Chapter 5-3

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Ruling the earlier statement off, Mary’s dear father was Albert House’s famous gentleman.

Albeit he was engulfed by a myriad of hearsays many people revered him, on today’s soiree even individuals from distant lands came, it’s a large-scale gathering.


“Uhm, I, I’m Alicia. I go to the same school as Mary-sama, we’re a good friend. Uhm, t-today congratulation!”


Acutely tensed ———- Looking at the peasant Alicia’s angle, Albert House’s Head was a personage beyond the clouds1, being on edge was natural (Author) ————— however toward Alicia who pitched a congratulating speech while she was becoming more nonplussed, the family head smiled tenderly.


“Thank you. Are you Mary’s friend?”


“I never think Mary would become friend with an honest type like you……… Well, she’s a peculiar daughter, but please gets along with her in the future.”

“Yes! Of course!”


Alicia nodded zestfully; and as if watching over his own child, the family head molded a smile.

Mary and Addie that were observing those two from the shadow had their sights aligned.


“Addie, did you see just now?”

“Yes, of course I saw.”


Exchanging serious glances, they nodded.


“Otou-sama hasn’t realized that girl’s true identity. Notwithstanding he regularly meets the royalties… I thought, conforming to the game there’s a need of extra forces to elicit the event.”

“Danna-sama is genuinely a benevolent personage! Look at the ‘safeguarding his child’ gaze he directed to Alicia-chan! As expected of Albert House’s Head!”

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“Hey Addie, can you please cool off your seething, heartfelt fervor of loyalty to Otou-sama. If you do that, we perchance will have a more harmonious relationship.”


Mary fixed her scoffing scowl at the tension-rising Addie.

For the twenty years old Addie to talk about her father in his forty with yellow voice2——– not literately in yellow color ————- his demeanor was appallingly creepy, and most of all considering there’s that ‘testimony’3 from before.


Otou-sama, why’s it so surprising for me to have an honest friend?

Commenting that his biological daughter was weird, what did you mean by that…….?

And Addie, as I hypothesized, your hierarchy order was an outright ‘chaos’………….(Mary)


Nevertheless, now wasn’t the time to mull over it.

Addie’s adoration to the family head was nothing new, besides Mary had her own one or two quirks (bias) of evaluations concerning her dear father.

Especially, the former was incurable and the latter had no spirit to remedy it. Thus, musing on it was a fruitless labor.


And so the moment Mary dropped the subject to observe them further,


Being called on, she agilely whirled back.

The one there was Patrick. Donning a formal nobles’ attire, a rose family crest was pegged on his chest, that image of him was exactly the crystallization of girls’ ideal prince…………..that is without his skeptical mien.


“Oh my, Patrick good evening”

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Seeing his figure, Mary fixed her posture and smiled. Her lithe gesture of faintly lifting the skirt’s hem was as expected of Albert House’s lady.

However, as long as her conducts of spying his father just few seconds ago existed it was too late to amend it.


“Can you at least constrain your eccentric comportment on your family’s party?”

“Oh dear, eccentric you said, how rude.”


Slightly puffing her cheeks, Mary turned her face sideway.

A sulkiness with an ‘easy to understand’ objective; from people’s viewpoints that assumed Mary is merely a blue-blooded lady, they’d probably take it as ‘endearing’. Among them, there might be individuals that were enthralled to her and thought, ‘is that pout spelling her wish for my attention, does she fancy me?’.

She inflated her cheeks so much ——– to the point of being ‘devilishly adorable’ ———— the glowering Mary’s appearance could only be described by one word ‘bewitching’.

Nonetheless, Patrick undoubtedly wasn’t fooled by her expression. He had been acquainted with her for an aeon, he knew Mary inside out. Hence, he knew Mary’s ridiculing behaviors was but a tomfoolery.

However understanding that and not because he didn’t grasp Mary’s deportment’s true intention, seemingly exhausted Patrick let out a sigh.


“Oh dear, please don’t sigh in a party? It’s bad fortune.”

“If you’re more docile I’d not sigh, you know.”

“Then you’re welcome to sigh as you please.”


As Mary sharply intercepted him, Patrick exhaled for the second time.

