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As the monsters lunged at me, my instincts kicked in and I began to channel my ability. Sharp, blade-like water instantly surged from the ground, piercing through the bodies of the monsters.



The screams of the monsters echoed along the coastline the next moment as the people of Argenta looked at me in astonishment.



“That is…”

In a place dominated by fire, my ability to control water stood out unmistakably.

“…Even though she’s not the head, she possessed this much power?”

“How powerful must the Duke of Alors be?”

They were amazed, and in an instant, the beach turned into chaos.


In response to the approaching monsters, a surge of water, filled with raw power, flooded the shore. Even though the wave concealed what lay beyond, I could sense its presence.

Having known the existence of the sea monster that could control water in the original story, or perhaps due to the fact that the monsters resided in water, I could discern their positions. There was no need to leave such visible enemies unattended.


Clenching my fist tightly, I channeled my ability again and the threatening waves that surged toward me dispersed into the surrounding sea.


In the midst of the chaos, a monster appeared, letting out a startled scream. It held a crude staff, resembling that of a mage and wobbled on its thin legs, clumsily swaying in the air. In the meanwhile, in front of it, a huge water spear, created by my own hands, awaited.


However, the spear I conjured was unable to pierce through the monster’s body. Perhaps it was because the monster possessed the ability to control water, or maybe it was fiercely defending itself against my attack.

At that moment, I thought that giving it even greater power would be the solution. That was my thinking.


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Though Diello’s low voice suddenly reached my ears from beside me.


As I turned to face him…



A fire ignited in the air. In an instant, it transformed into a massive spear and landed in his hand. Naturally, the flames controlled by Diello, the Head of Argenta, did not singe even a strand of his hair.


In that state, Diello swung his arm back and hurled the spear.


With a sharp sound, as if it were sucking in the surrounding air, the spear flew and struck the monster’s head.

Crash! Crack!

The water surrounding it evaporated instantly, and the monster was now engulfed in a dense mist. It was an intense display of fire.


I widened my eyes in astonishment.

He had the power to beat a completely soaked monster on the water, leaving no trace behind. Was this the power of an unawakened head? Even though I knew Diello possessed formidable abilities, I had no idea he was this strong.

“The sea monster is dead! Clean up the battlefield!”


Seizing the opportunity, Redias Argenta rallied us and, accompanied by the knights, dashed forward. Amidst the charging knights, I met Diello’s eyes.


He was asking how I arrived here. All he had requested was a small number of knights to expedite post-battle procedures and some help, and his message contained no mention of him being in danger.

However, I couldn’t say that I came because I sensed the crisis.

I smirked and uttered.

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“I was worried, you know. I can’t afford to let my partner get hurt.”

I pointed toward the sea.

“Besides, we’re by the sea. I thought I could be of help.”

…Also, it was because I didn’t think he’d fight properly with his soft personality.

Even if he had great power, whether he could take lives or not with it was a different matter. In the original story, he seemed to have fought well, but seeing him in person, he didn’t appear to be strong amidst the pervasive atmosphere of death on the battlefield.

“Thank you, Krua.”

He said, offering a faint smile.

It was the same smile I always saw. However, I felt a strange sense of dissonance in that smile. The way he had thrown the fiery spear earlier was a far cry from the Diello Argenta I had known until now.

His eyes, shimmering with a pale blue hue like the water along the shallow coastline, had a definite sharpness to them. I saw it briefly but clearly. And the spear of fire he had thrown had undeniably pierced the enemy’s throat with precision and without hesitation. It struck the fatal spot with accuracy and determination.

“I’m glad I could help.”

I smiled back at him. And as I did, I pondered.


Diello Argenta, as the head of Argenta, adept at wielding both the sword and flames, might be different from the man I saw lying in bed with his soft and gentle smile.



* * *



The battlefield was swiftly cleared. Not only did Redias alone have prevented great damage, but most of the Argenta knights who had been guarding the zone had survived. It would have been impossible without Krua’s timely support.

“Didn’t the Alors was said to have little control over water?”

“Be careful with your words. She’s the madam now.”


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The knights on the battlefield were amazed by her abilities. At this rate, the fact that she possessed powerful water manipulation skills, contrary to the rumors, might spread to other noble houses.


Meanwhile, Diello gazed at Krua Alors, who was nestled in his arms, peacefully asleep. After the battle was resolved, she quickly lost her strength and couldn’t support her own body properly.

“Hey, let me help you.”

It was he who suggested that she ride with him.


On the swaying horse, Krua’s body leaned against his arms, seeking support. The strange fragrance that had been swirling around him was the unmistakable smell of the sea, which he detested so much.


She had the lingering scent of the sea, almost like the smell of a body soaked after the rain. Despite being an Argenta adept at controlling fire, he had always disliked rain… though today, he oddly found it bearable, even sweet, as if it quenched his thirst like a delicious drink.


When he opened his mouth, Rick appeared from among the people, bowing his head.


As the head intelligence of Argenta, he was well aware of Diello’s true personality, so Rick wasn’t surprised by his cold demeanor.

“Ensure that Krua’s abilities remained unknown beyond this battlefield. Take care of any spy from other houses who may leak that.”

He ordered him to eliminate any spies from other noble houses who were left behind to gather information and prevent Krua’s abilities from becoming known outside the battlefield and also to inform the other Argenta knights to be cautious.


Rick nodded lightly. As the head intelligence of Argenta and the ‘executor,’ he would faithfully carry out Diello’s orders.

“Krua Alors…”

…No, Krua.

Having completed his instructions, Diello muttered her name.


According to the battlefield doctors, she was more likely to be in deep sleep than simply being exhausted. Even when her name was called, she didn’t respond. It meant that she was deeply unconscious.

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The sparkling blue light that cut through the sea of death suddenly came to his mind. Krua’s hands formed a protective barrier over the sea of death, and wherever she touched, there were no lifeless bodies.

Today, there was no need to rely on Argenta’s sacrifices.

“Are you going back to the mansion like this?”

As Redias Argenta approached him and asked, Diello nodded briefly. Redias was his mentor, whom Krua had saved.

“It was truly amazing earlier.”

He said, sparing no praise for Krua’s abilities.

Her control over water, which was synonymous to death for Argenta, was awe-inspiring. Her reign over the water was enough to evoke admiration. Furthermore, she had utilized her abilities to its fullest extent, throwing herself into the battlefield without considering her own safety.

…All for the sake of Argenta.

Diello let out a short breath.

“Now, no one will protect you. You must become independent. Do not trust anyone, not even me. Doubt even me.”

These were the words Redias Argenta had said to him in his younger days.

It was the day Diello’s parents died, the day he shed his last tears. His childhood came to an end when he realized that corpses would constantly pile up beneath his feet, turning to ashes. From that day on, he had to follow Redias’words fervently.

“Do not give affection to every person.”

He was told.

To those weaker than him, the ones who were bound to die before him on the battlefield, he couldn’t react to each of their deaths. He wouldn’t be able to survive if he reacted to each and every death… that was why he had to stay cold, unaffected by anyone’s death. He couldn’t give special affection to anyone.

…However, what if there was someone who wasn’t weaker than him? If there was someone who wasn’t afraid of the sea of death?


In the midst of the blurry sea that had always appeared hazy in his eyes, a figure stood out.


It was Krua, shouting with such intensity. Her sparkling purple hair, wet with water, and her crimson eyes filled with unwavering confidence—they were more radiant than anything else. She was mesmerizing, shining brightly even in the middle of the sea of death.

She was so fascinating, so dazzling, that he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her.

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