu, Qin Yuchi woke up again, but continued to pretend to be in a coma-then knocked, and his head was covered.

Stepping into the king city, I saw that Agu had led the shadow guard and was there to wait early.

You Wuming threw Qin Yuchi to Agu and said, "There is nothing to do, and the torture is clear."

"Yes!" Agu's big face, which usually seemed slightly humble, immediately raised a vicious grin.

Sang Yuanyuan glanced at Qin Yuchi, who was dizzy, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathy-even the dead sent by Dongzhou could be opened by Agu, let alone a Qin Yuchi. It is estimated that before dark, he will be able to clarify the things about urinary kang as a child.

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Qin Yuchi found something bad and quickly opened his eyes and yelled, "Youzhou King! You can't treat me like this... If I have an accident, neither Qinzhou nor the Temple of Heaven will be willing to give up!"

With a glance at You Wuming's eyes, Agu raised his hand knife and knocked on the royal son again-Agu knew very well that the lord did not want this kind of confession, which had to be cleaned up. Shuang, you can see the key summary at a glance.

Sending the Temple of Heaven Son, You Wuming took Sang far away and went straight back to his bedroom.

He jumped on the sapphire couch, crossed his knees, and took out the broken mirror from his waist.

"Fruit, stay away from me." He drove Sang far to the long couch by the window, and then stared into the mirror of foresight in his hand.

"Little Mulberry," he said, staring at the broken mirror.

For a while, he tilted his head blankly.

"I." He frowned slightly, clutching it, and said impatiently.

After a while, he changed his posture.

"Even." He said coldly.

After a while, nothing happened.

"Oh," he said with a smile, "God's stick thing. Not working."

He tossed the broken mirror behind the sapphire pillow.

Sang walked far to him.

Halfway through, he raised his hand: "Wait, I'll take a look."

Tangled, he picked up the broken mirror again.

"Short life," he said.


"Little Eight."

Still nothing.

Sang stopped for a while and hesitated for a moment, suggesting: "You have Han Shaoling in your heart, give it a try."

Youmei lifted her eyes subconsciously, thinking of making a big speech, suddenly remembering something, narrowing her narrow eyes and laughing.

"Okay." He said.

He closed his eyes lazily and raised his lips, disdainful: "Han Shaoling."

For a while, Mei Feng suddenly fell.

Immediately, the brows became tighter and wrinkled.

Sang held his breath from afar, carefully approached two steps, tilted his head, and looked at his expression—I don’t know about Han Shaolin, what did he see?

I saw that the pair of delicate thin lips gradually squeezed up, forming a firm line.

After a moment, the corner of the lip on the right was raised slowly, and a cold and evil smile was drawn.

He opened his eyes, his eyes cruel and cold, his voice soft and mocking: "When am I dead."

Sang hurried to his side, put his hand on his forearm, and asked softly, "Did you see something?"

You Wuming was taken aback, and shattered the broken mirror.

"Little Mulberry! When did you run next to me!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." The evil king just now must be his illusion.

Seeing the mirror of foresight with mysterious power, pitifully turned over seventeen or eight heels on the bluestone hall brick, and then stopped on the thick threshold.

"What did you see?" she asked, sitting beside him.

You Wuming doesn't want to say.

"Nothing." He muttered, very uncomfortable.

"It's all fake," she pursed her red lips, and gently shook his arm. "Don't Quyaer still see you die the day before yesterday? Fake!"

"Well, it's fake." You Wuming pulled his lips and sneered. "Just because of Han Shaoling, he still wants to take my place? Joke!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "Um, slippery world!"

I thought to myself, that's right. It was indeed the first time Han Shaoling scored in Youyou after the death of Youyou in the original book.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the broken mirror lying on the floor tiles.

She seemed to see a huge mirror fell to the ground and shattered. This was just one of them.

What should it look like, or what kind of power should it have?

"Yu Wuming," she shook his arm again, and said softly, "You look again, see my father, mother, and brother, and Yun Xuzhou!"

"Little Mulberry..." He looked at her helplessly.

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He kicked his boots and walked around lazily to retrieve the broken mirror.

"You, stay away."

She responded, moved a wooden stool, and sat a short distance away.

"No father-in-law. No parents. Sang is not close, neither." Soon, Youmei spit out a bunch of results.