Then if he slanted his vision on Mary’s side, there was Addie who found their colloquy was entertaining and gave a wry smile.

Two aristocrats, shouldering their esteemed families’ names but with these kinds of attitudes, if it was the usual Patrick he’d have scold her yet in front of Mary he’d squelched his words .

This was also Patrick’s decision knowing Mary well. Supposing that there were another people here, he’d scold the impertinent Addie………and induced Mary’s wrath.

Reminiscing on the past incidence Patrick smothered his arguments, and sneaking a peep at Mary who nonchalantly continued her surveillance on her father, for the umpteen times today he blew a sigh.

Therefore he lightly tapped Addie’s shoulder.

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“Geez, I can’t handle Lady Mary. I wonder is there somebody who can balance her out, presumptively such a person exists I want to meet him, right Addie?”

“Uh, yeah……..”

“You think so as well, right. He must be an extraordinary man, to be an equal of Lady Mary.”

“Y-yes………as you said………”


Whilst Addie was flustered, Patrick chuckled and pulled a smirk.

And thence facing Mary again, he reverentially bowed and stretched out his hand.


“I was requested by your father to be your escort tonight, would you compromise with this humble me?”

“That’s a line which stimulates other women to faint………….uhm, right……’re my escort, huh?”

“Is something wrong?”


Staring at his outstretched hand, Mary pondered.

‘What happened?’ Patrick raised his head, inquiringly eyeballing Mary’s face.


Dice House and Albert House were associated since long time ago; their sovereignty is second after Albert House. If inside their households a boy and a girl were from the same generation, ‘escorting’ was not a big deal.

In particularly, Mary had such personalities. She could masquerade as a perfect lady; nevertheless having someone who knew her would make her at ease.

Patrick was likewise, although it was per her parent’s request rather than desperate girls pursuing love or whatever it is, he could be lax with Mary.

Who are their escort and who they dance with first; aristocrat had lots of meddlesome rulebooks.  In that regard, they’d acquiesced if it was Mary; the ladies also would close ones eyes6.

Both parents were pointless to say in a mutual agreement. Withal leaving things out on their children judgments, whereas ‘if’ there’s a slipup, they had nothing to fear.  Albeit the unlikely incident was to occur, considering their parents prestige there wouldn’t be any problem.

Among others, Patrick was the most appropriate escort for Mary.  Multiplied by their close age and by the fact unlike usual both parties didn’t voice opposition.


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Howbeit Mary was hesitant to take Patrick’s hand today. Her wrinkled eyebrows and somber gaze ostensibly in deep reflection appearance was not lady-like yet pictured Mary well.


“What happened?”

“Eh……, it’s okay, nothing. Will you be my escort?”

“Ah, of course”


Mary delicately overlapped Patrick’s hand with her.

And then they leisurely went to the main venue, voices of admiration for the young beauteous pair and voices of jealousy from people who were mesmerized by Mary and Patrick could be heard.

No locution could define their beauties in answering those with a smile. They resembled a heart-stirring boy and girl from a painting.


Originally for tonight soiree, Mary had no intention to entreat anybody to be her escort.

Essentially in the game, she should have enforced the character Alicia prominently close with to be her escort, though withal how much she coveted a destruction-end that sort of deplorable deed was preposterous.

It’s credible for the childhood friend Patrick, yet if she called the Student Council Assistant or the teacher conversely its Mary who’s going to be whacked.

First of all, it’d be enigmatic if the escort was averse when they showed themselves in front of Alicia.

Even now, seeing her cherished Patrick and Mary eminently intimate, Alicia’s eyes sparkled whilst watching them. On her hypnotized eyes there’s no a single speck of envy, that’s why Mary was thwarted.


For he has the highest favorability, Patrick comes………….. (Mary)


While Mary was figuring that out, for the second time Patrick clutched her hand.

“Let’s dance?” with a sole utterance flames of jealously were flared on the whole venue, Mary was unaware of it.

By looking at the couple they continued to be green, nevertheless they could only expose themselves with ‘ensconce it within one’s heart’ excuses and attitudes; they were taken aback by the rustic girl who appeared from beside.

‘I can’t sympathize with you’, they directed their bitter gaze to her, and Mary returned Patrick’s grip.

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