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In areas abundant with water, Alors possessed a natural advantage. And as if to affirm that undeniable truth, the fierce waves that should’ve crashed against the coastline collided with an invisible barrier.

“I will stop the water!”

Once again, as she extended her hand, the fierce waves that had been disturbing the coastline appeared to be subdued to mere ripples.


Diello let out a short exclamation.


That’s right, Krua was an Alors. She possessed the ability to control the water freely. It was this exceptional power that allowed her to be a formidable force near the sea.

Nevertheless, because of her family ties, Krua didn’t have to put her life on the line on the Argenta’s battlefield. It was only when Alors was involved that she should’ve come to help… yet, she willingly leaped into the heart of the battlefield for the sake of Argenta.

The water drops glistened as they cascaded down her purplish hair, making the end of her locks sparkle with brilliance.


The surrounding water reacted to her and settled.


The sea moved several times in response to her ability, and as the relentless waves finally ceased their surging, the entire battlefield underwent an abrupt change.


He had to rush out now and slay the monsters. However, Diello couldn’t take his eyes off Krua. Argenta controlled the flames. That was why water was terrifying to them, and the sea was no different from the realm of death.

But now, not anymore.

For the first time, he saw the sea sparkling. It wasn’t a sea of blood and death where the blood of monsters and humans mingled. It was a sparkling sea.

At that moment, the sea, water, and Krua herself dazzled brightly in his eyes.



* * *

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Before heading to the battlefield, I once again practiced my ability to become a little more familiar with it.


The more I used my ability, the easier it became to control water.


The original story didn’t mention that Krua possessed such exceptional ability, did it? And as far as I know, in the original story, she was someone who struggled even to control a cup of tea. Indeed, there have been changes to her ability since I possessed this body.

It was a good thing for me, though.


I shaped the water in the basin, forming it into sharp, knife-like shapes before letting it disperse. It was amazing how I could make the water around me move just by thinking about it. It felt so natural, like breathing.

“Preparations are complete. Waiting for order to advance.”

At that moment, the captain of the knights approached and bowed his head.

With Diello absent from the mansion, I was the only one who could give the order to advance. As I glanced at the Argenta knights surrounding me, they were all knights from the fourth floor of Argenta, composed of elite members.

“Anyone who belongs to the fourth floor of Argenta can be trusted without a doubt.”

Diello said once.

According to his casual remark, the people who frequented the fourth floor of this mansion at least knew that I was the fake Ferro. Did that mean there were no spies within the mansion? Or did it imply that there was little interaction between the servants on the fourth floor and the lower floors?

What if the plan gets leaked?

…I used to think that way until now.


I glanced at the knight before me, whose head respectfully bowed. He was also someone from the fourth floor.

As we made our final preparations, I couldn’t help but notice that the people from the fourth floor were even more tight-lipped than I had imagined.

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Could it be that Diello’s trust wasn’t unfounded? In contrast to them, the servants from the third floor and below, who didn’t know about my contract marriage, treated me with an air of indifference.

“…Pardon? Madam will personally join the troops?”

However, shortly after I mentioned that I would personally go to the battlefield, the attitudes of the servants started to change little by little. It was the same regardless of which floor of Argenta they belonged to.

It was a drastic change that happened in less than half a day. They became more respectful and kind towards me. As a result, the expressions of the servants from the third floor and below who saw us off were quite friendly. It was fascinating.

I turned around and looked at the knights standing in perfect formation behind me.

Since they were knights from the fourth floor, I could use the Alors’ ability to some extent in front of them.

“All troops, advance to the fourth zone!”

I raised my sword to the knights who were waiting for my command. Even though it was a heavy sword and it was a sword that I wouldn’t need, there was no better item to set the mood for them.



With me riding on a horse at the forefront, numerous knights set off towards the fourth zone. Originally, less than half of them would have gone to the fourth zone.

“Please provide me with an escort.”


I requested before.


However, as I joined the battlefield, the number of knights increased significantly. If it were any other family, they would have been terrified at the idea of their lady participating in the battle.

