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"let's go." Chu Yueli said to Xiao Che.

"wait a minute, I will summon Little White." Said Xiao Che but interrupted by Chu Yueli.

"too slow, you'll come with me" Chu Yueli the waved her hands the a clothes tha like a wide bandages wrapped around Xiao Che's body.

"wait what do you mean ? What is... uwaa!!" without finishing his words, Xiao Che got pulled up by Chu Yueli as he started flying.

At first Xiao Che got a little panic, but then a layer of profound energy come and wrapped his whole body and make his body got stabilized.

"don't thrashed around." Said Chu Yueli to Xiao Che.

Xiao Che can only nodded to her as he try to make himself comfortable.

After that Chu Yueli start to fly away with a high speed toward snow region of extreme ice where Frozen Cloud Asgard is.

It almost a full day since Xiao Che go with Chu Yueli, and finally they arrived at the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

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"daaammm... it's so fuckin' cold in here, even with my profound energy covering me it's still unbearably cold." Xiao Che can't help it as he Uncontrollably shivered.

Chu Yueli seeing Xiao Che shivering because of the cold, she then let her profound energy covering him again to reduce the cold.

After that, Xiao Che somehow can withstand the coldness. "Thank you Senior Fairy Chu" Xiao Che realising that a profound energy covering him is from Chu Yueli.

"Follow me." Said Chu Yueli without emotion as she keep walking.

After get inside the Frozen Cloud Asgard, Xiao Che didn't meet even a single person and the place is really silent.

"looks like every Frozen Cloud Asgard really only know about cultivating" Xiao Che said to himself.

There were several Frozen Cloud Secret Grounds within Frozen Cloud Asgard's lands. Asgard Mistress silently cultivated all year round in one of those secret grounds. Xiao Che and all the way down, and finally arrived in front of a room of ice.

"disciple Chu Yueli pay respect to Asgard Mistress" Chu Yueli bowed down to a woman that standing in front of the room.

"mm, you can go back for now." this Asgard Mistress ordered Chu Yueli to not follow them.

"You must be Xiao Che. Follow me." Said Asgard Mistress while she entered the room of ice.

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Xiao Che quietly follow the Asgard Mistress without saying anything. Until they arrived at another room.

"Senior Master, junior Gong Yuxian bring the person named Xiao Che here." The Asgard Mistress actually bowed to the person inside the room.

"come in." A voice from inside the room suddenly heard.

The Mistress and Xiao Che then enter the room.

In the center of the ice room, a woman whose expression was as calm as water, with hair already half white, sat upright on a blue colored ice jade. The ice jade slowly emitted an ice cold fog, shrouding her entire body within this hazy fog of ice. When Gong Yuxian and Xiao Che walked in, her closed eyes opened, radiating a gentle yet far-reaching gaze. And this gaze, directly fell onto Xiao Che's body.

She was the previous generation Asgard Mistress of Frozen Cloud Asgard, and also the current Grand Asgard Mistress, Feng Qianhui.

"Disciple Gong Yuxian, greets Senior Master."

The elderly woman raised her hand, and spoke lightly: "No need for formalities, have a seat. So, you are Xiao Che?"

"junior Xiao Che greets Grand Asgard Mistress" Xiao Che bowed.

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"hooo... you know me ?" the elderly woman asked Xiao Che.

"Yes, I know about the Grand Asgard Mistress... but junior sure that is not the thing that the Grand Asgard Mistress want to ask to me ?" Xiao Che smiled to the elderly woman.

"hoho... young boy, you are quite bold aren't you ?" the elderly woman exert a little pressure to Xiao Che, a cold aura pressuring him making him could hardly breath.

"then this old woman want to ask you... where... did you... heard it ?" The Grand Asgard Mistress increase the pressure she exert more.

"If this junior tell everything, would you believe me ?" Xiao Che knew that she only test him and the exerted pressure controlled according to Xiao Che profound strength but with his stronger than normal mental strength, Xiao Che can withstand the pressure.

"hoo... you make this old woman surprised enough, you have quite a strong mind" she retract her aura after seeing the boy can withstand it, even though she only use a fraction of her full power.

"so, can you tell this old woman already ?" asked the Grand Mistress with a serious expression.

"yes, but I have three request that is easy to fulfill." Xiao Che set the term first before begin talking.

"okay, usually I won't be this reasonable. But because this is regarding something very important, I Feng Qianhui will fulfill your three promises as long as it's within my power and not make me doing something evil." The Grand Mistress make his promise to Xiao Che.

"I really thanks The Grand Mistress for trusting this junior." Xiao Che smiled.

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"now I will tell everything that I can tell you, as you know, it's just impossible to exactly know the future fully."

"mn" the Grand Mistress only nodded to him.

"first, about your Frozen Cloud Asgard... the 'Thousand Years Calamity'... all I can tell you that it's related to me and to the person Xia Qingyue that the Fairy Chu Yueli want to recruit."

"and then... the one who can make the Frozen Cloud Asgard pass this Calamity... is me" reveal Xiao Che to Feng Qianhui.

Feng Qianhui can't help but shocked when she hearing this, how can she believe him when he said that so easily ?

"see ?... that's why I ask this question before... Would you believe me ?" Xiao Che question really make the Grand Mistress have a quite complicated feeling.

"can you tell this elderly woman something so that I can trust you ?" asked the Grand Asgard Mistress.

"Heaven's Fate Clan" Xiao Che only said that and nothing else.

Feng Qianhui got a surpised again when she heard that words and fell silent for a while.

"okay, this old woman will believe you... say your three request." The Grand Asgard Mistress finally willing to believe him... for now.

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