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"okay, as everyone is here I will tell you about something." Xiao Lie began the talk while Xia Hongyi also here stand at the front of Xiao Che and group.

"a few days ago, when all of you training in the mountain. There is someone come to me with a good intention. Xia Qingyue, and Xiao Lingxi. Do you know a place called Frozen Cloud Asgard ?" Xiao Lie said it while looking to the two girls.

The two girls only stay silent and didn't say anything. But the one who shocked is actually Xiao Che.

"that's right. I'm sure that in original story Yue'er was recruited by Frozen Cloud Asgard when she 12 years old. So even after I changed something, the flow of destiny can't be easily changed course." Xiao Che thought to himself.

"It's better for the person itself to talk and explain about it." Xiao Lie said this as he look at somewhere.

"okay." Suddenly a woman descending in front of Xiao Che and group.

She gracefully landed and when they saw the woman, even Xiao Che got a little bit stunned by the beauty of the woman in front of him, her face, demeanor, and her every movement exuding an aura that really hard to describe, but the aura make her looks like a fairy that descended from the heaven.

Qingyue, Lingxi and Yuanba shocked when seeing the woman suddenly appear and floating in front of them. That's right, the woman was floating ! It's profound floating technique... She is a Sky Profound Realm practiticioner!

Xiao Lie, who only at Earth Profound Realm already regarded as the top practitioner... then someone at Sky Profound Realm practically is a legend.

"hello, my name is Chu Yueli, and I'm from Frozen Cloud Asgard. Frozen Cloud Asgard is one of four major power in this Blue Wind Empire nation." Chu Yueli talked with a really gentle voice.

"I will be direct, I'm here wanted to recruit the one of you girls to be my disciple, and the other one as the ordinary disciples" Said Chu Yueli the reason why she come here.

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"of course I won't force you two, you can have your time to make the decision." Chu Yueli quite considerate as she know that it's Xiao Lie who teach them for a few years till now.

After said that, Chu Yueli give an explanation about their asgard rules, advantages that the asgard can offer to them and even more to Qingyue who recruited as direct disciple of one of the seven fairies from Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Xiao Lie and Xia Hongyi invite Chu Yueli inside and let the four to have a discussion. The four teen didn't say anything and stay quiet , but not for long Xiao Lie and Xia Hongyi come to them.

Xiao Lie started to talking about the benefits that his daughter and granddaughter-in-law will get when they agree to become the Asgard disciple as this is a really rare opportunity or maybe it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Frozen Cloud Asgard known as the four major powers in Blue Wind Empire Nation. Frozen Cloud Asgard is the second strongest among the four but they known because of their secretiveness, they didn't openly recruit disciple.

But the reason of their fame beside their high level practitioners, it's because all the Asgard disciples is all women and all of them is outstandingly beautiful! How could they not become famous ?

They got a little conflicted because of the Asgard rules said that all disciple of asgard is forbidden to married. Xia Hongyi is an upright person, he didn't want to break his promise to his deceased sworn brother and so he didn't want to break his promise just because of his own advantage.

At first the father and also the daughter didn't want to agree because of Asgard rules but Xiao Lie also didn't want to crush the opportunity of Xia Qingyue to have a limitless future.

The discussion really take a while, in the end they gonna make some request to Chu Yueli before they agree tho become the Asgard disciple.

All the time, Xiao Che only stay silent and didn't want to talk as he wanted to see how the flow of destiny will take it's course.

The six of them then go meet Chu Yueli who silently waiting while sitting on the chair enjoying the served tea.

"we really sorry for taking so much of your time fairy Chu." Xiao Lie bowing to Chue Yueli.

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"it's fine, so what is your decision ?" Chu Yueli asked.

"first off all, we really sorry as there is a circumstances that needed to consider, so I will explain it first to Fairy Chu." Said Xiao Lie as he explaining about the promise and engagement between Qingyue and Xiao Che.

"then we request Fairy Chu to give us a few years of time for fulfilling the promise that has already been made." Request Xiao Lie to Fairy Chu.