"Huh? There is Yun Xuzhou." He raised his eyebrows. "Yun Xuzhou recruited his son-in-law. Hey."

Sang took a deep breath, and the thoughts in his heart became more determined.

In the book, Youmu, Short-lived, Sang Yuanyuan, and her parents and elders are all dead at this point in time, so they cannot see the ‘future’ of these people.

Yun Xuzhou holds the authority of Yunzhou, indeed it is very likely to recruit a son-in-law and continue to control the state.

In other words, what can be "sensed" or "recorded" in this broken mirror is the "future" that has not been changed by her.

Think of it as the ‘original’. It's not terrible.

Sang thought so far, his heart suddenly opened up, and the heavy cloud that fell on his chest was missing.

"Yu Wuming..." She smiled and called him.

He raised his eyebrows, threw the broken mirror to the end of the bed, and opened his arms to her: "Huh?"

She rushed into his arms and rubbed his cheek with her cheek.

"Good. Everything is good now."

He bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

"Not good," he said.

She looked at him wonderingly—why do you say such awful things?

He slowly leaned into her ear, his voice was very low, and it broke into the bone marrow: "Can't **** you, what's good."

Her tremor twitched and her breathing was chaotic.

"It's time to catch it." He helped her stand up.

She didn't stand for a while and took a small step back.

You Wuming suddenly rejoiced, and said with a bad smile: "Little Sanguo, does this sentence make your legs soft? When the time comes, what's the matter? What's wrong? I won't be sorry for you next time. ."

The last half hour without emotion has greatly expanded his psychological limit. He knows that he is actually very potential. As long as you don’t get too excited, you may still be able to challenge an hour.

Thinking like this, the darker the brows around the corners of the eyes, the stronger.

Sang understood his eyes strangely, and she was alert: "Don't mess up."

He laughed loudly, clasped her five fingers, put her little soft hand in the palm, and dragged her out.

"Where will it be?" Sang asked from afar.

You Wuming spreads his hands: "Turning around everywhere."

Sang Yuan suddenly remembered one thing-Fang Caiyou Wuming's third one looked at ‘O’, but he saw nothing. Does this mean that if he dies, he will die with him?

So, the reverse?

Sang far said: "If you find it, don't hurt it first, take it back and say it again. I'm afraid that hurting it will have any adverse effect on you."

You Wuming put a slap on her head: "How much do you think? You really love me!"

Sang Yuanyuan: "Yes, the wings are coming out!"

Two people on the short-lived camel, fart out of the king city.

I. Where will it be?

So small, even wherever you go, as long as it doesn't move, maybe you won't find it in your life.

Sang looked around for a long time, and in this short street, there were countless places to hide-under the board car, inside the bamboo basket, wine jar, rice jar, roof beam...

How to find this?

But it seems that Youmei has thoughts.

From time to time, his body flicked left and right.

He has been with him for a short life for more than ten years. His body language is already well known. He kicks his four hooves lightly, turns a few times, and stops outside a yard.

At first glance, it was a funeral.

It seems that there has been more than one funeral. Sang looked intently, and found that the white streamers hanging beside the door were old and new. The new ones were just hung a few days ago, but the old ones were faintly yellow, and it looked like it had been more than a month.

"Victim's home?" Sang asked softly.

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"Yeah," Yumie replied lazily, "The first case. Listen."

He raised his chin.

Sang looked around and saw a large flat car parked in the alley. He threw a big face flower under the car, and his face plate was crumpled and shrunk under the car.

A ray of Lingyun vine crawled out, winding around the moss on the wall, and gently turned into the yard.

In the courtyard, a couple seemed to have just returned home, both of them were in the kitchen.

Both husband and wife had a deep'Chuan' word between their eyebrows, their eyes were gray and listless.

After the fire was burned, the woman threw the rice and vegetables together in the pot and covered it with a lid. It was ignored. The couple sat on the kitchen threshold and sighed while holding their foreheads.

After a while, the water in the pot boiled away, and the smell of batter floated, but the two did not react at all. After a long time, the woman came to the stove afterwards, removed the firewood, and scooped out the boiled vegetables with the cooked rice. The couple silently chewed the food that was not a meal, and then Entering the inner room, they both lay on the couch, closing their eyes and saying nothing more.

