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It had been a long day.

Not only did I endure the incident at the Alors’ mansion, but I also arrived in Argenta after suffering from pain until dawn. So, in my drowsiness, I thought I had misheard.


“Take off your top and sleep.”

However, it seemed that wasn’t the case. Diello’s somewhat subdued voice reached my ears again.


I looked down at my clothes. Even if I had bandages wrapping around my arms, the upper part of my body was exposed due to the garment that only hid my chest.

“Your skin has become sensitive due to the pain. It wouldn’t be good if it got caught in the top,” Diello said.


With those words, the outer garment that had been barely covering my arms fell down. Without the fabric touching my skin, the pain was definitely lessened.

“…That’s true, but—”

As the cloth covering my shoulders disappeared completely, my face couldn’t help but flush. I thought that I was bolder than him, but apparently not. Or maybe his mind was excessively innocent, devoid of any thoughts…?

I turned to look at him.

Still, I couldn’t say anything about this. If I said something wrong, it could be disrespectful to Diello. The fact that he asked me to undress was purely out of kindness, and I couldn’t feel anything else.


Still, wasn’t it a bit awkward to expose my body to this extent and sleep together?

When I looked at him with eyes filled with concern, I could feel Diello, who was still sitting in that place after applying the ointment, was closer than I expected. His blue eyes were filled with me, and his smile only contained warmth and kindness.

“You don’t have to worry about anything else, Krua.”

It was then that Diello gently took hold of my hand. He whispered softly, right next to me.

“We made a promise just to hold hands and fall asleep.”

As if to make me believe, he lightly kissed the tip of my hand. The eyes that looked up at me were calm and serene. I couldn’t tell if it was his hand that felt warm against mine or if my hand had become warmer.

A strange heat enveloped the space between us.



* * *



I carefully lay down on the bed, making sure that the wounds on my back wouldn’t touch the blanket. Diello smiled at me as if to reassure me. Then, he handed me a soft pillow to hold in my arms.

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“If it hurts, let me know.”

Without the fabric, my shoulders didn’t ache as much. However, it was inevitable that my back felt a bit cold since it was exposed.

Suddenly, a shiver ran through me, and I involuntarily huddled my body.

Diello reached out his hand to me. As I flinched, he paused, and we stared at each other’s eyes intently for a few seconds.


And as if we had planned it, we burst into laughter without having to say anything first.

Diello raised both of his hands as if to show that he wouldn’t do anything that made me uncomfortable.

“Just a moment, excuse me for a moment.”

He whispered like that and reached out his hand to me again. Without even realizing it, my gaze followed his hand.


However, his hand just gently covered the blanket over me and then withdrew. It was done carefully so that the blanket wouldn’t touch my back.

“It’s okay.”

He raised both of his hands again and lay down on his side, gazing at me. The bed was spacious enough that even though we were a bit apart, it wasn’t uncomfortable. The next moment, he looked at me and slowly closed his eyes.

“Sleep well, Krua.”

His blue eyes were now completely closed.

Looking at him, who closed his eyes first, I was reminded once again that Diello Argenta was indeed pure. It seemed like he would fall asleep deeply and peacefully as if he wouldn’t even notice if someone carried him away.

I silently watched as the room’s lighting gradually dimmed. It was clear that Diello was controlling the lights with his ability.

Shadows gathered in the corners of the room and soon covered the bed. Just as even the faintest light was about to fade away… the darkness that was enveloping the room stopped getting darker. It felt as if time had frozen.


When I blinked my eyes, Diello gently opened his eyes. And then, out of the blue, he opened his mouth.

“It’s embarrassing, Krua…”



He grinned in response to my words.

“If you keep looking at me like that…”

His face turned slightly red, then he lifted a pillow and placed it between us.


Now, all I saw was the white pillow instead of Diello’s face.

I blinked my eyes.

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…Did I stare too intently?

When I rubbed my temples, I could hear Diello’s voice from beyond the pillow.

“You don’t have to be on guard.”

As he whispered to me, I blinked my eyes a few more times and eventually burst into laughter.

