“If you want to see my level then we’ll play and find out.” After speaking, Liu Wenbin placed down a piece with a “pa.” He was playing black and in Weiqi, black went first. 

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And when his piece hit the board, Qiao Mu’s white piece quickly followed. There was only a second between when the two pieces were placed, it might have even been less than a second. It was as if he didn’t think and just waited until Liu Wenbin placed down his piece to place his. 

Liu Wenbin was one of the people who knew Qiao Mu the longest in the training center. After Qiao Mu gave up playing Weiqi six years ago, he never played with Qiao Mu again. But he was familiar with Qiao Mu’s playing style. Qiao Mu’s playing style was never drastic and was considered mild. He tended to play defensively in the beginning then later attack, like a spider. Before capturing his enemy, he would first create a trap. But that play was only the first move and Liu Wenbin could already feel Qiao Mu’s deadly energy. 

Qiao Mu wanted to defeat him head on. 

Was he worried?! Was Qiao Mu triggered by him or was he afraid that in the later game his mentality would be unstable? Liu Wenbin didn’t think too much and took a deep breath. He silently told himself no matter what Qiao Mu was planning to do he needed to maintain a stable mindset. Winning against Qiao Mu had been a long time wish of his. 

Liu Wenbin did not hastily place his piece after Qiao Mu’s attack. The more Qiao Mu rushed, the more he should stay calm and carefully think. He leisurely placed his second piece, but as soon as his second piece was placed, Qiao Mu’s second piece also came to the board. 

Clearly it was following his placement. 

The “pa” sound resonated as the chess piece hit the board, and everyone felt it in their heart. The anxiety rose. 

Xu Youyou looked at Qiao Mu at this moment and felt the imposing air coming off him. She was in a trance. This moment’s  Qiao Mu was like the previous life’s Qiao Mu when he pulled her back from the edge of the cliff. It was the same indomitable spirit and fearlessness. It was as if he could conquer the entire world if he wanted to. 

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“I’m here, you won’t die before me.”

At that moment her foot was on the edge of the cliff, he thought there was no time between the verge of life and death. Thinking about that moment, she felt a bit of palpitation. 

Xu Youyou covered her chest and all she heard was the sound of her heart beating. When she finally came back to her senses, there were already quite a few pieces on the board. “Qiao Mu is playing so fast, is he even thinking his moves beforehand?”

“Isn’t that nonsense? If he wasn’t thinking, could he be forcing Liu Wenbin like this?”

“He plays fast not because he’s not thinking but because he already calculates his next move when Liu Wenbin is thinking. He has thought further ahead than Liu Wenbin.”

“I heard Qiao Mu’s chess skill at ten years old was at the professional level. His speed of thinking plays cannot be compared to a typical person.”

“He’s that incredible?”

“Why didn’t he become a professional player?”

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“That’s because……”

Just as the person was going to say it, Teacher Wang shot daggers at them, stopping the conversation. 

Xu Youyou did not hear the reason and her face had a pitiful expression. She lowered her head to continue watching the match. She didn’t understand Weiqi, but she could read the players’ expressions. From the moment Qiao Mu sat down in front of the board he had the same expression, the atmosphere was heavy and his eyes were fierce. Whereas Liu Wenbin on the other hand had started out imposing with his provoking, but now his forehead was covered in sweat and he looked panicked. It was evident who was going to win.  

“I lost” Qiao Mu once again played another piece chasing after the one he placed. Liu Wenbin had lost his fighting spirit and lowered his head, admitting defeat. Those two words used up his entire body’s energy and his hands shook that he could not even hold a small Weiqi piece. 

“Admitting defeat in the middle of a game? Qiao Mu is too strong.”

“Liu Wenbin hasn’t been in the best state lately.”

“But he lost so fast, how long have they even been playing for? Last time Liu Wenbin played Lin Liuduan, he didn’t lose this fast.”

“It seems the rumors weren’t fake. Qiao Mu can really play at the professional level.”

The students talked in surprise about Qiao Mu’s skill and the discussion rose again. The more they talked, the more Liu Wenbin’s hands shook. 

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“Alright, disperse” Teacher Wang broke up the students.

The students were dispersed and Qiao Mu also stood up from his seat. He didn’t look at Liu Wenbin and didn’t say any attack words, he only apologized to Teacher Wang: “I’m sorry, Teacher Wang for causing you trouble.”

“You……send your grandmother back first.” Teacher Wang had a complex expression as he looked at Qiao Mu. His eyes held a deep regret yet he eventually just let out a deep sign and didn’t say anything. 

“Grandmother, let’s go.” Qiao Mu reached out his hand to stable his grandmother.

Grandmother Qiao didn’t leave immediately, but reached a hand out and gently patted Liu Wenbin’s hand. 

Liu Wenbin blankly raised his head, his face didn’t have his previous arrogant attitude. His eyes were red and were blank and filled with regret. 

Qiao Mu hadn’t played in six whole years and was still able to beat him in the middle of a game, could he really become a professional player? Or should he quit?

“Xiaobin don’t feel sad. Losing and winning is common when playing. Keep up the good work. Next time grandmother will bring you some snacks.”

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Liu Wenbin looked at the old woman’s kind face and tears began to cascade down his face. He wasn’t sure if it was because of regret or sadness. He dazedly got up and left without turning back. 

Qiao Mu supported his grandmother out of the training center and Xu Youyou slowly followed behind them. 

Inside the classroom, Teacher Wang looked down at the final chess board. His eyes were serene with a deep regret. Such a good child, such good talent. It was such a pity. 

“Mumu, why did you play so fiercely?” After leaving the training center, Grandmother Qiao began to scold her grandson. “You are all classmates. It isn’t good to be like that, you can easily hurt someone’s enthusiasm.

Qiao Mu purposely did it. His grandmother was someone he cared about and Liu Wenbin triggered her. He had been so furious, his whole demeanor changed. He decided to use the most crude method to defeat Liu Wenbin, just to let Liu Wenbin see just how big their difference in skills were. He even thought that after his brutal defeat he would say another cruel sentence like “with a skill like yours, you would never be able to reach the professional level.” 

But after Liu Wenbin admitted defeat, he couldn’t bring himself to say it. 

To a person who worked hard to study Weiqi for ten years and not give up, other people do not have the right to say that line. And more importantly he knew that if he said it, Liu Wenbin’s mentality would break and he would completely give up Weiqi. 

“It’s my fault, I won’t do it again.” Qiao Mu admitted his wrongdoing. 

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