Chapter 5-4

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Patrick Dice was an exceptional man.

A supple moderately trained body with long limbs, beautiful indigo hair and eyes; he was a textbook incarnation of women’ ideal man. Brilliant in both academics and sports and came from prestigious House, he was impeccable. It’s fathomable he gained the moniker ‘prince’.

His popularity encompassed not only the school ground, regardless of their social backgrounds; as long as they were female they’d at least once fantasized a love story with him.

Mary also thought Patrick’s deportment was good back then. Speaking of ‘a prince who emerged out from fairytale’, as naturally it was she visualized him.

But somehow the one fated to be with Prince Patrick inside the story was not Mary. No matter how rhapsodic she was reading the submersing fairytales, even it was a prince she adored so much, on her imageries she’s not the one standing beside Patrick but someone else.

Although she had grown up it didn’t change, while observing girls around the same age unanimously fell in love with him, she unflappably approached him.


Even right now, she was waltzing with the Patrick everyone adored, howbeit her heartbeat was tranquil.

Obviously it wasn’t out of repugnance; she just calmly followed Patrick’s movements.


“Do I’ve a screw loose?”

“What’s wrong? You’ve been weird for some times now.”

“No, it’s nothing………you too have been glancing at another directions for a while ago. Albeit I’m your partner, I wonder who are you searching for.”

“T-that’s………have no correlation to you.”

“Then, we’re even.”


Two smiles overlapped, Mary looked up at Patrick.

Before her was a refreshing prince everyone idolized and she admitted he indeed had a fetching bearing. Nonetheless there’s no indication of her heartbeat increasing. Whereas when he looked elsewhere, no jealousy or others sentiment surged out.

I wonder why (Mary)…………. As Mary sighed, the tune which had been playing until then subsided.

One song ended.

Consequently, Patrick lowered his head and lifting her skirt’s hem Mary sank slightly, in honor to their emotionless dance.


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Thereafter Mary hurriedly vanished from Patrick’s sight; the impetus was of course his next in line dance partners’ vehement glares.

Whilst Mary was blithely insensitive toward their covetous stares, taking her own safety into account ‘escaping’ was a wise notion.  If she haphazardly was to be requested for a dance twice, those flames of jealousy would grill her to death.

Hence, slipping away, Mary quickened her paces out of the venue; Addie who understood even that was waiting while smiling satirically.


“As expected, how excellent.”

“The dance? Or my withdrawal?”

“Both of it”


Addie stifled his cackle; accordingly Mary returned his sardonic smile and stretched her back.


“Then, shall I greet our guests?”

“Please be careful1”

“You should go to where that child (Alicia) is, she’s probably anxious with no one she recognizes beside her.”

“Yes, I hear and comply.”


Ostensibly being vigilant of the surrounding eyes, like a decent servant Addie lowered his head, thus Mary giggled faintly and went to the hordes.


Thence Mary was preoccupied welcoming the guests for a while.

As Albert House’s lady she had to greet tons of individuals, she couldn’t reject any dance invitations.

Especially, today was her father’s celebration. For people that had ardently come, as Albert House’s daughter, ‘upsetting’ them was unpardonable.

That’s why; she had gone hither and thither being gregarious, when the cat she held began to cogitate escaping, she firmly held its arms.


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“Ojou…, Mary-sama, so you’re here.”

“Addie, what’s wrong?”


From the human swarms, Addie’s face popped up.

While she thought ‘what’s the matter?’, “Please come here.” he pulled her arm and started walking.


Deprived of any explanation she followed Addie outside the manor, the place they arrived to was the garden.

Being illuminated by dim light were small silhouettes of humans, the wind delivered some traces of music from the main hall.

On the center of the garden, bathed unto the moonlight, Patrick and Alice were waltzing.

It’s as if the world belongs only to the two of them, hit by a familiar recollection Mary was dazed.


“Watching Ojou and Patrick-sama dance, Alicia wanted to try experiencing it too. But it’s not my place to teach her, and then Patrick-sama overheard it.”