“I just looked at your face.”

I held his hand, which was resting on the pillow, perhaps because I felt like I had made him unnecessarily embarrassed. His slightly trembling hand was surprisingly warm. Was it because of Argenta’s fire?

“I’m not on guard.”

Silence followed my words.

…Now what?

Just as I had that thought, he suddenly asked.




When I replied immediately, I could hear him laugh.


“What’s wrong?”

I asked him the reason why he had to ask, but this time, the lighting completely went out.


I didn’t hear the answer, but as the darkness filled my vision, fatigue rushed over me in an instant. The pitch-black darkness and the warmth that flowed through the hand I was holding were enough to pull me into sleep.

In the end, I fell into a deep slumber.



* * *



The next day, Diello was still asleep when I woke up.

“Did you sleep well?”

I gently caressed him, who was still sound asleep. I was worried because he slept late.


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At that moment, seeing a maid cautiously open the door to announce morning, I swiftly raised my index finger to indicate for her to be quiet.


The maid’s eyes widened, and she silently retreated though I could see Vielle’s figure beyond her.

Was there something important going on?


Today was probably the day for shadow distribution, and someone would need to give final approval. When I glanced at the clock, it was already 11 AM. So, it was reasonable to expect the servants to come for them.

“Shall I do it?”

If it were the final approval for shadow distribution, it would involve simply inspecting the goods. Of course, it would be cumbersome and time-consuming work. Still, if I did it, it would help Diello get some more sleep.

“Okay, I’ll handle it… Ah.”

As I raised my arm unconsciously to stretch, I quickly lowered it again due to the pain.

‘I’ll do it after looking at the map.’

It wouldn’t take long, so I decided to check the shadow distribution first.

Planning for the future was also important, but it could be postponed. After organizing my thoughts, I cautiously stretched my body. It was still too early to fully extend my bod though the medicine worked well, and I felt much better than yesterday.


Even when I moved my body discreetly, Diello was still fast asleep.

I quietly got out of bed.

Stealthily, I approached the door and opened it slightly to call Vielle.

“Just give me light indoor clothing.”

When I raised my index finger to my lips and whispered, Vielle silently entered the room. After that, she led me to the small dressing room attached to the room. Wearing a lightweight indoor dress and came out of the dressing room, I once again gazed at Diello.


He was still sound asleep, not showing any signs of waking up. After confirming that, I quietly left the room.

Closing the door, I asked Vielle.

“Nothing happened during the dawn?”

“No. But…”

She immediately responded but then looked at me.

“Are you planning to return to work right away? It would be better for you to take more rest.”


I firmly extended my hand.

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Now that I had left the room, there was no need to be so cautious.

“Then, it might seem as if I have experienced something at the Alor’s mansion.”

It was true.

Even if they didn’t find out the details that they had engraved Diello’s name on my back, if I suddenly started behaving differently after visiting my home, people’s attention would be drawn. Because of that, the Duke of Alors could be keeping an eye on me more intently.

While I may not know about the fourth floor, there might be eyes and ears of the Duke somewhere in this mansion.

“If we’re going to deceive them, we have to do it convincingly.”

I whispered softly, pressing my index finger against my lips.

Eventually, Vielle lowered her head.

“…Understood. Still, if it becomes too much for you, please let me know immediately.”

“Of course.”

Her concerned gaze remained on me.

That was genuine.

As the maid of Argenta, she was nice only to those inside Argenta. Was I also perceived by her as one of Argenta’s family, then? Thinking back to Vielle’s expression when she mentioned the ‘first battlefield’ last time, it seemed like it.

It was a strange feeling.

“…Alright. Then, let’s go.”

Saying so, I turned around once again.

Behind the closed door, Diello would be sound asleep.

Sleep well…

With gratitude from yesterday in my heart, I glanced at the door and began to walk, walking forward.



* * *




The sound of the door closing echoed through the room. At that moment, Diello opened his eyes.



He forcefully threw away the pillow barrier that stood between him and Krua.

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