Sang observed for a moment, and found nothing.

It seems that the death of the victim has caused a great blow to the loved ones, and the couple has no ambitions.

Was it their children who died? That pretty, little puppet, who will grieve and grieve with a crying face, will also sit with his little hands on his knees and behave properly...Is the child even killed?

But... here it looks like it has done two funerals.

Sang looked away at You Wuming far away, and when he squinted into the distance, he seemed to be concentrating on things without disturbing him.

For a moment, she manipulated Ling Yunteng and turned into the courtyard next door.

Sometimes it is more useful to listen to news and start with neighbors.

The couple next door are talking.

The man said: "You will go to the next door if you have nothing to do, and persuade the old Zhang daughter-in-law. I looked at her if she didn't want to live. I walked around Waihe for a long time today. I didn't dare to go, so I followed. Watch."

The woman said, "How do you ask me to persuade? You don't know my mouth, if you want me to say, she should celebrate with firecrackers now!"

"What are you talking about!" The man slapped on her body according to the flesh.

The woman's backhand pinched him: "I didn't say anything right? Hey, you said, this daughter-in-law has been marrying into the Zhang family gate since she was a cow and a horse, and accompanied the man to provide the little uncle who can't help the wall, the couple He was reluctant to eat, wear, and save so much money, he lost all his gambling debts! It was easy to give birth to a big fat son last year. This old Zhang finally got rid of it, not for Zhang Er's rotten people to eat and drink, and the result is good, old The big baby, inexplicably, could run out of his home last month and drown in the river! Didn’t you Wu Wu himself say that the eight achievements were done by Zhang Er's rotten people!"

The man said: "Here, this is also doubt, and there is no evidence to talk nonsense!"

"Humph," the girl sneered, "want me to say, what kind of heart seeker is murderous, Zhang Er's black and rotten heart was opened by God's eyes! He just killed his nephew over there and turned his head. I cheated the money I saved from my sister-in-law to the baby and gambled on it! You see, that doll died last month, did you not see him with a smile when you saw him? Ah, even my neighbor, remembering that Fat baby, it hurts in my heart!"

"Well, howl, everyone is dead, the dead are big, don't say it," the man said, "Anyway, you have to spare more time to persuade Zhang's sister-in-law!"

"It's chanting." The woman said, "Although the child is gone, it's sad, but the person is still young, and there is a chance to regenerate. Zhang Erna's blood-sucking worm is gone, and it will start to really live in the future! I will say tomorrow Say her, you also advise Lao Zhang, ah!"

The couple said for a while, then they met on the couch.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Sure enough, the ancient people didn't have much entertainment at ordinary times, and they started nightlife when it was dark.

You Wuming dragged her sleeve.

Sang was only digesting the information before he received it, and looked back at him slightly blankly.

I saw the corners of his eyes twitching slightly, glaring at her.

Sang Yuanyuan: "???

On the side of the alley, there was a groaning shriek suddenly--


Sang was shocked from afar, and looked around.

Then he saw a loyal and honest middle-aged man pushing away the flatbed car, revealing the big and mourning big face plate under the car.

Sang Yuanyuan: "...Run!"

You Wuming without thinking, a short life, like the arrow of the string, soared out of the alley.

"Uh..." Sang was very embarrassed. "It scares your people, I'm sorry."

"It's also yours." Youyou Ming said.

Sang touched his nose from afar: "This flower is...the face is bigger every day."

She shook her head and said in earnest: "Just before, but I heard a news. The one killed by the doll is a gambler and a villain. It is very likely that he killed his own nephew before the month. Because there is no evidence, So he still lived well and continued to squander his brother-in-law’s money until he was taken away a few days ago. The neighbor said that it was done by God."

You Wuming ‘poo’ smiled: “You mean, I’m walking for the sky?”

Sang far looked inexplicable: "Let's look elsewhere and talk again."

"Well," Youyou replied lightly, "The second victim, but a good old man with a good reputation. Little Sanguo, don't expect too much from it."

Sang nodded his head gently: "Well, I know."

Crossing three streets to another courtyard with white streamers hanging.

The courtyard door was wide open, and Youyou looked around, striding in.

Sang was about to keep up, and suddenly felt a sense, turning back and looking behind him-and saw that a small hand grabbed her skirt.

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