In Dora-gaku, no matter what route the player chose, villain daughter Mary would hinder their love life.

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Sometime via using her political supremacy as a shield, other time involving a harassment toward the heroine, erstwhile by being engaged to their ‘love interest’

She remembered how ‘her’ numerous schemes enraged the players, conversely that’s what enlivened the love story, and ultimately it’s connected to the exhilarating moment of Mary’s downfall.

The main route, it’s none other than his route.


Dora-gaku’s Patrick Dice, someone with a high status, rather than a cool guy, he’s more suited to be called ‘a callous man’.

His initial-affection level was the lowest among other candidate, in the game earlier state whatever option the player selected his reactions were standoffish.  To describe its degree of difficulty, it was a hot topic that it’s even capable of breaking the players’ minds.

Their relation changed upon a certain after-school time.

In seldom occurrence, the heroine came home late and found Patrick asleep on his desk inside a classroom. Maybe his daily busy schedule finally took a toll on him; the heroine was wondering how she can help the sleeping Patrick and decided to put her jacket on him.

And then she stayed for a while, Patrick fluttered his eyes open and directed his gaze alternatingly between her and the jacket covering him, being seen in his pathetic state dyed his cheeks crimson.

For that unusual endeavor of him the heroine felt a sense of intimacy, henceforth those two got closer, fell in love, and as Patrick’s frozen heart started to melt from Alicia’s kindheartedness…..


He was engaged with villain daughter Mary.

Of course, by using her parents influence. Although Dice House and Albert House have signed a treaty of an equal authority, in actuality the power balance tipped to Albert House, Dice house was completely under their mercy.

If Mary willed to be married, Dice House could only arc its head. Obviously, Patrick didn’t assent it so readily either, after all the term of their engagement was brought in front of Alicia.

Being enclosed by unattainable realms and enemies, Alicia became more pessimist than ever, she could simply watch the backs of Mary who took Patrick’s arm onher…………


“Oh dear, how filthy of you Ojou, a worthless woman blackened in jealousy…”

“THERE’S A LIMIT TO MOCKERY!!! ……….Well, it’s fine, at last we’re talking about the game Mary.”


She was only explaining the game’s story nevertheless here she was being scorned, miffed Mary eyebrows wrinkled as she took a sip from her black tea. Or rather, how come a servant dared to call his master ‘filthy’?

Albeit, Mary herself was appallingly stupefied by the game Mary. Since they’re standing in an identical stage, she felt how pitiful her inane behaviors were.


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“In conclusion, if we go along with the story, Ojou and Patrick are going to be engaged, is that it?”

“Yes, seeing our circumstances, it’s not weird for them to bring it up soon.”


‘Mary’s smug appearance as she announced her engagement with Patrick’ scene ensued shortly after the soiree. She didn’t remember the exact date, there’s no event between their intervals, and numbering the days afore graduation, it ought to be soon.

Clarifying things, Mary drank her black tea while sitting across her, Adie said “Be that as it may…”


“Ojou doesn’t wish to be married to Patrick-sama, right?”

“Yes, I don’t have the slightest interest for it.”

“Really, please refrain from saying such phrases if you don’t want to be stabbed.”


For her to stalwartly reject the idea of marrying the prince everyone worshipped, it couldn’t be helped that Addie deeply sighed. It’s to such an extent that Patrick was revered by woman population; multitudinous ladies harbor a wish to wed him.

Addie, who several times had seen Mary and Patrick danced intimately, always felt strong glares of jealousy focused on them. They even made him shudder.

——‘Toward an amazing personage as Patrick-sama, why Ojou-sama…..’ thinking so he woozily heaved a sigh, ostensibly concealing his clandestine relief beneath.  No, there’s no way he’ll dare to divulge it——-


“The game Mary was the puppeteer of this engagement problem, right? Then won’t Ojou disassociation will solve the whole mess?”

“I also want to think so, nonetheless I can’t let go the feeling that everything will proceed as the game’s plot determined……”


Muttering such, Mary touched her ringlets.

Mary’s fingers swam through the seams of her ever-persistence rolls and they swayed. Yet, those movements couldn’t be called as exquisite; they really have the strength of a drill.

Even ‘these,’ was the result of desperately blowing them from morrow, loosening them up. Moreover it was with the help of three veteran beauticians, one to hold, one to undo, one to straighten, these labors took two hours in total…….

As a result, before those drills her beauticians’ morale was broken first, leading to this kind of outcome.


“To allegorize it with ‘these (drills)’, I suppose a tremendous force is working behind………”

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“I agree…….”


Because he had witnessed the beauticians’ struggles first hand, Addie veered his face.


Setting aside the encroachment of villain daughter Mary, generally everything still progressed as the game’s story dictate.

Of course, Alicia’s efforts and Patrick’s conducts played a big role on these developments; nevertheless the next incident is going to be ‘an engagement’ event.

Supposing this realm was a game, it’s not like the creators programmed every little details unto it.

