The original Krua Alors would have felt the same pain due to the name ‘Diello Argenta’ being forcibly engraved on her back. Even though I writhed in unfamiliar agony, the people holding me had a strong grip on me.

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“Don’t struggle. You don’t want to be exposed as the fake, do you?”

As I moved, they said that. They were afraid that if the characters they were carving deviated even slightly, it would be a big problem.

“Stay still!”

Perhaps even breathing was considered a movement because Duke Alors completely covered my nose and mouth with a cloth.



It felt like my breath had been blocked for too long. However, in the midst of writhing in pain and feeling the lack of oxygen, I was finally released. That was rather fortunate that I didn’t have to endure that terrible pain for long.


However, it still hurt as blood rushed beneath the red letters of ‘Diello Argenta’ carved under the Duke’s small dagger. The ointment was only applied on the surface, perhaps to make the skin appear unblemished.

Regardless, the wound inside still brought me sharp pain.

“Are you all right, Madam?”

Vielle, who had been treating the Duke and the servants with an indifferent expression, was now staring fixedly at me as soon as I got on Argenta’s carriage.

‘…It will take some time to get better.’

I furrowed my brow. It was because even a slight movement caused a throbbing and tingling pain in my back.

“May I… examine it?”


Since I wouldn’t have any business with Alors for a month anyway, it didn’t matter if she wanted to apply another ointment to rush the healing process.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

After Vielle said that, she unfastened a couple of buttons on my dress, loosening it to expose my back.


Her complexion changed when she saw the name carefully re-engraved.

“Did you… come like this last time…?”

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She didn’t speak properly, contrary to her usual self. She looked extremely distressed, even in the eyes of other Argenta’s maid.


When I first had the name engraved, it was Krua Alors from the original, not me, but I kept the fact to myself.

“You knew that it was engraved falsely.”

I glanced up at Vielle.

I knew that when she bathed me for the first time in Argenta, she secretly applied a healing salve to the wound on my back.

The salve infused with magical power in this world would react to inflammation, emitting a pale light and quickly spreading, so I was certain that she had confirmed the fakeness of my name back then. Although the blood on my back, bound by Duke Alor’s magic, wouldn’t disperse easily.

Vielle’s expression was heavy.

After buttoning up my clothes again, she bowed her head.

“I will take even more care to ensure your comfort.”

Her frozen expression remained unchanged until we returned to the mansion.



* * *



Diello Argenta didn’t like it when there were unexpected variables in his plans. And if there were variables, they had to occur within his sight. In other words, he didn’t particularly welcome the news that reached his ears.

Most of the news he received was usually unpleasant, but this time, even more so.

“Madam will be arriving soon.”

“…She’s late.”

This news was really unpleasant. Unless there was a problem with the carriage wheels, there was no reason for her to arrive at this hour.

Diello, for some reason, couldn’t sleep, so he finished the work he had been doing. However, the work didn’t get done either.


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Krua would have arrived at Alors in the morning if she had followed the proper schedule, then left when it started getting dark. Besides, Alors would have sent her back to Argenta before it got too dark.

Regardless of the truth, she appeared to be ‘Duke Alors’ lovely daughter’ on the surface. They needed to uphold that reputation. Even considering the distance between Alors’ mansion and Argenta’s mansion and other variables, there was no reason for her to arrive at three in the morning.

No, he didn’t think it was possible unless something happened.


His complexion changed at her cautious entrance into the mansion.

Having spent a long time on the battlefield, he quickly identified an injured area from her movements. It was between her shoulder blades… and that was where his name had been engraved. He instinctively realized something had happened to her.

“Diello, you waited without sleeping?”

She seemed surprised.

Judging from her round eyes and the way she looked at him, even in discomfort, it seemed that she tried to hide the wounds. Still, as someone accustomed to death and wounds, Diello definitely detected a faint scent of blood emanating from her.

“…You had my name engraved again.”

He whispered softly, making sure only she could hear. Diello had thought that Duke Alors wanted to see her every month for a simple report, but it seemed that he was far more thorough and cruel than he had imagined.

“How did you know?”

“…I’ve just found out.”


And from a little while ago, there was a growing sense of unease within him. It was said that smelling blood would make one feel queasy, but he had long grown numb to the scent after standing on the battlefield so many times.

Nonetheless, this smell felt strangely potent.

“It would be better to properly treat it, Krua,

He spoke, unintentionally opening his mouth. His voice was low.

Krua’s eyes widened.

“The surface has already been treated. But…”

Her casual voice irritated him, and without realizing it, he interrupted her. An angry voice emerged from him.


He uttered.

For a moment, the mask that he had been using almost shattered. Thankfully, he took a short breath and then cooled his head.

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“One more time, let’s treat it properly.”

When he managed to give a faint smile, Krua blinked a few times before finally nodding.

“Alright. If you want it, then I’ll be grateful.”

Even in a situation like this, her face, which could still smile so easily, infuriated him. Diello thought that she was truly… a person who could stab at one’s heart.



* * *



Diello Argenta.

He had never seen his own name in such detail before, not on paper, and especially not on another person’s body.


Perhaps due to the pain, Krua hunched over. His fingertips, which were applying the medicine, froze.

“If it hurts a lot, tell me.”

He said.

In response to his words, Krua burst into laughter.

“If I tell you, will you make it not hurt?”


A short breath escaped him. Yes, as she said, there was no way he could alleviate the pain that had already been carved into her.

“No, I’ll do it quickly.”

Diello whispered.

In that case, it would be better to end the suffering quickly. Krua also willingly shrugged her shoulders.


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He briefly flinched after hearing that. Meanwhile, she took a deep breath as if she was prepared and held her breath.


However, his attention was unknowingly focused on a blue bruise on her shoulder.


And in that brief moment, he lost his words. The vivid bruise that covered almost her entire shoulder extending from the shoulder blade to the arm, was undoubtedly the mark of someone being bound, leaving an agonizing struggle.

His mind grew hot, then cold in an instant.


At that moment, Krua turned her head slightly to look at him. It was a questioning gaze as if wondering why he wasn’t acting quickly.

Diello’s cold expression disappeared in an instant.

At least in front of her, he had to be gentle, the innocent Diello Argenta.


As he applied the ointment, Diello blew some air on that area. The refreshing sensation would help alleviate the pain, if only a little. Then, as he finished applying the ointment, he finally closed the lid.

“It’s done.”

“Thank you.”

Krua let out a short sigh. As she did, she tried to button up her clothes again.


Unknowingly, Diello grabbed her hand.

“There’s no need for that.”


Krua and his gaze met. It felt like the loosely draped garment would only rub against the bruise, causing more pain.


Soon, Diello finished his words.

“Just take it off and sleep comfortably.”

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