Teacher Wang had originally wanted to bring them to his office to deal with them, but Qiao Mu’s grandmother had been triggered and refused to move. She was simultaneously trying to look for Qiao Mu’s name on the ranking board and ask him whether or not he was still playing Weiqi.

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“Yes, I’ve always been playing here. If you don’t believe me, ask Teacher Wang.” Qiao Mu looked towards Teacher Wang for help. 

Teacher Wang looked at Qiao Mu and nodded his head, saying “Yes, Qiao Mu has always been here playing chess.”

“Then why did Xiaobin say that Mumu doesn’t play here anymore?” Grandmother Qiao pointed towards Liu Wenbin and asked. 

All the spectators’ gaze fell on Liu Wenbin, many had looks of disapproval. After all, no matter what the reason was, triggering an old lady was too much. 

Liu Wenbin looked embarrassed, he lowered his head and didn’t say anything. 

“He lost a round of chess to Qiao Mu and felt indignant.” Teacher Wang helped him find an excuse. 

“I see. So that is what happened.” Grandmother Qiao accepted the explanation and her agitation slowly began to die down. 

“Liu Wenbin, apologize to Grandmother Qiao” Teacher Wang stared at Liu Wenbin. 

Liu Wenbin was defiant but had to bow his head: “I apologize.”

“It’s fine. It’s fine. You are still a child. Feeling indignant after losing is understandable. It’s understandable.” Grandmother Qiao comforted Liu Wenbin with a face of kindness. 

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“Grandmother, let me send you back” Qiao Mu didn’t dare let his grandmother say there longer. He was afraid that she would get triggered again. 

“There’s no need. I came here to deliver chestnut cakes. Right, where are my chestnut cakes?” Grandmother Qiao began to look for the chestnut cakes. 

Xu Youyou also didn’t know who she handed the food container too. Then a youth carrying the food container stepped forward: “It’s here. I have it……”

“You have it. Then you can share it. I brought it here so you guys can eat it.” Grandmother Qiao said with a smile. 

“Thank you, Grandmother Qiao.” 

“Thank you, Grandmother Qiao.”

Besides Liu Wenbin, the youths all said their thanks. It was clear that Grandmother Qiao didn’t just come once or twice/ 

“Grandmother, let’s go back.” Qiao Mu supported his grandmother and began walking towards the entrance. 

“I can go back myself. You stay here and practice.”

“Grandmother, if you don’t let me send you back I won’t feel at each and I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on playing.” Qiao Mu said with a soft voice. 

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“Fine, I can’t do anything about you.” Grandmother Qiao let out a sigh. 

“Qiao Mu, play a round with me.” Qiao Mu was about to leave with his grandmother, when Liu Wenbin suddenly called out. His heart was raging and he could not just let Qiao Mu leave like this. 

Qiao Mu stoped, turned, and looked towards Liu Wenbin. His gaze was cold. 

Not wanting to be outdone, Liu Wenbin, glared back at him. 

Why did everyone have to feel that he was in the wrong? Qiao Mu had clearly already left the training center, could he not say the truth? Did everyone have to coax his grandmother just because she had gone insane? If she is sick then send her to a psychiatric hospital, why let her bother others?

Liu Wenbin looked towards Qiao Mu, provoking him: “Didn’t you win a round against me? Do you dare compete again?”

“Liu Wenbin, follow me to my office.” Teacher Wang was extremely angry. He had said that Qiao Mu won a round against him as a random excuse. He didn’t expect Liu Wenbin would use this as a chance to fight with Qiao Mu. 


Right when the audience thought Liu Wenbin was going to Teacher Wang’s office, Qiao Mu agreed. 

Qiao Mu actually agreed?

Even Teacher Wang had an expression of shock, the only people who were not shocked were probably just Grandmother Qiao and Xu Youyou. Xu Youyou was purely curious and wanted to see Qiao Mu play Weiqi. Grandmother Qiao on the other hand believed that Qiao Mu and classmates competing was a common occurrence. 

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This situation was already at this point and Teacher Wang could not do anything to stop it. 

The competition was arranged in the Chongduan classroom. 

Before entering the classroom, Qiao Mu didn’t feel at ease leaving his Grandmother and wanted to find someone to look after her. He looked up and saw Xu Youyou. He finally saw Xu Youyou for the first time and his eyes widened in shock. 

“Focus on playing, I’ll help you watch Grandmother.” Xu Youyou said. 

Qiao Mu had already left the training center for six years now. Although there were people he was once classmates with, during the six years they hadn’t kept in contact. In comparison, he was more familiar with Xu Youyou. 

“Thanks” Qiao Mu didn’t immediately hand his grandmother over to his care, but helped his grandmother into the classroom. Xu Youyou slowed down a step and heard some students in the back of the training center talk about Qiao Mu. 

“Qiao Mu hasn’t played in six years, he really isn’t Liu Wenbin’s opponent.”

“That’s hard to say, Qiao Mu was a genius before. I’ve seen his chess records, he’s very impressive.”

“You also said that it was before……”

Xu Youyou’s eyes dimmed and she quickly went into the classroom. Inside the classroom, people had already moved the extra tables in the middle out of the way. Qiao Mu was helping his grandmother into a seat on the side. Xu Youyou walked over and stood by Grandmother Qiao’s side. 

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Qiao Mu looked at her and nodded his head. 

Xu Youyou understood what he meant and smiled an “okay” back at him. 

The game officially started and Qiao Mu removed the cover next to his hand, grabbing a few pieces. 

The two had used a guessing game to determine who would play first. Liu Wenbin played black and Qiao Mu played white. 

When exchanging the chess baskets, Qiao Mu suddenly asked: “What was your rank this past exam?”

Liu Wenbin’s face twitches thinking about his unsatisfactory rank made him feel worse: “It doesn’t matter what I ranked. It’s enough to beat you.”

“Twelfth” Xu Youyou knew this, as soon as she entered she had heard he ranked twelfth. It was a very memorable experience. 

Liu Wenbin glared at Xu Youyou. Xu Youyou wasn’t scared of him and glared fiercer back at him. 

Damn child. If the teacher had arrived so fast, she would have taught him a lesson. 

“Twelfth?” Qiao Mu laughed and sconfully said, “You’ve been training at the training center for over ten plus years and you are still at this level?”

Xu Youyou looked at Qiao Mu in surprise. It didn’t matter if it was this life or the previous one, the Qiao Mu she remembered was not a harsh person. It seemed that he was really angry this time.

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