Still, this was Argenta, the protector of the endless sea, I held a unique position as an Alors, the one who could control water. It meant that I was the decisive key that could instantly control the situation on the battlefield.

The knights realized that fact and showed a sense of awe. Still, they didn’t agree to my participation at once. Perhaps it was because my water manipulation ability was known to be weak.

“…The command I received from the lord was to prioritize your safety, madam.”

They seemed concerned about my safety.

I didn’t expect there wouldn’t be any opposition at all. I preemptively blocked their objections with a prepared response.

“The center of Argenta is not me, but Diello Argenta, your lord. Even though he personally joined the battle, he requested additional forces. It greatly bothers me.”

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When making demands, one should do so confidently. I raised my head and looked straight at the knights.

“If this reinforcement turns out to be unnecessary, it will be criticized as a reckless move by their lady who needlessly mobilized troops. However, if by any chance Diello is in danger, Argenta will pay a hefty price.”

With those words, the knights ultimately decided to proceed with the reinforcement centered around me.

I followed behind the knight leading the way, and numerous other knights followed suit.

‘…Redias Argenta must not die.’

That was the reason why I participated in this expedition, even pushing myself beyond my limits. Redias Argenta was Diello’s father figure and the sole remaining connection to the Argenta main family now that everyone else had died.

In short, it meant that Argenta had a powerful innate ability.

He would be useful to be a main force for the battle with Alors later on. In the original story, Redius Argenta, possessing such power, sacrificed himself in this incident, putting Argenta in a crisis.

‘I can’t just leave him like that.’

“Let’s go!”

Driven by urgency, I hurriedly said it.

It was fortunate that Krua Alors’ body remembered not only the ability to manipulate water. Turned out she had a knack for horseback riding as well.

After a brief moment of awkwardness on my first ride, I quickly picked up the pace and raced ahead without a hitch. As I raced forward, the surrounding scenery blurred into streaks. Meanwhile, I pondered for a moment.

‘I don’t have time.’

According to the original story, Redias Argenta died just before the real Ferro’s arrival, leaving the family in a state of crisis. Amidst the chaos of keeping up with Alors’ affairs and the fake wedding, I had almost missed this crucial detail.

The real Ferro would arrive two months after the wedding.

Now that Redias Argenta was in crisis, there wasn’t much time left until the Ferro arrived. The original story was told from the perspective of a maid, so both Krua and the real Ferro were just extras. Yet, I remembered vividly when the real Ferro finally appeared.

It was because the real Ferro’s personality was no joke.



「 She’s an incredibly spiteful person, right? She enjoyed causing pain to others. I’d rather work under Krua Alors. Besides, she’s incredibly stubborn. 」

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That was what the servants said in the original. Hence, I had no intention of meeting her.

‘I need to prepare to leave quickly.’

Of course, I wouldn’t leave Argenta until I completely ruined Alors though it would be convenient to lay the groundwork for leaving while I was still here. However, that was a problem for when I would return safely from this battle.

I knew that my powers grew stronger near the source, so I came here with confidence.

Regardless, standing on this vast coastline, especially in a place where monsters appear, made me incredibly anxious. The only thing I could confidently control was the water in the large bathtub when I experimented back at the mansion.

However, since my abilities were only at this level, just how powerful was the water manipulation ability of Duke Alors?

…Could I really be of any help on the battlefield?

Despite using my abilities intermittently, I was nervous when I saw the coastline.



As the distant sea came into view, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins as the blood of Alors stirred within me, responding to the presence of water. It was on the water that Alors became invincible.


In the distance, I spotted a massive wave threatening to attack Argenta. Amidst the chaos, I caught a glimpse of Diello’s eyes, filled with surprise at my unexpected arrival. His eyes were the same shade of blue as the vast sea itself.


Alors’ blood, reacting to the water, gathered a blue force in my hands.


The strange monster, half-fish and half-human monsters, closed in on me though I felt no fear. It was rather peculiar. It must have been the confidence instilled by Alors’ blood.



Once again, I swung my hand with determination.

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