Not everything was unerringly the same as the game; nonetheless it’s safe to assume half of them are stirring in a similar direction.


In a world resembling ‘Dora-gaku’, experiencing run-of-the-mill days parallel to Dora-gaku’s


Mary had the slightest tad of scruple, yet to deem it as entirely unrelated was impossible due to numerous identical proofs coinciding, on the contrary acknowledging this world as a game, from Mary’s standpoint it’d be terribly unpleasant.


Based on those theories, Mary had a hunch that she’s going to be betrothed with Patrick.  Of course, she had zero intention to suggest an ‘espousal’ alliance.

Also now that the juncture for the impending game’s event was at hand, considering Mary and Patrick relationship; it’d not be odd if someone was to propose the idea of engaging them.

Conversely, from unrelated parties’ perspective why they haven’t gotten engage hitherto was a big question for them. An eccentric bestowed with beautiful face and first rate blue blood, Mary, a flawless individual idolized by everyone, Patrick, they’re a combination without flub to be pegged.


“In other meaning, Danna-sama or else Dice House’s head will suggest the engagement?”

“Up till now Albert and Dice House have been in a constructive affiliation, howbeit there’s actually a lack of tangible tie.  Although both households have impeccable prestige……. Do you know why?”

“Well, isn’t it because both houses never had children in the same generation?”

“That’s right. Nevertheless marriages with age differences are normal thing in nobles’ societies. Those cases in which they’re separated by 10 or 20 years are but scarce.”

“C-certainly…… However Albert and Dice House have zilch motive to insist on uniting both of you, right?”

“That’s the point.”

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Mary nodded, chewing a small bite of her scone.

The moment it touched her inner mouth, colorful aroma and mild sweetness gusted out, impelling her to rush out and compliment the patisserie responsible pronto.

Apparently, Addie took a liking of it as well, whilst he sported a serious countenance hearing on Mary’s words his eyes were dangling on the scones. By the way, it’s already the third times.


“Albert and Dice House are influential pictograms, for other houses they’re frivolous hopes. Consequently, these two houses can’t have a political marriage.”


“Both houses, in regard to marriage constantly chose the best possible contender among decent houses. To realize it, two equivalents in supremacy must unite their authority.”

“Indeed, Albert and Dice House had always the option to pick their ‘companion’.”

“And for these two houses, to wed their inheritors with an age gap, societies may think they have a hidden agenda.”


When all’s said and done political marriage is basically the parents’ ambition.

Wanting to create a new pipeline, wishing to deepen a connection, or hankering for more gold………. Their purposes varied; in exchange for it they sacrifice their daughter, or on occasions son.

Conversely, for houses that desperately orchestrated a political marriage must have profound intention, or else had a need to broaden their networks.

That’s why, Albert and Dice Houses only cultivate their friendship and didn’t do unwise feat such as offering their child. Rather than being chosen they do the choosing, they’re displaying their impartiality.


“Heretofore was our houses frugal liaison. Howbeit, it’s collapsing now.”


As Mary kept talking, she seized another scone to her mouth.


“Patrick and I are in the same gap of generation, our relationship isn’t bad either. Contrarily, from others viewpoints we ostensibly are a matching and sweet couple. In other meaning, this is a fortuitous chance both houses have anticipated on so that it didn’t give the impression of a political marriage.”


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For instances, if they were to announce their engagement now, the societies wouldn’t raise a fuse.  Obviously, there’s slim probability for publics to be able to identify it as political marriage.

From years ago these two persons had held each other arms, and when they grew up, marriage is only a matter of course.


“I’m not truly conversant about outsiders’ opinions, but both houses will have a stouter bond. By Otou-sama’s standpoint, if everything goes well he ought to be in seventh heaven.”


Mary sighed and drank her black tea; Addie was glancing at her.

The manner Mary said these was as if she’s an unrelated party, unlike adolescents girls, her peers, the fiery drives when blathering about love was not there, let alone the anguish one must feel as they were engaged unawares.

Simply uninterested, she seemingly had prophesied things to unfold this way from ages ago.

Certainly Mary had the knowledge from the game, and cognizant this engagement was a part of the story development. Notwithstanding her remembrance of the game memories, she’s sensibly too composed.

Instead, it’s like without the game intervene, she had estimated it as a natural outcome.


“……Ojou, did you perhaps have the intention to marry Patrick from long time ago?”

“I had presumed I’ll be married to. Well, rather than men whose faces I do not know of, Patrick is easily the best choice.  After all he’s genial and…………”



As Mary returned Addie gaze, she immediately said “Nothing…” and concluded the discussion.

Thus putting an innocent face, she sipped her black tea. The subtle sweetness and fruit fragrances spread inside her mouth, seeing the empty cup Addie refilled it.


“Although as long as that girl exists, this engagement won’t go well I suppose.”


Unceremoniously stating so, Mary reached out her hand for her second scone.


Around that moment, Mary’s father and Patrick’s father appeared while enthusiastically chatting to each other.

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