Chapter 3 – This is a Dream

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Maybe after about half an hour.

Or perhaps it’d be better to say only after half an hour—

Helian was thinking about useless things as he stared at the ceiling, putting all his weight into the comfy cushioned chair.

…It was about time he was reaching the limits of not looking at the facts.

Forcing his brain to operate even though it was all over the place, he tried to list out the possibilities that could explain this situation.

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“….Possibility 1 – While I was playing Tactics Chronicle, a revolutionary update took place in the background which drastically evolved the AIs. Similarly for the 5 senses, it was upgraded along with the AI.


That is impossible.

Although it may be possible to implement such high-class AI to the king’s close aide, it would take dozens of hours to upgrade and process in the background.

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To begin with, there were no announcements like that.

VR games which utilize the ASP system have strict rules regarding that to prevent any kind of unlikely accident. There’s no way they would perform a huge-scale background update without announcing it, much less when there are people playing the game.

As for the 5 senses, it completely goes against the rules.

To not mistake virtual reality games for actual reality, strict rules were put in place for ASP system VRS games.

An example of such a situation would be imitating taste.

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During the alpha test of the ASP system, a big problem occurred when they recreated the taste senses in the game—making people think that they had their meals even when they only had done so in game.

With that problem at hand, the ASP system made the taste sense such that while you can taste something in the game, it won’t be bad nor good.

As for touch, they limited the feeling such that it doesn’t feel close to reality.

Such actions were taken to avoid players being satisfied with their game life which would have an adverse effect on the society.

At the dawn of the VRS games, it had become a societal problem before such rules weren’t properly implemented.

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As such, it is impossible for the management to implement such realistic senses into the game through a background update. Let alone a suspension of service of Tactics Chronicle, such a big incident would lead to the ruin of their whole company.

“Possibility 2 – a huge prank. This is the real world and I have been taken to a place similar to the game while I was asleep. Lieve just now was a real human being and her wolf-ears and tail were accessories. In other words, a really good cosplay.”


That was also impossible.

Why would anyone go through the trouble of recreating a whole castle just to prank a single person?

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