"okay, but I will talk it first to our Mistress about this, whether she approves it or not will be only up to her decision." Chu Yueli then walked away first and use sound transmission talisman to ask the Frozen Cloud Asgard Mistress directly.

"hmmm... so it's gonna turns out like this again, I'm sure that the Asgard Mistress will agreed to the request." Xiao Che thought to himself.

"wait, I want to make another request. I want to Xiao Lingxi also become direct disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard." Xia Qingyue suddenly make her own request.

"Mn." Chu Yueli only nodded her head.

After a quite while, Chu Yueli said that their Asgard Mistress will approves the request only if Xia Qingyue agreed that she will really cut the ties off with her husband completely after she fulfill their promise.

About Xiao Lingxi to become direct disciple, the Mistress will only give recommendation to the Seven Fairy of Frozen Cloud Asgard, as for will there one of the seven fairies that willing to accept or not it will be up to them.

When hearing about have to cut off their ties completely, somehow Xia Qingyue got a little bit hesitant about it. Then, she took a glance to see what is the reaction of Xiao Che after hearing the Mistress' condition.

Xiao Che still didn't have any reaction at all and still keep silent.

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But when Xiao Che's notice Qingyue's glance. He know that his fiancee isn't so sure about this anymore.

Then Xiao Che give a smile to Qingyue, then he closed his eyes while still smiling.

"Senior Fairy Chu, if I may, can I say something about this ?" finally Xiao Che talked regarding this matter.

"you are Xiao Che ?" Chu Yueli asked.

"yes, this junior is Xiao Che." Confirm Xiao Che while bowing.

"what do you want to say ?" Chu Yueli let Xiao Che to talk.

"I want to Fairy Chu to give me a chance to talk and meet the Frozen Cloud Asgard." Said Xiao Che while he still bowing.

"who do you think you are wanted to meet our Asgard Mistress ?" Chu Yueli got a little irked when she hear that someone low and weak boy wanted to talk and meet their Mistress.

"I know that I am nobody, but still, I am that someone who will become her husband that you said have all the ties to cut off. So at least I want to talk with Frozen Cloud Asgard Mistress first." Xiao Che didn't back off in front of Chu Yueli intimidating presence.

"alright then, but only after out Mistress approve it." Chu Yueli accepting Xiao Che request.

"I thank Senior Fairy Chu." Xiao Che glad that he at least have a chance to talk with Frozen Cloud Asgard Mistress.

After that, Chu Yueli make another sound transmission to Asgard Mistress and unexpectedly the Mistress agreed to talk with Xiao Che.

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"The Mistress agreed to talk with you." Chu Yueli hands over the sound transmission.

"Thank you Senior Fairy Chu." Xiao Che take the sound transmisson.

Xiao Che didn't take a long time talking with the Asgard Mistress. In fact , it is so short that, the time Xiao Che take to walk away from the group as he didn't want they heard what he gonna say is longer than the time he talked.

He then handed back the sound transmission to Chu Yueli while saying that the Mistress agreed to meet him directly. "Senior Fairy Chu can confirm it to Asgard Mistress." Said Xiao Che knowing that Chu Yueli didn't believe what this young man said.

Then Chu Yueli asked their mistress. The Mistress really said that she let Xiao Che to meet her directly and as if she can read Chu Yueli mind she said that Chu Yueli doesn't need to know why and only ask Chu Yueli to bring him directly.

Chu Yueli got shocked that their Mistress let the boy to meet her directly when not even the most powerful person in entire blue wind empire that wanted to meet her can meet her, much less a little boy who didn't a quarter of her age.

Chu Yueli didn't want to think about if further as she only follow the Mistress order.

"the Mistress said that she want to meet you as soon as possible so if you can, you will have to go with me today right away." Said Chu Yueli to to Xiao Che.

"okay, I will go with Senior Fairy Chu right away." Xiao Che said to Chu Yueli.

"Grandpa, Uncle Xia, Yue'er, Yuanba and Little Aunt. I will follow Senior Fairy Chu to Frozen Cloud Asgard so I will be gone for a while." Xiao Che talked to everyone.

"And leave all of this matter to me." Said Xiao Che before he leave with Chu Yueli.

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