“And, why me?”

“Now that it came to this, might as well have Ojou to guide her so she can become better, or so my idea is.”


Hearing Addie’s explanation speech, the pair noticed them and stopped their feet.

Alicia raised one of her hand to call them.

The smiling girl, with golden locks which shone brightly under the sunshine, was beautiful, although her true identity was just but a country bumpkin she looked like a princess that came out from fairy tales.

However Mary who couldn’t accept it so honestly, hurled her first words in an angry voice “Fix your lousy posture!”

Alicia who received it, hurriedly fix her back and replied “Yes!”


“Whoever has their pride win as a lady by default!  Fix your stance and raise your chest, by the next soiree your A-type dress will look magnificently!”


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Being advised so by Mary, Alicia once again responded “Yes!”

Two men who were flippant about these nobles’ night ball rules wore a wry smile.


And then Alicia, prouder than before, alongside Patrick started to move her feet again synchronizing with the music; Mary blew an air in satisfaction.

Before her a pair of a boy and a girl danced underneath the moonlight. Patrick who clad in nobles’ proper attire and charmingly dressed Alicia. Notwithstanding one of them was a beginner with awkward movements, in light of Mary’s teaching she has improved a lot.

Witnessing that dreamlike scenery, Mary narrowed her eyes in rumination.


‘…………I have seen this ‘scene’ before.

No, saying it as ‘I’ve seen this snippet of a single illustration piece’ would be more accurate.’(Mary)


Yes, what Mary was observing, the two dancing was ‘Dora-gaku’ hidden event.

Of course, in there Mary and Addie didn’t appear. ‘There wasn’t any specific story about it but without a doubt, this situation is corresponding with that event.’(Mary)

‘That means….’ Mary’s thought circulated around.


Abiding to “Dora-gaku”, tonight ball happenings would eventually occur according to its plot. One could say it’s the so-called a forced event.

‘However there’s certain condition for ‘the event’ to ensue and if it’s not met it’ll just end with conversation alone.’(Mary)


‘One absolute condition………. That is, in the timeline of the specific ‘event’ the player must have already entered the character’s route.’ (Mary)


In Patrick’s case, no matter how high his affection perimeter was, if the player didn’t enter his route, he’d just compliment her dress and end with it. On another hand, the fact that he was dancing with her was a solid proof Alicia has entered Patrick’s route.

Addie, who was standing beside her whilst being explained such, brightened his face and answered “I see!”

To that absurdly excited respond, Mary spontaneously rounded her eyes.


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“Why’re you getting enthusiastic for, what’s happen?”

“Well~, Patrick-sama is an outstanding gentleman so Alicia, a girl who warmly supports him, is a perfect match for him!”

“I-is that so…….well, they certainly made a pair.”

“Right? Really, what a perfect match! Contrariwise, for Patrick-sama none but Alicia is reflected on his vision!”


Mary was forced to nod her head in agreement, getting overawed by a thoroughly confident Addie.

Indeed, why did her attendance tell her about others love story, it’s unthinkable.

Howbeit, frankly Mary thinks Patrick and Alicia do suit each other. Patrick was a noble dyed in the wool, simultaneously, he’s a man open to opinions.

Certainly, he was submerged in nobles’ strict rules and binding, still, hanging out with rustic Alicia will surely change him.

It’s not clear whether the change will bring good things for Dice house or not, notwithstanding Alicia as the princess could secure a knot for Dice house.


“Yeah, unquestionably those two are in a bracket. If things proceed well, for sure their fate will coalesce. But………..”


Muttering those Mary slowly stood up.

Digesting her gloomy augury, Addie looked up on her and asked. “But, what?”


Alicia and Patrick are equally attracted with each other.

Seeing their perky miens dancing beneath the moonlight spelled that it’s not a delusional conclusion.

That’s why, Mary basked herself in cogitation. If this world continued as the Otome game’s direction……………


“Before that, I and Patrick are going to be engaged.”


Those whispering words of Mary were swallowed by the wind and drown by the music’s climax.

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